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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | Ñ | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

baba: dribble; slobber; slime; slaver; caerse la baba: to be delighted
babear: to dribble; to slobber; to slaver; to drool
babero: bib; chin-cloth
babi: smock; child's overall
Babia: estar en Babia: to be wool-gathering; to be absent-minded
bable: dialect spoken in Asturias
babor: port; larboard
babosa: slug
babosear: to slobber over; to slaver; to cover with saliva
baboso: dribbly; slavering; drooling; silly; foolish; idiot; fool
babucha: slipper
babuino: baboon
baca: luggage rack
bacalao: cod; codfish
bacanal: orgy; bacchanal
bache: pothole; air pocket; bad patch
bachiller: garrulous; babbler; bachelor
bachillerato: secondary school
bacilo: bacillus
bacín: chamberpot; cur; despicable man
bacon: bacon
bacteria: bacterium
bacteriológico: bacteriological
báculo: crosier; crozier; comfort and support
badajo: clapper
badana: sheepskin; basan
badén: gully; ford; channel made by running water
bádminton: badminton
bafle: loudspeaker; speaker
bagaje: baggage; a person's store of knowledge or information
bagatela: trifle; bagatelle
bahía: bay
bailaor: flamenco dancer
bailar: to dance; to spin; to wobble
bailarín: dancer
baile: dance; ball; dancing
bailotear: to dance about
baja: fall; drop; cancelled subscription; sick note; sickness certificate
bajada: drop; fall; descent; sloping street
bajamar: low tide; low water
bajar: to descend; to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to lessen; to diminish; to sink; to slope downwards; to alight; to get down; to lower; to bow
bajarse: to get down; to get out; to take down; to stoop
bajel: ship; boat; vessel
bajeza: baseness; meanness; lowliness; low action
bajío: shoal; sand bank; shallows; lowland
bajista: bass player; bear
bajo: low; short; downcast; base; dull; vile; ground floor; hem; bass; softly; under
bajón: bassoon; decline; sharp drop; great fall
bajorrelieve: bas-relief
bala: bullet; bale; shot; ten reams of paper
balacera: shoot-out; shooting
balada: ballad
baladí: trivial; minor; trifling
balance: stocktaking; balance; oscillation; swinging; rocking
balancear: to rock; to swing; to roll; to waver; to balance
balancearse: to move to and fro
balancín: rocking chair; seesaw; balancing pole
balandra: yacht; sloop
balandro: small sloop
balanza: scales; balance; judgement
balar: to bleat; to baa
balasto: ballast
balaustrada: balustrade; banisters
balazo: shot; bullet wound
balbucear: to babble; to stammer; to hesitate in speech
balbuceo: stammering; babbling
balbucir: balbucear
Balcanes: Balkans
balcánico: Balkan
balcón: balcony
balconada: row of balconies
balda: shelf
baldado: bruised; badly beaten; worn out; invalid
balde: bucket; pail; de balde: free; for nothing; en balde: in vain
baldío: untilled; uncultivated; vain; idle; lazy; barren land
baldosa: floor tile; paving stone
baldosín: small wall tile; small floor tile
balear: to shoot at
balido: bleating; bleat
balín: small bullet; buckshot; pellet
balística: ballistics
baliza: runway light; buoy; beacon
ballena: whale; whalebone; bone of a corset
ballenato: whale calf
ballenero: whaling; whaler; whaleman
ballesta: crossbow; spring
ballet: ballet
balneario: spa; baths
balompié: football
balón: ball; bag; balloon
baloncesto: basketball
balonmano: handball
balonvolea: volleyball
balsa: raft; float; pool; pond
balsámico: soothing; balsamic; balmy
bálsamo: balsam; balm; comfort
báltico: Baltic
baluarte: bastion; bulwark; defence
bamba: Latin American dance and music
bambalina: painted scenery on stage
bambolearse: to sway; to swing; to roll; to wobble
bambú: bamboo
banal: lacking substance; banal
banana: banana; banana tree
bananero: banana tree
banasta: large basket
banca: the banks; a card game; bank in gambling; bench; washing box
bancada: parliamentary group; bed; bedplate; sideframe; thwart; bank; portion of masonry; shelf
bancal: terrace; oblong plot; bench cover
bancario: bank; banking
bancarrota: bankruptcy
banco: bank; bench; pew; workbench; sandbank; shoal; stratum
banda: stripe; band; sash; scarf; strip; gang; flock; herd; side; border; touchline; cushion
bandada: flock; covey
bandazo: lurch
bandeja: tray
bandera: flag; banner; ensign; colours
banderilla: banderilla; barbed dart used in bullfighting; appetizer of olive, onion, gherkin, etc., on a cocktail stick
banderillero: banderillero
banderín: pennant; small flag; scout; recruiting post
bandido: bandit; rascal; outlaw; crook
bando: faction; party; proclamation; edict
bandolera: female brigand; bandoleer; Sam Brown belt
bandolerismo: banditry; brigandage
bandolero: bandit; brigand; robber; highwayman
bandolina: bandoline
bandurria: bandurria; bandore; small lute-like instrument with twelve strings
banjo: banjo
banquero: banker
banqueta: stool; footstool; pavement; sidewalk
banquete: banquet; feast
banquillo: stool; little bench; banquette; prisoner's seat; dock
banquisa: ice field
bañadera: bath; bathtub
bañador: swimsuit; bathing suit
bañar: to bathe; to cover; to coat;
bañarse: to take a bath; to have a shower; to have a swim
bañera: bath; bathtub
bañista: swimmer; bather; lifeguard; resorter
baño: bath; bathroom; coating; bagnio
baobab: baobab
baquelita: Bakelita
baqueta: ramrod; bead; drumstick
bar: bar
barahúnda: din; uproar; tumult
baraja: deck of cards; pack of cards; range; variety
barajar: to shuffle; to mingle; to jumble together; to consider; to catch; to quarrel
baranda: railing; banister
barandal: handrail; banister; upper or lower support of a balustrade
barandilla: railing; banister; balustrade
baratija: trinket; trifle; gewgaw
baratillo: cheap goods; junk stall; junk shop; flea market
barato: cheap; expensive
barba: beard; whiskers; chin; wattle; old man
barbacoa: barbecue
barbadense: Barbadian
Barbados: Barbados
barbaridad: barbarousness; barbarity; piece of nonsense; atrocity; awful amount
barbarie: ignorance; backwardness; savagery; cruelty
barbarismo: barbarism; loan word
bárbaro: barbarian; brutal; cruel; uncouth; gross; daring; fantastic; tremendous; savage; rude; cruel; rash; enormous
barbecho: fallow land
barbería: barbershop; barber's shop
barbero: barber
barbilampiño: smooth-cheeked; smooth-faced; beardless
barbilla: chin; barbel; bevel end for joining
barbitúrico: barbiturate
barbo: barbel
barbudo: bearded; long-bearded
barca: boat; small boat
barcaza: barge; lighter
barco: boat; ship; vessel; barco de madera: ac; barco a la vista: ship ahoy
bardo: bard
baremo: ready reckoner; standard; criteria
bario: barium
barítono: baritone
barlovento: windward
barman: barman
barniz: varnish; glaze; veneer; smattering
barnizar: to varnish; to glaze
barómetro: barometer
barón: baron; chief
baronesa: baroness
baronía: barony
barquera: boatwoman
barquero: boatman
barquillo: wafer; thin rolled wafer; cone
barra: bar; lever; beam; rod; ingot; rail; loaf; slab; group; accolade
barrabasada: nasty trick; mischief; wrong and inconsiderate action
barraca: shack; hut; booth; shanty; stand; stall; timber yard
barracón: accommodation block; large hut or booth
barranca: precipice; ravine; gorge
barranco: precipice; ravine; gorge; difficulty; setback
barrena: gimlet; drill; auger; tailspin; spin; rock drill
barrendero: street sweeper
barreno: large drill; borehole; explosive charge
barreño: washing-up bowl; earthen tub; dishpan
barrer: to sweep; to comb; to thrash; to sweep away; to rake
barrera: barrier; crossing gate; parapet; barrage; fence around inside of a bull ring; front row of seats
barriada: district; neighborhood; suburb
barrica: cask; barrel
barricada: barricade
barriga: stomach; belly; bulge
barrigón: potbellied; big-bellied
barrigudo: potbellied
barril: barrel; keg; earthen water jug
barrio: neighbourhood; town district
barriobajero: vulgar; coarse
barrizal: bog; quagmire; muddy ground
barro: mud; clay
barroco: baroque
barrote: bar; crosspiece; rung
barruntar: to suspect; to sense
bartola: tumbarse a la bartola to lie back lazily; to do nothing
bártulos: things; stuff; tools; traps
barullo: row; racket; noise; confusion; tumult; medley
basar: to base; to found
basarse: to base oneself
basca: nausea; crowd; gang
báscula: scales; bascule
base: base; basis; grounding
básico: basic
basílica: basilica; basilic
basilisco: basilisk; cockatrice
bastante: enough; quite a lot; quite; fairly; pretty; rather
bastar: to be enough; to suffice
bastarse: to be able to manage
bastardilla: italics
bastardo: illegitimate; bastard; mean; base
bastidor: frame; sash; wing; embroidery frame; plate holder; chassis
bastión: bastion
basto: rough; coarse; vulgar; unpolished; bastos: clubs
bastón: walking stick; cane; staff; ski pole
basura: refuse; rubbish; garbage; comida basura: junk food
basurero: dustman; garbage man; dump
bata: dressing; gown; overall; white coat; frock with train
batacazo: bump
batalla: battle; joust; tournament
batallar: to fight
batallón: battalion
batata: sweet potato; yam
bate: bat
bateador: batsman; batter
batear: to bat; to hit
batería: battery; drums; footlights; breach; set; barrage
batiburrillo: jumble; hotchpotch; hodgepodge
batida: beat; search; combing; reconnaissance
batido: milk shake; beaten; whipped; well-trodden
batidor: whisk; beater; scout; one of the cavalry men heading a regiment on parade; comb
batidora: mixer
batiente: beating; jamb against which a door closes; spot where the sea beats; damper; leaf
batín: smoking jacket; short dressing gown
batir: to beat; to strike; to batter; to whip; to beat down; to dash against; to flap; to coin; to defeat; to break; to range; to reconnoitre; to couch the cataract
batirse: to fight
batracio: batrachian
baturro: a rustic or peasant of Aragón
batuta: baton; llevar la batuta: to call the tune
baúl: trunk; boot
bautismo: baptism; christening
bautista: baptizer
bautizar: to baptize; to christen; to name; to water down the wine; to dilute
bautizo: christening; baptism
baya: berry
bayeta: cloth; flannel; dishcloth; baize
bayo: bay
bayoneta: bayonet
baza: trick; meter baza: to say a word; to butt in on
bazar: bazaar; shop selling domestic appliances, toys, etc.
bazo: spleen; yellowish-brown
bazofia: pigswill; refuse; scraps of wood; garbage; rubbish
bazuca: bazooka
be: name of the letter b
beatificar: to beatify
beatífico: beatific; beatifical
beatitud: beatitude; blessedness
beato: devout; sanctimonious; beatus; happy; blessed; beatified person
bebé: baby; doll; bebé probeta: test-tube baby
bebedero: water dish; watering place; spout of a drinking vessel
bebedor: drinking; drinker; hard drinker
beber: to drink
bebida: drink; beverage; potion
bebido: drunk; tipsy; intoxicated
beca: grant; scholarship
becar: to award a grant or a scholarship
becario: holder of a scholarship; scholar
becerro: calf; young bull; calfskin
bechamel: white sauce; béchamel sauce
bedel: caretaker; janitor
beduino: Bedouin; barbarian
befa: hacer befa de: to jeer at
begonia: begonia
beige: beige
béisbol: baseball
bejín: puffball
Belcebú: Beelzebub
Belén: Bethlehem
belén: Nativity scene; trouble; confusion; bedlam; bad business
beleño: henbane
belfo: thick-lipped
belga: Belgian
Bélgica: Belgium
Belgrado: Belgrade
Belice: Belize
bélico: for war; warlike; martial; bellicose
belicoso: warlike; aggressive; argumentative; bellicose; pugnacious
beligerante: warring; aggressive; belligerent
bellaco: wicked; villain; cunning; sly; knave; scoundrel
belleza: beauty; loveliness
bellido: beautiful; handsome
bello: beautiful; fair; fine
bellota: acorn; mast
bellote: large round-headed nail
bemba: lip
bembo, bembón, bembudo: thick-lipped
bemol: flat
bemolado: flat
benceno: benzene
bencina: petrol; gasoline; benzine
bencinera: garage; petrol station
bencinero: petrol-station attendant
bendecir: to bless; to consecrate; to praise
bendición: blessing; benediction
bendigo, bendiga, bendije: bendecir
bendito: blessed; sainted; holy; lucky; good person; gullible person; happy; annoying
benedicite: benedicite; grace
benedictino: Benedictine
benefactor: benefactor; salutary
beneficiencia: charity; social service; beneficence
beneficiado: beneficiary; incumbent
beneficial: relating to ecclesiastical benefices
beneficiar: to benefit; to cultivate; to exploit; to sell at a discount; to slaughter
beneficiarse: to benefit; to profit
beneficiario: beneficiary
beneficiencia: welfare
beneficio: benefit; profit; advantage; benefice; cultivation of land; slaughter; manure
beneficioso: beneficial; profitable; useful
benéfico: charitable; beneficent; beneficial; good
Benemérita: Spanish Civil Guard
benemérito: well deserving; worthy; meritorious; distinguished
beneplácito: approval; consent
benevolencia: kindness; benevolence; goodwill
benevolente: kind; benevolent
benévolo: benevolent; kind
bengala: flare; sparkler; star shell; rattan; baton
bengalí: Bengali
benignidad: benignity; benignancy; kindness; gentleness; mildness
benigno: lenient; mild; benign; benignant; kind; gracious; gentle
benjamín: youngest child
benjuí: benzoin
benzina: benzine; petrol; gasoline
beo: cunt
beocio: stupid
beodez: drunkenness
beodo: drunkard; drunk
beorí: American tapir
beque: stammerer; stammering
bequista: scholarship holder
berbecí: quick-tempered person
berbén: scurvy
berberecho: cockle
berberí: Berber
berberisco: Berber
bérbero: barberry; barberry confection
berbiquí: brace; carpenter's brace; wimble
berdel: mackerel
bereber: Berber
berengo: foolish; stupid
berenjena: eggplant; aubergine; nuisance; bother
berenjenal: field or eggplants; mess; trouble; estar en un berenjenal: to be in a mess
bereque: cross-eyed
bergamota: bergamot
bergamote, bergamoto: bergamot tree
bergante: scoundrel; rascal
bergantín: brig
beriberi: beriberi
berilio: beryl
berkelio: berkelium
berlina: berlín; saloon car; sedan; doughnut
berlinés: Berliner
berma: berm; berme; hard shoulder; emergency lane
bermejear: to be or show red
bermejizo: reddish
bermejo: bright reddish; red; reddish; ginger; light brown; matchless; unsurpassed
bermellón: vermilion
bermuda: meadow grass
Bermudas: Bermudas Islands
bermudas: bermudas; shorts
Berna: Bern
bernardina: yarn; tall story
bernardo: Bernardine
bernés: Bernese
berra: tall water cress
berraco: noisy brat
berrear: to bellow; to howl; to yell; to bawl; to low
berrenchín: rage; tantrum
berrendo: two-coloured; dappled
berreo: lowing; bawling
berrera: water parsnip
berreta: cheap; flashy
berretín: obsession; mania; pigheadedness
berrido: bellow; cry of the calf; low; bawl; howl; screech
berrinche: tantrum; rage
berrinchudo: cross; bad-tempered; on heat
berrizal: water cress patch
berro: water cress; rage; anger
berroqueña: piedra berroqueña: granite
berrueco: granite rock; baroque pearl
berta: bertha
berza: cabbage
berzal: cabbage patch
berzotas: stupid; idiot; twit; chump
besalamano: unsigned note beginning with kisses the hand
besamanos: reception at court; royal audience; levée
besamel: white sauce; béchamel sauce
besana: land to be ploughed
besante: bezant
besar: to kiss; to graze; to touch
besarse: to kiss one another
beso: kiss; bump; collision
besograma: kissogram
besotear: to kiss repeatedly
bestezuela: little beast
bestia: beast; dunce; brute; stupid; dense; rude; boorish; genius
bestiada: tons of
bestiaje: beasts of burden
bestial: bestial; huge; tremendous; colossal; marvellous; smashing; super; beast-like
bestialidad: atrocity; large amount; stupidity
bestialismo: bestiality
bestiario: bestiary
best-seller: best-seller
besucar: to kiss repeatedly
besucón: fond of kissing
besugo: sea bream; idiot
besuguera: fish kettle; bream; fishing-boat
besuquear: to cover with kisses; to slobber over; to kiss repeatedly
besuquearse: to kiss and cuddle; to smooch; to pet; to neck
besuqueo: kissing; petting; necking
beta: beta; small rope
betabel: sugar-beet; old; ancient
Betania: Bethany
betarraga, betarrata: beet; beetroot
betel: betel
Bética: Andalusia
bético: Andalusian
betonera: concrete mixer
betónica: betony
betún: bitumen; shoe polish
betunero: shoeblack; bootblack
bey: bey; gobernador de una ciudad del imperio turco
bezo: blubber lip; proud flesh; thick lip
bezoar: bezoar; piedra o concreción que se encuentra en el estómago de algunos rumiantes y se empleaba como antídoto o medicamento
bezudo: thick-lippedd
biberón: feeding bottle; nursing bottle
Biblia: Bible
bliblico: biblical
bibliobús: mobile library
bibliófilo: booklover; bibliophile
bibliografía: bibliography
biblioteca: library; bookcase
bibliotecario: librarian
bicameral: bicameral
bicarbonato: bicarbonate
bicéfalo: two-headed; bicephalous
bíceps: biceps
bicha: snake; grotesque animal figure
bicharraco: insect; ugly animal
bichicome: tramp
bicho: small animal; bug; vermin; bull; bicho raro: old fellow
bici: bike
bicicleta: bicycle; bike
bicoca: bargain; cushy job; small fort; trifle; bagatelle
bicolor: two-colour
bidé: bidet
bidón: drum; can
biela: connecting rod
bien: well; properly; right; perfectly; happily; successfully; willingly; readily; very much; a good deal; fully; enough; easily; good; welfare; benefit
bienal: biennial; every two years
bienaventurado: fortunate; blessed; happy; simple; guileless
bienestar: comfort; well-being; happiness; piece of mind
bienhechor: benevolent; generous; beneficent; benefactor
bienio: two-year period; biennium
bienvenida: welcome; happy arrival
bienvenido: welcome
bifásico: two-phase; diphase
bife: beefsteak; hard slap
bífido: forked; bifid
bifocal: bifocal
biftec: beefsteak
bifurcación: fork; bifurcation; forking; branch
bifurcarse: to fork; to branch; to bifurcate
bigamia: bigamy
bígamo: bigamous; bigamist
bígaro: winkle; sea snail
bigote: moustache; whiskers; dash rule
bigotudo: with a big moustache; mustachioed
bigudí: roller
bikini: bikini
bilateral: bilateral
biliar: biliary
bilingüe: bilingual
bilingüismo: bilingualism
bilis: bile; gall
billar: billiards
billete: ticket; note; bill
billetera, billetero: wallet; billfold
billón: trillion
bimensual: twice-monthly; semimonthly
bimestral: bimonthly; two-month; bimestral
bimestre: two-month period
bimotor: twin-engined; two-motor
binario: binary
bingo: bingo; bingo hall
binocular: binocular
binomio: binomial
biodegradable: biodegradable
biofísica: biophysics
biografía: biography
biográfico: biographical
biógrafo: biographer
biología: biology
biológico: biological
biólogo: biologist
biombo: folding screen
biopsia: biopsy
bioquímica: biochemistry
biorritmo: biorhythm
biosfera: biosphere
biotecnología: biotechnology
bipartidismo: two-party system
bípedo: biped; bipedal
biplano: biplane
biquini: bikini
birlar: to pinch
birlibirloque: por arte de birlibirloque: by magic
birome: ballpoint pen
birrete: mortarboard; cap worn by judges, barristers, etc., scarlet biretta
birria: rubbish; terrible sight; wimp
biruji: chilly weather or wind
bis: bis
bisabuela: great-grandmother
bisabuelo: great-grandfather; bisabuelos: great-grandparents
bisagra: hinge; shoemaker's polisher
bisbisear: to murmur
bisección: bisection
bisectriz: bisectriz; bisector
bisel: bevel; bevel edge
biselar: to bevel
bisexual: bisexual
bisiesto: bissextile; leap year
bisílabo: two-syllable word; disyllabic
bisnieta: great-granddaughter
bisnieto: great-grandson; bisnietos: great-grandchildren
bisojo: cross-eyed; squint-eyed; squinter
bisonte: bison; buffalo
bisoñé: toupee
bistec: steak; beefsteak
bisturí: scalpel; bistoury
bisutería: costume jewelry; imitation jewelry
bit: bit
bitácora: binnacle
bíter: bitters
bizantino: Byzantine; hair-splitting; idle
bizco: cross-eyed; squinted-eyed; squinter
bizcocho: sponge cake; biscuit; hardtack; bisque
bizquera: squint
blanca: minim; half note; old copper and silver coin
Blancanieves: Snow White
blanco: white; hoar; hoary; pale; fair; target; mark
blancura: whiteness; fairness
blancuzco: whitish
blandengue: wimpish; wimp; spineless; soft; weak; without energy
blandir: to brandish; to flourish; to swing
blando: soft; gentle; mild; bland; delicate; cowardly; watery eyes; weak; puny; weakling; spineless person
blandura: softness; gentleness; sweetness; endearing word; luxury; delicacy
blanquear: to whiten; to blanch; to bleach; to launder; to turn white
blanquecino: whitish
blasfemar: to blaspheme
blasfemia: blasphemy
blasfemo: blasphemous; blasphemer
blasón: heraldry; blazon; device; coat of arms; glory; honour; armorial bearings; charge
bledo: blite; me importa un bledo: I don't care a straw
blindado: armoured; steel-jacketed; shielded
blindaje: armour; shield; blindage
blindar: to armour; to armour-plate; to shield
bloc: notebook; notepad
blonda: blonde lace; blond lace
bloque: block;
bloquear: to block; to cut off; to blockade
bloqueo: siege; blockade; block
blues: blues
blusa: blouse
blusón: smock
boa: boa
boato: show; pomp; ostentation
bobada: stupid thing to do; piece of nonsense
bobalicón: silly; stupid; naive; gullible; idiot; fool; simple; nitwit
bobina: reel; spool; coil
bobo: silly; stupid; naive; fool; idiot; foolish; gullible; simpleton
boca: mouth; entrance; opening; muzzle; taste; claw; boca abajo: upside down
bocacalle: street entrance
bocadillo: sandwich; bubble; balloon
bocadito: little bit
bocado: mouthful; morsel; bit; bite
bocajarro: a bocajarro point-blank
bocamanga: cuff; bottom part of a sleeve
bocanada: mouthful of liquid; puff; crowd
bocata: sandwich
bocazas: loudmouth; bigmouth; indiscreet talker
boceras: bigmouth; loudmouth
boceto: sketch; rough model
boche: uproar; brawl; small hole in the ground
bochinche: mess; noise; riot; tumult
bochorno: hot summer breeze; sultry weather; suffocating heat; blush; blushing; embarrassment; shame
bochornoso: close; sultry; embarrassing; disgraceful; shameful
bocina: horn; claxon; megaphone; bushing
bocinazo: blare; toot; honk; bellow
bocio: goitre
boda: wedding; marriage
bodega: cellar; pantry; wine shop; hold; dock-warehouse; grocery store
bodegón: still life; restaurant; cheap eating house
bodeguero: wine producer; wineshop owner; grocer; cellarer; one in charge of the hold
bodorrio: wedding with little ceremony; expensive and tasteless wedding
bodrio: swill; rubbish; garbage; soup made of leavings; poorly cooked food
body: body; leotard
bofe: lung
bofetada: slap in the face; buffet
bofetón: slap on the face
bofia: cops; police
boga: vogue; rowing; boce
bogar: to row; to sail
bogavante: lobster; homard; first rower
bohemio: Bohemian; Bohemian life
boicot: boycott
boicotear: to boycott
boina: beret
boj: box tree; bush; boxwood
bol: bowl; punch bowl
bola: ball; lie; fib
bolada: lie; fib; throw of a ball
bolchevique: Bolshevik
boleadoras: bolas; lariat with balls at the ends used by South American cowboys
bolear: to knock the balls about; to round up using bolas; to polish; to throw; to flunk
bolera: bowling alley
bolero: lying; liar; shoeshine; bolero
boleta: ticket; billet; ballot; report card
boletín: bulletin; form; subscription form
boleto: ticket
boli: ballpoint pen
boliche: jack; small ball used in bowls; small dragnet; bowline of a small sail; small shop
bólido: meteorite; bolide; racing car
bolígrafo: ballpoint pen
bolillo: bobbin for making lace; roll
bolívar: bolivar
Bolivia: Bolivia
boliviano: Bolivian
bollo: bun; pastry; bread roll; dent; puff in a dress; bump; confusion
bolo: pin; skittle; ninepin; tenpin; dunce; idiot; snap; tour; newel of winding stairs; large pill; bolus; souvenir
bolsa: bag; pouch; handbag; purse; bulge; stock market
bolsillo: pocket; purse; funds
bolsista: pickpocket; stockbroker
bolso: handbag; purse; bulge in a sail
boludo: jerk
bomba: bomb; pump; petrol station; globe of lamp; bomba atómica: A-bomb
bombacho: loose-fitting
bombardear: to bomb; to shell; to bombard
bombardeo: bombing; bombardment
bombardero: bombing; bomber; bombardier
bombazo: explosion; blast
bombero: fireman; firefighter; pumpman
bombilla: light bulb; thief tube; small tube for drinking mate
bombillo: light bulb; water closet trap
bombín: bowler; derby
bombita: light bulb
bombo: bass drum; lottery drum; stunned; puffing; writing up
bombón: bonbon; sweetmeat; chocolate; stunner
bombona: cylinder; carboy
bombonería: confectioner's shop; sweet shop; candy store
bonachón: good-natured; kind; good soul
bonanza: fair weather; calm sea; prosperity; bonanza
bondad: goodness; kindness; good nature
bondadoso: kind; good; good-natured
boniato: sweet potato
bonificación: discount; rebate; allowance; bonus; bonus point
bonito: nice; pretty; nice; dainty; bonito
bono: bond; debenture; charity food-ticket; bono turístico: tourist pass
bonsai: bonsai
boñiga: cowpat; cow dung
boñigo: cowpat; cow dung
boom: boom
boquera: sluice; opening in an irrigation canal; lip sore
boquerón: anchovy; wide opening
boquete: gap; breach; opening; narrow entrance
boquiabierto: open-mouthed; amazed; gaping; agape; gape; gaping; quedarse boquiabierto: to gasp; mirar boquiabierto: to gawp at
boquilla: stem of pipe; cigar holder; tip of cigarette; mouth-piece; burner of a lamp; nozzle
borbotear: to bubble; to burble
borbotón: bubbling
borceguí: half boot; buskin
borda: gunwale
bordada: tack; board
bordado: embroidery; embroidered; perfect
bordar: to embroider; to perform exquisitely
borde: rim; edge; hem; shore; border; fringe; nasty person
bordear: to go round; to skirt; to verge; to be close to; to beat to windward
bordillo: kerb; curb
bordo: board; a bordo: on board; aboard
Borgoña: Burgundy
boreal: boreal; northern
borla: tassel; tuft; powder puff
borne: terminal; binding post; tip of a jousting lance; cytisus; hard and brittle wood
Borneo: Borneo
borrachera: drunkenness; intoxication; carousal; high exaltation; great folly
borracho: drunkard; drunk; overcome; intoxicated; violet-coloured
borrador: draft; rough copy; board rubber; duster; blotter
borrar: to cross; to strike; to rub out; to blot out; to obliterate; to efface; to erase; to smudge; to blur; to delete; to clean; to record over
borrarse: to cancel one's membership; to fade; to disappear
borrasca: depression; area of low pressure; storm; tempest; orgy; revelry
borrascoso: stormy; tempestuous
borrego: young sheep; yearly lamb; dope; simpleton; dim; sense
borrico: donkey; blockhead; thickhead; stubborn person; pigheaded; sawhorse
borrón: blot; blemish; draft; rough copy; first sketch
borroso: unfocused; blurred; smudgy; blurry; faded; thick with sediment
Bosnia: Bosnia
bosnio: Bosnian
bosque: forest; wood; grove; thicket; woodland
bosquejar: to sketch; to outline
bosquejo: sketch; draft; outline
bostezar: to yawn
bostezo: yawn
bota: boot; small leather wine bag; cask; butt
botadura: launching
botamanga: cuff
botánica: botany
botánico: botanist; botanical; botanic
botar: to bounce; to launch; to throw out; to throw away; to jump
botarate: loony; screwball; fool; harebrain; spendthrift
bote: jar; can; tin; canister; container for tips; in a bar or restaurant; kitty; jackpot; small boat; bounce; jump
botella: bottle
botellero: rack for bottles; bottle maker or dealer
botica: pharmacy; chemist's; apothecary's shop
boticario: pharmacist; chemist; druggist; apothecary
botijo: round earthen jug with spout and handle which keeps water cool
botín: ankle boot; booty; haul
botiquín: first aid kit; medicine cabinet; retail wine store
botón: button; bud; knob; botones: bellboy
bóveda: vault; crypt
bovino: bovine
box: pit; stall; boxing
boxeador: boxer
boxear: to box
boxeo: boxing
boya: buoy; float of fishing net
boyante: buoyant; prosperous; successful; riding light
bozal: muzzle; muzzle bells
bozo: fuzz or down on upper lip; mouth; lips
braga: panties; knickers; underpants
braguero: truss; breeching rope of a gun
bragueta: fly
braille: Braille
bramante: string; thin twine or hemp string; roaring
bramar: to low; to bellow; to roar
bramido: bellow; roar; yell
branquia: gill; branchia
brasa: ember; live coal
brasero: brazier
Brasil: Brazil
brasileño: Brazilian
bravata: threat; boast; bluster; swagger; brag
bravío: ferocious; wild; untamed; rustic; ferocity
bravo: brave; courageous; fine; excellent; fierce; ferocious; rough; angry; violent; sumptuous; magnificent
bravucón: swaggering; braggart; swaggerer
bravura: bravery; courage; fierceness; ferocity
braza: breaststroke; fathom; brace
brazada: stroke; armful
brazalete: bracelet; armband; armlet
brazo: arm; branch; boom; power; might; foreleg
brea: tar; wood tar; pitch
brebaje: concoction; beverage; unpalatable drink
brecha: gap; opening; hole; gash; breach; impression on the mind
brécol: broccoli
bregar: to slave away; to struggle; to fight; to work hard; to knead
Bretaña: Brittany; Gran Bretaña: Great Britain
brete: tight spot; difficult situation
breva: early fig; chewing tobacco; plum; good thing
breve: brief; short; breve; en breve: soon
brevedad: brevity; briefness; conciseness
breviario: breviary; brevier
brezo: heath; heather; briar
bribón: rascal; knave; scoundrel; loafer; rascally
bricolaje: do-it-yourself
brida: bridle; splice bar; clamp; flange; fishplate
brigada: brigade; squad; sergeant major
brillante: diamond; bright; brilliant; sparkling; gleaming; shining; glittering; glossy
brillantina: hair cream; brilliantine; metal polish
brillar: to shine; to sparkle; to gleam; to glisten; to stand out
brillo: shine; brilliance; brightness; lustre; sparkle; gloss; sheen; splendour
brincar: to jump; to spring; to skip; to leap; to frolic; to take offence
brinco: jump; spring; leap
brindar: to toast; to offer; to present; to dedicate; to give
brindarse a: to offer to
brindis: toast; drinking the health
brío: determination; drive; force; strength; spirit; grace; elegance; vivacity
brisa: breeze; northeast wind
brisca: Spanish card game
británico: British
brizna: blade; bit; scrap; slender particle; filament
broca: conical drill bit; spindle; skewer;
brocado: brocade; brocaded
brocal: curbstone of a well; steel rim of a shield; metal mouth of a scabbard; mouthpiece of a leather wine bag
brocha: paintbrush; brush
brochazo: brush stroke; dab
broche: brooch; fastener; clasp; slide
brocheta: skewer; kebab
brócoli: broccoli
broma: joke; jest; fun; merriment; shipworm
bromear: to joke; to jest; to make fun
bromista: full of fun; merry person; joker
bromo: bromine; brome grass
bromuro: bromide
bronca: row; quarrel; shindy; telling-off; harsh reprehension; booing; jeering
bronce: bronze; cannon; bell; trumpet
bronceado: tan; tanned; suntanned; bronzed; sunburst
bronceador: tanning; suntan lotion
broncear: to tan; to bronze
broncearse: to get a suntan
bronco: harsh; hoarse; brusque; curt; gruff; rude
bronquio: bronchial tube; bronchus
bronquitis: bronchitis
brotar: to sprout; to gush out; to grow; to germinate; to bud; to burgeon; to spring; to gush; to break out; to put forth
brote: bud; sprout; outbreak; appearance
bruces: face downward; on one's face
bruja: witch; sorceress; hag; shrew
brujería: witchcraft; sorcery; magic
brujo: wizard; sorcerer
brújula: compass
bruma: mist; fog
brumoso: misty; foggy; hazy
bruñir: to polish; to burnish
brusco: sudden; abrupt; rude; blunt; abrasive; gruff; sharp; butcher's broom
Bruselas: Brussels
brusquedad: suddenness; abruptness; rudeness; bluntness; abrasiveness
brutal: brutal; vicious; brutish; huge; colossal; terrific; brute; beast
brutalidad: brutality; viciousness; stupidity; brutal act
brute: stupid; uncouth; uncut; gross; rough; beast; fool; lout
bucal: of the mouth; buccal
Bucarest: Bucharest
buceador: diver
bucear: to dive; to swim underwater; to snorkel; to explore
bucanero: buccaneer
buceo: diving
buche: crop; stomach; mouth; bosom; suckling ass
bucle: curl; loop
bucólico: bucolic
Budapest: Budapest
budín: pudding
budismo: Buddhism
budista: Buddhist
buen: apocopated form of bueno used only before a masculine substantive
buena: mess
buenamoza: handsome; attractive
buenaventura: good luck; happiness; fortune told by a fortuneteller
buenazo: good-natured; easy-going
buenmozo: handsome
bueno: good; well; nice; kind; good-looking
buey: bullock; steer
búfalo: buffalo
bufanda: scarf; muffler
bufar: to snort; to fume; to puff and blow
bufé: buffet
bufete: law firm; writing desk
bufido: snort
bufo: comic; farcical; bouffe; buffoon
bufón: buffoon; jester
buganvilla: bougainvillea
buhardilla: attic; dormer window; garret; skylight
búho: owl; eagle owl
buhonero: street seller; pedlar; peddler; hawker
buitre: vulture; greedy person
bujía: candle; candlestick; candlepower; spark plug
bula: bull; bulla
bulbo: bulb
buldog: bulldog
buldozer: bulldozer
bulerías: Andalusian song and dance
bulevar: boulevard
Bulgaria: Bulgaria
búlgaro: Bulgarian
bulimia: bulimia
bulla: noise; uproar; racket; crowd
bullanga: noise; uproar; tumult; racket; disturbance
bullanguero: lively; animated; lively person; noisy person; rioter
bulldog: bulldog
bulldozer: bulldozer
bullicio: hubbub; hustle and bustle; noise; stir; riot
bullicioso: noisy; boisterous; restless; lively; merry; bustling; busy
bullir: to bubble; to come rushing; to boil; to seethe; to bustle about
bulo: untrue story; canard; hoax; false report
bulto: lump; bulge; piece of luggage; bulk; volume; size; swelling; form; shape; body
bumerang: boomerang
bungalow: bungalow
búnker: bunker
buñuelo: doughnut; cruller; fritter; botch; bungle
buque: ship; vessel; hull; capacity
buqué: bouquet
burbuja: bubble; airlock; blister
burbujear: to bubble
burdel: brothel; disorderly house
burdeos: Bordeaux; burgundy; maroon
burdo: rough; gross; coarse; clumsy
bureta: burette; buret
burgo: hamlet; burgh
burgués: bourgeois; burgher; middle class
burguesía: bourgeoisie; middle classes
buril: burin
burla: mockery; gibe; jeer; scoff; joke; jest; deception; trick
burladero: refuge in a bull ring; safety island
burlar: to outwit; to mock; to deceive; to disappoint; to frustrate; to evade
burlarse: to make fun
burlesco: funny; burlesque; comical; jocular
burlete: draught excluder; weather strip
burlón: mocking; mocker; joker
buró: roll-top desk; writing desk; bureau; executive committee
burocracia: bureaucracy
burócrata: bureaucrat
burocrático: bureaucratic
burrada: piece of nonsense; stupid thing to do; large amount; drove of asses
burro: stupid; thick; brutish; rough; donkey; dunce; oaf; sawbuck; sawhorse; card game
bursátil: stock exchange
bus: bus
busca: search; hunt; quest; pager; party of beaters; bleeper
buscapersonas: pager; bleeper
buscapiés: jumping jack; sounding remark
buscapleitos: troublemaker
buscar: to look for; to search for; to hunt for; to seek; to prospect; to look up; to pick up
buscavidas: busybody; hustler
buseca: stew made with tripe, beans, etc
búsqueda: search; hunt; quest
busto: bust
butaca: armchair; seat; easy chair
butacón: armchair; large easy chair
butano: butane
butifarra: kind of pork sausage from Catalonia
buzo: diver; overalls; tracksuit
buzón: letter box; mailbox; postbox; stopper; plug; bung
byte: byte

Last modified on: 15th July 2009

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English-Spanish dictionary
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