Lost Episode Guide - Season Two
[Man of science, man of faith | Adrift | Orientation | Everybody hates Hugo | ... And found | Abandoned | The other 48 days | Collision | What Kate did | The 23rd psalm | The hunting party | Fire + Water | The long con | One of them | Maternity leave | The whole truth | Lockdown | Dave | SOS | Two for the road | ? | Three minutes | Live together, die alone]
Episode 201 - "Man of science, man of faith" September 21, 2005 |
A man is roused from sleep by his alarm. He jumps out of bed, types briefly on a computer and presses the "execute" button. He puts on a record (Mama Cass) and cleans up last night's dishes. He does his workout, takes a shower, makes a protein shake and gives himself am injection of…well, something. And then - BOOM! We hear the explosion and follow the man's frantic reaction into a gun locker where he loads up with pistols and a rifle and then goes to a primitive type of periscope he uses to discover the cause of this emergency. There, at the top of a very deep shaft, are Locke and Jack - who've just blown the hatch. Welcome back to Lost everyone…
Seeing the depth of the shaft, Jack manages to get everyone to return to camp with him, leaving the exploration of the hatch for another time. After all, the reason they blew it open was to hide everyone inside and that's not going to be possible. Upon his return, Jack even manages to calm the rest of the survivors down and convince them that, regardless of what they may have heard, they will ALL survive to see the next day, as long as they all stick together. But Locke can't wait any longer and openly defies Jack's orders by returning to the hatch that night. And just as Jack thinks that one person defying him was bad enough, Kate decides that she's going out there too.
Meanwhile, Shannon is frantic after losing Walt's dog Vincent. Sayid tries to convince her not to go out into the jungle looking for him tonight, but she will not be swayed. Finally, someone has trusted her enough to ask her to care for what they loved most and she's lost it. Not acceptable! So together they venture out into the dark and Shannon has an eerie encounter with Walt himself. He can't really be there, can he? He's out on the raft! But there he is, dripping wet and looking terrified. Before Sayid joins her, Walt disappears and she is left to wonder if she ever really saw him at all.
In FLASHBACK, we see Jack in full hero mode as he works on a patient brought to his emergency room after a terrible car crash. Her name is Sarah and she tells Jack one thing before she passes out. He has to fix her because she MUST dance at her wedding in a few months. And we see the very moment that Jack met the woman who will eventually become his wife. While Jack takes a late-night run, trying to accept that even his skills have their limits, he meets a man as driven as he is. Turns out "Desmond" was going to be a doctor, too, but gave it up for something else - everything else. Desmond realized there was more to life than what you could learn in medical school - and he tells Jack that sometimes miracles can happen if you just believe. Jack thinks him a total crackpot, but is forced to reconsider when, against all odds, Sarah regains feeling in her legs.
Back on the island, Jack decides to follow Locke and Kate down the hatch. As he makes his way through the bizarre surroundings, that same Mama Cass song starts up again and Jack suddenly finds himself in the middle of a stand-off. When the man holding a gun to Locke's head steps further into the light Jack gets the shock of his life. That guy threatening to blow Locke's head off? It's Desmond. The same guy Jack met running that night in another life…
Episode 202 - "Adrift" September 28, 2005 |
Sawyer manages to pull an unconscious Michael from the water and revives him with mouth to mouth. After coming to, Michael continues to shout after Walt, while Sawyer takes stock of their situation. It's not good: Walt has been taken; Jin has disappeared into the sea; Sawyer is bleeding from a gunshot wound to the shoulder and he and Michael are stuck in the middle of the ocean with just a few pieces of bamboo keeping them afloat.
In FLASHBACK, we see how Michael came to "lose" his son the first time. In a bitter custody battle with Walt's mother, Susan, Michael finds himself outgunned legally and financially. And although he is desperate to keep his son, Michael is finally forced to accept that Susan is able to give Walt all the things he could only dream of giving him. So, one day in the park, Michael says goodbye to a son he barely knows…and to any chance of being in his life. And his heart breaks into a million pieces.
Back on the island, Claire finds a statue of the Virgin Mary in Charlie's things. When she asks him where he got it, he tells her that he found it on the island, but conveniently forgets to tell her about the heroin hidden inside.
We go back to the hatch to see things from a different perspective. Locke enters to find Kate, unconscious. He goes to help her and is confronted by Desmond, who was expecting someone else. When Kate wakes up, Desmond tells her to tie Locke up, but Locke tells Desmond about Kate's fugitive past and succeeds in convincing him to that Kate is the one who should be tied up, though he secretly slips her the means to escape. Later, Locke learns that Desmond has been in the hatch for several years entering a sequence of very familiar numbers into a computer every 108 minutes. What happens if he doesn't enter the numbers? Good question…
Back on the ocean, Michael blames Sawyer for Walt's kidnapping and all the issues between the two of them are laid wide open. To make matters worse, a massive shark has arrived, attracted by Sawyer's blood in the water and intent on smashing their flimsy excuse for a raft. They see one of the massive pontoons floating in the water a few yards ahead of them, but they have no way to paddle over to it, and with that shark swimming nearby, it's out of the question. But this might be their only chance, so Sawyer hands the gun to Michael and dives in using his one good arm to pull like mad for the pontoon. The shark's fin appears just behind Sawyer and closes in fast. Michael pulls the trigger and nothing happens, but he clears the chamber and tries again -- hitting the shark and allowing Sawyer to reach the pontoon and buy them both another chance at survival.
At dawn, Michael and Sawyer awake to find themselves pushed back by the current to another part of the island. They stumble ashore, completely unprepared for what they see: Jin running out of the jungle, hands tied behind his back. He yells at them in Korean - tells them to go back, to run! It's the Others, they're here! But it's too late. There, standing at the edge of the jungle, are five very rough looking individuals. And they don't look happy to have company…
Episode 203 - "Orientation" October 5, 2005 |
We back up in time once again to see the journey into the hatch from Kate's perspective, where she escapes the pantry that she's been locked into and overpowers Desmond using a gun found in the hatch's armory - damaging the computer in the process.
Jack demands answers. Desmond explains that he was in a solo sailing race around the world when his boat ran aground on the reef. A man named Kelvin brought him to the hatch and instructed him to enter a series of numbers into the computer every 108 minutes in order to "save the world."
Locke is intrigued; Jack is skeptical. Desmond tells him to watch a film called Orientation for answers. The film details The Dharma Initiative, a countercultural research project begun in the 1970s. It also provides key instructions for the operation of the computer in Station Three, i.e., the hatch, and hints at an unfortunate "incident" that made necessary the institution of this protocol. But it does little to convince Jack, who thinks it's all a mind game - a psychological experiment. Desmond remains committed, however, and makes every attempt to repair the computer.
Meanwhile, Michael, Sawyer and Jin are tossed into a trap in the ground by the imposing strangers they encountered on the beach, and must try to figure out how to escape. A woman, whom we recognize from the airport, is thrown in with them, only to turn against her fellow survivors.
Unable to fix the computer, Desmond flees, leaving Jack and Locke at odds over what to do. Kate fetches Sayid, who manages to fix the computer in the nick of time. Now Locke must convince Jack to take a leap of faith and assume Desmond's job, just as in the flashbacks, where Locke's new girlfriend, Helen, convinces Locke to take a leap of faith and let go of his anger towards his father.
Episode 204 - "Everybody hates Hugo" October 12, 2005 |
We open on Hurley, in the middle of the hatch's pantry, surrounded by his favorite thing in the world - food. Unfortunately for him, it's only a dream and he wakes up facing the reality of his newly assigned job - to inventory it and figure out how to make it last. Until then, nobody is to get anything - no exceptions. He enlists Rose's help and confides in her that his biggest worry is that everything is going to change - that he'll be the most hated man on the island once this job is put into action. So he keeps the contents of the hatch a secret, even from his most trusted friend, Charlie.
Likewise, in FLASHBACK, we learn that Hurley actually kept his winning lottery news from his best friend, fearing that everything would change. He quits his job and embarks on a journey to enjoy all the little things he loves best in his life. He acts as if nothing has happened and enjoys the freedom he knows will be lost once he comes clean about his newfound wealth. He asks his best friend to promise that no matter what happens, their relationship will never change.
On the island, Sawyer, Jin and Michael are lifted out of the trap to learn that their captors are actually survivors from the tail section of the plane. But that doesn't lessen the antagonism between Sawyer and Ana Lucia. These people are much more defensive than our guys. Twenty-three originally survived, but only five are left. Something went terribly wrong. The good news is that one of those survivors is Rose's husband, Bernard. The Tailies bring Sawyer, Jin and Michael into a bunker where they have been living and surviving since the crash and discuss what to do next.
Back on the beach, Charlie pressures Locke for answers about the hatch, while Claire finds the message bottle from the raft. She shares the news with Sun, fearing the worst. But Sun decides to spare everyone and keep their hope alive by burying the bottle.
Meanwhile, inside the hatch, Sayid's explorations lead him to conclude that the strange magnetic wall is made up of Chernobyl style concrete - somebody wanted to cover something up. And in the pantry, the pressure starts to get to Hurley, who decides to use the remaining dynamite in their possession to blow up the hatch and thereby, solve all of his problems.
But Rose interrupts him before he manages to pull it off, so Hurley comes up with an alternative solution that satisfies everyone - there's plenty of food to last for a while, so why not be generous and hand some of it out now, just as he did with his lottery winnings.
And as the survivors feast on food they haven't had since the day before the crash, Rose tucks away a candy bar for Bernard in hopes that he is still out there…somewhere.
Episode 205 - "... And found" October 19, 2005 |
We open on Hurley, in the middle of the hatch's pantry, surrounded by his favorite thing in the world - food. Unfortunately for him, it's only a dream and he wakes up facing the reality of his newly assigned job - to inventory it and figure out how to make it last. Until then, nobody is to get anything - no exceptions. He enlists Rose's help and confides in her that his biggest worry is that everything is going to change - that he'll be the most hated man on the island once this job is put into action. So he keeps the contents of the hatch a secret, even from his most trusted friend, Charlie.
Likewise, in FLASHBACK, we learn that Hurley actually kept his winning lottery news from his best friend, fearing that everything would change. He quits his job and embarks on a journey to enjoy all the little things he loves best in his life. He acts as if nothing has happened and enjoys the freedom he knows will be lost once he comes clean about his newfound wealth. He asks his best friend to promise that no matter what happens, their relationship will never change.
On the island, Sawyer, Jin and Michael are lifted out of the trap to learn that their captors are actually survivors from the tail section of the plane. But that doesn't lessen the antagonism between Sawyer and Ana Lucia. These people are much more defensive than our guys. Twenty-three originally survived, but only five are left. Something went terribly wrong. The good news is that one of those survivors is Rose's husband, Bernard. The Tailies bring Sawyer, Jin and Michael into a bunker where they have been living and surviving since the crash and discuss what to do next.
Back on the beach, Charlie pressures Locke for answers about the hatch, while Claire finds the message bottle from the raft. She shares the news with Sun, fearing the worst. But Sun decides to spare everyone and keep their hope alive by burying the bottle.
Meanwhile, inside the hatch, Sayid's explorations lead him to conclude that the strange magnetic wall is made up of Chernobyl style concrete - somebody wanted to cover something up. And in the pantry, the pressure starts to get to Hurley, who decides to use the remaining dynamite in their possession to blow up the hatch and thereby, solve all of his problems.
But Rose interrupts him before he manages to pull it off, so Hurley comes up with an alternative solution that satisfies everyone - there's plenty of food to last for a while, so why not be generous and hand some of it out now, just as he did with his lottery winnings.
And as the survivors feast on food they haven't had since the day before the crash, Rose tucks away a candy bar for Bernard in hopes that he is still out there…somewhere.
Episode 206 - "Abandoned" November 9, 2005 |
Our castaways may be stranded on an island, but human nature is a very powerful force. So when Sayid presents Shannon with a brand new shelter, we aren't exactly surprised when she invites him inside to spend the night. And until Sayid leaves to get them a drink of water, we might think that things are finally finding their way back to normal. But when Walt comes strolling into the tent, still dripping wet, any thought of normalcy goes flying straight out the hole in the tarp that serves as a window.
Shannon screams at the top of her lungs but by the time Sayid gets to her, Walt has disappeared again. Half the beach is awake now and they all rush over. Sayid tells her (and everyone listening) that it was only a dream -- everything is fine. But the fact that Sayid publicly refutes her story leaves Shannon feeling angry and hurt. When Claire arrives with the baby, Charlie scolds her for waking the baby up and Claire actually apologizes.
In FLASHBACK, we see a younger Shannon and we're surprised to find her genuinely sweet and caring. She works as a ballet instructor, dreams of landing an internship with a prestigious dance company in New York and lives her life with the ease of someone who knows they have their bet covered. But when her father is killed in a car accident things go from bad to worse. In her father, she lost her best friend. And her relationship with her stepmother Sabrina isn't exactly what you might call loving. Boone does what he can to be there for her, but this type of grief takes time to process. Still, she soldiers on the best she can and even gets word about the internship in New York -- it's hers! There's just one problem -- the internship is unpaid and she doesn't seem to have any money. Her father always took care of that, so Shannon goes to see Sabrina to ask when she is getting the money left to her by her father in his will. And it's here that Shannon's world is turned completely upside down. Her father had no will. And through a living trust, all his assets go to his wife…Sabrina. Sabrina tells Shannon it's time to start taking care of herself -- that everyone has to work for what they have and that the free ride is over. And as Shannon is literally kicked out of the only home she has ever known we see the pain on her face and know she is being pushed down a path that will change her forever.
On the island, Claire finds herself more and more upset about having her parenting skills questioned by Charlie. As Locke helps her get the baby to sleep she rails against Charlie, admitting that she knows very little about him -- he could be a religious freak for all she knows. Why else would he carry a statue of the Virgin Mary around with him? And as this lands on Locke, we realize Charlie is walking a very dangerous line.
Halfway across the island, Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko are leading what remains of their party on a trek to join our castaways and unite the clans. They race against the clock of Sawyer's infection and the ever-present danger of the Others until silently and without warning, another of their clan simply disappears. Mistrust and paranoia reign as they fight their way through the jungle and into the driving rain -- never knowing they are on a collision course with tragedy just moments away.
And elsewhere, Sayid tries desperately to connect with Shannon, who has resorted to using Vincent to try and track Walt. When he finally catches up to her in the jungle, it's all he can do to prevent her from falling into hysterics. She tells him she knows he thinks she is crazy and that they found the message bottle from the raft. She knows he will leave her as soon as they are rescued. She knows this because everyone leaves her. So he should just go now. But Sayid tells her he believes her; promises her that he will never leave her no matter what happens. And then he says something neither of them thought they would ever hear or say again…He loves her. And as they fall into an embrace, Sayid sees something that couldn't be there. He sees Walt -- and Shannon doesn't know whether to be frightened or relieved. She takes off after him into the jungle and it takes a moment for Sayid to jar himself into action. But that second is all it takes for life on this island to take yet another tragic turn.
Episode 207 - "The Other 48 days" November 16, 2005 |
We open on a gorgeous tropical island tableau, which feels like we're watching one of those beer commercials - until the tail section of Oceanic Flight 815 comes hurtling out of the sky and crashes into the water. That's when the chaos begins - flaming pieces of fuselage and injured passengers everywhere, just as in the very first episode. There are some familiar faces: Bernard, Libby and Cindy. We recognize Eko, carrying a young girl named Emma from the water as her brother looks on, terrified. And we recognize Ana Lucia, who administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate effort to save Emma, who coughs up water and cries for her mother. Ana Lucia promises Emma that she will see her mom again real soon - a promise that loyal viewers know will not soon be fulfilled, because this is Lost and these people have crashed on the very same island where our regulars have been stranded for 48 days.
As we watch those 48 days unfold from the viewpoint of these tail section survivors, we learn that their existence has been very different from the one we've seen so far. These people have been under attack and of the 23 that initially survived the crash, only four will make it.
The first attack happens at night, when they awake to a brutal struggle coming from the jungle near their camp. They run out to discover Eko holding a rock over the bodies of two strangers, his hands covered in blood. He falls silent at the murder, while Ana Lucia emerges as a leader. She examines the bodies to find they have no keys, wallets or shoes. These people were obviously here before them. And while they deal with the terrifying fact that they are not alone on the island, three other survivors go missing.
The survivors bury their dead, forage for food and water and fashion weapons as defense. But it does little to help them, because a second attack comes close on the heels of the first and this time, they take the children. Ana Lucia pursues the attackers and ends up killing one of them during a struggle. She searches the body and finds a list of names and descriptions of every person who has been taken thus far. Ana Lucia concludes that someone amongst them is an enemy. Evidence points to Nathan - who seems to spend a lot of time away from the group and whom nobody remembers from the plane. Ana Lucia takes it upon herself to dig a hole and throws Nathan inside in an attempt to find out the truth. But when Goodwin lets him out, only to kill him seconds later, we realize that Nathan was not the culprit and that Ana Lucia is literally sleeping with the enemy.
The group continues to move and come across a bunker with the familiar Dharma logo and a radio inside. Ana Lucia and Goodwin hike to higher ground to try the radio. And while they're hiking, we realize that Ana Lucia is engaging in an interrogation of sorts. It becomes a game of cat and mouse until Ana Lucia pieces together the puzzle and makes the one statement that definitively exposes Goodwin as an Other - he wasn't wet when he came out of the jungle. He was never in the ocean.
And for the first time we get the point of view of an Other - they take out the strongest first - the "good people" - and then the children, who he claims are better off now. Goodwin admits to killing Nathan because he knew that Ana Lucia would have eventually figured it out and set her sights on him. Ana Lucia lunges at Goodwin and a struggle ensues. Goodwin falls back onto Ana Lucia's spear, dead - which the observant few will recognize from Episode 205. She returns to the bunker and declares that they are safe now. Ana Lucia finally lets her guard down and has a well-deserved cry, while Eko breaks his forty days of silence.
And that's when our two worlds begin to collide as we catch up to present day: Boone's distress call comes over the radio, and Bernard responds with, "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815"; Jin washes ashore, followed by Sawyer and Michael; Michael, Jin and Sawyer are thrown into the familiar hole; the Others take Cindy; and finally, the fateful encounter with Shannon in the jungle that ends in a deadly gunshot…
Episode 208 - "Collision" November 23, 2005 |
We open on a gorgeous tropical island tableau, which feels like we're watching one of those beer commercials - until the tail section of Oceanic Flight 815 comes hurtling out of the sky and crashes into the water. That's when the chaos begins - flaming pieces of fuselage and injured passengers everywhere, just as in the very first episode. There are some familiar faces: Bernard, Libby and Cindy. We recognize Eko, carrying a young girl named Emma from the water as her brother looks on, terrified. And we recognize Ana Lucia, who administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate effort to save Emma, who coughs up water and cries for her mother. Ana Lucia promises Emma that she will see her mom again real soon - a promise that loyal viewers know will not soon be fulfilled, because this is Lost and these people have crashed on the very same island where our regulars have been stranded for 48 days.
As we watch those 48 days unfold from the viewpoint of these tail section survivors, we learn that their existence has been very different from the one we've seen so far. These people have been under attack and of the 23 that initially survived the crash, only four will make it.
The first attack happens at night, when they awake to a brutal struggle coming from the jungle near their camp. They run out to discover Eko holding a rock over the bodies of two strangers, his hands covered in blood. He falls silent at the murder, while Ana Lucia emerges as a leader. She examines the bodies to find they have no keys, wallets or shoes. These people were obviously here before them. And while they deal with the terrifying fact that they are not alone on the island, three other survivors go missing.
The survivors bury their dead, forage for food and water and fashion weapons as defense. But it does little to help them, because a second attack comes close on the heels of the first and this time, they take the children. Ana Lucia pursues the attackers and ends up killing one of them during a struggle. She searches the body and finds a list of names and descriptions of every person who has been taken thus far. Ana Lucia concludes that someone amongst them is an enemy. Evidence points to Nathan - who seems to spend a lot of time away from the group and whom nobody remembers from the plane. Ana Lucia takes it upon herself to dig a hole and throws Nathan inside in an attempt to find out the truth. But when Goodwin lets him out, only to kill him seconds later, we realize that Nathan was not the culprit and that Ana Lucia is literally sleeping with the enemy.
The group continues to move and come across a bunker with the familiar Dharma logo and a radio inside. Ana Lucia and Goodwin hike to higher ground to try the radio. And while they're hiking, we realize that Ana Lucia is engaging in an interrogation of sorts. It becomes a game of cat and mouse until Ana Lucia pieces together the puzzle and makes the one statement that definitively exposes Goodwin as an Other - he wasn't wet when he came out of the jungle. He was never in the ocean.
And for the first time we get the point of view of an Other - they take out the strongest first - the "good people" - and then the children, who he claims are better off now. Goodwin admits to killing Nathan because he knew that Ana Lucia would have eventually figured it out and set her sights on him. Ana Lucia lunges at Goodwin and a struggle ensues. Goodwin falls back onto Ana Lucia's spear, dead - which the observant few will recognize from Episode 205. She returns to the bunker and declares that they are safe now. Ana Lucia finally lets her guard down and has a well-deserved cry, while Eko breaks his forty days of silence.
And that's when our two worlds begin to collide as we catch up to present day: Boone's distress call comes over the radio, and Bernard responds with, "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815"; Jin washes ashore, followed by Sawyer and Michael; Michael, Jin and Sawyer are thrown into the familiar hole; the Others take Cindy; and finally, the fateful encounter with Shannon in the jungle that ends in a deadly gunshot…
Episode 209 - "What Kate did" November 30, 2004 |
As dawn ushers in another day on the island we see Jin and Sun sharing an intimate moment that is long overdue. For them the sunrise represents a new beginning -- a second chance at love. And we get the feeling that they're not going to let this one slip through their fingers.
We find Kate high up in a tree picking fruit from the tall branches. As she slides back down the trunk, she slips, almost falling and spilling several mangoes to the jungle floor. As she crouches to collect them, she hears something behind her and turns to see a magnificent black horse standing in the morning mist. But that's not possible…is it?
In FLASHBACK we see a younger version of Kate as she waits on the stairs of her modest house. When a pickup truck swerves down the dirt road and stops in front we get our first look at her mother's choice for a father -- "Wayne." He's happy to let Kate help him to bed, as long as it affords him another chance to lay his drunken hands on her. So when Kate tells him goodnight, she really means it. We see her go outside and ride off on her motorcycle as the house behind her explodes into a giant fireball.
In the Hatch, Sawyer is still delirious with fever as a result of his blood infection. As Jack checks his wounds Sawyer calls out for Kate. When Jack leans in a little closer he hears Sawyer say something that makes him a little dizzy himself. "I love her." And before he has time to process what that means, there is Kate herself anxious to take over his care once more.
Jack attends the funeral services for Shannon and it's very difficult for everyone involved to keep a dry eye as Sayid says a final goodbye to the woman he loved. Meanwhile, back in the hatch, Kate has a very scary episode with Sawyer that shakes her to her core, so when Locke and Jack finally return to the hatch they find Sawyer unattended and the clock on the computer dangerously close to zero.
Back in FLASHBACK, we get to see the beginning of Kate's "relationship" with the Marshal when he arrests her at the bus station after trying to flee the area. While transporting her back to Iowa, in the thick of a brutal rainstorm, they swerve off the road and crash into a telephone pole, allowing Kate her first chance at escape. After pushing the unconscious Marshal out into the rain, Kate looks to see what it was that forced them off the road. And standing there, in the middle of the road, just as placid as can be, is a very familiar-looking black horse.
On the island, as Kate struggles with her feelings for Jack and Sawyer as well as with her sanity, Eko provides Locke with the missing piece of a puzzle that may ask more questions than it answers. Jack reaches out to Ana Lucia at a time when she needs a friend more than ever, and Michael discovers something new about the computer that just might hold the key to getting back his son.
Episode 210 - "The 23rd psalm" January 11, 2006 |
When Eko learns about the iconoclastic Virgin Mary statues, he reacts violently and smashes one open, revealing its contents to Claire. Claire won't speak to Charlie, reminding him that he's an addict. But Charlie lies and says he didn't know that there was heroin inside. Their conversation is interrupted by Eko, who demands to be taken to the place where the statues were discovered - the plane.
And in FLASHBACK, we learn that Eko knows all of this because this is the very plane that he intended to use to smuggle the drugs from his home in Nigeria.
It seems that when Eko was a young boy, the Nigerian militia came into his town, interrupted an innocent game of soccer, shoved a gun into his little brother Yemi's hand and demanded that Yemi shoot a man or they would kill him instead. Eko steps up and spares his little brother this horror by killing the man himself. The thugs recognize his bravery and give him the name of Mr. Eko - "a born killer" - thus initiating him as one of their own. They rip a gold cross hanging from Eko's neck and lead him away. His little brother Yemi picks up the cross and puts it around his own neck.
Eko continues down this path into adulthood, becoming a drug dealer, while Yemi grows up to be a priest. Eko devises a plan in which he will buy 300 Virgin Mary statues from the church and smuggle his drugs out inside them on one of the church's relief planes - all the while disguised as a priest. Yemi refuses the deal, but Eko reminds him that the money can be used to buy polio vaccine for the village and finally resorts to blackmail, threatening to burn down the church if his brother doesn't agree.
Yemi attempts to stop Eko from taking the fateful flight, but gets shot in the process and is pulled on board, leaving Eko behind. When the military police arrive, Eko assumes his brother's identity as a priest - the identity he commands on the island.
Eko's past is brought to life when he and Charlie trek out to the plane, and in a strange island twist of fate, discover the body of his brother onboard, identified by the gold cross adorning his neck. Eko weeps over Yemi's body, says a prayer, then burns the plane and all of its contents - except for one statue, which he gives to Charlie in return for the one he broke.
Meanwhile, as the new people settle in, Locke feels the need to secure access to the guns and locks them in the armory. But Michael has other ideas - he wants to learn how to shoot. And though Locke knows Michael intends to go out in search of Walt, with whom he has been communicating with over the computer, he obliges.
When Charlie returns to camp, he swears to Claire that he isn't using and that he doesn't want to be kept away from Aaron. But that night, he treks out into the middle of the jungle and hides his statue amongst several other statues, his demons ever present…
Episode 211 - "The hunting party" January 18, 2006 |
In FLASHBACK, Jack and his father Christian diagnose an elderly man with a spinal tumor and determine that he's not a candidate for surgery. But the man and his daughter reveal that they specifically sought out Jack. They know about his accomplishments with Jack's wife Sarah - how he enabled her to walk after her spine was crushed in a car accident - and they're looking for a miracle. Much to his father's dismay, Jack agrees to perform the surgery.
Jack and the man's daughter, Gabriella, form a connection - a dangerous one, according to Christian, who warns Jack to keep his distance. But Jack is spending nights and weekends at the hospital, working overtime, while Gabriella is there at her father's side through a myriad of tests and pre-surgical procedures. And this is causing disharmony at home - Jack and Sarah's marriage is paying the price because Jack is considered a "miracle worker."
After seven and a half hours of surgery, Jack loses his patient on the operating table. Christian blames the man's age and weakened heart, but Jack blames himself, frustrated at his inability to save him. Jack leaves the hospital and finds a distraught Gabriella in tears, waiting in the parking lot. And in a moment of grief and weakness, they share a kiss. But Jack pulls away and tells Gabriella that he can't. He returns home to Sarah and comes clean about the encounter. He vows that things will be different; that he's going to put more effort into their marriage; that he's going to fix it. But Sarah feels that Jack will always need something to fix and reveals some news of her own that leaves Jack reeling.
Now on the island, Jack finds himself alongside Locke on a mission to try and save a fellow survivor: Michael, armed with a gun from the armory, who's out in search of Walt. Sawyer tags along, seeking revenge on the people who shot him. Kate argues her case to go with them and help them track. But Jack shoots her idea down and tells her to stay behind.
Out on the trek, they hear gunshots and discover casings from Michael's gun. But it's getting dark and Locke wants to return to camp. Jack, however, wants to push forward, find Michael and convince him to come back with them - arguing that it's their responsibility. Locke argues that Michael won't return without Walt and wonders who they are to tell anyone what they can or can't do…a callback for our loyal viewers who know what this statement means to John Locke.
Their disagreement is interrupted by a familiar face out in the middle of the jungle - the same man who shot Sawyer and took Walt. And he knows their names. He takes Locke's side in the argument, telling our team to turn around and go back to where they came from. And when Sawyer makes a move forward, the man shows them just how serious he is, grazing Sawyer's ear with a bullet.
Jack demands to know where Michael is and what happened to Walt. The man tells him that Walt is fine and that Michael will never find them. He goes on to tell them that their curiosity is going to get them killed and orders Jack, Locke and Sawyer to give up their weapons and turn around - this is Their island and the only reason our survivors are living on it is because They allow it.
When Jack calls his bluff, twenty-odd torches light up in he woods around them, revealing that this guy has serious back-up. When Jack continues to refuse to lay down his weapon, the guy pulls his final card and has Kate brought out of the jungle, a gun to her head. After a brief stand-off, Jack finally relents. The guy releases Kate, the torches go out and he melts back into the jungle, bringing this encounter with the Others to an end.
On the trek home, Jack isn't happy that Kate took it upon herself to follow them out there and put herself in harm's way. Though she tries to apologize, he shuts her down and gives her the cold shoulder. Instead, he turns to another woman on the island - Ana Lucia - and asks her how long it would take to build an army. It seems that Jack doesn't intend to give up that easily this time…
Episode 212 - "Fire + Water" January 25, 2006 |
In FLASHBACK we see a pair of slippered feet whisk a young Charlie down a flight of stairs. It's Christmas morning and his brother Liam is already hard at work ripping open his presents. But while Liam continues to unwrap gift after gift, Charlie finds nothing at all for him. That is until his mother leads him over to a brand new piano. Charlie is thrilled, but before he can even begin to enjoy the gift, he learns it comes with a price.
Back on the island, Charlie is struggling with his forced isolation. He misses Claire and the baby desperately, but the feeling isn't mutual. Claire's doing just fine...with Locke.
Hurley takes the first tentative steps towards dealing with his attraction to Libby. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Kate begin to notice the growing connection between Ana Lucia and Jack -- and it doesn't make either of them particularly comfortable.
While Charlie plays his guitar by the sea, he hears the faint cries of a baby and follows the sound to the sea, where he sees Aaron's cradle being tossed between the waves. Somehow he manages to swim out and bring little Aaron back to shore -- only to learn that his mind has betrayed him and the entire thing was just a cruel dream. And while he holds the baby and tries to explain to Claire (and everyone else) that he was only trying to save him, the only thing Charlie succeeds in doing is digging his hole that much deeper.
In FLASHBACK we see Charlie trying hard to save something else -- his band. But in order to do that, he needs his brother to do some long overdue growing-up. Sadly, as the diaper he is (literally) wearing will attest, Liam isn't up to the task.
On the island, after unsuccessfully trying to again enlist Locke as an ally, Charlie goes to Eko. And it's here he finds the one thing he's been missing: a reason for being. Eko speaks not a doctor, but Charlie grabs onto this diagnosis with both hands, willing to follow it to a resolution -- one way or another -- to save the ones he loves.
Back in FLASHBACK Charlie consoles Liam after a "falling out" with his wife. And through his music he is able to reach inside Liam and shake him back to life. If they take a stand -- if they fight with everything they've got, they just might be able to get through this -- together. But Liam only has one question: "Got any...?"
Turns out Charlie does. Plenty. And while paying a visit to a stash he has so far been able to resist, Charlie is surprised by Locke who tells him what he already knows. What little goodwill Charlie had left, whatever hope of being redeemed is all gone now.
But maybe there is one more thing he can do -- one last, desperate leap towards salvation. It just might cost Charlie everything. But then isn't that what being a martyr is all about? You get to save everyone but yourself…
Episode 213 - "The long con" February 8, 2006 |
Locke and Jack team up to ensure that all the weapons floating around the island are kept in the armory, nice and safe. Locke suggests they do the same with the medicine and lets Jack know Sawyer has been helping himself -- again. Jack goes straight to Sawyer's tent and the two of them face off over ownership of the meds. Sawyer claims it's a case of "Finders Keepers." And that's just fine with Jack. He just found them in Sawyer's tent. And now he's keeping them.
In FLASHBACK we see Sawyer in a now familiar scene. He's in bed with a beautiful woman when he has to rush out to make a meeting. He grabs his briefcase and -- oops! -- thick bundles of cash "accidentally" fall to the floor. Only this time, his mark is on to him. But there's a surprise. Cassidy doesn't call the cops -- she doesn't even storm out of the room. Instead she wants him to teach her everything he knows.
Back on the island, Sawyer tells Kate about the army Jack and Ana Lucia are forming -- trying to, anyway. Turns out a chance to tangle with the Others isn't quite as irresistible to everyone as they thought. Meanwhile Hurley tries to connect with Sayid. He knows Sayid's been despondent since losing Shannon and he has something he hopes will cheer him up. It's a radio -- the same one on which the Tailies picked up Boone's signal from the drug plane. Maybe Sayid can boost the power somehow to help them send another signal?
Meanwhile, Sun works alone in her garden when suddenly she is dragged off into the jungle with a hood over her head. Sawyer and Kate follow her screams from the beach and find her bound and unconscious in the jungle. They bring her back to camp where Ana Lucia leads everyone to arrive at the only possible conclusion. The Others are back…
Ana Lucia wants to go after them. But Locke argues for caution, at least until Sun wakes up and is able to tell them exactly what happened. But Sawyer and Kate smell a rat and decide to do a little investigating of their own. Sun was dragged off by the Others just as Jack and Ana Lucia are struggling to build a force to go after them? Hmmm…
In FLASHBACK we see Sawyer grooming his new pupil in the art of the con. Cassidy's a very bright pupil. But she's hungry for more. She wants to learn the long con. And she knows how they can fund it. Cassidy got more money than we thought in her divorce. A whole lot more.
Back on the island Sun has woken up. She can't tell them anything about who took them. But people are tired of waiting around. Jin leads the charge and sums up his idea of what to do next in a single word: "Gun."
In FLASHBACK we see Sawyer meet up with his old mentor, Gordie. He's been playing Cassidy like a fiddle, knowing the whole time there was more money in her. But when Sawyer says he's having second thoughts Gordie makes the decision real easy for him. Finish the job or, die. Turns out everybody works for someone…
>Back on the island, Jack arrives at the hatch to find Sawyer sitting at the computer. He opens the armory and discovers it empty. Sawyer got there ahead of him and warned Locke that Jack was coming for the guns. And while Jack wants to put his fist through Sawyer's head, he has bigger fish to fry just now. Jack finds Locke on the beach and demands to be taken to the new hiding place, but Locke doesn't want to take him there. In the end, it turns out he won't have to.
Sawyer emerges with a gun over his shoulder. He played Locke and Jack against each other in a con to win control of the guns. We don't know how he found the new hiding place, but he's got a message for the camp. Seems he didn't appreciate having his things taken while he was away on the raft. But, what the hell, they can keep the shaving cream and batteries. But if anyone on this island needs a gun? They need to come to Sawyer.
That's the thing with cons. In order to work, the victims need to want something. And even on this island -- lots of people want all kinds of things…
Episode 214 - "One of them" February 15, 2006 |
We open in FLASHBACK on an Iraqi bunker during the first Gulf War. As bombs continue to fall around them, a brutal Republican Guard commander urges his soldiers to destroy their documents before it's too late. The door is kicked in and a squad of American soldiers captures the Iraqi soldiers. They want to know who is in charge and thankfully one of the new prisoners speaks English. Sayid.
Sayid is taken aside for questioning and asked where the commander, Tariq, is. But Sayid is a loyal member of the Republican Guard, so he tells the Americans that Tariq fled long before they arrived. And it looks like the Americans believe him. Until he is led into a room to find Tariq tied to a chair in front of him.
On the island, Rousseau has been spotted near the camp on the beach. And when Sayid asks what she is doing there, she tells him she was looking for him. She leads him through the jungle; she has something important to show him. They arrive in a clearing to find a man hanging in a net from a tree. Rousseau has given them a prisoner.
Back in FLASHBACK, Sayid is being used to translate the interrogation of his own commanding officer. The Americans are looking for a missing helicopter pilot and they know Tariq can lead them to him. But the commander refuses to cooperate. And Sayid's continuing loyalty clouds his own involvement, despite the threats of what's to come.
Sayid is introduced to a man who has some information about what kind of man Sayid's boss really is. He tells Sayid it is very important they find the missing helicopter pilot, but he knows Tariq will never talk to him. That's why Sayid is going to have to make him talk to him. And so Sayid goes back inside the holding room with Tariq. Only this time he brings a few things with him. Horrible things…
Back in the Hatch now, Sayid is "talking" to this prisoner. And honestly, the guy tells a very compelling story. It sounds like he's a victim in all of this, just like the rest of them. And Sayid may have more in common with this man than he realizes. But he wants to be sure. After what he has been through, Sayid needs to be sure. And we see just how much Sayid has learned since that dark day back in Iraq with Tariq. Even after he swore never do anything like that again.
But, you see…that's the thing about human nature. We all have a dark side. And if we need something badly enough, there is almost no limit to what we will do, or who we will become in order to get it.
Episode 215 - "Maternity leave" March 1, 2006 |
When Rousseau shows up at camp and tells Claire that her baby could be 'infected', Claire sets out on a journey to find the answer to this question. Armed with memory "flashes" triggered first by Rousseau's presence and then through Libby's relaxation exercises, Claire remembers that she was in fact being held somewhere on the island and given vaccine for the baby. Convinced that the only way to cure Aaron is to find the vaccine, she enlists the help of Rousseau and Kate to find this mysterious place where she was being kept while the Others had her.
With Kate and Rousseau as her guides, Claire slowly pieces together this missing time in her life to discover something unthinkable…but in the end, the most important information she uncovers is that she was meant to be a mother.
Meanwhile, Jack and Locke continue to try and keep Henry a secret from the camp, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. When Mr. Eko ventures down into the hatch to borrow some tools, he figures out that they are keeping a man inside the armory and tells Jack he wants to speak with the prisoner. While Henry maintains that he is not an Other, Eko treats him as such and confesses to killing two of his friends.
Jack and Locke continue to butt heads about how to handle the situation, further straining the power balance between our two heroes. And when Henry uses this information to try and get inside Locke's head, John Locke's composure snaps for the first time, giving way to his complete frustration at being trapped by his responsibilities to the hatch.
Episode 216 - "The whole truth" March 22, 2006 |
When Sun starts feeling nauseous and dizzy, she takes a home pregnancy test to learn that she is in fact, pregnant. But instead of being happy about the news, Sun looks conflicted, and we find out why through her flashbacks...
...which tell the story of a time in Sun and Jin's relationship when Jin wanted desperately to conceive a child, hoping it might bring an end to the constant pressure put upon him by Sun's father, while Sun was off taking English lessons from Jae Lee and planning her escape to America.
Since they haven't had any luck conceiving, Jin suggests that they visit a fertility specialist. The specialist tells them that Sun has endometriosis and that their chances of conceiving are impossible, news that clearly upsets Jin more than it does Sun.
Sun confesses to Jae Lee that she feels relieved about not being able to conceive and confides that she was planning on leaving Jin for America. And while their relationship is that of teacher and student, it's clear that Jae Lee would like it to be more when he encourages her to stay in Korea with him.
Back on the island, Sun finally tells Jin that she's pregnant, to which Jin reacts with pure joy. But Sun has one last thing to reveal -- in the final flashback we learn that the doctor lied to Sun and Jin out of fear of the Paik family, assigning the problem to Sun when in fact it is Jin who is sterile.
Sun swears to Jin that she has never been with another man. Jin accepts her word and declares that the pregnancy must be a miracle. Tears of joy roll down his face, but the look on Sun's face tells us that we can't be entirely sure we've heard the whole truth…
Meanwhile, Locke enlists Ana Lucia's help in interrogating Henry, against Jack's better wishes. But Ana Lucia is able to accomplish something none of them have…she earns Henry's trust and gets him to draw her a map to the location of his alleged balloon crash. Feeling betrayed that Jack wasn't the one to tell her about Henry, she enlists the help of Sayid and Charlie to go out and find the balloon.
Episode 217 - "Lockdown" March 29, 2006 |
In flashback, we find a happy, content home inspector -- John Locke -- about to propose to Helen, when he learns that his father has died. But it turns out that Cooper is not really dead. He shows up and reveals to Locke that he faked his own death in order to hide from a couple of men he stole $700,000 from in a retirement con. He tells Locke that he's setting up a new identity, but that he's afraid he's being watched. He offers Locke a cut of the money if he will just go to the bank and withdraw it from a safety deposit box for him.
Though Locke refuses to be conned again, he is still swayed by a desire to win his father's love, so he goes through with it. In doing so, he comes face to face with his father's pursuers, who threaten Helen. But Locke lies for his father in order to protect him.
Locke brings the money to his father who waits at a local motel. But Locke refuses his cut. Though he can't bring himself to say it, he didn't do any of this for the money -- he did it for his father's love. But in pursuing that love, he loses the love he already has -- Helen.
Back on the island, Locke is trapped with Henry when the blast doors in the hatch suddenly come down for no apparent reason. While attempting to escape, Locke's legs are crushed underneath the doors and he must put his trust in Henry to push the button and go get help.
Meanwhile, Jack and Kate discover a pallet of food on the island while Ana Lucia, Sayid & Charlie find Henry's balloon. But when they dig up the gravesite of his supposed wife, they find that Henry Gale has been lying to us the whole time…
Episode 218 - "Dave" April 5, 2006 |
As Locke recovers from the incident with the blast doors, the situation with Henry heats up. Henry admits to Sayid that he is indeed an Other, but that he will be killed if he talks. So our group becomes jailors in effect, keeping watch over the prisoner of war.
Hurley and Libby's relationship also heats up when Libby takes it upon herself to try and get Hurley into shape. Hurley comes clean and confesses to Libby that he's "sick" -- that he has a problem with food -- and shows her that he's been hoarding food from the hatch.
Libby encourages Hurley to destroy it, but the moment he does, the pallet is discovered by the entire group, causing Hurley to have a breakdown...
In FLASHBACK, Hurley's time spent in a mental institution is revealed. And as Hurley's addiction haunts him on the island, so does a friend from his past -- a fellow patient from the mental institution that will make Hurley question his very sanity.
Meanwhile, Eko continues building in the jungle and reveals to Charlie that he's constructing a church, enlisting his help.
>p>And when Locke finally confronts Henry, Henry confesses that he did not push the button after he crawled through the vents during the lockdown -- but more interestingly, he reveals that NOTHING happened as a result. The world did NOT come to an end, a fact that John Locke is going to have a difficult time digesting…
Episode 219 - "SOS" April 12, 2006 |
When Bernard attempts to recruit people to build an SOS sign on the beach, Rose uncharacteristically defies him, telling him that he shouldn't give everyone false hope.
FLASHBACKS reveal the source of her hesitation, as we highlight Rose and Bernard's love story from the day they met to the day he proposed. When Bernard takes a knee, Rose confesses that she is sick and has less than a year to live. But it doesn't deter Bernard -- he loves this woman and wants to marry her, regardless.
We follow their hopeful love affair through to their honeymoon in Australia to learn that it was, in actuality, a ploy by Bernard to get Rose to see a faith healer in an effort to cure her terminal cancer. Rose clearly isn't a believer, but goes along with it to satisfy Bernard. And though the healer tells her that he cannot help her, Rose decides to let Bernard think that he did. Her hope may be gone, but she is going to preserve his.
On the island, Rose finally comes clean and admits to Bernard that she was lying to him. She confides that after the crash, she began to feel better and that she suspects it was the island that fixed her. Bernard has a difficult time believing this and maintains that it was Isaac who did the healing. But Rose is insistent. And in the final flashback we find out that her conviction lies in the fact that she saw John Locke, on his feet on the island, in a wheelchair at the airport.
Bernard realizes that Rose doesn't want to be rescued because she thinks she might get sick again. And in an act of faith and love, Bernard vows to stop work on the SOS and tells her that they will never leave the island.
Back in the hatch, Locke attempts to draw the map he saw on the blast door from memory. But his commitment is clearly waning and he leaves the hatch in frustration. It's not until Rose convinces him to maintain faith, that Locke returns with a sense of renewed purpose and continues drawing.
Meanwhile, Jack and Kate go out on a mission to attempt to trade Henry for Walt. While they wait for Mr. Friendly to make an appearance, Michael stumbles out of the jungle and collapses at their feet.
Episode 220 - "Two for the road" May 3, 2006 |
Jack and Kate stumble across an unconscious Michael deep in the jungle. And while Jack is primed and ready for a confrontation with the Others, it is Kate who forces him to deal with the task at hand: Michael needs medical attention and he needs it back at the Hatch.
Speaking of the Hatch, Ana Lucia receives a nasty surprise when she goes into the armory to deliver a bowl of food to a dejected Henry. Only Locke's last-minute intervention is enough to save her life. And while Locke is desperate for answers to his questions, he knows that time with Henry is running out fast.
In FLASHBACK, we see Ana Lucia confronted by her mother -- who's also her captain -- upon returning to the station after a shift. It seems a body has been found in a parking lot. And it just happens to be the same guy who confessed to shooting Ana Lucia. But when Captain Cortez tries to offer her daughter her help, Ana Lucia quits the force and runs away… all the way to Australia.
Turns out she met a guy at the airport; a guy who was running away from his own problems and the two of them forged a dysfunctional partnership. She agreed to go to Australia to "protect him" and he agreed not to ask too many questions. Hard to believe it didn't last long…
Michael is being cared for in the Hatch. He's regained consciousness and the information he presents is startling. He knows where Walt is. And the Others have been lying about their strength. As soon as he is strong enough, Michael is going to return to their camp in force. And he is going to take his son back. The entire camp is activated, caught somewhere between hopeful and terrified at what this all means.
In light of her recent troubles, Ana Lucia is desperate to get her hands on a gun. And when she barters with Sawyer we learn just how far she is willing to go to get what she wants.
Hurley attempts to move his relationship with Libby to the next step and asks her on an honest-to-goodness date. And we can't help feeling happy to see that, even here, good things can happen.
But it's just not that simple now, is it? And this wouldn't be LOST if things ended up happy and hopeful. So, as the episode draws to a close we are taught yet another lesson about the dark side of mankind..and what we are capable of doing when there appears to be no other choice.
Episode 221 - "?" May 10, 2006 |
As Libby clings to life, Michael must deal with the awful truth of what he has done. While Jack treats his gunshot wound, Michael knows that she is the only person who can say what really happened in the Hatch. This has him on edge more than ever. And while his guilt is profound, his desire to rescue his son is much, much stronger.
But what to do about Henry? It looks like he shot three of our people on his way out of the Hatch and two of them are likely to die. He's on the run and Jack wants some payback, but is once again handcuffed by his value to the group as a doctor and therefore must pass the responsibility of going after him to someone else.
Eko finds himself drawn to Locke like never before and the two form an uneasy alliance as they set off in pursuit of the man who has wrought so much havoc in the camp. But as they make their way into the jungle, we get the sense this journey is about much more than revenge.
In FLASHBACK we see Eko as he once was, resplendent in his robes and taking confession in an Australian church. But when one of his "customers" makes a reference to Eko's past we learn that he still trying to free himself of the man he once was. It seems Eko is trying to make his way to the USA and he's finally got the papers to get him there, but his Monsignor informs him that his trip will have to wait -- at least long enough for him to investigate something. It seems one of the parishioners has reported a miracle.
Back on the island, Libby continues to hold on as Michael sweats it out in the background and Kate has the unenviable job of informing Hurley the terrible news. Despondent, Hurley races to the Hatch to sit at Libby's side in a desperate attempt to save her life.
Meanwhile, in the jungle, Locke and Eko share a haunting connection in their dreams that leads them to the discovery of a new Hatch. And the information they discover within is enough to shake all of us to the core. It seems that, for these two men, their feelings and beliefs about the island have switched places. Whereas Locke was the believer for so long, this new discovery has convinced him he was being a fool. But Eko's belief in the importance of what they are doing has never ever been stronger. And on this island, the stakes are as high as they get.
People see what they want to. And while one person sees nothing but smoke and mirrors, the next believes he has been witness to an honest-to-goodness miracle. Thing is, who among us is in a position to decide which one is correct?
Episode 222 - "Three minutes" May 17, 2006 |
In the aftermath of the tragedy at the Hatch, a few things are becoming clear. Michael is willing to wait no longer in order to get his son back. And Jack will never again allow his people to be terrorized by the Others. Hippocratic Oath aside, if there is to be war, let it come. And may it be -- finally -- the last battle for life on this island.
For some the war has already begun and more than one of our survivors has blood on their hands. Some just have an easier time wiping it off. So while preparations are made to bury Libby and Ana Lucia, a plan is hatched to go and end things once and for all. And it's Michael who is intent on leading the charge.
But there's a catch -- not everyone is invited to come. Just five people will be making this journey and all have been chosen by Michael himself, whether they are aware of that fact or not. And some of his choices might be surprising.
But IN FLASHBACK we get to experience the things that led Michael to this place. And when we learn the details surrounding what happened to Walt, as much as we don't want to, we can almost understand why Michael had to do what he… well, did.
What would you do to save your child's life? How far would you be willing to go? How thin could you stretch your belief in what is right vs. what is wrong? How much do those things still matter when the person you love most of all throws his arms around your neck and whispers in your ear to please, please help him? Until you are in that position yourself (and here's hoping you never are) how can you even begin to answer that question?
So here we are on the island -- all of our survivors gathered to bury their dead, their friends, as the sun sinks slowly into the sea, ending another day in this place. Charlie and Claire, perhaps forging the beginnings of an unlikely reconciliation. Kate, helping Hurley to say out loud the things he felt for Libby. Michael, now more alone than ever before, having risked absolutely everything to save his son. And Sayid, beginning to suspect there is more to this than meets the eye.
But like most things on this island, all those stories will have to wait. They've got a new topic for discussion now. And it's sailing straight for the island…
Episode 223 - "Live together, die alone" May 24, 2006 |
As Jack, Sayid and Sawyer swim out to meet the sailboat bobbing just offshore, we almost feel relieved to discover that this is definitely NOT the way off the island. After coming this far, you knew it wasn't going to be that easy now, didn't you?
But in addition to returning Desmond to the island, that boat just may have just brought Sayid the advantage he needs to put his own plan into action. And as he and Jack form a very important secret, Michael leads his "team" into the jungle, towards a now very uncertain fate.
Speaking of Desmond, in FLASHBACKS we finally learn the answers to how he ended up in this spot in the first place. And they are more shocking and tragic than we could have ever imagined. Beginning with his exit from a British military stockade and dishonorable discharge from his regiment, and winding all the way to the day he first pressed the button himself, we see a much different Desmond. And the man we assumed held all the answers turns out to be as LOST as anyone else on this island.
But he still knows a trick or two, and as Jack follows a man he knows to be a traitor deeper and deeper into the unknown, it is Locke who forges an alliance with Desmond in the hopes of answering his own questions (and ours) once and for all. What's he willing to risk in order to find out? Just the future survival of the entire world, is all.
In the jungle, Jack is forced to expose Michael for what he is, and after a few horrible moments, even Michael is unable to continue his charade. As he breaks down and admits what he has done, Hurley realizes that he's looking at the man who killed the woman he loved -- perhaps the only one who would ever love him. And as he realizes that he is being led into a trap Hurley turns to leave -- preferring to go back and mourn rather than try to exact some futile attempt at revenge. But Jack has one more bomb to drop which stops Hurley in his tracks. Turns out Michael isn't the only one who can keep a secret…
As Sayid and his "crew" sail the ship around the point of the island, passing ever more mysterious landmarks on their way, we are left to worry about who is outsmarting whom? How many double crosses can there possibly be before you end on with the short side of the stick again?
We don't have to wait long to find out the answer. And, as usual, the answers hold no comfort. And we all learn a lesson about the depths of treachery. About the lengths to which someone will go to do what they think is right.
But that's the thing about committing. There's no going back. What if you're wrong? Where do you go from there? And what happens to the rest of us?