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pabellón: pavilion; canopy; stack of rifles; bell of a wind instrument; flag; colours; national colours
pábilo, pabilo: wick or snuff pábulo: fuel; food; aliment; support; pabulum pacana: pecan tree; pecan nut pacato: prudish; excessively timid and moderate pacense: inhabitant of Badajoz paceño: inhabitant of La Paz pacer: to graze; to pasture pachá: pasha pachanga: party pachanguero: catchy pacharán: alcoholic drink made from sloes pachón: pointer dog; basset hound; slow; sluggish; furry; woolly; shaggy pachorra: slowness; phlegm; sluggishness; indolence pachucho: overripe; wilted; withered; under the weather; off-colour; weak; drooping pachulí: patchouli; pachouli paciencia: patience; small almond cake paciente: patient pacificación: pacification; peace; quiet pacificador: peacemaker; pacifier; pacifying pacificar: to pacify; to calm down pacificarse: to calm down pacífico: pacific; peaceable; peaceful; placid pacifismo: pacifism pacifista: pacifist pacotilla: venture; goods carried by seamen of a ship free of freight; de pacotilla: jumped-up; cheap; of inferior quality pactar: to covenant; to agree upon; to stipulate; to come to an agreement; to temporize pacto: pact; agreement; covenant; compact paddle: paddle ball padecer: to suffer from; to be a victim of; to suffer padezco, padezca: padecer padecimiento: suffering; ailment pádel: paddle ball padrastro: stepfather; cruel father; hangnail padrazo: loving or indulgent father padre: father; stallion; sire; abba; padres: parents padrenuestro: Lord's prayer padrinazgo: patronage; support; protection; act, title or charge of a godfather padrino: godfather; sponsor; second at a duel; patron; protector; padrino de boda: best man padrón: census; register; electoral roll; voter list; pattern; model; memorial column or post paella: paella; rice dish with vegetables, meat and seafood paellera: paella dish paga: pay; wages; salary; pocket money; allowance; payment; satisfaction; amends; requital; return pagadero: payable; time and place of payment pagado: paid; pleased; proud pagador: payer; paymaster; paying pagaduría: payments office; disbursement office paganismo: paganism; heathenism pagano: pagan; heathen; person who ends up paying the bill pagar: to pay; to pay for; to expiate; to atone; to make amends for; to repay; to return; to requite; to settle; to acquit; to cough up; to defray; to fee; to fork out; to honour; to stand; pagarlo caro: to pay dearly for; pagar con la misma moneda: to requite; tit for tat pagarse: to pay; to be proud or conceited pagaré: promissory note página: page; chapter paginación: pagination paginar: to paginate; to page pago: payment; reward; repayment; return; paid; rural district pagoda: pagoda pagué: pagar pai: pie; pai de queso: cheesecake paipai, paipay: circular fan with handle made of palm pairo: lying to país: country; nation; land; region; territory; landscape; sheet of a fan paisaje: landscape; scenery paisajista: landscape painter paisanaje: civil population; civilians; peasantry; countryfolk; fellow countrymanship paisano: from the same country or place; compatriot; fellow countryman; peasant; civilian; de paisano: in civilian on plain clothes paja: straw; trash; rubbish; hacerse una paja: to wank; to jerk off pajar: haystack; straw loft; barn pájara: female bird; hen; crafty female; kite; blackout pajarera: aviary; large bird cage pajarería: bird shop; large number of birds pajarero: bird seller; breeder of birds pajarita: paper bird; bow tie pájaro: bird; passerine bird; sly and crafty fellow; pájaro bobo: penguin; pájaro carpintero: woodpecker pajarraco: big and ugly bird; sly fellow; swine; nasty character paje: page; familiar of a bishop; cabin boy pajizo: straw-coloured; made of straw; thatched with straw pajolero: annoying pajuerano: country dweller; bumpkin Pakistán: Pakistan pakistaní: Pakistani pala: spade; shovel; dustpan; peel; baker's peel; slice; bat; paddle; racket; blade; upper; vamp of a shoe; bowl of a spoon; leaf of a hinge; joint of a prickly pear; shovelful palabra: word; act of speaking; speech; promise palabreja: strange word palabrería: hot air; meaningless or empty talk palabrota: swearword; coarse and obscene word or expression palacete: small palace; mansion palaciego: palace; court; courtier palacio: palace; mansion house; palacio de congresos: conference center; palacio de deportes: sports center palacio de justicia: lawcourts palada: shovelful; stroke paladar: palate; roof of one's mouth; taste paladear: to savour; to taste with pleasure; to relish paladín: paladin; champion; defender palafito: palafitte; house built on stilts over a lake palafrenero: groom; stableman; hostler palanca: lever; handle; bar; rudder bar; diving board; influence; leverage; palanca de cambio: gearstick; gearshift palangana: washbasin; washbowl; bowl palanganear: to show off palangre: long line for fishing; boulter palanqueta: crowbar; jimmy; bar shot palatal: palatal palatino: palace; court; palatine palco: box palenque: fence; enclosure; palisade; wood fence palentino: inhabitant of Palencia paleografía: palaeography; paleography paleolítico: Palaeolithic; Paleolithic paleontología: palaentology; paleontology paleontólogo: palaentologist; paleontologist paleozoico: Palaeozoic; Paleozoic Palestina: Palestine palestino: Palestinian palestra: palaestra; palestra paleta: trowel; palette; bat; paddle; blade; sail; incisor; lollipop; ice lolly paletada: shovelful; trowelful paletilla: shoulder blade; shoulder; sternum cartilage paleto: uncouth; ignorant; yokel; country bumpkin; fallow deer paliar: to alleviate; to ease; to lessen; to extenuate paliativo: palliative; mitigating factor palidecer: to turn pale; to blanch; to pale; to wan palidez: pallor; paleness; wanness pálido: pale; pallid; wan; ghastly palier: bearing palillero: toothpick container; toothpick holder palillo: toothpick; chopstick; drumstick; skinny person; clothes peg; clothes pin; bobbin for making lace; chit-chat; palillos: castanets palio: canopy; portable canopy; pallium palique: chat; small talk; chit-chat palisandro: rosewood; palisander palito: small stick; ice lolly palitroque: rough small stick paliza: beating; thrashing; spanking; nuisance palizada: fence; palisade; enclosure; stockade palma: palm; palm tree; sole of hoof; palmas: clapping; applause palmada: pat; slap; handclap palmar: palm grove; measuring a span; to die palmarés: track record; list of winners palmario: obvious; clear; evident palmatoria: candleholder; short candlestick with a handle palmeado: webbed; palmate palmear: to clap; to slap palmense: inhabitant of Las Palmas palmera: palm tree; date palm; palmier; sweet pastry palmeral: palm grove; date pal groves or plantation palmero: inhabitant of La Palma; person providing accompaniment with rhythmic clapping; palm keeper; palmer palmesano: inhabitant of Palma de Mallorca palmetazo: stroke of the cane; slap with a ferule palmípedo: web-footed; palmiped palmito: palmetto; palm heart; woman's face palmo: span; palm; palmo a palmo: inch by inch palmotear: to clap hands; to applaud palo: stick; staff; pole; mast; blow with a stick; stalk of fruit; suit at cards; long stroke in handwriting; execution on the gallows or on the garrote; wood; wooden paloduz: liquorice; licorice paloma: pigeon; dove palomar: dovecote; pigeon-house; hard-twisted palometa: bream; wing nut palomilla: wing nut; wall bracket; small butterfly; journal bearing palomino: young pigeon; bird droppings palomita: anisette with water; dive; little pigeon; darling; palomitas: popcorn palomo: cock pigeon; wood pigeon palote: stick; drumstick; stroke; rolling pin palpable: palpable; obvious; evident palpación: palpation; medical examination palpar: to feel; to touch; to sense; to grope through; to see as self-evident; to palpate palpitación: palpitation; pulsation; throbbing; beating palpitante: palpitating; burning; beating palpitar: to palpitate; to pulsate; to throb; to thrill; to reveal itself pálpito: hunch; feeling palta: avocado paludismo: malaria; paludism palurdo: uncouth; ignorant; rustic; rude; yokel palustre: marshy; paludal; trowel pamela: wide-brimmed hat pamema: nonsense; trifle; bunkum pampa: pampa pámpano: vine shoot; gilthead pamplina: nonsense; trifle; silly thing; flattery; chickweed; a kind of yellow poppy pamplonés: inhabitant of Pamplona pamplonica: pamplonés pan: bread; loaf; leaf; foil; pan ázimo: unleavened bread; pan candeal: white-wheat bread; pan integral: whole-wheat bread; pan rallado: bread crumbs; ganarse el pan: to earn one's living; contigo pan y cebolla: love in a cottage; pan de oro: gold leaf pana: corduroy; velveteen; flooring board; breakdown panacea: panacea panadería: baker's; bakery panadero: baker panadizo: felon; whitlow panal: honeycomb Panamá: Panama panamá: Panama hat; canvas panameño: Panamanian panamericano: Pan-American panavisión: film technique using sixty-five millimetre film pancarta: banner; placard; parchment containing several documents panceta: belly pork; bacon pancho: calm; spawn of the sea bream; hot dog pancito: bread roll páncreas: pancreas pancreático: pancreatic panda: panda pandereta: tambourine; silly remark pandero: large tambourine; timbrel; backside; silly talker pandilla: group; crowd; gang; set; company; faction panecillo: bread roll panegírico: panegyrical; panegyric panel: panel; notice board; bulletin board; dashboard; removable floor board panera: breadbasket; breadbin; granary pánfilo: slow; sluggish; sluggard; dimwit; moron panfletario: propagandistic panfleto: pamphlet pánico: panic; panicky paniego: wheat-producing panificadora: bakery panizo: millet; panic grass; Indian corn panocha: ear of corn; panicle; bunch panocho: inhabitant of Murcia panoja: ear of corn; panicle panoli: simple; dimwit panoplia: panoply; suit of armour; a warrior's arms; wall trophy; study of ancient weapons panorama: panorama; view; outlook panorámica: panorama; view panorámico: panoramic panqueque: pancake pantagruélico: enormous; Pantagruelian pantaletas: panties; knickers; underpants pantalla: screen; lampshade; fireguard; front; baffle; anything that obstructs the view; abat-jour pantalón, pantalones: trousers; breeches; pantlets pantano: swamp; marsh; reservoir; small lake or natural pond; obstacle; hindrance pantanoso: swampy; marshy; difficult panteísmo: pantheism panteón: pantheon; cemetery; family tomb pantera: panther; yellow agate panti: tights; pantyhose pantomima: mime; pretence; pantomime; dumb show pantorrilla: calf pantufla: slipper panty: panti panza: belly; potbelly; paunch; rumen panzada: belly flop; bellyfull panzudo: potbellied; paunchy; big-bellied; abdominous pañal: nappy; diaper; swaddling cloth; tail of shirt paño: woollen cloth; woolen cloth; cloth; duster; tapestry; blur in a mirror; stretch of a wall; canvas pañol: store; storeroom pañoleta: shawl; headscarf; thin tie worn by bullfighters pañuelo: handkerchief; scarf; headscarf; shawl papa: potato; papa; fib; canard; Pope papá: daddy; dad; papa papada: double chin; dewlap papado: papacy papagayo: parrot; chatterbox; peacock fish papal: papal papanatas: dupe; simpleton; ninny paparrucha: fib; hoax; humbug; nonsense; silliness paparruchada: paparrucha papaya: pawpaw; papaya papayo: pawpaw tree papear: to eat papel: paper; part; role; function; duty; character; figure; papel biblia: Indian paper; papel cebolla: tracing paper; papel de aluminio: tinfoil; papel de estraza: brown coarse paper; papel de lija: sandpaper papeleo: paperwork; red tape; looking through papers papelera: litter bin; trash can; wastebasket; paper mill papelería: stationer's; stationery; paper shop papelero: paper; showing off; paper manufacturer or dealer; shower off papeleta: slip of paper; card; file card; ticket; ballot paper; difficult job papelón: showing off; despicable writing or paper; thin cardboard; raw sugar; shower off papeo: food; grub paperas: mumps; goiter papi: daddy papila: papilla; papila gustativa: taste bud papilla: baby food; pap papión: baboon papiro: papyrus papiroflexia: origami papirotazo: flick; fillip papista: papist; papistic papo: dewlap; crop; craw; maw; goiter; thistledown; puff; cheek paquebot, paquebote: packet boat paquete: package; packet; pack; parcel; passenger paquidermo: elephant; pachyderm Paquistán: Pakistan paquistaní: Pakistani par: like; equal; even; pair; brace; couple; set of two; peer; principal rafter para: for; to; in order to; toward; by; on parabién: congratulation; felicitation parábola: parable; parabola parabólica: satellite dish parabólico: parabolic parabrisas: windscreen; windshield paracaídas: parachute paracaidismo: parachuting paracaidista: parachutist; paratrooper; gatecrasher parachoques: bumper; fender parada: stop; halt; standstill; stay; pause; post; stud farm; irrigation dam; stake; bid; catch; parry; parade paracetamol: acetaminophen paradero: whereabouts; bus stop; stopping place; end paradigma: paradigm paradigmático: paradigmatic paradisíaco: heavenly; paradisiacal parado: stopped; arrested; motionless; slow; awkward; timid; unoccupied; unemployed; shut down; stunned paradoja: paradox paradójico: paradoxical parador: inn; hostelry; tavern; roadhouse parafernalia: pomp and show parafina: paraffin parafrasear: to paraphrase paráfrasis: paraphrase paragolpes: bumper; fender parágrafo: paragraph paraguas: umbrella; brolly Paraguay: Paraguay paraguayo: Paraguayan paragüero: umbrella stand; umbrella maker or seller paraíso: paradise paraje: spot; place paralela: parallel paralelismo: parallelism paralelo: parallel; en paralelo: across; alongside paralelogramo: parallelogram parálisis: paralysis; parálisis cerebral: cerebral palsy paralítico: paralytic paralizar: to paralyse; to paralyze; to stop; to immobilize; to make stagnant paralizarse: to become paralyzed; to come to a standstill parámetro: parameter paramilitar: paramilitary páramo: moor; moorland; paramo; wild terrain; drizzle parangón: comparison; parallel paraninfo: auditorium; hall; paranymph; harbinger of felicity paranoia: paranoia paranoico: paranoic; paranoiac; paranoid paranormal: paranormal parapente: parapente; paraskiing parapetarse: to shelter behind a parapet; to protect oneself parapeto: parapet; breastwork paraplejia: paraplegia parapléjico: paraplegic parapsicología: parapsychology parar: to stop; to arrest; to detain; to check; to prepare; to get ready; to stake; to point; to put in a state; to parry; to catch; to stand; to set upright pararse: to stop; to stand up; to cease; to stay; to lodge; to desist pararrayos: lightning conductor; lightning rod parasitario: parasitic parásito: parasite; hanger-on; parasitic parasol: parasol; sunshade; visor; lens hood; umbel parca: Parca; fate; Death parcela: plot of land; lot; parcel area; particle parcelar: to parcel; to divide into plots parche: patch; plaster; drumhead; drum; daub; botch parchís: ludo; parchesi parcial: partial; biased; mid-term exam; partisan; follower parcialidad: bias; partiality parco: moderate; sparing; meagre; frugal; sparing; scanty; moderate pardillo: rustic; naive; simple; country bumpkin; simpleton; linnet pardo: brown; drab; reddish grey; grey-brown; dark; cloudy; flat voice pareado: semi-detached; couplet parecer: opinion; mind; advice; looks; personal aspect; appearance; to appear; to show; to turn up; to seem; to look; to look like; to strike parecerse: to resemble; to be alike parecido: resembling; similar; like; alike; resemblance; likeness; similarity; akin; sameness; affinity; express; bien parecido: handsome; comely; good-looking; personable; mal parecido: ill-favoured pared: wall; partition; face; side paredón: large wall; standing wall pareja: pair; couple; partner; yoke; team; two-man patrol; match parejo: equal; same; like; level; even; smooth parentela: kindred; kinsfolk; relations; family parentesco: relationship; kinship paréntesis: bracket; parenthesis; break pareo: wrapover skirt; pairing; coupling paresa: peeress; peer's wife parezco, parezca: parecer paria: pariah; outcast parida: nonsense; woman lately delivered of a baby paridad: parity; equality; comparison parienta: wife; female relative pariente: relative; relation; kinsman; akin; kindred parietal: parietal paripé: hacer el paripé: to put on a show parir: to give birth to; to bring forth; to be delivered of a baby París: Paris parisién, parisiense, parisino: Parisian paritario: equal parka: parka parking: car park; parking lot; parking space parlamentar: to hold talks; to talk; to converse; to parley parlamentario: parliamentary; member of Parliament parlamento: parliament; legislative body; speech; address; parley parlanchín: talkative; chattering; babbling; chatterer parlante: speaker; loudspeaker; talking parlotear: to chatter; to prattle; to prate parné: cash; money paro: unemployment; stop; stopping; layoff; shutdown; titmouse; paro cardiaco: heart failure parodia: parody parodiar: to parody paroxismo: paroxysm; extremity parpadear: to blink; to wink; to flicker; to twinkle parpadeo: blinking; flickering; twinkling párpado: eyelid parque: park; garden; playpen; depot parqué, parquet: parquet parqueadero: car park; parking lot parquear: to park parquedad: sparingness; moderation; paucity parqueo: car park; parking lot parra: grapevine; earthen jar parrafada: speech; confidential chat párrafo: paragraph; chat parral: trellis; bower of grapevines; large earthen jar parranda: spree; revel; group of merry serenades parricida: parricide; parricidal parricidio: parricide parrilla: grill; broiler; gridiron; grate; restaurant; earthen jug; roof rack parrillada: mixed grill; barbecue; restaurant párroco: parish priest; parson parroquia: parish church; parish; congregation of a parish; custom; customers parroquiano: parishioner; regular; customer; client; patron parsimonia: calm; parsimony; economy; moderation parsimonioso: calm; unhurried; parsimonious; economical parte: part; hand; construction; interpretation; party; side; role; place; region; por todas partes: everywhere; abroad parteluz: mullion partera: midwife parterre: flower bed partición: division; sharing out; partition; distribution participación: participation; involvement; holding; part share of lottery ticket; notification; announcement participante: participant; sharer; notifier; participating; notifying participar: to take part partícipe: participant; sharing; sharer participio: participle partícula: particle particular: specific; private; peculiar; personal; private; extraordinary; odd; individual; matter; item; point particularidad: particularity; friendship; favour; particular particularizar: to characterize; to particularize particularizarse: to be characterized; to be noted partida: departure; leave; starting; death; entry; record; certificate; entry; item; game; match; set; squad; gang; band; excursion; party; turn; deed partidario: partisan; supporting; advocating; being for; follower; adherent; supporter; advocate; retainer; well-wisher; backer; believer; campaigner; devotee partidismo: partisanship; party spirit; political bias partidista: partisan; biased partido: party; profit; advantage; favour; support; popularity; team; game; match; deal; agreement; decision; resolve; measure partir: to divide; to split; to cleave; to cut; to distribute; to share; to break; to crack partirse: to divide; to part; to break; to split; to crack up partisano: partisan partitivo: partitive partitura: score parto: parturition; labour; childbirth; delivery; accouchement; production; product; offspring parturienta: woman in labour; parturient; woman in confinement parvo: small; little; short; paltry parvulario: nursery school párvulo: nursery school pupil; little child; small; simple; innocent; humble pasa: raisin; kink; channel; pasa de Corinto: currant pasable: passable; tolerable; sufferable pasacalle: lively march; live band music pasada: wipe; coat; revision; passage; passing; long stitch; pick; great thing pasadera: stepping stone; footbridge pasadizo: passageway; alley; passage; corridor; aisle; hall pasado: past; gone by; elapsed time; last; after; old-fashioned; faded; off; bad; cooked; overripe; spoiled; tainted; pasado mañana: the day after tomorrow pasador: hair slide; hairpin; bodkin; tiepin; shoelace; shoestring; bolt; one who passes something across; strainer; colander pasaje: ticket; passengers; alleyway; lane; arcade of shops; passage; strait; transition pasajero: passenger; passing; transient; transitory; frequented pasamano, pasamanos: handrail; banister; gangway; passement pasamontañas: balaclava pasante: articled clerk; assistant; passant pasaporte: passport; free license pasapurés: mixer; blender pasar: to pass; to transfer; to carry across; to smuggle; to hand; to hand over; to go over; to cross; to pass by; to walk past; to surpass; to transgress; to penetrate; to pierce; to swallow; to go through; to experience; to suffer; to omit; to overlook; to spend; to dry fruit; to flow; to run; to die; to happen; to turn; to put up with; to tolerate pasarse: to go over; to cease; to finish; to be forgotten; to lose its force; to become spoiled or overripe; to burn out; to be loose pasarela: footbridge; gangway; catwalk; bridge pasatiempo: pastime; hobby Pascua: Passover; Easter; Pascuas: Christmas pase: pass; showing; screening; parade; permit; feint paseante: stroller; promenader pasear: to go for a walk; to walk; to pace; to stroll; to saunter; to drive or ride for pleasure; to promenade; to show off; to parade pasearse: to walk; to be idle paseíllo: procession at the beginning of bullfight paseo: walk; stroll; drive; ride; row; avenue; boulevard; public walk; parade; mall; promenade; dar un paseo: to go for a walk; mandar a paseo: to send somebody packing pasillo: corridor; aisle; narrow passage; gangway; hallway; passageway pasión: passion pasionaria: passionflower pasividad: passiveness; passivity pasivo: passive; inactive; unresponsive; past; perfect; liabilities pasma: cops pasmado: astonished; astounded; stunned; dumbfounded pasmar: to astound; to amaze; to stun; to chill; to benumb; to paralyze pasmarse: to be astounded; to be amazed; to be stunned pasmarote: dope; twit pasmo: astonishment; wonder; chill; tetanus pasmoso: astonishing; marvellous paso: step; footprint; footstep; passing; crossing; way through; thoroughfare; walk; pace; pass; strait; unit; float used in Holy Week processions; pasos: travelling; steps; paso a nivel: level crossing; grade crossing; paso de cebra: zebra crossing; crosswalk pasodoble: paso doble pasota: apathetic; dropout pasparse: to get chapped pasquín: pasquinade or political writing posted in a public place pasta: paste; pulp; mixture; pasta; pastry; biscuit; cookie; dough; cash; pasta de dientes, pasta dentífrica: toothpaste pastar: to graze; to pasture pastel: cake; pie; pastel; woad; crooked deal pastelería: cake shop; patisserie; pastries; pastry shop pastelero: pastry cook; patissier; trimmer; temporizer pasteurización: pasteurization pasteurizado: pasteurized pasteurizar: to pasteurize pastiche: pastiche; mishmash pastilla: pill; tablet; bar; sweet; candy; piece; lozenge; drop pastizal: pasture land; pasture ground for horses pasto: grazing; pasture; fodder; food; nourishment; pabulum; ser pasto de las llamas: to go up in flames pastón: un pastón: a whole heap of money; a fortune pastor: shepherd; herdsman; minister pastoral: pastoral; pastorale pastoreo: pasture; shepherding; pasturing pastoril: pastoral pastoso: pasty; sticky; doughy; furry; smooth; mellow; dry; pastose pata: leg; foot; paw; hoof; a cuatro patas: on all fours; meter la pata: to make a blunder; to put one's foot in it; pata de gallo: crow's feet; estirar la pata: to die patada: kick; stamp; footstep patalear: to kick about; to stamp one's feet; to kick and scream pataleo: kicking; stamping; protest; patter; tramp pataleta: tantrum; fit or convulsion patán: bumpkin; boor; rustic; churl; oaf patata: potato; rubbish; trash; patatas fritas: chips; crisps; patatas bravas: potatoes in spicy sauce patatín-patatán: subterfuges patatús: fit; fainting fit paté: paté patear: to kick; to stamp on; to stamp one's feet; to walk around patearse: to walk around; to squander patena: paten; limpio como una patena: spotlessly clean patentado: patent; patented patentar: to patent patente: obvious; clear; evident; licence; certificate; patent; commission; patente de corso: free rein pateo: foot-stamping paternal: fatherly; paternal paternalismo: paternalism paternalista: paternalistic paternidad: fatherhood; paternity; authorship; title given to a father paterno: paternal patético: pathetic; moving patetismo: pathos; poignancy; patheticalness patibulario: sinister; frightening; hideous; hair-raising; gallows patíbulo: scaffold; gallows patidifuso: stunned; astonished; astound; amazed patilla: sideboard; sideburn; arm; chape of buckle; pocket flap; tenon patín: ice skate; roller skate; scooter; pedal boat; pedalo; skid; contact shoe; a kind of petrel pátina: patina patinador: skater patinaje: skating; skidding patinar: to skate; to roller-skate; to skid; to slip; to put one's foot in it; to make a blunder; to patinate patinazo: skid; slip; blunder; mistake patinete: scooter patio: patio; court; yard; courtyard; campus; playground; parade ground; pit; stalls patitieso: frozen stiff; aghast; amazed; stunned; astounded; astonished; stiff-legged; stiff; haughty patizambo: knock-kneed; bandy-legged pato: duck; drake; clumsy person; pato real- mallard; pagar el pato: to carry the can patochada: mistake; gaffe; blunder; stupidity; nonsense patógeno: pathogenic; pathogenous patología: pathology patológico: pathological patólogo: pathologist patoso: clumsy; dull and cheaply witted patraña: lie; story; falsehood; humbug patria: native country; homeland; fatherland; home patriarca: patriarch patriarcado: patriarchy; patriarchate patriarcal: patriarchal patricio: patrician patrimonial: assets patrimonio: patrimony; inheritance; wealth; national wealth; exclusive birthright patrio: native patriota: patriot; patriotic patriotería: chauvinism; jingoism patriotero: chauvinistic; jingoistic; chauvinist; jingoist patriótico: patriotic patriotismo: patriotism patrocinado: under the aegis of patrocinador: sponsor; patron; protector; sponsoring; patronizing; protecting patrocinar: to sponsor; to patronize; to protect; to favour patrocinio: sponsorship; patronage; protection; favor; auspices patrón: boss; master; landlord; host; employer; patron saint; skipper; pattern; standard patronal: management; employers' organization; patronal patronato: board; trust; patronage; foundation patrono: boss; employer; patron saint patrulla: patrol; gang; band patrullar: to patrol patrullera: patrol boat patrullero: patrol; patrol boat; patrol plane; squad car; policeman patuco: bootee paulatino: gradual; slow paupérrimo: very poor pausa: pause; break; rest; hiatus; interlude; interval; adjournment pausado: deliberate; slow; calm; unhurried pausar: to make a pause; to slow down; to interrupt pauta: standard; model; rule; line; guideline; instrument for ruling paper pautado: ruled paper; staff; stave pautar: to rule; to give rules or directions for; to mark pava: female turkey; silly; kettle; broad-brimmed straw hat; fringe; chamber-pot; coarse banter; cigarette end; girl; dull person; pelar la pava: to talk; to court pavada: flock of turkeys; inanity; triviality; silly thing pavana: pavan pavear: to kill treacherously; to play a joke on; to play the fool; to mess about; to whisper sweet nothings; to play truant pavería: silliness; stupidity pavero: turkey raiser or dealer; Andalusian broad-brimmed hat; practical joker pavés: pavis; large shield pavesa: spark; flying cinder or ember pavía: pavy; árbol frutal originario de Persia; fritter pavimentación: road surfacing; paving; flooring pavimentar: to pave; to surface; to floor pavimento: road surface; paving; flooring; pavement pavipollo: young turkey; twit; idiot pavisoso: silly; dull; graceless pavitonto: silly pavo: turkey; airhead; silly; gullible man; large kite; telling-off; pavo real: peacock pavón: peacock; peacock butterfly; bluing; bronzing pavonar: to blue iron or steel pavonearse: to boast; to brag; to strut; to show off pavoneo: swagger; swaggering; strutting; swanking; showing-off pavor: terror; dread; fright pavorde: provost pavorido: terrified pavoroso: dreadful; frightful; terrific; terrifying; petrifying pavoso: unlucky; that brings bad luck pavura: dread; fright; terror paya: improvised ballad; non-gipsy woman payacate: handkerchief; scarf; kerchief payador: wandering poet and singer; gaucho minstrel payar: to improvise songs to a guitar accompaniment; to talk big; to shoot a line payasada: buffoonery; clownish act; clowning payasear: to clown around payaso: clown; circus clown; comical; merry-andrew payés: Catalan or Balearic peasant; peasant farmer payo: non-gipsy; rustic; churl; albino; loud; flashy; tasteless payuelas: chickenpox paz: peace; peacefulness; tranquility; pax; kiss of piece; sign of peace; dejar en paz: to leave alone pazguato: simple; simpleton; dolt; prudish pazo: stately home in Galicia; country house pazpuerca: slattern; slut PC: PC PD: PS peaje: toll; tollgate peajista: collector of tolls peal: foot of stocking; knitted legging; lasso pealar: to lasso peana: pedestal; base; foot; altar step peatón: pedestrian; walker; rural postman peatonal: pedestrian peatonalización: pedestrianization peatonalizar: to pedrestrianize pebete: aromatic burning stick; stinker; stink; roll pebetero: perfume censer or burner peca: freckle pecado: sin; defect; fault; excess; imperfection pecador: sinner; sinful pecaminosidad: sinfulness pecaminoso: sinful; wicked pecar: to sin; to err; to go astray; to be too pecarí, pécari: peccary pecatta minuta: peccadillo; slight fault pececillo: small fish; pececillos: fry peceño: pitchy pecera: fish tank; fish bowl; aquarium pecezuelo: small foot; small fish peciento: pitchy; pitch coloured pecina: slime; viscous mus; fishpond; swimming pool pecio: flotsam; jetsam; wreckage peciolo: petiole pecha: push; shove pechada: a lot of pechador: demanding pechar: to pay; to push; to shove pechazo: push; shove; touch for a loan pechblenda: pitchblende peche: skinny; weak; child pechera: front of a shirt; bosom of dress; jabot; shirt frill; breast strap; chest protector pechero: commoner; plebeian; bib; front pechicato: mean; miserly pechina: scallop; scallop shell; pendentive pechirrojo: linnet pechisacado: vain; arrogant pecho: chest; breast; bosom; heart; courage; spirit; fortitude; short steep incline; tax or tribute pechoño: sanctimonious pechuga: breast; bosom; cleavage; slope; hill; nerve; gall; cheek; abuse of trust; trouble; annoyance pechugón: forward; outspoken; bold; single-minded; dishy; sponger; parasite pechugona: busty; chesty; large-chested woman pechuguera: hoarseness; chest cold pécora: bitch; harpy; loose woman; whore; head of sheep pecorear: to steal cattle; to maraud; to loot pecoso: freckled; freckly; freckle-faced pecotra: bump; swelling; knot pectina: pectin pectoral: pectoral; cough pecuaca: hoof; smell of feet pecuario: pertaining to cattle pecueca: hoof; smell of feet peculado: peculation peculiar: peculiar; distinctive; characteristic; special peculiaridad: peculiarity; characteristic; special feature peculio: peculium; one's money; modest savings pecunia: money; cash; brass pecunario: pecuniary; financial; money pedagogía: pedagogy; teaching pedagógico: pedagogic; pedagogical; teaching pedagogo: pedagogue; educationalist; teacher; educator pedal: pedal; treadle pedalear: to pedal pedaleo: pedalling pédalo: pedal boat pedáneo: petty; inferior pedanía: district pedante: pedant; pedantic; pompous; conceited pedantería: pedantry; pompousness; conceit pedantesco: pedantic pedantón: great pedant pedazo: piece; fragment; bit; morsel; scrap pederasta: pederast pederastia: pederasty pedernal: flint; flintiness; extreme hardness pedernalino: flinty; very hard pederse: to fart pedestal: pedestal; base; foot; stand pedestre: pedestrian; ordinary; foot; walking pedestrismo: race walking pediatra: paediatrician; pediatrician pediatría: paediatrics; pediatrics pediátrico: paediatric; pediatric pedicelo: pedicel pedicoj: hop; jump on one's foot pedicular: pedicular pedículo: pedicle pedicura: chiropody pedicurista, pedicuro: chiropodist; podiatrist pedida: proposal of marriage pedidera: petición pedido: order; request; petition; ordered; requested pedigrí: pedigree pedigüeño: persistent in asking or begging; beggar; importunate asker; demanding pedilón: insistent; importunate; demanding; pest; nuisance pediluvio: pediluvium; foot bath pedimento: petition; claim; bill; licence; permit pedir: to ask; to ask for; to beg; to request; to ask in marriage; to order; to wish; to desire; to call for; to need; to demand; to beg; to collect pedo: fart; sloshed; high pedofilia: paedophilia pedófilo: paedophile pedología: pedology; study of soils pedorrera: flatulence; frequently breaking wind pedorrero: giving to farting; windy pedorreta: disapproving sound; raspberry pedrada: throw of a stone; hit or blow with a stone; wounding remark pedrea: small prizes in lottery; throwing of stones; fight with stones; fall of hail pedregal: stony ground; lava field pedregón: rock; boulder pedregoso: stony; rocky; full of stones pedregullo: crushed stone; grit pedrejón: boulder; rock; big stone pedreñal: blunderbuss fitted with a flintlock pedrera: stone pit; quarry pedrería: jewelry; precious stones pedrero: stonecutter; quarryman; rocky place; slinger pedrisco: hail; hailstorm; shower of stones; heap of stones pedrizo: stony; full of stones pedrusco: stone; boulder; rough or uncut stone; rocky place pedúnculo: peduncle; stem; stalk peer, peerse: to break wind pega: objection; drawback; snag; difficulty; glue; sticking together; pitch varnish; birdlime; infectious period; de pega: fake; sham; worthless pegachento: sticky; that sticks to one's teeth pegada: fib; lie; piece of luck; charm; appeal; exchange of punches pegadillo: lace pegadizo: catchy; contagious; infectious; sticky; adhesive; sponging; false pegado: glued; stuck; patch; sticking plaster pegadura: gluing; sticking; practical joke pegajosidad: stickiness; glutinosity pegajoso: sticky; clammy; glutinous; viscous; catching; contagious; infectious; sloppy; cloying; mushy pegamento: glue; adhesive pegamiento: gluing; sticking; joining pegante: sticking; adhesive; glutinous pegar: to stick; to glue; to gum; to paste; to cement; to join; to attach; to fasten; to affix; to plaster; to bring close; to infect with; to give; to deal; to deliver; to beat; to hit; to slap; to smack; to sock; to spank; to trounce; to whack; to whop; to batter; to cuff; to jibe; to buffet; to give; to take; to put up; to sew on; to lick; to go well; to slug; to mount; to mug; to nose; pegar un tiro: to shoot; to plug pegarse: to stick; to become stuck; to adhere; to cohere; to latch onto; to cling; to cleave; to keep close; to burn; to join unasked; to be infectious; to come to blows Pegaso: Pegasus pegatina: sticker; badge pegativo: sticky pego: cheating by sticking two card together; dar el pego: to cheat; to deceive pegón: tough; hard; given to violence; strong pegoste: sticking plaster; gatecrasher; scrounger pegote: blob; pitch plaster; sticking plaster; coarse patch; sticky mess; fib; sponger; parasite pegotear: to sponge; to live as a parasite; to cadge pegotería: sponging pegujal: small funds; wealth; money; state; small farm or herd of cattle pegujalero: small farmer or cattle owner pegujón, pegullón: lump or ball of wool or hair peguntar: to mark with pitch peina: back comb; ornamental comb peinada: combing the hair peinado: hairstyle; hairdressing; hairdo; coiffure; combing; foppish; affected; overdone; check; investigation; sweep; raid peinador: combing; comber; hairdresser; wrapper; peignoir; combing machine peinadora: hairdresser peinadura: combing; combings peinar: to comb; to brush; to do; to arrange; to style; to curry; to search thoroughly; to flatter; to head peinarse: to comb; to do or dress one's hair peinazo: crosspiece of a door or window peine: comb; card; reed of the loom; cartridge clip; sly fellow; magazine peinecillo: small back comb peinería: comb factory or shop peineta: comb for wearing in the hair; back comb; ornamental comb peinilla: large machete peje: fish; cunning fellow; crafty fellow; stupid pejepalo: stockfish pejesapo: angler pejiguera: nuisance; pain; bother pejiguero: annoying; complainer; moaner Pekín: Beijing pela: peseta; money; peeling pelada: pelt; sheepskin stripped of wool; haircut; blunder peladar: arid plain peladera: alopecia; loss of hair; gossip; backbiting peladero: peeler peladez: poverty; vulgarity; rude word; obscenity peladilla: sugared almond; coated almond; small pebble pelado: haircut; bald; bare; hairless; featherless; treeless; leafless; peeled; naked; penniless; bare; broke; coarse; crude; impudent; skinhead pelador: peeler peladura: peeling; plucking; stripping; peelings pelafustán: good-for-nothing; layabout pelagallos: pelagatos pelagatos: nobody; penniless fellow; ragamuffin; wretch pelágico: pelagic; oceanic pelagra: pellagra pelaje: fur; hair; pelage; coat; clothes; apparel; look; sort; kind; description pelambre: mop of hair; fur; fleece; bare patch; gossip; slander pelambrera: mop of hair; place in which hair is removed from hides; alopecia pelamesa: hair-pulling scuffle pelanas: bare patch pelandusca: prostitute; harlot; strumpet; tart; slut pelantrín: small farmer pelapapas: potato peeler pelar: to peel; to shell; to pluck; to remove; to cut; to bark; to hull; to fleece; to clean out; to beat; to die; to gossipe pelarse: to have one's hair cut; to peel; pelársela: to toss off pelásgico: Pelasgian; Pelasgic pelazga: row; quarrel; scuffle pelazón: gossip; backbiting; chronic poverty peldaño: step; stair; rung pelea: fight; wrangle; combat; struggle; argument; row; tussle peleador: brawling; combative; quarrelsome pelear: to fight; to battle; to struggle; to argue; to quarrel; to work hard pelearse: to fight; to argue; to quarrel; to fall out pelele: dummy; stuffed figure; baby's knitted sleeping suit; rompers; nincompoop peleón: argumentative; cheap wine peletería: fur shop; furrier's; furriery; fur trade; furs peletero: furrier; fur peli: movie; film peliagudo: tricky; difficult; arduous; sly; clever pelícano: pelican pelicano: grey-haired película: movie; film; moving picture peliculón: great movie peligrar: to peril; to be in danger peligro: danger; peril; risk; hazard; menace; distress peligroso: dangerous; perilous; risky pelillo: tiny hair or fibre; trifle; trifling; pelillos a la mar: let bygones be bygones pelirrojo: red-haired pellejo: skin; hide; pelt; rawhide; water-skin; wineskin; drunkard pelliza: pelisse; fur-trimmed coat pellizcar: to pinch; to pick at; to nip; to take a pinch of pellizco: pinch; nip; small quantity pelma, pelmazo: annoying and boring; pain in the neck; bore; lump; sluggard; compressed mass pelo: hair; fibre; filament; hair's breadth; smallest thing or quantity; coat; fur; pile; nap; down; flaw; difficulty pelón: hairless; bald; poor; penniless; dried peach pelota: ball; hand ball; ball game; flatterer; crawler; boat made of leather; accumulation of debts; en pelota: naked; hacer la pelota: to butter somebody up pelotari: pelota player pelotazo: blow or hit with a ball; drink pelotear: to have a kick about; to knock up; to check an account; to argue; to dispute; to wrangle peloteo: kick about; knock-up; flattery pelotera: row; argument; dispute; quarrel; wrangle pelotero: footballer; baseball player pelotillero: crawler; flattering; crawling pelotón: pack; peloton; squad; platoon pelotudo: jerk peltre: pewter peluca: wig; wigging; reprimand peluche: plush peludo: hairy; furry; shaggy peluquería: hairdresser's; hairdressing; barber's shop peluquero: hairdresser; barber; wigmaker peluquín: toupee; hairpiece; periwig pelusa: down; fluff; jealousy pelusilla: down pelvis: pelvis pena: grief; pain; affliction; sorrow; travail; pity; shame; aching; hardship; trouble; toil; difficulty; penalty; punishment; infliction; grieve; ruth; penna; pains; valer la pena: to be worthwhile; to pay off; pena capital: capital punishment; dar pena: to grieve; sentir pena: to ache; ¡qué pena!: what a shame penacho: crest; tuft of feathers; plume; panache; arrogance; airs penado: painful; arduous; full of sorrows; convict; prisoner serving a sentence penal: penal; jail; prison; penalty penalidad: trouble; hardship; penalty penalista: criminal lawyer; penologist penalización: penalization; penalty; punishment penalizar: to penalize penalti, penalty: penalty; casarse de penalty: to have a shotgun wedding penar: to punish; to penalize; to suffer; to grieve; to sorrow; to be tormented penca: pulpy leaf; pulpy part; cowhide penco: hack; nag; jade pendejo: jerk pendencia: argument; fight; dispute; quarrel pendenciero: quarrelsome pender: to hang; to be suspended; to dangle; to depend; to rest; to be pendent pendiente: pending; outstanding; pending; hanging; dangling; depending; sloping; earring; pendant; pitch; slope; declivity; acclivity; grade; gradient; dip pendón: banner; standard; pennon; ensign; tall; ungainly; despicable man or woman; tart; whore péndulo: pendulum; pendulous; pendent; hanging pene: penis penetración: penetration; insight penetrante: penetrant; penetrating; piercing; biting; pervasive; incisive; deep; keen; acute; shrill penetrar: to penetrate; to be acute or piercing; to pierce; to decipher penicilina: penicillin península: peninsula peninsular: peninsular; inhabitant of a peninsula penique: penny penitencia: penance; penitence; repentance penitenciaría: prison; penitentiary penitenciario: prison; penitentiary; Cardinal chief of the penitentiary penitente: penitent; repentant; confessant penoso: difficult; distressing; dreadful; painful; laborious; arduous; fatiguing; embarrassing; unpleasant pensador: thinker; thinking pensamiento: thought; mind; thinking; suspicion; pansy; heartsease pensar: to think about; to think over; to think out; to think; to come up with; to imagine; to intend pensarse: to think over pensativo: pensive; thoughtful pensión: pension; maintenance; annuity; allowance; board; boarding house; guesthouse pensionado: pensioner; pensioned; boarding school pensionista: pensioner; lodger; boarder pentágono: pentagon pentagrama: stave; staff pentathlon: pentathlon Pentecostés: Pentecost; Whitsun penúltimo: penultimate; penult penumbra: half-light; penumbra penuria: penury; extreme poverty; dearth peña: rock; boulder; crag; supporter's club; circle; club; gang peñasco: rock; crag peñazo: bore; pain; boring peñón: rock peón: pawn; unskilled worker; labourer; laborer; farm hand; farm worker; man in draughts; beehive peonada: day's work; gang of workmen peonaje: gang of workmen peonía: peony peonza: top; whip top; whipping top peor: worse; worst pepenar: to scavenge pepinazo: blast; fierce shot pepinillo: gherkin; small cucumber pepino: cucumber; me importa un pepino: I don't care a damn pepita: pip; seed; nugget pepito: meat sandwich pepitoria: giblet or bowl of fricasse with egg sauce; medley; hodgepodge pepona: large doll peque: kid; child pequeñez: smallness; littleness; childhood; pettiness; meanness; trifle; triviality pequeño: little; small; short; young; petty; low; humble; child pequinés: inhabitant of Beijing; Pekinese pera: pear; sinecure; switch placed on a lamp head; goatee; pedir peras al olmo: to ask for impossible things peral: pear tree peraltado: cambered peralte: camber; superelevation; rise; stilting perca: perch percal: percale percance: mishap; unfortunate accident percatarse: to realize; to notice; to become aware of; to consider; to heed percebe: barnacle; goose barnacle; idiot percepción: perception; percept; collection; receiving perceptible: perceptible; obvious; perceivable; collectable perceptivo: perceptive percha: coat hanger; hook; perch; roost; pole; bar; figure; napping of cloth perchero: hat stand; coat hooks; hat rack percibir: to perceive; to understand; to earn; to collect percusión: percussion; striking percusionista: percussionist percusor: hammer percutor: hammer perdedor: loser; losing perder: to lose; to mislay; to forfeit; to waste; to miss; to ruin; to spoil; to fade; to be the downfall of; to go downhill perderse: to get lost; to become ruined or destroyed; to be spoiled or damaged; to fall into disuse; to be wasted perdición: ruin; loss; downfall; perdition; eternal damnation pérdida: loss; waste; leak; leakage; shortage perdido: lost; stray; mislaid; useless; vain; vicious; degenerate perdigón: young partridge; pellet; shot perdigonada: shot; shot wound perdiguero: gundog; setter; partridge dealer; game dealer; partridge hunting perdiz: partridge; perdiz blanca: ptamirgan perdón: forgiveness; pardon; remission of a debt; sorry! perdonable: pardonable; excusable perdonar: to pardon; to forgive; to remit; to exempt; to spare; to excuse; to absolve perdonavidas: boaster; braggart; bully; hector perdulario: immoral person; careless; sloppy person perdurable: lasting; everlasting; long-lasting; abiding perdurar: to last; to last long; to endure perecedero: perishable; passing; not lasting; mortal perecer: to die; to perish; to come to an end; to be in great want peregrinación: pilgrimage; peregrination peregrinaje: pilgrimage; peregrination peregrinar: to pilgrim; to peregrinate; to travel; to roam peregrino: pilgrim; palmer; of passage; rare; strange; odd; singular; perfect; wonderful; wandering; travelling perejil: parsley; frippery perenne: perennial; perpetual perentorio: urgent; pressing; decisive; peremptory; immovable pereza: laziness; idleness; sloth; slowness perezco, perezca: perecer perezoso: lazy; idle; slothful; indolent; slow; heavy; sloth perfección: perfection perfeccionamiento: perfection; improvement; finish perfeccionar: to improve; to perfect perfeccionismo: perfectionism perfeccionista: perfectionist perfecto: perfect; complete; absolute; fine!; accomplished perfidia: perfidy; treachery; perversity pérfido: treacherous; perverse; perfidious perfil: profile; outline; cross-section perfilar: to draw an outline of; to put the finishing touches to; to profile; to outline; to perfect perfilarse: to be outlined; to look like perforación: drilling; perforation; boring; hole perforadora: drill; punch perforar: to perforate; to bore perfumador: atomizer; perfumer; perfuming pan; perfuming perfumar: to perfume perfumarse: to put on perfume perfume: perfume; odour; fragance; scent perfumería: perfumery; perfumer's shop pergamino: parchment; vellum; nobiliary antecedents of a family or person pergeñar: to scribble; to draft; to prepare to do; to make pérgola: pergola; roof garden pericardio: pericardium pericarpio: pericarp pericia: skill; expertise; expertness pericial: expert; expert's perico: budgerigar; parakeet; large fan; large asparagus; chamber pot; coke; cocaine periferia: periphery; outskirts periférico: peripheral; peripheric; peripherical perifollo: chervil; perifollos: frills; finery; frippery periforme: pear-shaped perífrasis: periphrasis perifrásico: wordy; periphrastic perilla: goatee; imperial; pommel of saddlebow; lobe of the ear; pear-shaped ornament; de perilla: to the point perimétrico: perimetric perímetro: perimeter periodicidad: periodicity periódico: periodic; recurring; periodical; journal; paper; newspaper periodismo: journalism periodista: journalist; reporter periodístico: journalistic período: period peripecia: peripeteia; vicissitude; incident periplo: long voyage; periplus peripuesto: smartly dressed; spruce; dressed up periquete: jiffy; instant periquito: budgerigar; parakeet periscopio: periscope perista: fence; receiver perita: pear peritaje: expert's report; technical training perito: expert; qualified; skilful; skilled; perito mercantil: accountant peritoneo: peritoneum peritonitis: peritonitis perjudicar: to damage; to hurt; to injure; to prejudice; to affect adversely perjudicial: detrimental; damaging; harmful; injurious; prejudicial perjuicio: damage; harm; injury; prejudice; detriment perjurar: to commit perjury; to perjure oneself; to swear; to be profane perjurio: perjury perjuro: perjurer; perjured perla: pearl; gem; treasure; de perlas: excellent perlado: pearly; pearl-shaped; beaded perlé: type of cotton thread permanecer: to remain; to stay; to last; to endure; to abide permanencia: stay; sojourn; permanence; permanency; duration; fixedness; stability; abidance permanente: permanent; perm; abiding permeabilidad: permeability permeable: permeable permisible: permissible permisividad: permissiveness permisivo: permissive permiso: permission; permit; license; licence; leave permitido: permitted; allowed permitir: to permit; to allow; to let; to consent; to make possible permitirse: to take the liberty to; to afford permuta: exchange; barter; permutation permutable: exchangeable permutación: permutation; interchange; exchange; barter permutar: to exchange; to permute; to interchange; to barter pernera: trouser leg; leg pernicioso: pernicious; harmful; injurious pernil: haunch; ham; leg perno: bolt; hook pernoctar: to spend the night pero: but; yet; and yet; objection; fault; variety of apple and apple tree; ac perogrullada: truism; platitude perol: cooking pot; kettle in form of hemisphere perola: small cooking pot peroné: fibula perorar: to perorate; to declaim; to make a boring speech perorata: boring and tiresome speech peróxido: peroxide perpendicular: perpendicular perpendicularidad: perpendicularity perpetrar: to commit; to perpetrate perpetuación: perpetuation perpetuar: to perpetuate perpetuidad: perpetuity perpetuo: perpetual; everlasting perplejidad: perplexity; hesitation; irresolution perplejo: perplexed; confused perra: fixed idea; tantrum; bitch; drunk; drunkenness; money perrada: pack of dogs; nasty trick perrera: doghouse; kennel; drudgery; child's rage perrería: pack of dogs; dirty trick; mean action; insult; abuse perrero: keeper of the dogs; dog fancier; dog catcher perrito: puppy; little dog; clothes peg; perrito caliente: hot dog perro: dog; rat; awful; wicked; stubborn; selfish; mean perruno: dog; canine persa: Persian persecución: pursuit; hunt; chase; persecution perseguible: actionable perseguidor: pursuer; persecutor perseguir: to pursue; to chase; to hunt; to hunt down; to follow; to follow through; to seek after; to aim for; to strive for; to woo; to persecute; to course; to dog; to dragoon; to harass; to haunt; to hound; to pick on; to spright; to beset perseverancia: perseverance perseverante: persevering perseverar: to persevere Persia: Persia persiana: blind; shade; persiana de lamas: Venetian blind persignarse: to cross oneself persigo: perseguir persistencia: persistence; persistency persistente: persistent; persisting persistir: to persist; to endure; to last long persona: person personaje: personality; character; personage personal: personal; private; individual; staff; personnel; people personalidad: personality; legal capacity personalismo: favouritism; favoritism personalista: partial; biased personalizar: to personalize; to become personal; to make personal personarse: to come in person; to go; to call personificación: personification personificar: to personify; to embody perspectiva: perspective; point of view; view; outlook; prospect perspicacia: insight; shrewdness; sharpness; perspicacity; keen sight; acumen; acuteness; discrimination; foresight; perception perspicaz: perceptive; keen-sighted; perspicacious; insightful; acute; shrewd; subtle; acute; clear-headed; clear-sighted; farsighted; discerning; discriminating; lynx-eyed; perspicacious; quick-witted; sharp-eyed persuadir: to persuade persuadirse: to become convinced or persuaded persuasión: persuasion; conviction persuasivo: persuasive; convincing pertenecer: to belong; to pertain; to concern; to be incumbent on perteneciente: belonging; pertaining pertenencia: membership; belonging; ownership; property; appurtenance; accessory; claim pertenezco, pertenezca: pertenecer pértiga: long pole or rod; staff; verge; pole pertinacia: stubbornness; persistence; pertinacity pertinaz: stubborn; persistent; pertinacious pertinencia: relevance; pertinence; fitness pertinente: appropriate; pertinent; apt; fitting; relevant pertrechar: to supply; to provide; to equip pertrecharse: to equip oneself; to provide pertrechos: supplies; equipment; stores; tools; implements perturbado: perturbed; disturbed; worried; insane; lunatic perturbador: unsettling perturbar: to upset; to disrupt; to unsettle; to disconcert; to confuse; to agitate; to faze; to perturb perturbarse: to go crazy; to be disturbed Perú: Peru peruano: Peruvian perversidad: wickedness; perversity perversión: perversion; wickedness perverso: wicked; evil; perverse; depraved pervertido: pervert; perverted pervertir: to pervert; to garble; corrupt; to lead astray; to deprave pervertirse: to become corrupted pervierto, pervierta: pervertir pervivir: to survive pesa: weight; clock weight; dumbbell pesadez: heaviness; burdensomeness; tiresomeness; irksomeness; drowsiness; sultriness; slowness; clumsiness; gravity; fullness; bore; pain pesadilla: nightmare pesado: heavy; ponderous; weighty; burdensome; trying; cumbersome; hefty; hard to endure; wearisome; annoying; fart; irksome; tiresome; tiring; boring; clumsy; slow; sluggish; deep sleep; drowsy; sultry; close; stuffy; airless; fat; corpulent; bulky; hulking; bore; pain; leaden; lumbering; lumpish; massy; onerous; prolix; soupy; sticky; stodgy; turgid; unwieldy pesadumbre: grief; sorrow; regret; heaviness pesaje: weighing; weigh-in pésame: condolence; condolences pesar: sorrow; regret; grief; repentance; to weigh; to scale; to cause sorrow or regret; a pesar de: in spite of; despite pesca: fishing; angling; catch; salted codfish pescada: hake pescadería: fishmonger's shop; fish market pescadero: fishmonger pescadilla: a kind of hake pescado: fish; salted codfish pescador: fisherman; fisher; angler; fishing pescante: driver's seat; coach box; front seat; arm; bracket; davit pescar: to fish; to catch; to draw out of water; to take; to get; to angle pescozón: slap on the neck pescuezo: neck; haughtiness pese: pese a: in spite of; despite pesebre: manger; crib; rack peseta: peseta pesetero: money-loving pesimismo: pessimism pesimista: pessimist; pessimistic pésimo: dreadful; awful; very bad; wretched; abysmal peso: weight; heaviness; gravity; weighing; balance; scales; due weight; judgement; good sense; load; burden; shot; peso pespunte: backstitch pespuntear: to backstitch pesquero: fishing; fishing boat pesquisa: inquiry; investigation; search pestaña: eyelash; edging; fringe; rim; flap; tab; flange; cilia pestañear: to blink; to wink peste: plague; pest; pestilence; epidemic; stink; stench; evil; excess; superabundance; nuisance; decir pestes: to talk ill pesticida: pesticide pestilencia: pestilence; stink; stench pestilente: foul-smelling; pestilent; stinking pestillo: bolt; latch pestiño: type of fritter topped with honey petaca: tobacco pouch; hip flask; suitcase; compact; leather covered chest pétalo: petal petanca: pétanque; bowls game played with metal balls petardo: firecracker; petard; ugly person; cheat; swindle; deception petate: kitbag; sleeping mat; bedding and clothes of a soldier or prisoner; luggage petenera: type of flamenco song petición: petition; demand; prayer; request; asking; claim; bill peticionar: to petition petimetre: dandy; fox; coxcomb; dude petirrojo: robin; redbreast petisú: éclair peto: bib; dungarees; breastplate; plastron; mattress covering to protect horses petrel: petrel pétreo: stony; of stone; rocky petrificado: petrified petrificar: to petrify; to turn to stone petróleo: petroleum; mineral oil; kerosene petrolero: oil; oil tanker petrolífero: oil; petroliferous; oil-bearing petroquímica: petrochemistry petroquímico: petrochemical petulancia: conceitedness; insolence; pertness; flippancy; presumptuousness petulante: conceited; insolent; pert; flippant; presumptuous petunia: petunia peyorativo: pejorative pez: fish; pitch; tar; pez de colores: goldfish; pez gordo: big shot pezón: nipple; stem; stalk; umbo pezuña: hoof; cloven-hoof piadoso: pious; godly; merciful; compassionate pianista: pianist; piano manufacturer piano: piano; piano piano: take it easy; piano de cola: grand piano pianola: pianola piante: peeping; chirping; moaner piar: to peep; to chirp; to cheep; to tweet; to cry for piara: herd of swine, mares or mules piastra: piaster pibe: kid pica: pike; lance; goad; stonecutter's hammer; pica; picas: spades picacho: peak picada: sting; bite; peck; path; trail; dive picadero: riding school; manege; abattoir picadillo: dish of fried minced meat, bacon and eggs; salad with peppers, onions and tomato; chopped food picado: minced; ground; chopped; cut; vinegary; decayed; pockmarked; moth-eaten; offended; piqued; hurt; cut; choppy; dive; diving; staccato picador: picador; mounted bullfighter who goads the bull; horsebreaker; face worker; chopping block picadora: mincer picadura: sting; bite; prick; cavity; pinking; cut tobacco; small hole; beginning of decay picaflor: humming bird picajoso: touchy; peevish picamaderos: woodpecker picana: electric prod; cattle prod picante: hot; pungent; piquant; spicy; highly seasoned; saucy; racy; biting; cutting; piquancy; pungency; mordacity picapedrero: stonemason; stonecutter picapleitos: pettifogger; hack lawyer; litigious fellow picaporte: door handle; door knocker; thumb latch; spring latch; latchkey picar: to mince; to grind; to chop; to sting; to bite; to peck at; to punch; to goad; to decay; to rot; to break; to itch; to be hot; to fall for it; to prick; to pierce; to puncture; to staccato; to dive; to take the bait picarse: to become pitted with holes; to decay; to become vinegary; to become moth-eaten; to get annoyed; to take offence; to become choppy; to get rough; to shoot up picardía: knavery; cunning; slyness; roguishness; archness; prank; rude comment picaresca: rogues or picaros; guile; picaresque novel picaresco: roguish; picaresque pícaro: cunning; cheeky; rogue; knave; picaro; roguish; knavish; mischievous; sly picatoste: crouton; buttered toast picazón: itch; itching; feeling of remorse; annoyance; displeasure picea: spruce pichel: pewter tankard; mug pichi: pinafore dress pichicata: dope pichicatero: junkie pichincha: bargain pichón: young pigeon; chick; darling; dearest pickles: pickles; pickled vegetables picnic: picnic pico: beak; bill; mouth; eloquence; fluency; spout; corner; peak; pick; pickaxe; small surplus; some money; fortune; shot; cierra el pico: shut up! picor: itch; itching; burning of the palate picoso: hot; peppery; pock-marked picota: bigarreau cherry; pillory picotazo: peck; to peck at; sting picotear: to peck; to peck at; to eat between meals; to snack; to toss the head; to chatter pictografía: pictography; picture writing pictórico: pictorial pido, pida: pedir pídola: leapfrog pidón: pedigüeño pie: foot; bottom; lowest part; stem; base; stand; footing; ground; trunk; stalk; motive; occasion; root; cue; a pie: afoot; en pie, de pie: standing; upright; upstanding; estar de pie: to stand; ponerse de pie: to stand up; no dar pie con bola: to do nothing right; no tener ni pies ni cabeza: not to make sense; buscar tres pies al gato: to look for troubles; poner pies en polvorosa: to flee; a pies juntillas: firmly; al pie de la letra: literally; to the letter; verbatim; andarse con pies de plomo: to be very careful; pie de autor: byline; pie de foto: caption; dedo del pie: toe; estar en pie de guerra: to be on the warpath piedad: mercy; piety; compassion; godliness; por piedad: for pity's sake piedra: stone; flint; hail; hailstone; calculus; point; piedra angular: cornerstone; piedra de toque: touchstone; piedra pómez: pumice stone piel: skin; hide; pelt; leather; fur; peel; piel de gallina: goose flesh; dejarse la piel: to give everything; piel roja: redskin; American Indian piélago: sea; high sea; countless number pienso: fodder; feed; pensar pierdo, pierda: perder pierna: leg; branch; long stroke; shank; fork; dormir a pierna suelta: to be fast asleep pieza: piece; fragment; part; single article of a collection; coin; cannon; gun; play; game; quarry; bolt; roll; room; pieza de repuesto: spare part pífano: fife; fifer pifia: gaffe; blunder; mistake; miscue pifiar: to miscue pigmentación: pigmentation pigmento: pigment pigmeo: pygmy pijada: trifling matter; stupid remark pijama: pyjamas; pajamas pijería: rich young people; trifling matter; stupid remark pijo: posh; swanky; rich boy or girl pijotada: pijada pijotería: rich young people; trifling matter; stupid remark; extravagance; nuisance pijotero: pernickety; fault-finding; pain in the neck pila: pile; heap; masses; sink; battery; font; holy-water font; nombre de pila: Christian name pilar: pillar; column; stone post; pier; basin; bowl; mainstay; milestone pilastra: pilaster; square column píldora: tablet; pill; pellet; bad news pileta: sink; basin; holy-water bowl; swimming pool; trough pillada: dirty trick; knavery pillaje: looting; pillage; plunder; sack; theft; stealing pillar: to catch; to take; to surprise; to pillage; to plunder; to steal; to knock down; to run over pillarse: to catch pillastre: rascal; rogue pillería: dirty trick; roguishness; slyness; craftiness; gang of rogues pillín: rascal; little rogue pillo: roguish; rascally; shrewd; sly; cunning; rogue; rascal; shrewd fellow pilón: pillar; trough; sink; basin; bowl; mortar; loaf of sugar; drop of a steelyard; pylon; heaps pilonga: peeled and dried píloro: pylorus pilotaje: flying; piloting; driving; riding; pilotage; piling; pilework pilotar: to pilot; to drive piloto: pilot; driver; light; rear light; taillight; guide; mate piltrafa: scrap of meat; skinny flesh; worthless object; wreck; piltrafas: scraps; refuse pimentero: pepper plant; pepper box pimentón: paprika; red pepper; cayenne pepper; pepper pimienta: pepper pimiento: pepper; capsicum; chili; y un pimiento!: no way!; me importa un pimiento: I don't care a damn pimpante: calm; unconcerned pimpinela: pimpernel; burnet pimplar: to drink pimpollo: bud; rosebud; young tree; good-looking young person pimpón: Ping-Pong; table tennis pin: pin; badge pinacoteca: art gallery; picture gallery pináculo: pinnacle; acme pinar: pine forest; pinery pincel: brush; paintbrush; pencil for painting pincelada: brushstroke; stroke; touch pincelar: to paint; to outline; to portray; to picture pinchadiscos: disc jockey pinchar: to prick; pierce; to puncture; to spur; to incite; to pique; to provoke; to inject; to tap; to have a puncture pincharse: to prick oneself; to puncture; to inject oneself pinchazo: prick; pinprick; jab; stabbing pain; puncture; flat tyre pinche: kitchen boy; scullion; scoundrel; lousy; damned pinchito: appetizer; titbit pincho: point; thorn; prickle; spine; appetizer; titbit; pincho de tortilla: slice of omelette; pincho moruno: type of pork kebab pineda: pine forest pingajo: rag; tatter pingo: rag; tatter; nag pingonear: to hang about the streets pingoneo: de pingoneo: hanging about the streets ping-pong: ping-pong; table tennis pingüe: considerable; plentiful; substantial; fertile; greasy; oily pingüino: penguin pinitos: first steps pino: pine; pine tree; handstand; en el quinto pino: in the back of the beyond pinocha: pine needle pinrel: foot pinsapo: Spanish fir pinta: look; appearance; dot; stop; pint; piece of graffiti; scoundrel; crook pintada: piece of graffiti; slogan; guinea fowl pintado: painted; made-up; mottled; spotted; mottled; identical pintalabios: lipstick pintamonas: dauber pintar: to paint; to draw; to picture; to depict; to fancy; to imagine; to describe; to write; to exaggerate; to be trumps; to seem to be going; to have influence pintarse: to paint oneself; to put on one's make-up pintarrajear: to paint very badly; to daub pintarrajearse: to put on too much make-up pintarrajo: daub pintas: ugly customer; scruffily dressed person pintear: to drizzle pintiparado: exactly alike; closely resembling; fit; fitting pintiparar: to compare spotted; marked; motley; clever pintor: painter; pintor de brocha gorda: house painter; bad painter; dauber pintoresco: picturesque; singular; unusual pintura: painting; paint; coloured pencil; description; picture; colour; portrayal pinturero: flashily dressed; vain; conceited affected pinza: clothes peg; clothes pin; hairclip; dart; claw; pincer; pinzas: tweezers; tongs; pincers; nippers pinzón: finch; chaffinch; pinzón amarillo: aberdevine piña: cone; pineapple; close-knot group; cluster; knot; bang piñal: pinneaple plantation piñar: lie piñata: hanging pot filled with sweetmeats which is broken with a stick by a blindfolded child; pot piño: ivory; tooth; crowd piñón: pine nut; pinion; nut of a gunlock piñonate: candied pine-nut kernel piñoneo: click piñoso: unlucky pío: pious; merciful; compassionate; pied; piebald; peeping; chirp; ni pío: not a word piocha: jewel worn on the head; pickaxe piojo: louse piojoso: lousy; dirty; grubby; mean; stingy piola: rope; tether; cord; string piolet: ice-axe piolín: string pionero: pioneer piorrea: pyorrhea; pyorrhoea pipa: pipe; pip; seed; cask; barrel; pasarlo pipa: to have a great time pipear: to look at pipero: street vendor; pipe-rack; pipe-smoker pipeta: pipette pipí: pee; urination; pitpit; honey creeper pipián: thick chili sauce pipiar: to cheep; to chirp pipiciego: short-sighted pipil: Mexican pipiolo: novice; green horn pipón: potbellied pippermint: peppermint liqueur pique: pique; resentment; rivalry; determination to do something; crotch; irse a pique: to flounder; to sink; to ruin piquero: pikeman; booby piqueta: bricklayer's hammer; ice-axe; pick; pickaxe piquete: picket; group of pickets; squad; prick; puncture; small hole; picket; short stake pira: pyre; funeral pile pirado: nuts; crackers; crazy; high piragua: canoe; pirogue piragüismo: canoeing piragüista: canoeist piramidal: pyramidal pirámide: pyramid piraña: piranha pirarse: to beat it; to clear out pirata: pirate; hacker; piratical piratear: to pirate piratería: piracy; robbery; hacking pirenaico: Pyrenean Pirineos: Pyrenees piripi: tipsy pirita: pyrites piro: darse el piro: to beat it piromanía: pyromania pirómano: pyromaniac piropear: to pay compliments to piropo: compliment; flirtatious remark; pyrope; carbuncle pirotecnia: pyrotechnics pirotécnico: pyrotechnical; pyrotechnist; fireworks; fireworks expert pirrar: to like a lot pirrarse: to long; to be very fond of; to be crazy about pirueta: pirouette; caper pirula: dirty trick piruleta: lollipop pirulí: lollipop pis: pee pisada: footstep; footprint; tread pisapapeles: paperweight pisar: to tread on; to step on; to tread; to press; to ram; to tramp; to trample under foot; to press down; to overlap; to put one's foot down on; to walk all over piscicultura: pisciculture; fish culture piscifactoría: fish farm; fish hatchery piscina: swimming pool; fishpond piscis: Pisces pisco: strong alcoholic drink made from fermented grapes piscolabis: snack; bite; luncheon piso: floor; apartment; flat; pavement; storey; level; stage formation; sole pisotear: to trample on; to tread under foot; to humble; to despise; to abuse pisotón: heavy tread on someone's foot pista: trail; trace; track; racetrack; speedway; lane; lead; look; scent; spoor; slot; clue; hint; circuit; course; court; ring; rink; runway; pista de aterrizaje: tarmac; airstrip; seguir la pista: to dog; to track; to track down; pista falsa: red herring pistacho: pistachio pistilo: pistil pisto: ratatouille; hodgepodge; airs; money; cash pistola: pistol; spray gun; pistole pistolera: holster pistolero: gunman pistoletazo: pistol shot pistón: piston; percussion cap; key pita: agave; hen; booing; pita; glass marble; unleavened round bread pitada: whistle; toot; honk; booing; whistling; puff pitanza: portion; food; dole; ration; daily food; price; stipend pitar: to whistle; to sound a horn; to boo; to work; to referee pitido: whistle; whistling pitillera: cigarette case; cigarette maker pitillo: cigarette pito: whistle; catcall; jackstone; horn; cigarette; woodpecker; prick; me importa un pito: I don't care a damn pitón: python; budding horn; tip of bull's horn; small pointed protuberance pitonisa: fortune teller; witch; pythoness pitorrearse: to make fun of pitorreo: making fun; teasing; joking pitorro: spout pitote: hubbub; commotion pitufo: cartoon character with blue skin and a white cap; little child pituitaria: pituitary pituso: cute; tiny; graceful; little child pívot: pivot pivotar: to pivot pivote: pivot pixel: pixel píxide: pyx piyama: pyjamas; pajamas pizarra: slate; shale; blackboard; whiteboard pizarral: slate quarry pizarrín: slate pencil pizarrón: blackboard pizca: tiny amount; bit; jot; whit pizpireta: outgoing; brisk; lively; smart pizza: pizza pizzería: pizzeria placa: plaque; plate; sheet; badge; hotplate; solar panel; radiator placaje: tackle placar: to tackle; closet pláceme: congratulation placenta: placenta; afterbirth placentero: pleasant; joyful; agreeable placer: pleasure; enjoyment; delight; content; will; consent; large flat bank in sea bed; placer; pearl-fishing; to please; to gratify; to content placidez: placidness; placidity plácido: placid; quiet; peaceful; clam; agreeable plafón: panel; ceiling rose; ceiling light; soffit plaga: plague; affliction; calamity; scourge; pest; curse; plenty; superabundance; ulcer; sore plagado: full plagar: to plague; to fill; to infest plagarse: to fill up; to become filled or infected plagiar: to plagiarize; to kidnap; to abduct plagiario: plagiaristic; plagiarist; plagiary; kidnapper plagio: plagiarism; plagiary; kidnapping; abduction plaguicida: pesticide plan: plan; project; design; scheme; frame of mind; level; height; floor; casual relationship plana: page; copy of penmanship; plain; flat country; trowel plancha: iron; ironing; griddle; plate; sheet; blunder; gangplank planchado: ironing; pressing; ironed planchar: to iron; to press planchazo: blunder; belly flop planchista: panel beater planchistería: body shop; panel beater's plancton: plankton planeador: glider planeadora: speedboat planear: to plan; to design; to outline; to volplane; to glide planeta: planet planetario: planetary; planetarium; orrery planicie: plain; flatland planificación: planning planificar: to plan planilla: payroll; list; roll; schedule; form plano: plane; flat; even; smooth; wing; plan; level; shot planta: plant; sole; floor; plan; design; level plantación: plantation; planting plantado: planted; dejar plantado: to jilt plantar: to plant; to place; to set up; to deliver; to put; to throw; to establish; to give; to dump plantarse: to plant oneself; to get; to arrive; to baulk; to stick plante: protest; revolt planteamiento: exposition; planning; carrying out; statement; posing; raising; premise; approach plantear: to plan; to outline; to establish; to carry out; to state; to pose; to create; to raise; to propose; to devise plantearse: to consider plantel: nursery; nursery garden; cast; staff plantificar: to place; to give; to establish; to carry out plantificarse: to get to plantígrado: plantigrade plantilla: insole; sole; plate; template; stencil; plan; design; staff plantón: young tree; cutting; slip; watchman; long wait standing; dar un plantón: to stand somebody up plañir: to lament; to grieve; to bewail plasma: plasma plasmar: to make; to mould; to shape; to express plasmarse: to be reflected plasta: annoying; nuisance; pest; paste; soft mass plasticina: plasticine plástico: plastic plastificar: to laminate plastilina: plasticine plata: silver; plate; money; en plata: plainly; plata de ley: sterling silver plataforma: platform; index plate; plataforma continental: continental shelf; plataforma petrolífera: oil rig platanal: banana plantation platanar: banana plantation platanero: banana tree plátano: banana; banana tree; plane tree; plantain; plátano falso: sycamore platea: stalls; orchestra; parquet; pit plateado: silver; silvery; silvered; silver-plated platería: silversmith's shop or trade; silver; silverware platero: silversmith; jeweller plática: chat; talk; address; sermon platicar: to chat; to talk; to converse platija: plaice platillo: small plate; saucer; pan; cymbal; dish; platillo volante: flying saucer platina: tape deck; stage; plate; platen; slide platino: platinum plato: plate; dish; plateful; course; pan; turntable; disk; ser plato de segunda mesa: to be second fiddle plató: set; studio floor platónico: Platonic platudo: loaded; rolling in ti plausible: reasonable; acceptable; laudable; commendable; valid; plausible playa: beach; strand; sandy shore playera: pump; plimsoll; sneaker; tennis shoe playero: beach plaza: square; market; seat; place; post; situation; employment; locality; plaza vacante: vacancy; plaza de toros bullring plazo: period of time; term; time; date; instalment plazoleta: small square plazuela: small square pleamar: high tide; high water plebe: plebs; masses; common people; populace plebeyo: plebeian; plebian; common plebiscito: referendum; plebiscite plectro: plectrum; inspiration plegable: folding; collapsible; pliable; foldaway plegar: to fold; to double; to plait; to pleat; to gather; to pucker plegaria: prayer; supplication plegarse: to fold up; to give in; to yield pleitear: to go to law; to litigate pleitesía: homage pleito: lawsuit; litigation; dispute; debate; contest; strife plenario: plenary; complete; full plenilunio: full moon plenipotenciario: plenipotentiary plenitud: plenitude; fullness pleno: full; complete; perfect; full assembly; plenary session pletina: platina cassette deck; narrow iron plate pletórico: plethoric; full of pleura: pleura pleuresía: pleurisy pleuritis: pleurisy; pleuritis plexiglás: plexiglass plexo: plexus pléyade: pleiad plica: sealed envelope pliego: sheet of paper; folded paper; sealed letter or document; plegar pliegue: fold; pleat; plait; crease plinto: plinth; vaulting horse; box plisado: pleated; pleating plomada: plumb line; weights; plummet; sinkers plomazo: pest; pain in the neck plomería: plumbing; plumber's roof; lead roofing; leadwork; plumber’s plomero: plumber; lead worker plomizo: leaden; plumbeous; lead-coloured plomo: lead; plumb line; plummet; sinker; bullet; bore; dull person; plomos: fuses; caer a plomo: to fall plumb; to drop like a stone pluma: feather; plume; quill; pen; writer; featherweight plumaje: plumage; plume; crest plumazo: stroke of pen; brief writing; de un plumazo: at a stroke plumero: feather duster; crest; plume; feather; box for pens and pencils; vérsele a alguien el plumero: to see through somebody plumier: pencil case plumífero: quilted-jacket; quilted-anorak plumilla: nib; small feather; small writing pen; point for fountain pen; shuttlecock; plumule plumón: down; feather bed plural: plural pluralidad: plurality; diversity pluralismo: pluralism pluralizar: to generalize; to pluralize pluricelular: multicellular pluriempleo: practice of having more than one job pluripartidismo: multiparty system plus: bonus; extra; extra pay pluscuamperfecto: pluperfect plusmarca: record plusmarquista: record holder plusvalía: increase in value; appreciation; capital gains tax Plutón: Pluto plutonio: plutonium pluvial: rain pluviómetro: rain gauge; pluviometer PNB: GNP población: population; peopling; planting; settling; colonizing; village; town; city poblado: populated; bushy; thick; settlement; village; town poblador: inhabitant; populator; colonizer; settler; peopling; populating poblar: to populate; to settle; to inhabit; to colonize; to plant; to cover; to grow on poblarse: to be populated; to be settled; to fill up; to become filled or covered pobre: poor; pauper; beggar; lacking; unfortunate pobreza: poverty; destitution; want; poorness; scanty possessions; meanness of spirit pochismo: language mistake caused by English influence pocho: overripe; under the weather; off-colour; pale; depressed; down; Americanized pocholo: cute; pretty pocilga: pigsty; pigpen; dirty place pocillo: small cup pócima: potion; concoction; medicinal drink poción: potion; drink; beverage poco: little; not much; shortly; a short time; few poda: pruning; pruning season podar: to prune; to lop; to trim podenco: hound poder: power; force; strength; might; ability; hands; possession; holding of office; proxy; authority; to be able to; can; may; to have power or influence poderse: to be possible; to be allowed poderío: power; might; sway; jurisdiction; wealth; riches poderoso: powerful; mighty; effective; forcible; strong; rich; wealthy podio: podium pódium: podium podología: chiropody; podiatry podólogo: chiropodist; podiatrist podré, podrá, podría: poder podredumbre: putrefaction; rottenness; corruption; rot; decay; pus podrido: rotten; corrupt; bad; carious; mouldering; addled; pudrir podrir: pudrir poema: poem poesía: poem; poetry poeta: poet poético: poetic poetisa: poetess pógrom: pogrom pointer: pointer póker: poker polaco: Polish; Pole polaina: legging polar: polar; pole polaridad: polarity polarización: polarization; concentration polarizar: to polarize; to become the focus of polaroid: Polaroid polca: polka polea: pulley; tackle; tackle block polémica: controversy; polemic; art of fortification and investment polémico: controversial; polemical; polemic polemizar: to argue; to debate polen: pollen poleo: penny royal; stiff; cold wind poli: cop policía: police; policeman; officer; detective; politeness; cleanliness; good order policíaco: crime; detective policial: police; crime; detective policlínica: polyclinic; hospital polichinela: punchinello policromo: many-coloured; polychrome polideportivo: sports centre poliedro: polyhedron poliéster: polyester polifacético: versatile polifonía: polyphony polifónico: polyphonic polígala: milkwort poligamia: polygamy polígamo: polygamous; polygamist políglota: polyglot polígono: polygon; area; polygonal; industrial park polígrafo: expert in ciphers; polygraph polilla: moth; waster; destroyer polinesio: Polynesian polinización: pollination polinizar: to pollinate polinomio: polynomial polio: polio; poly poliomielitis: polio pólipo: polyp; polypus polisílabo: polysyllabic; polysyllable polisón: bustle of woman's dress politécnico: polytechnic; technic politeísmo: polytheism política: politics; policy; tact; discretion; politeness politicastro: hack politician; politicaster político: political; tactful; discreet; expedient; polite; courteous; -in-law; politician politiquear: to dabble in politics; to play politics politiqueo: politicking; dabbling in politics politizar: to politicize politizarse: to become politically aware or significant polivalente: all-purpose; polyvalent; multivalent póliza: insurance certificate; policy; stamp; paybill polizón: stowaway; loafer polizonte: cop; policeman polla: pullet; young hen; coot; water hen; prick pollada: brood; clutch; hatch; covey pollera: chicken coop; henhouse; skirt; hooped petticoat pollería: poultry store; young people pollero: poulterer; chicken roost pollino: donkey; young ass; jackass; dolt pollo: chick; chicken; young guy; gob; montar un pollo: to make a scene polluelo: chick; little chicken polo: pole; focal point; polo shirt; polo; ice lolly; Popsicle polonesa: polonaise Polonia: Poland polonio: polonium poltrona: easy chair polución: pollution poluto: polluted; unclean; filthy polvareda: cloud of dust; dust; turmoil; outcry; commotion polvera: compact; face-powder case polvo: dust; powder; pinch; screw pólvora: gunpowder; powder; fireworks; bad temper; liveliness; vivacity polvoriento: dusty polvorín: powder magazine; powder flask; spitfire polvorón: sweet almond pastry eaten at Christmas pomada: ointment; cream; pomade; pomatum; shoe polish pomar: orchard; apple orchard pomelo: grapefruit; pomelo pómez: piedra pómez: pumice stone pomo: knob; handle; pommel; phial; vial; pome; pomander pompa: pomp; bubble; pump; pageant; pompas fúnebres: funeral; undertaker's; mortician's pompis: bum; butt pompón: pompom pomposidad: pomposity; pompousness pomposo: pompous; splendid; sumptuous; inflated pómulo: cheekbone; cheek pon: poner ponche: punch; ponche de huevo: eggnog poncho: poncho; soft; lazy; mild ponderación: acclaim; praise; consideration; balance; equilibrium; judiciousness; exaggeration ponderado: acclaimed; praised; well-thought-of; prudent ponderar: to acclaim; to consider; to think over; to weigh; to ponder over; to balance; to poise; to exaggerate; to appraise pondré, pondría: poner ponedero: egg-laying; hen's nest; nest egg ponencia: paper; reporting committee ponente: reader of a paper poner: to put; to place; to lay; to set; to lay eggs; to wager; to bet; to appoint; to post; to set to work as; to apply; to adapt; to give; to expose; to contribute; to impose; to put on; to cause; to make; to render; to turn; to install; to put through; to send; to write down; to open; to set up; to use; to spend; to suppose; to affix; poner en libertad: to set free; poner en práctica: to carry out; poner la mesa: to set the table; poner al corriente: to inform; poner como un trapo: to cover with insults; poner de relieve: to emphasize; poner en duda: to doubt; poner por las nubes: to praise; poner mala cara: to frown; poner reparos: to make objections ponerse: to place oneself; to put on; to become; to get; to turn; to set; to start; to answer; to compete poney: pony pongo, ponga: poner poni: pony poniente: west; west wind; westerly pontevedrés: inhabitant of Pontevedra pontificado: pontificate pontifical: papal; pontifical pontificar: to pontificate pontífice: pontiff; pontifex; pope pontificio: pontifical; papal pontón: pontoon bridge; pontoon; hulk ponzoña: poison; venom ponzoñoso: poisonous; venomous pop: pop popa: stern; aft; a popa: aft; abaft; astern; poop; de proa a popa: from stem to stern pope: priest; pope popelín, popelina: poplin popote: drinking straw populachero: common; vulgar; populist populacho: common herd; masses; populace; mob; rabble popular: popular; colloquial; folk; working-class; people's popularidad: popularity popularizar: to popularize popularizarse: to become popular populismo: populism populista: populist populoso: populous popurrí: potpourri póquer: poker por: by; for; as; along; around; across; through; from out of; at; in; on; to; about; however; no matter how; por aquí: around here; por casualidad: by chance; por compasión: out of pity; por Dios: for heaven's sake; por escrito: in writing; por la noche: at night; por favor: please; por lo tanto: therefore; por qué: why porcelana: china; porcelain porcentaje: percentage porche: porch; portico; covered walk; arcade porcino: porcine; pig; little pig porción: portion; slice; share; part; allotment; quantity pordiosero: beggar; begging; mendicant porfía: stubbornness; obstinacy; insistence; importunity; dispute; argument porfiado: stubborn; obstinate; insistent; persistent; importunate porfiar: to argue stubbornly; to keep on; to persevere; to insist; to persist pormenor: detail; particular pormenorizar: to describe in detail; to go into detail; to itemize porno: porno; porn pornografía: pornography pornográfico:: pornographic poro: pore porosidad: porosity poroso: porous poroto: bean porque: because porqué: reason; motive; quantity; amount porquería: filth; dirt; rubbish; garbage; poor food; trifle; worthless thing; dirty trick porqueriza: pigsty; pigpen porquerizo: pig keeper; swineherd porquero: pig keeper; swineherd porra: stick; baton; truncheon; nightstick; bludgeon; club; maul; bore; nuisance; large fried twist of batter eaten hot; mandar a la porra: to send to the devil porrada: blow; stupidity; nonsense; lot; heap; great quantity or number porrazo: blow; bump; knock porrillo: abundantly; in abundance porro: joint; stupid fellow; dolt porrón: kind of wine bottle with a long side spout; slow; heavy; sluggish; a lot portaaviones: aircraft carrier portada: cover; title page; front page; sleeve; façade; frontispiece portador: carrying; carrier; bearer portaequipaje: boot; trunk; luggage rack portaestandarte: standard-bearer portafolios: briefcase portahelicópteros: helicopter carrier portal: entrance; arcade; doorway; portal; vestibule; porch; portico; town's gate; portal de Belén: Nativity scene portalámparas: socket; lamp holder portalón: gateway; portal; gangway portaminas: propelling pencil; mechanical pencil portamonedas: purse; change purse; pocketbook portante: pace; amble; tomar el portante: to leave portaobjetos: slide portar: to carry; to retrieve portarse: to behave portátil: portable; laptop portavoz: megaphone; mouthpiece; spokesman portazo: slam; bang of a door porte: transport; carriage; bearing; appearance; behaviour; dress; size; capacity; nobility; illustrious descent porteador: porter; bearer portento: marvel; prodigy; wonder; portent portentoso: wonderful; prodigious; portentous porteño: inhabitant of Buenos Aires portería: porter's lodge; porter's house; employment of a porter o doorkeeper; goal portero: porter; caretaker; janitor; doorman; goalkeeper; portero automático: Entryphone portezuela: little door; carriage door pórtico: portico; porch; colonnade; arcade portilla: porthole; gate; passage portillo: wicket; breach; gap; nick; opening; pass between hills portón: large door; inner front door portorriqueño: inhabitant of Puerto Rico portuario: port; dock Portugal: Portugal portugués: Portuguese porvenir: future; time to come; promise pos: en pos de: in pursuit of posada: inn; lodging house; boarding house; dwelling; home; camp; shelter posadera: landlady; hostess; woman innkeeper; posaderas: bottom; buttocks posadero: innkeeper; landlord; host posar: to place; to put; to lodge; to board; to put up; to lay; to rest; to pose posarse: to alight; to perch; to sit; to lay down; to settle posavasos: coaster; mat poscombustión: dispositivo de poscombustión: afterburner posdata: postscript pose: pose poseedor: holder; owner; possessor poseer: to own; to possess; to have; to hold poseído: possessed posesión: possession posesivo: possessive poseso: possessed posgrado: postgraduate course posgraduado: postgraduate posguerra: postwar period posibilidad: possibility; chance; choice; ability; posibilidades: means; property posibilitar: to make possible; to facilitate posible: possible; posibles: means; resources posición: position; rank; status; putting; placement positivo: positive poso: sediment; grounds; dregs; aftertaste; rest; repose posoperatorio: post-operative posparto: period following childbirth posponer: to postpone; to put off; to subordinate posta: change of horses; staging post; post; posthouse; stage; relay; slice; chop; slice; lead ball; stake; memorial tablet; a posta: on purpose postal: postal; postcard postdata: postscript poste: post; pole; pillar; goalpost; upright póster: poster postergar: to postpone; to delay; to leave behind in a promotion posteridad: posterity posterior: posterior; hinder; back; rear; later posteriori: a posteriori: with hindsight; after the event posterioridad: posteriority postgrado: posgrado postgraduado: postgraduate postigo: shutter; wicket; back door; postern; abat-jour postilla: scab postín: airs; importance postizo: artificial; false; not natural; detachable; false hair; hairpiece; castanet postoperatorio: postoperative postor: bidder postración: depression; prostration postrado: prostrate postrar: to prostrate; to lay out; to humble; to overthrow; to exhaust postrarse: to prostrate oneself; to kneel down postre: dessert; afters; sweet; a la postre: in the end; cuchara de postre: dessertspoon postrero: last; hindermost; last one postrimerías: end; last period; last years postulado: postulate postulante: postulant; collector; candidate; applicant; postulating postular: to collect; to postulate; to apply; to beg; to demand; to propose; to put forward postularse: to put oneself outward; to stand póstumo: posthumous postura: position; posture; stance; bid; stake; wager; egg posventa: servicio de posventa: after-sales service potable: fit to drink; drinkable; reasonable; potable potaje: pottage; soup; stewed vegetables; mixed drink; medley; hodge-podge potasa: potash; potassium potasio: potassium pote: pot; jar; cooking pot; traditional stew of Galicia and Asturias potencia: power; potency; potentiality potencial: potential; conditional potenciar: to promote; to encourage potentado: rich and powerful person; potentate potente: powerful; potent; mighty; strong; vigorous potestad: authority; power; faculty; dominion; jurisdiction; potentate potingue: disgusting mess; make-up; medicine; concoction potito: jar of baby food poto: type of creeper; ivy; bottom potra: filly; luck; rupture; scrotal hernia potro: colt; foal; horse; rack; stocks poyo: stone bench built against the wall poza: pond; pool; puddle pozo: well; pit; shaft; hole; pool; kitty fish tank; pozo negro: cesspit práctica: practice; skill; training; prácticas: practical; work placement practicable: feasible; passable; practicable practicante: practising; surgeon; medical assistant; prescription clerk practicar: to practise; to exercise; to do habitually; to make; to cut; to perform; to carry out práctico: practical; skilful; practised; pilot pradera: prairie; meadowland prado: meadow; field; grassland; lawn Praga: Prague pragmático: pragmatic; pragmatist pragmatismo: pragmatism preámbulo: introduction; preamble prebenda: prebend; benefice; benefit; perk; sinecure precalentamiento: warm-up precalentar: to preheat; to warm up precario: unstable; precarious precaución: precaution; caution precaver: to prevent; to provide against precaverse: to take precautions; to be on one's guard precavido: prudent; cautious; guarded; wary precedencia: precedence precedente: previous; preceding; foregoing; precedent preceder: to go before; to precede; to take precedence over preceptista: teacher; one who sets precepts preceptiva: rules; canons preceptivo: obligatory; compulsory; preceptive precepto: precept; command; rule preceptor: tutor; preceptor preciado: valuable; precious; prized; proud; boastful preciar: to appreciate; to value preciarse: to have self-respect; to pride oneself precintar: to seal; to close down precinto: seal; strap; band; sealing with a strap or band precio: price; value; worth; esteem preciosidad: preciosity; value; worth; lovely or beautiful girl precioso: precious; lovely; beautiful precipicio: precipice; violent fall; ruin precipitación: haste; rainfall; precipitation; precipitance; abruptness precipitado: hasty; precipitate; hurried; rash; inconsiderate; abrupt precipitar: to throw down; to hurl down; to speed up; to hasten; to precipitate precipitarse: to plunge down; to speed up; to rush; to act rashly; to rush; to precipitate precisamente: exactly; precisely precisar: to fix; to set; to specify exactly; to need; to require; to compel; to oblige precisión: precision; accuracy; preciseness; necessity; obligation preciso: precise; exact; necessary; indispensable; accurate precocidad: precociousness; precocity precocinado: pre-cooked precolombino: pre-Columbian preconcebido: preconceived; drawn up in advance preconcebir: to draw up in advance; to preconceive preconizar: to recommend; to advocate; to preconize precoz: precocious; early precursor: precursor; forerunner; precursory predecesor: predecessor predecir: to predict; to foretell; to forestall predestinación: predestination predestinado: predestined; predestinated; destined predestinar: to predestine; to predestinate predeterminado: predetermined predeterminar: to predetermine prédica: sermon; harangue predicado: predicate predicador: preacher; preaching predicamento: prestige; predicament; esteem; reputation predicar: to preach; to lecture; to sermonize; to predicate predicción: prediction; forecast; forecasting predigo, prediga: predecir predije: predecir predilección: preference; predilection; special love predilecto: favourite; preferred predisponer: to predispose; to prejudice; to prearrange predisposición: aptitude; predisposition predispuesto: predisposed; prone; prejudiced; biased predominante: predominant; prevailing predominar: to predominate; to prevail; to tower over; to be higher than predominio: preponderance; predominance preelectoral: pre-election preeminente: preeminent preescolar: nursery; nursery school; preschool preestablecido: pre-established prefabricado: prefabricated prefabricar: to prefabricate prefacio: preface; foreword; introduction prefecto: prefect preferencia: preference; right of way; bias preferente: preferential; preferred; first class preferentemente: preferably; especially preferible: preferable; better preferido: favourite preferir: to prefer prefiero, prefiera: preferir prefijar: to prefix; to prearrange; to predetermine prefijo: prefix; prefixed; dialling code pregón: speech; proclamation; announcement; cry; opening address pregonar: to proclaim; to spread about; to announce publicly; to cry; to reveal; to proscribe pregonero: proclaiming; announcing; town crier; common crier pregunta: question; query; inquiry preguntar: to ask; to inquire; to question preguntarse: to wonder preguntón: nosy; inquisitive prehistoria: prehistory; prehistorics prehistórico: prehistoric; ancient prejuicio: prejudice; bias; prejudgment prejuzgar: to prejudge prelado: prelate prelavado: prewash preliminar: preliminary preludiar: to prelude; to foreshadow preludio: prelude; introduction premamá: maternity prematrimonial: premarital prematuro: premature premeditación: premeditation premeditado: premeditated premeditar: to think out in advance; to premeditate premenstrual: premenstrual premiado: winning; prize-winning premiar: to reward; to give a prize to premier: British prime minister premio: prize; reward; award; recompense; accolade; competition premisa: premise; basis premolar: premolar premonición: premonition premonitorio: premonitory premura: urgency; pressure; hurry; haste; lack; shortage prenatal: antenatal; prenatal prenda: garment; article of clothing; forfeit; pledge; pawn; token; proof; security; quality; darling; piece of jewelry prendar: to enchant; to captivate; to charm; to please; to enamour; to capture the heart of; to pledge; to pawn prendarse: to be captivated; to fall in love with prendedor: brooch; breastpin; fillet; bandeau; apprehender prender: to arrest; to apprehend; to capture; to fasten; to light; to turn out; to switch on; to grip; to seize; to catch; to attach; to hook; to pin; to take root; to catch fire prenderse: to catch fire prendido: caught prensa: press; printing press; printing; newspapers prensar: to press preñada: pregnant woman preñado: pregnant; full; pregnancy preñar: to fertilize; to make pregnant; to fill preñez: pregnancy; fullness preocupación: concern; worry; care; preoccupation preocupado: worried; concerned; anxious; preoccupied; prejudiced preocupante: worrying preocupar: to worry; to concern; to bother; to preoccupy; to prejudice preocuparse: to be worried; to worry preparación: preparation; processing; training; coaching; preparing; cram; readiness; en preparación: afoot; sin preparación: extempore preparado: ready; prepared; ready-cooked; preparation preparador: trainer; coach; preparator; preparing preparar: to prepare; to get ready; to set; to lay; to pack; to train prepararse: to prepare oneself; to get ready preparativo: preparatory; preliminary; preparativos: preparations preponderancia: preponderance preponderante: preponderant; most common preponderar: to prevail; to preponderate preposición: preposition prepotencia: prepotence; prepotency; dominance; power; arrogance prepotente: domineering; overbearing; powerful; prepotent prepucio: foreskin; prepuce prerrogativa: prerogative; privilege presa: prey; dam; reservoir; weir; channel; ditch; hold; catch; clutch; grip; seizing; capture; prize; booty; fang; claw; ser presa del pánico: to be panic-stricken presagiar: to foretell; to foreshadow; to presage; to betoken; to forebode; to warn of presagio: premonition; omen; sign; token; adumbration; doom; foreboding; forerunner; foretoken; portent; prognostic presbiteriano: Presbyterian presbiterio: presbytery; chancel presbítero: priest; presbyter prescindir de: to do without; to dispense with prescribir: to prescribe; to decree; to ordain; to expire prescripción: prescription; order; rule preselección: preselection presencia: presence; appearance; ostentation; presencia de ánimo: presence of mind presencial: presence; testigo presencial: eyewitness presenciar: to be present at; to attend; to witness; to see presentable: presentable presentación: presentation; introduction; lunch; external appearance presentador: presenter; newsreader; host; hostess presentar: to present; to tender; to submit; to lodge; to propose; to nominate; to make; to pay; to introduce; to have; to show; to launch presentarse: to turn up; to introduce oneself; to run for; to appear; to look; to arise presente: present; current; gift presentimiento: feeling; presentiment; foreboding presentir: to have a feeling; to have a presentiment of; to forebode; to foresee; presentir lo peor: to fear the worst preservar: to preserve; to protect; to guard; to keep safe preservativo: condom; preservative; preserving; preventive; protective presidencia: presidency; president's office; chair; chairmanship; speakership; presidential term presidencial: presidential presidente: president; chairman; speaker presidiario: convict; prisoner presidio: penitentiary; prison; hard labour; fortress; citadel; garrison presidir: to be president of; to preside over; to chair; to dominate; to rule presilla: loop; buttonhole; stitching presión: pressure; presión arterial: blood pressure presionar: to press; to urge; to put pressure on; to pressurize preso: imprisoned; arrested; prisoner; convict prestación: service; provision; benefit; prestation; lending; prestaciones: performance features prestado: lent; borrowed; on loan prestamista: moneylender; pawnbroker préstamo: loan; lending; borrowing; loanword; préstamo hipotecario: mortgage prestancia: distinction; elegance; excellence prestar: to lend; to loan; to bestow; to give; to offer; to communicate; to do; to render; to pay; to provide; to keep; to show; to take; to make prestarse: to offer to; to consent to; to lend oneself; to submit; to give ground for; to be open to prestatario: borrower; borrowing presteza: promptness; celerity; quickness; haste; alacrity; promptitude prestidigitación: conjuring; prestidigitation prestidigitador: prestidigitator; conjurer; magician prestigiar: to give prestige to prestigio: prestige; spell; fascination prestigioso: prestigious; influential presto: ready; quick; prepared; promptly; quickly; soon presumible: probable; presumable; likely presumido: vain; conceited presumir: to presume; to conjecture; to suspect; to be vain or conceited; to boast; to brag; to show off presunción: assumption; vanity; boasting; conceit; presumption presunto: alleged; suspected; supposed; presumed presuntuoso: conceited; self-satisfied; presumptuous; pretentious presuponer: to presuppose; to budget; to form an estimate of presuposición: presupposition presupuestar: to estimate the cost of; to cost; to budget for presupuestario: budgetary; budget presupuesto: budget; estimate; assumption; reason; pretext; presupposed; presupposition; presuponer presuroso: hasty; prompt; hurried; swift prêt-a-porter: off-the-peg clothing pretencioso: pretentious; showy pretender: to pretend to; to seek; to claim; to solicit; to court; to seek in marriage; to try to; to intend; to mean; to purport; to aim; to allege; to lay claim to pretendido: supposed pretendiente: pretender; claimant; office seeker; suitor; wooer; candidate; applicant; aspiring pretensión: aim; intention; aspiration; claim; pretension; pretense; demand pretérito: olden; past; bygone; preterit pretextar: to use as an excuse; to pretext pretexto: pretext; cover; excuse pretil: parapet; railing pretor: pretor; praetor prevalecer: to prevail; to take root; to thrive prevaler: to prevail prevalerse de: to avail oneself of; to take advantage of prevaricación: act of injustice or breach of faith committed by a public officer; deliberate neglect of legal duty or obligation prevención: prevention; precaution; foresight; preventive; measure; predisposition; preparation; stock; supply; prejudice; dislike; warning; police station; guardroom prevenido: ser prevenido: to be cautious; estar prevenido: to be prepared prevenir: to prepare; to make ready; to anticipate; to foresee; to forestall; to prevent; to avoid; to warn; to caution; to prepossess; to prejudice; más vale prevenir que curar: prevention is better than cure prevenirse: to take precautions; to prepare; to get ready; to provide oneself preventivo: preventive; preventative; warning; precautionary prever: to foresee; to anticipate; to envisage; to plan; to forecast previniera: prevenir previo: previous; prior previó: prever previsible: foreseeable previsión: forecast; foresight; prevision; plan; providence previsor: far-sighted; prudent; foresighted; provident previsto: planned; foreseen; forecast; prever prieto: tight; compact; close-fisted; dark; blackish pima: female cousin; premium; bonus; bounty; sucker; prime; treble primacía: primacy; supremacy; precedence; priority primado: primatial; primacy; primate primadona: prima donna primar: to give precedence to; to reward primaria: primary education; elementary education; primary election primario: primary; basic; chief; first; elementary primate: primate; personage; worthy primavera: spring; springtime; cowslip; primrose primaveral: spring; spring-like; vernal primer: primero primera: first; first class; first gear; directly; without warning; prime primeriza: first-time mother primerizo: novice; inexperienced; first-time primero: first; in the first place; rather; sooner; foremost; chief; leading; early; former; prime; raw primicia: scoop; premiere; first showing; first fruit primitivo: original; primitive; basic primo: cousin; gullible person; dupe; sucker; first; prime; excellent; raw primogénito: first-born primor: care; skill; excellence of execution; beauty; exquisiteness; lovely thing; delight primordial: fundamental; primordial primoroso: exquisite; beautiful prímula: primula princesa: princess principado: principality; principate; primacy; princedom principal: main; principal; chief; foremost; essential; illustrious; princeps; boss; head; capital; first floor; second floor príncipe: prince; sovereign; ruler; princeps principesco: princely principiante: beginning; novice; tyro; beginner principio: beginning; commencement; start; source; origin; principle; rule of action; entrée pringado: dirty; filthy; victim; unlucky person; wretch pringar: to dirty; to involve; to dip bread in gravy or grease; to stain with grease; to stab; to wound; pringarla: to die; to carry the can pringarse: to get dirty; to get involved pringoso: greasy; sticky pringue: grime; grease; melted fat prior: prior; preceding priora: prioress priorato: priory; priorship; priorate prioridad: priority prioritario: most important prisa: hurry; haste; dispatch; celerity; urgency; rush prisión: prison; jail; imprisonment; bond; tie; seizure; capture; arrest prisionero: prisoner; captive prisma: prism prismático: prismatic; prismáticos: binoculars; field glasses prístino: pristine; first; original privacidad: privacy privación: deprivation; privation; want; lack; deprival; hardship; forbidding; abridgement privado: private; privy; forbidden; stunned; unconscious; favourite privar: to deprive; to prohibit; to forbid; to impede; to stun; to render unconscious; to be in favour; to booze; to drink; to abridge privarse: to deprive oneself; to become unconscious privativo: exclusive; privative; peculiar; particular privatización: privatization privatizar: to privatize privilegiado: privileged; outstanding; uncommon; extraordinary privilegio: privilege; grant; exemption; franchise; patent por: profit; benefit; advantage proa: prow; bow; fore; head; nose; de proa a popa: from stem to stern; mascarón de proa: figurehead; castillo de proa: forecastle; viento de proa: headwind; bandera de proa: jack probabilidad: probability; likelihood; chance; prospect probable: probable; likely; provable probado: proved; tired; tested; approved; demonstrated probador: changing room; fitting room; trier; tester; fitter probar: to try; to try on; to test; to prove; to taste probarse: to try; to try on probeta: test tube; measuring cylinder problema: problem; trouble; question; conundrum; aggravation; curveball; difficulty; hang-up; hassle; tickler; ahí está el problem: there’s the rub; problemas: aggravation; aggro; sin problemas: trouble-free; smooth problemática: problems problemático: problematic; problematical procacidad: impudence; brazenness; obscenity procaz: impudent; brazen; obscene procedencia: origin; source; propriety; accordance with the law procedente: coming; originating; proceeding; proper; suitable; appropriate; correct proceder: conduct; behaviour; proceeding; to proceed; to behave; to act; to come; to originate; to be proper or suitable; to start legal proceedings procedimiento: procedure; method; process; way procesado: accused; processed; accused; defendant; indicted procesador: processor procesamiento: processing; prosecution; indictment; indicting procesar: to prosecute; to process; to indict; to accuse procesión: procession; parade proceso: process; proceedings; processing; lapse of time proclamación: proclamation; acclamation proclamar: to proclaim; to acclaim proclamarse: to be declared proclive: inclined; disposed; prone procreación: procreation; breeding procrear: to procreate; to breed procurador: attorney; agent; procurator; solicitor; legal administrator in court procurar: to try; to try to; to endeavour; to see that; to get; to obtain; to manage another's affairs; to act as an agent or attorney; to provide with prodigalidad: generosity; prodigality; lavishness prodigar: to lavish; to squander; to give or bestow with profusion prodigarse: to overexpose oneself; to show oneself in public too often prodigio: miracle; prodigy; marvel prodigioso: prodigious; fine; exquisite pródigo: prodigal; bountiful; lavish; generous; extravagant; spendthrift producción: production; output; produce; yield producir: to produce; to give; to yield; to cause; to originate producirse: to take place; to happen; to occur; to express oneself productividad: productivity; productiveness productivo: productive; profitable producto: product; proceed; yield; profit productor: producer; productive productora: production company produje, produjera: producir produzco, produzca: producir proeza: exploit; prowess; feat; stunt; accomplishment profanación: desecration; profanation profanador: profaner; profanatory profanar: to desecrate; to violate; to defile; to profane profano: secular; lay; profane; irreverent; worldly; immodest profe: teacher profecía: prophecy proferir: to shout; to utter; to give; to speak profesar: to profess; to have; to entertain; to take vows profesión: profession; calling; taking of vows profesional: professional profesionalidad, profesionalismo: professionalism profesionalizar: to put on a professional basis profesor: professor; teacher; lecturer profesorado: professorate; teachers; teaching staff profeta: prophet profético: prophetic; prophetical profetisa: prophetess profetizar: to prophesy profiláctico: prophylactic; condom prófugo: fugitive; one who absents himself to evade military service; draft dodger profundidad: depth; profundity; profoundness; deep profundizar: to deepen; to go deep into; to make deeper; to fathom; to penetrate profundo: profound; deep; low; profundity; sea; hell; abysmal; abyssal profusión: profusion; wealth; abundance profuso: profuse; abundant progenie: lineage; progeny; descent; parentage progenitor: father or mother; progenitor; ancestor; progenitores: parents programa: programme; program; card; syllabus; bill; playbill; schedule; agenda; curriculum; show; telecast; ticket; programa electoral: election manifesto programación: programming; programmes; programs programador: programmer; timer programar: to plan; to programme; to program; to schedule; to set progre: liberal; progressive progresar: to progress; to advance; to develop; to forge ahead progresión: progression; advance progresista: progressive; liberal progresivo: progressive progreso: progress prohibición: prohibition; banning; forbidding; interdiction; ban prohibido: prohibited; forbidden prohibir: to forbid; to prohibit prohibitivo: prohibitive; forbidding prohijar: to adopt prójimo: fellow being; fellow creature; fellow; neighbour prole: offspring; progeny; issue prolegómenos: preamble; introduction; prolegomena proletariado: proletariat; proletariate proletario: proletarian proliferación: proliferation proliferar: to proliferate prolífico: prolific prolijidad: long-windedness; wordiness; verbosity; prolixity; minuteness; presentation; neatness prolijo: long-winded; wordy; verbose; neat; tidy; well-presented; neat; prolix; tedious; minute prologar: to prologize; to write a prologue to prólogo: prologue; preface; introduction prolongación: extension; prolongation; lengthening prolongado: lengthy; prolonged; prolongated; protracted; extended; long; lingering; oblong prolongar: to prolong; to extend; to lengthen; to continue; to protract; to produce prolongarse: to last; to go on; to extend; to continue promedio: average; middle promesa: promise; pious offering prometedor: promising; promiser prometer: to promise; to betroth; to be promising; to bid fair prometerse: to be engaged; to become betrothed; to promise oneself prometido: promised; engaged; fiancé; fiancée; betrothed prominencia: rise; prominence; elevation; protuberance prominente: prominent; projecting promiscuidad: promiscuity promiscuo: promiscuous; ambiguous promoción: promotion; advertising; furtherance; advancement; year group; class promocionar: to promote promocionarse: to be promoted promontorio: promontory; headland; height promotor: promotive; promoter; instigator; furtherer; starter promover: to promote; to cause; to further; to start; to prefer; to exalt; to raise promulgar: to promulgate; to enact; to proclaim; to publish pronombre: pronoun pronominal: pronominal pronosticar: to forecast; to predict; to foretell pronóstico: forecast; prediction; prognosis prontitud: promptness; promptitude; readiness; dispatch; speed; celerity pronto: soon; early; urge; prompt; impulse; bad temper; de pronto: suddenly prontuario: criminal record; memorandum book; handbook pronunciación: pronunciation pronunciado: pronounced pronunciamiento: military uprising; pronunciamiento; item pronunciar: to pronounce; to utter; to deliver; to make; to pass; to give; to accentuate pronunciarse: to declare oneself; to pronounce; to rebel propagación: spread; propagation propaganda: publicity; advertising; propaganda propagar: to spread; to propagate propagarse: to spread; to propagate; to be diffused propano: propane propasarse: to go too far; to take advantage; to take undue liberties propensión: tendency; propensity; predisposition propenso: prone; inclined; predisposed propiciar: to cause; to propitiate; to sponsor propicio: propitious propiedad: property; ownership; correctness; naturalness; likeness propietario: owning; proprietary; proprietor; landlord propina: tip; fee; gratuity; de propina: extra propinar: to deal; to give; to prescribe propio: one's own; proper; peculiar; typical; suitable; natural; genuine; same; himself; herself; itself; very like proponer: to propose; to propound; to move; to nominate; to sponsor; to advance; to put forward; to put to; to proffer proponerse: to purpose; to plan; to intend; to mean proporción: proportion; opportunity; occasion; proporciones: size; significance; proportions; dimensions proporcionado: provided; supplied; well-proportionate; fit; suitable proporcional: proportional proporcionar: to provide; to supply; to give; to cause; to proportion; to commensurate; to adapt; to adjust; to afford; to furnish; to lay on; to match proposición: proposition; proposal; clause; motion; resolution propósito: purpose; intention; aim; subject; matter in hand; design; meaning; objective; a propósito: on purpose; apropos; feasible; deliberately; sin propósito: purposeless; aimless propuesta: proposal; proposition; offer; tender; nomination propuesto: proposed; suggested; proponer: propugnar: to advocate propulsar: to propel propulsión: propulsion propuse: proponer prorrata: share; prorate prórroga: extension; prolongation; extra time; overtime; deferral prorrogar: to extend; to prolong; to postpone; to put off prorrumpir: to break forth; to burst out prosa: prose; verbiage prosaico: prosaic; mundane proscenio: proscenium proscribir: to proscribe; to ban; to exile; to send into exile proscrito: banned; exiled; exile; criminal; outlaw; proscribir proseguir: to continue; to carry on prosigo: proseguir prospección: prospecting prospecto: prospectus; leaflet; flyer; patient information leaflet prosperar: to prosper; to thrive; to be successful prosperidad: prosperity; affluence; weal; florish próspero: prosperous próstata: prostate prostíbulo: brothel prostitución: prostitution prostituir: to prostitute prostituirse: to prostitute oneself prostituta: prostitute; harlot protagonismo: importance; significance protagonista: main character; protagonist; hero; heroine protagonizar: to star in; to play the lead in; to dominate protección: protection; aegis; pratonage; refuge; safety proteccionismo: protectionism proteccionista: protectionist protector: protective; protecting; protector; patron; gumshield protectorado: protectorate proteger: to protect; to act as patron to protegerse: to protect oneself protegido: protected; protégé proteína: protein; proteid protejo: proteger prótesis: prosthesis; prothesis; artificial limb protesta: protest; protestation; remonstrance protestante: Protestant; protesting protestantismo: Protestantism protestar: to protest; to affirm solemnly protestón: complaining; moaning; complainer; moaner protocolo: protocol; diplomatic or Court ceremonial rules protón: proton prototipo: prototype; archetype protozoo: protozoan protuberancia: protuberance; protrusion provecho: advantage; benefit; good; profit; gain; utility; progress; advancement provechoso: useful; beneficial; profitable; good; advantageous proveedor: supplier; furnisher; purveyor proveer: to provide; to supply; to furnish; to purvey; to decide; to accommodate proveerse: to provide oneself proveniente: coming; originating; arising provenir: to come; to originate; to arise; to accrue Provenza: Provence provenzal: Provençal proverbial: proverbial proverbio: proverb; adage; saying providencia: providence; forethought; provision; step; measure providencial: providential providente, próvido: provident provincia: province provincial: provincial provincialismo: provincialism; dialect word provincianismo: provincialism provinciano: provincial; country; Basque proviniente de: coming from; arising out of provisión: provision; supply; stock; step; measure provisional: provisional; temporary; interim provisionalidad: provisional nature; temporary character provisionar: to cover; to make bad-debt provision for provisorio: provisional; temporary provista: provisions; supply provisto: provided; equipped; stocked; supplied provocación: provocation; induction provocador: provoking; provoker; troublemaker; provocative provocar: to provoke; to incite; to dare; to challenge; to cause; to bring about; to stir up; to induce; to tease; to rouse; to tempt; to invite; to like provocativo: provocative; inciting; daring; immodest; inviting proxeneta: go-between; procurer; procuress; pimp proxenetismo: procuring próximamente: soon; before long; shortly proximidad: nearness; proximity; vicinity; closeness próximo: next; soon; near; neighbouring; proximate; close proyección: showing; projecting; slide; transparency; hold; sway; influence proyeccionista: projectionist proyectar: to project; to throw; to cast; to emit; to give out; to show; to plan; to intend; to design proyectarse: to be cast; to fall proyectil: projectile; missile proyecto: plan; project; designs; proyecto de ley: bill proyector: projector; searchlight; spotlight prudencia: prudence; good sense; caution; care; moderation; restraint prudencial: reasonable; prudential prudente: sensible; prudent; careful; cautious prueba: proof; demonstration; evidence; sign; mark; token; test; trial; probation; tasting; sampling; sample; fitting; ordeal; trial; temptation; match; competition; event pruebo, pruebe: probar prurito: itching; pruritus; eagerness; desire; obsession prusiano: Prussian psicoanálisis: psychoanalysis psicoanalista: psychoanalyst psicoanalítico: psychoanalytical psicoanalizar: psychoanalyze psicodélico: psychedelic psicología: psychology psicológico: psychological psicólogo: psychologist psicópata: psychopath psicopatía: psychopathy psicosis: psychosis psicosomático: psychosomatic psicoterapeuta: psychotherapist psicoterapia: psychotherapy psique: psyche psiquiatra: psychiatrist; psychiater psiquiatría: psychiatry psiquiátrico: psychiatric; psychiatric hospital psíquico: mental; psychic; psychical púa: thorn; barb; spine; prong; thine; quill; tooth; graft; scion; plectrum; crafty person pub: pub pubertad: puberty pubis: pubis; pubes publicación: publication; publishing publicar: to publish; to issue; to cause to appear; to make known; to broadcast publicidad: publicity; advertising; advertisement; plug publicista: advertising executive; publicist publicitario: advertising; publicity público: public; generally known; audience pucherazo: election rigging puchero: cooking pot; food; sustenance; pout pucho: butt; cigarette pude, pudiera: poder púdico: modest; chaste pudiente: rich; wealthy; well off pudín: pudding pudor: shame; embarrassment; modesty; chastity; pudency pudoroso: modest; bashful; chaste pudrir: to putrefy; to rot; to corrupt pudrirse: to rot; to go rotten; to putrefy; to languish; to fret; to worry pueblerino: country; countrified; belonging to a village pueblo: village; town; settlement; common people; nation; people puedo, pueda: poder puente: bridge; tailpiece; long weekend; gun-carrying deck puenting: bungee jumping puerco: pig; hog; sow; swine; dirty; awful; filthy; slovenly; sluttish; piggish; hoggish; base; mean; puerco espín: porcupine puercoespín: porcupine puericultor: childcare specialist puericultura: childcare; puericulture pueril: childish; puerile puerro: leek puerta: door; doorway; gate; entrance; access puerto: port; harbour; harbor; haven; refuge; mountain pass puertorriqueño: Puerto Rican pues: since; as; therefore; because; for; then; well; yes; so; certainly; indeed puesta: set; setting; stake; laying; puesta de sol: sunset; puesta de largo: coming out; puesta a punto: tuning; puesta en escena: staging; puesta en marcha: starting-up puesto: placed; put; set; laid; dressed; attired; smart; able; place; post; puesto que: as; since puf: pouffe; ugh!; phew púgil: boxer; pugilist; prize fighter pugilístico: boxing pugna: struggle; fight; strife; conflict; opposition; clashing pugnar: to fight; to struggle; to strive puja: bidding; bid; offer; push; effort pujante: vigorous; thriving; puissant; powerful; strong pujanza: vigour; vigor; puissance; might; strength pujar: to bid; to struggle; to push; to raise; to falter; to grove for words; to pout; to snivel pulcro: neat and tidy; careful; cleanly; honest pulga: flea; tener malas pulgas: to be very bad-tempered pulgada: inch pulgar: thumb Pulgarcito: Tom Thumb pulgón: plant louse; aphid pulgoso: flea-ridden pulido: polished; beautiful; pretty; clean; neat; polish pulimentar: to polish; to burnish pulimento: polish; gloss pulir: to polish; to burnish; to furbish; to adorn; to beautify; to improve; to polish up; to steal; to blow; to spend pulirse: to beautify oneself; to blow; to spend pulla: jibe; dig; quip; innuendo; repartee pullover: pullover pulmón: lung pulmonar: pulmonary; lung pulmonía: pneumonia pulóver: pullover pulpa: pulp pulpería: grocery; general store pulpero: grocer púlpito: pulpit pulpo: octopus; cuttlefish pulque: Mexican fermented drink pulsación: pulse; pulsation; beat; touch; striking; fingering; keystroke pulsador: button; push button; feeler pulsar: to press; to push; to sound; to examine; to strike; to finger; to play; to pulsate; to beat; to throb; to sound out pulsera: bracelet; wristlet; watch strap; wrist bandage; side lock of hair pulso: pulse; steady hand; struggle; care; tact; a pulso: freehand; with the strength of the hand pulular: to swarm; to teem; to pullulate pulverizador: spray; atomizer; sprayer; pulverizing pulverizar: to pulverize; to smash to bits; to crush to pieces; to crush; to spray; to atomize pum: bang puma: puma; cougar pumba: crash puna: arid table-land in the Andes; mountain sickness pundonor: dignity; honour; self-respect punga: pickpocket punguista: pickpocket púnico: Punic punitivo: punitive punk: punk punta: point; tip; end; nib; head; nail; point; headland; apex; top; butt; stump; stub; horn; tine; trace; streak; tinge; somewhat; sacar punta: to sharpen puntada: stitch; hint; stabbing pain puntaje: score puntal: prop; stanchion; anchorman; snack; stay; support; depth of hold puntapié: kick puntear: to pluck; to dot; to stipple; to sew; to stitch; to tack puntera: toecap; cap; new toe on stockings puntería: aim; aiming; pointing; marksmanship puntero: leading; pointer; chisel; leader puntiagudo: pointed; sharp; sharp-pointed puntilla: lace edging; bullfighter's dagger; nail; de puntillas: on one's tiptoe puntilloso: touchy; punctilious punto: point; dot; period; stop; mark; nib; front sight; stitch; loop; knitwork; break; punch hole; place; spot; cabstand; minute part; moment; instant; degree; extent; aim; purpose; ace; punto final: full stop; punto y coma: semicolon; dos puntos: colon; al punto: immediately; punto por punto: in detail; a punto: opportunely; ready; en punto: exactly; sharp; estar a punto: to be about; punto cardinal: airt; cardinal point puntuación: punctuation; score puntual: punctual; detailed; specific; certain; sure; suitable puntualidad: punctuality; punctual habits puntualizar: to specify; to detail; to clarify; to finish; to perfect puntuar: to punctuate; to mark; to point; to score punzada: stabbing pain; prick; puncture; sting; stitch; pang punzante: sharp; prickling; piercing; shooting; cutting; biting; caustic punzar: to prick; to pierce; to puncture; to sting; to give a shooting pain; to bother; to annoy punzón: punch; puncheon; awl; bradawl; pick; bodkin; counterdie; graver; burin; stamp puñado: handful; fistful; a lot puñal: dagger; poniard puñalada: stab; blow; puñalada trapera: stab in the back puñeta: pain; nuisance; vete a hacer puñetas: get lost puñetazo: punch; cuff; blow with the fist puñetero: damned; wretched; difficult; picky; fussy; nasty puño: fist; cuff; wristband; hilt; handle; hand; handwriting; grasp; head of a cane pupa: cold sore; eruption in the lips; child's word to express pain; pupa pupila: pupil; ward; woman boarder pupilo: pupil; ward; boarder pupitre: writing desk; school desk purasangre: thoroughbred puré: purée; puré de patatas: mashed potatoes pureza: purity; virginity purga: purgative; purge; physic; drains purgante: purgative; purging; expiating purgar: to purge; to censor; to physic; to purify; to cleanse; to expiate; to pay for; to bleed purgarse: to take a purgative purgatorio: purgatory purificación: purification; purifying purificar: to purify; to cleanse purificarse: to purify; to cleanse oneself purista: purist puritanismo: puritanism puritano: puritan; puritanical; puritanic puro: pure; solid; identical; cigar púrpura: purple; murex; purpura purpurina: purpurin; glitter; bronze powder purria: low life purulento: purulent pus: pus puse: poner pusilánime: fearful; timorous; pusillanimous pústula: pustule puta: whore; harlot; strumpet putativo: putative putrefacción: putrefaction; rotting putrefacto: putrid; rotten putridez: putridity pútrido: putrid; rotten puya: goad iron or head; tip of picador's lance puyazo: jab; jibe puzzle: jigsaw