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ja: ha
jabalí: wild boar
jabalina: javelin; boarspear; female boar; wild sow
jabato: young wild boar
jábega: seine
jabón: soap; flattery; severe reprimand
jabonar: to soap; to lather; to reprimand severely
jabonera: soap dish; soapwort
jaca: pony; mare; cob; bidet; nag; jennet
jacal: hut; shack
jacaranda: jacaranda
jacinto: hyacinth
jactancia: boastfulness; bragging; boasting; vaunt
jactancioso: boastful; bragging; vaunting; boaster; braggart; vaunter
jactarse: to boast; to brag; to vaunt
jacuzzi: Jacuzzi
jade: jade
jadeante: breathless; panting; out of breath
jadear: to pant; to gasp; to heave
jadeo: panting
jaguar: jaguar
jaiba: crayfish
jalar: to pull; to haul; to attract
jalbegar: enjalbegar
jalea: jelly
jalear: to cheer on; to clap and shout
jaleo: row; rumpus; mess; confusion; disturbance; din; racket; merry noise
jalón: marker stake; milestone; landmark; pull; flag pole
jalonar: to stake; to mark out; to mark
Jamaica: Jamaica
jamaicano: Jamaican
jamar: to scoff; to eat
jamarse: to scoff
jamás: never; ever
jamba: jamb
jamelgo: nag; jade horse
jamón: ham; jamón serrano: cured ham; jamón de York: boiled ham
jamona: buxom; buxom woman
Japón: Japan
japonés: Japanese
japuta: Ray's bream
jaque: check; swaggerer; bully; jaque mate: checkmate
jaqueca: migraine; megrim; headache
jara: rockrose
jarabe: syrup; sweet drink; a popular Mexican dance; jarabe de palo: spanking
jaramago: hedge mustard
jarana: spree; binge; rumpus; row; trick; deception; debt; a type of dance
jaranero: fond of partying; merry; merrymaking; fun-loving
jarcia: rigging; cordage; ropes; fishing tackle; jumble; mess
jardín: garden; privy; latrine; jardín de infancia: kindergarten; nursery school
jardinera: flowerpot stand; window box; gardener; dungaress
jardinería: gardening
jardinero: gardener
jarra: jug; tankard; pitcher; decanter; jar; en jarras: akimbo; hands on hips
jarrear: to pour down
jarrete: ham; back of the knee; hock; gambrel
jarro: jug; pitcher; ewer; pot; jugful; pitcherful; ser un jarro de agua fría: to be a complete shock
jarrón: vase; urn
jaspe: jasper; veined marble
jaspeado: mottled; speckled; marbled; jaspery
jauja: paradise
jaula: cage; crate
jauría: pack of dogs
Java: Java
javanés: Javanese
jazmín: jasmine
jazz: jazz
je: ha
jeans: jeans
jeep: jeep
jefatura: leadership; headquarters; head office
jefe: boss; manager; leader; chief
Jehová: Jehovah
jején: midge
jengibre: ginger
jenízaro: mixed; hybrid; Janizary
jeque: sheik; sheikh
jerarca: chief; hierarch
jerarquía: hierarchy; high-ranking person; leader
jerárquico: hierarchic; hierarchical
jerbo: jerboa
jerez: sherry
jerezano: inhabitant of Jerez de la Frontera
jerga: jargon; slang; gibberish; coarse woollen cloth; straw mattress
jergón: straw mattress
jerigonza: jargon; slang; gibberish
jeringa: syringe; enema
jeringar: to pester; to annoy; to syringe
jeringuilla: syringe; hypodermic syringe; syringa; mock orange
jeroglífico: hieroglyphic; rebus
jersey: jumper; pullover; sweater
Jerusalén: Jerusalem
Jesucristo: Jesus Christ
jesuita: Jesuit
jesús: good heavens; bless you
jet: jet
jeta: mug; face; cheek; nerve; hog's snout; thick lips; tener mucha jeta: to be a cheeky bugger
jet-set: jet set
jíbaro: Jivaro; peasant; rustic
jibia: cuttlefish; cuttlebone
jícara: small cup; chocolate cup
jicote: hornet
jicotera: hornets' nest; buzzing of hornets
jiennense: inhabitant of Jaén
jijona: soft nougat
jilguero: goldfinch; linnet
jineta: genet; horsewoman
jinete: rider; jockey
jirafa: giraffe
jirón: shred; rag; strip; tatter; bit; small part; pennant; gyron; hecho jirones: in tatters
jitomate: variety of tomato
jo: drat; heck
jobar: goodness; blimey
jockey: jockey
jocoso: jocular; funny; comic; jocose; humorous
joder: to fuck; to screw; to be a pain in the arse
jofaina: washbasin; washbowl
jogging: jogging
jolgorio: merrymaking; frolic
jolín, jolines: hell; Christ; goodness; gosh; blast; drat
jondo: cante jondo: flamenco singing
jonio: Ionic; Ionian
Jordania: Jordan
jordano: Jordanian
jornada: working day; day's journey; round of matches; programme; jornadas: conference; congress
jornal: day's wage; daywork; a land measure
jornalero: day labourer; daily-paid worker
joroba: hump; hunch; annoyance; bother
jorobado: hunchbacked; hunchback; humped
jorobar: to annoy; to bother; to break
jorongo: blanket; poncho
jota: Aragonese typical dance; jack; jot; iota; whit; no entender ni jota: not to understand anything
joto: queer; faggot
joven: young; youth
jovial: jovial; cheerful; pleasant; good-humoured
jovialidad: joviality; cheerfulness; good humour
joya: jewel; gem; piece of jewelry; astragal; joyas: aigrette; jewelry
joyería: jeweller's; jewellery
joyero: jeweller; jewellery box; casket
juanete: bunion; prominent cheekbone; topgallant yard or sail
jubilación: retirement; pension
jubilado: retired; pensioner; senior citizen; retiree
jubilar: to pension off; to retire
jubilarse: to retire; to get rid of; to discard as useless; to jubilate
jubilarse: to retire; to be pensioned
jubileo: jubilee; indulgence
júbilo: jubilation; joy; delight; rejoicing
jubiloso: jubilant; joyful; rejoicing
jubón: doublet; jerkin
judaísmo: Judaism
judería: Jewish quarter; tax on Jews
judía: bean; kidney bean; string bean; French bean; Jewess
judiada: dirty trick; inhuman action; usurious profit
judicial: judicial; judiciary
judío: Jew; Jewish; Judean; Hebrew; miserly; usurious; stingy
judo: judo
judoka: judoist; judoka
juego: game; play; playing; gambling; set; service; suit; plan; stratagem; hand
juego, juegue: jugar
juerga: rave-up; spree; revelry; carousal; fun-loving
juerguista: reveller; carouser
jueves: Thursday; Jueves Santo: Maundy Thursday
juez: judge; justice; official; juez de línea: linesman
jugada: period of play; rally; move; shot; stroke; throw; dirty trick; ill turn
jugador: player; gambler; gamester
jugar: to play; to gamble; to move; to sport; to frolic; to toy; to dally; to game; to speculate; to bet
jugarse: to bet; to risk; to stake
jugarreta: dirty trick; mean trick
juglar: minstrel; jongleur
jugo: juice; sap; meat; substance; profit; gravy
jugoso: juicy; succulent
jugué, jugó: jugar
juguete: toy; plaything; short play
juguetear: to play about; to toy; to sport; to folic; to dally
juguetería: toy shop
juguetón: playful; frolicsome; wanton
juicio: judgement; discernment; opinion; reason; discretion; prudence; sense; wisdom; sanity; saneness; soundness of mind; trial
juicioso: sensible; wise; judicious
julepe: julep; a card game; scolding; reprimand; fright
julio: July; joule
jumbo: jumbo jet
jumento: ass; donkey
jumper: pinafore dress
junco: rush; bulrush; reed; junk; slender walking stick; junco de Indias: rattan
jungla: jungle
junio: June
junior: junior
junípero: juniper
junquillo: jonquil; rattan; beading; reed; bead
junta: committee; board; assembly; meeting; session; sitting; joint; union; junction; seam; pipe joint; gasket
juntar: to join; to put together; to gather; to assemble; to congregate; to amass; to collect; to lay up; to store; to join; to unite; to connect
juntarse: to join; to get together; to meet; to assemble; to gather
junto: near; close; united; assembled; together; junto a: beside; about
juntura: joint; juncture; articulation
Júpiter: Jupiter
jura: oath; solemn ceremony of taking an oath allegiance
jurado: jury; juror; panel of judges; sworn
juramento: oath; curse; swearword
jurar: to swear; to curse
jurarse: to swear
jurásico: Jurassic
jurel: saurel; horse mackerel
jurídico: judicial; legal; juridical
jurisdicción: jurisdiction
jurisprudencia: jurisprudence
jurista: jurist
justa: joust; tilt; contest
justicia: justice; judicial power
justiciero: seeking justice; just; fair; righteous
justificación: justification; accounting
justificado: justified
justificante: justifying; proof; voucher; receipt
justificar: to justify; to prove; to vouch; to establish; to make excuses for; to account for
justificarse: to clear oneself; to excuse oneself
justillo: underwaist; corset cover
justo: just; fair; exact; correct; tight; close
juvenil: juvenile; youthful; young
juventud: youth; youthfulness
juzgado: court; judicature
juzgar: to judge; to try; to consider; to think; to account; to adjudicate; to deem; to measure; to assess; juzgar mal: to misjudge

Last modified on: 15th July 2009

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English-Spanish dictionary
by gwedynn is licensed under a
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