oasis: oasis
obcecar: to blind mentally; to disturb the mind of; to obfuscate obcecarse: to become stubborn obedecer: to obey; to respond; to yield; to be the result of; to be due; to arise obediencia: obedience obediente: obedient obelisco: obelisk; dagger obertura: overture obesidad: obesity; obeseness; fatness obeso: obese; fat; fleshy óbice: obstacle; impediment; hindrance obispado: bishopric; episcopate; diocese obispo: bishop óbito: death; decease obituario: obituaries section; obituary objeción: objection objetar: to object objetividad: objectivity objetivo: objective; aim; target; lens objeto: object; purpose; objective; aim; target; goal; end; thing; artefact; artifact; affair; sin objeto: aimless objetor: objector oblea: wafer oblicuo: oblique; slanting; sidelong obligación: obligation; duty; commitment; bond; security obligado: obliged obligar: to oblige; to force; to bind; to compel; to force obligarse: to put oneself under an obligation; to make a commitment obligatorio: obligatory; compulsory oblongo: oblong; oval obnubilar: to cloud oboe: oboe; oboist obra: work; task; act; deed; work of art; play; piece; book; opus; building site; alteration obrar: to act; to work; to fashion; to make; to build; to construct; to take effect; to be; to act; to behave; to proceed obrera: worker obrero: working; labour; worker; labourer; laborer; churchwarden obscenidad: obscenity obsceno: obscene; indecent; lewd obscurecer: oscurecer obscuridad: oscuridad obscuro: oscuro obsequiar: to lavish attentions on; to present somebody with something; to court; to woo obsequio: gift; present; attention; shown; courtesy; treat obsequioso: obliging; obsequious; attentive observación: observation; note; comment; remark; observance observador: observant; observer; observing observancia: observance; respect; abidance observar: to observe; to watch; to notice; to point out; to respect; to follow observarse: to be noticed observatorio: observatory; weather station obsesión: obsession obsesionado: obsessed obsesionar: to obsession obsesionar: to obsess obsesionarse: to become obsessed; to be obsessed obsesivo: obsessive obseso: obsessed; obsessive person obsoleto: obsolete obstaculizar: to hinder; to hamper; to block; to obstruct; to prevent obstáculo: obstacle obstante: no obstante: nevertheless; however; in spite of; despite obstar: to stand in the way; to be an obstacle obstetricia: obstetrics; obstetricy obstinación: stubbornness; obstinacy; obduracy obstinado: persistent; obstinate; stubborn obstinarse: to refuse to give way obstrucción: obstruction; blockage obstruir: to obstruct; to block; to impede; to hinder; to clog; to stop up obstruirse: to get blocked obtener: to get; to win; to make; to gain; to attain; to obtain; to procure obtenerse: to be obtained obturador: shutter; obturator; throttle; stopper; plug; obturating; stopping obturar: to block; to obturate; to close; to plug; to throttle obtuso: blunt; obtuse; stupid; dull; low in perception obús: shell; howitzer obviar: to avoid; to get round obvio: obvious; evident oca: goose; royal goose; oca; board game similar to snakes and ladders ocarina: ocarina ocasión: opportunity; chance; moment; time; occasion; bargain; case ocasional: accidental; occasional; chance ocasionar: to cause; to occasion ocaso: sunset; decline; setting; decadence; west occidental: western; westerner occidentalizar: to westernize occidente: west; occident occipital: occipital Oceanía: Oceanía oceánico: ocean; oceanic océano: ocean; sea; host oceanografía: oceanography ocelote: ocelot ochavo: small copper coin ochenta: eighty; eightieth ochentavo: eightieth ocho: eight; eighth ochocientos: eight hundred ocio: leisure; idleness; spare time; pastime; diversion ociosidad: idleness ocioso: idle; useless; needless; unnecessary; pointless ocre: ocher; ochre octágono: octagon; octagonal octano: octane octava: octave octavilla: pamphlet; leaflet; octavo; eight part of a sheet of paper; octosyllabic octave octavo: eighth octeto: octet; byte octogenario: octogenarian octogésimo: eightieth octogonal: octagonal octógono: octagon octubre: October ocular: eye; ocular; eyepiece; testigo ocular: eyewitness oculista: oculist; ophthalmologist; eye-specialist ocultar: to hide; to conceal; to cover; to secret; to occult; to cover up ocultarse: to hide ocultismo: occultism oculto: hidden; concealed; secret; occult; abstruse ocupa: squatter ocupación: occupation; job ocupado: busy; engaged; occupied; taken ocupante: occupant; occupier ocupar: to occupy; to take up; to live in; to sit at; to sit in; to hold; to provide work for ocuparse: to deal with; to look after ocurrencia: bright idea; witty remark; quip; occurrence; event; occasion ocurrente: witty; bright; occurring ocurrir: to happen; to occur; to befall ocurrirse: to occur; to strike; to come into one's mind oda: ode odiar: to hate; to loathe odio: hatred; hate; loathing; odium odioso: hateful; horrible; odious odisea: odyssey odontología: dentistry; odontology odontólogo: dentist; dental surgeon; odontologist odre: wineskin; winebag; drunkard oeste: west; western; westerly ofender: to insult; to offend; to hurt; to attack; to injure ofenderse: to be offended; to take offence ofendido: affronted; aggrieved; huffy; miffed ofensa: offence; slight; insult; affront; injury ofensiva: offensive ofensivo: offensive; abusive oferta: offer; supply; bargain; bid; tender ofertar: to offer; offering; gift office: scullery; breakfast room oficial: official; officer; clerk; journeyman; trainee; craftsman oficiala: tradeswoman; craftswoman; officer oficialismo: government party; authorities oficiar: to officiate at; to celebrate; to act oficina: office; bureau; workshop; pharmacist's laboratory oficinista: office worker; clerk oficio: trade; job; profession; occupation; office letter; service oficioso: unofficial; officious; meddlesome; diligent; obliging ofimática: office automation ofrecer: to offer; to give; to provide; to throw; to present; to hold; to celebrate ofrecerse: to offer; to volunteer; to be displayed ofrecimiento: offer; offering; promise ofrenda: offering; gift ofrendar: to offer up ofrezco, ofrezca: ofrecer oftalmología: ophthalmology oftalmólogo: ophthalmologist ofuscar: to dazzle; to blind; to obfuscate ofuscarse: to be blinded; to become confused ogro: ogre oh: oh oídas: de oídas: by hearsay oído: ear; hearing oigo, oiga: oír oír: to hear; to listen to ojal: buttonhole; eyelet; eyelet hole ojalá: would to God; God grant; I hope ojeada: quick look; glance ojear: to beat for game; to chase away; to eye; to have a quick look at; to glance at ojera: eye cup; eye glass; ojeras: rings under the eyes ojeriza: dislike; animosity; grudge; spite; ill will ojeroso: haggard; having rings under the eyes ojiva: ogive; pointed arch; warhead ojo: eye; hole; perforation; bow; speck of grease in soup; well of stairs; span; bay of bridge; keyhole ojota: sandal okupa: squatter ola: wave; billow; surge; swell olé: bravo oleada: wave; large wave; surge; swell oleaje: swell; surge óleo: oil; olive oil; chrism; holy oil oleoducto: pipeline oler: to smell; to scent; to sniff; to snuff; to pry into olerse: to suspect; to guess olfatear: to sniff; to smell; to scent; to snoop; to pry into; to try to discover olfato: sense of smell; nose; sagacious sense oligarquía: oligarchy oligoelemento: trace element oligofrenia: mental handicap oligofrénico: mentally handicapped olimpiada: Olympiad; Olympic games olímpico: Olympic; haughty olisquear: to smell; to scent; to sniff oliva: olive; barn owl oliváceo: olive-coloured; olivaceous olivar: olive grove; olive plantation; oliveyard olivarero: olive; olive grower olivo: olive tree olla: pot; boiler; kettle; dish of boiled meat and vegetables; eddy; whirlpool; olla exprés: pressure cooker olmo: elm tree olor: smell; odour; fragance; promise; hope oloroso: fragrant; odorous olote: corncob without corn kernels olvidadizo: forgetful; ungrateful olvidar: to forget; to be forgotten; to leave behind olvidarse: to forget olvido: oblivion; forgetfulness; omission; oversight; neglect ombligo: navel; belly button; centre; middle omega: omega ominoso: ominous; of evil omen; awful; odious; execrable omisión: omission omiso: neglectful; remiss; careless omitir: to omit; to drop; to leave out ómnibus: bus; omnibus; long-distance bus; coach omnipotente: omnipotent; almighty omnipresente: omnipresent omnisciente: omniscient omnívoro: omnivore; omnivorous omoplato, omóplato: shoulder blade onagro: onager once: eleven; eleventh onceavo: eleventh oncología: oncology onvológico: oncological onda: wave; ripple; scallop; kink; longitud de onda: wavelength; ondas de radio: airwaves; onda expansiva: blast ondear: to wave; to flutter; to blow about; to rise in waves; to ripple; to undulate ondulación: undulation; wave ondulado: wavy; undulating; corrugated; rippled; billowy ondular: to wave; to flutter; to undulate; to ripple; to billow; to roll oneroso: onerous; burdensome onírico: oneiric; relating to dreams ónix: onyx onomástica: saint's day onomástico: onomastic onomatopeya: onomatopoeia onomatopéyico: onomatopoeic onubense: inhabitant of Huelva onza: ounce; piece; square; cheetah onzavo: eleventh OPA: takeover bid opaco: opaque; dull ópalo: opal opción: option; choice; right opcional: optional ópera: opera operación: operation; transaction; deal operador: operator; projectionist; cameraman operar: to operate on; to bring about; to operate operario: worker; workman; operator; operative opereta: operetta; light opera opinable: debatable opinar: to give an opinion; to think; to judge; to opine opinión: opinion; view opio: opium opíparo: sumptuous; plentiful oponente: opponent oponer: to oppose; to offer; to put up oponerse: to be opposed; to be the opposite; to go against oporto: port wine oportunidad: opportunity; timing; oportunidades: bargains section oportunista: opportunist oportuno: timely; opportune; suitable; appropriate; witty oposición: opposition; competitive examination opresión: oppression; constriction; pressing opresivo: oppressive opresor: oppressive; oppressor oprimido: oppressed oprimir: to press; to push; to pinch; to oppress; to weigh down oprobio: opprobrium; ignominy; disgrace optar: to opt; to decide; to choose optativo: optional; optative óptica: optics; optician's; point of view; perspective óptico: optic; optical; optician optimismo: optimism optimista: optimist; sanguine óptimo: optimum; optimal; best opuesto: opposed; opposite; contrary; adverse; abhorrent opulencia: opulence opulento: opulent; affluent; lush; plentiful opuse, opusiera: oponer oquedad: hollow; cavity; hole; hollowness ora: now; then; whether oración: prayer; orison; oration; discourse; sentence; clause; dusk; sunset oráculo: oracle orador: orator; speaker oral: oral orangután: orang-utang orar: to pray orate: lunatic; madman oratoria: oratory; speaking orbe: orb; sphere; the earth; the world órbita: orbit; sphere; field; eye-socket orca: orca; killer whale órdago: fantastic; dreadful; swell; grand; excellent orden: order; class; degree; array; respect; relation; nature ordenación: ordering; placing in order; order; arrangement; command; ordination ordenador: computer; ordering; arranging; ordaining; orderer; arranger; ordainer; auditor; ordenador portátil: laptop ordenamiento: regulations; ordering; arrangement; edict; ordinance ordenanza: order; method; command; ordinance; regulation; orderly; errand boy; messenger ordenar: to order; to arrange; to put in order; to direct to an end; to command; to decree; to prescribe; to ordain ordenarse: to take orders; to be ordained ordeñadora: milking machine ordeñar: to milk ordinal: ordinal ordinariez: vulgarity; grossness; coarseness; ordinariness; inferior quality; rude remark ordinario: usual; coarse; vulgar; inferior; gross; cheap; common person; ordinary; carrier; messenger orear: to air; to ventilate orearse: to air; to become aired; to take an airing; to get some fresh air orégano: wild marjoram; oregano oreja: ear; flap; wing; lug; claw of hammer; oreja marina: abalone orejeras: ear muffs; earflaps orejón: strip of dried peach; pull on the ear orejudo: big-eared orensano: inhabitant of Orense orfanato: orphanage orfandad: orphanage; orphanhood; abandonment; neglect orfebre: goldsmith; silversmith orfebrería: gold work; silver work orfanato: orphanage orfeón: choir; choral society organdí: organdy orgánico: organic organigrama: organization chart; structure organillero: organ-grinder organillo: barrel organ; hand organ organismo: organism; organization; society; body; institution organización: organization organizar: to organize; to arrange; to cause; to set up; to start organizarse: to organize oneself; to get organized; to occur; to take place órgano: organ; instrument; medium; publication; mouthpiece orgasmo: orgasm orgía: orgy; revel orgullo: pride; arrogance; haughtiness orgulloso: proud; arrogant; haughty; conceited orientación: orienting; orientation; learnings; tendency; aspect; guidance; bearings oriental: eastern; oriental orientar: to orient; to orientate; to position; to direct; to give directions to; to guide; to advise; to trim a sail orientarse: to find one's bearings; to orient oneself oriente: east; orient orífice: goldsmith orificio: hole; orifice origen: origin; cause; native country original: original; queer; quaint; odd; eccentric originalidad: originality originar: to originate; to create; to start; to cause; to bring about originarse: to originate; to derive; to arise; to spring originario: original; come; derived; native; originating; of origin orilla: border; margin; edge; brink; hem; bank; margin; shore orín: rust; urine orina: urine orinal: chamber pot; urinal orinar: to urinate orinarse: to wet oneself oriundo: coming from; native of orla: edging; border; ornamental border; orle; class graduation photograph ornamentación: decoration; ornamentation ornamental: ornamental ornamento: ornament; adorn; decorate; gift; moral quality; ornament ornitología: ornithology ornitológico: ornithological ornitólogo: ornithologist ornitorrinco: duckbill; platypus oro: gold; card suit equivalent to diamonds orondo: fat; rotund; smug; self-satisfied; proud; big-bellied; hollow; puffed up oropel: tinsel; brass foil oropéndola: golden oriole; loriot orquesta: orchestra; band orquestal: orchestral orquestar: to orchestrate orquestina: small dance band orquídea: orchid orsay: offside ortiga: nettle; ortiga de mar: jellyfish ortodoxo: orthodox; conventional ortogonal: orthogonal ortografía: spelling; orthography ortopeda: orthopaedist; orthopedist ortopedia: orthopaedics; orthopedics ortopédico: orthopaedic; orthopedic ortopedista: orthopaedist; orthopedist oruga: caterpillar; rocket; rocket sauce orujo: brandy distilled from grape pressings orza: luff; luffing; centreboard; crock; earthen jag orzuelo: sty; stye os: you; to you; for you; each other; yourselves osa: she-bear; Osa Mayor: Ursa Major; Great Bear; Big Dipper; Osa Menor: Ursa Minor; Little Bear; Little Dipper osadía: boldness; daring; audacity; cheek; impudence osado: bold; daring; audacious; hardy; cheeky; impudent osamenta: skeleton; bones osar: charnel-house; ossuary; to dare; to venture oscense: inhabitant of Huesca oscilación: oscillation; fluctuation oscilar: to oscillate; to swing; to fluctuate; to vary oscura: a oscuras: in darkness; in the dark oscurecer: to obscure; to darken; to make darker; to obscure; to cast a shadow over; to overshadow oscurecerse: to cloud over; to become cloudy; to get darker oscuridad: darkness; gloom; obscurity oscuro: dark; overcast; dull; obscure; suspicious; shady; uncertain ósculo: kiss; osculum óseo: osseous; bone osera: den of bears osezno: bear cub osificarse: to become ossified; to ossify osito: teddy osmio: osmium ósmosis: osmosis oso: bear; oso hormiguero: anteater; aadvark ostensible: ostensible; visible; manifest ostentación: ostentation; show; parade; display; exhibition ostentar: to parade; to display; to show; to make ostentation of; to exhibit; to manifest ostentoso: ostentatious; sumptuous ostión: large oyster; scallop ostra: oyster; ostras: wow; gosh; holy cow ostracismo: ostracism OTAN: NATO otear: to survey; to scan; to watch closely; to observe; to spy; to search; to examine otero: hillock; knoll; buttle; height otitis: inflammation of the inner ear; otitis otoñal: autumnal; autumn; fall otoño: autumn; fall otorgar: to grant; to give; to award; to consent; to confer; to execute; to accord otorrino, otorrinolaringólogo: ear, nose and throat specialist otro: another; other ovación: ovation ovacionar: to give an ovation to ovalado: oval óvalo: oval ovario: ovary; ovarium oveja: sheep; ewe ovetense: inhabitant of Oviedo ovillo: ball ovino: sheep ovíparo: oviparous ovni: UFO ovoide: ovoid ovulación: ovulation ovular: to ovulate óvulo: ovule; ovum oxidado: rusty oxidar: to rust; to oxidize oxidarse: to become rusty; to rust óxido: oxide; rust oxigenado: oxygenated; bleached oxigenar: to oxygenate; to oxygenize oxigenarse: to get some fresh air oxígeno: oxygen oye: oír oyente: listener; hearer; auditor; oyentes: audience ozono: ozone ozonosfera: ozone layer