dabuten: great
dádíva: gift; present dadivoso: generous; open-handed; bounteous; liberal dado: given; dado; die; block daga: dagger; line of bricks in a kiln daguerrotipo: daguerreotype dalia: dahlia dálmata: Dalmatian daltónico: colour-blind daltonismo: colour blindness; Daltonism dama: lady; dame; lady in waiting; mistress; concubine; king in draughts; queen in chess; actress; dam damasco: damask; apricot damnificado: injured; affected; victim dandi: dandy danés: Danish dantesco: horrific; shocking; Dantesque danza: dance; dancing danzar: to dance; to fidget dañar: to harm; to hurt; to damage; to injure; to spoil; to taint dañarse: to become damaged; to spoil; to get hurt dañino: harmful; damaging; destructive; evil; wicked daño: harm; damage; detriment; injure; hurt dar: to give; to hand; to deliver; to grant; to confer; to produce; to bear; to yield; to deal; to cause; to excite; to strike; to show; to attach; to have; to hold; to switch on; to be enough dardo: dart; small spear; wounding remark; bleak dársena: dock; basin; inner harbour datar: to date; to put a date on; to credit on an account dátil: date; finger datilera: date palm dativo: dative dato: datum; fact; document; testimony de: of; from; about; for; on; by; at; out of; with; if; should dé: dar deambular: to stroll; to wander; to walk deambulatorio: ambulatory debajo: below; underneath; debajo de: under debate: debate; discussion; altercation debatir: to debate; to discuss debe: debit side deber: duty; obligation; homework; to owe; to have to debidamente: properly debido: proper; due; just; right; owed débil: weak; feeble; faint; slight; sickly; puny; sackless; shaky; spineless; thin; watery; addled; cold; dim; dull; frail; half-hearted; infirm; languid; limp debilidad: weakness; feebleness; debility debilitar: to weaken; to debilitate; to enfeeble debilitarse: to weaken; to lose strength debilucho: spineless; weedy; weakling debut: debut debutar: to make one's debut década: decade decadencia: decadence; decline; decay decadente: decadent; declining decaer: to decline; to go into a decline; to decay; to fall; to lessen decaído: in low spirits; declining; run-down decaimiento: gloominess; decline; weakness decálogo: decalogue decano: dean; doyen decantar: to decant; to overpraise decantarse: to opt decapante: paint stripper decapar: to strip decapitar: to behead; to decapitate decatlón: decathlon deceleración: deceleration decena: ten decencia: decency; propriety; decorum; modesty; cleanliness; tidiness; honesty decenio: decade; ten-year period decente: decent; respectable; good; proper; decorous; modest; clean; tidy; correct decepción: disappointment; disillusionment; deceit decepcionante: disappointing decepcionar: to disappoint; to disillusion dechado: model; example; pattern; sampler decibelio: decibel decidido: determined; decisive; firm decidir: to decide; to settle; to determine; to resolve decidirse: to make up one's mind décima: tenth; a ten-line stanza decimal: decimal; pertaining to tithes décimo: tenth; tenth part of a lottery ticket decimoctavo: eighteenth decimocuarto: fourteenth decimonónico: nineteenth-century; outdated decimonono: nineteenth decimonoveno: nineteenth decimoquinto: fifteenth decimoséptimo: seventeenth decimosexto: sixteenth decimotercero: thirteenth decir: say; saying; language; to say; to talk; to tell; to speak; to denote; to show; to suit or not suit; to become or not become; to call decirse: to say to oneself decisión: decision; determination; decisiveness; issue; judgement; verdict; order; command; resoluteness decisivo: decisive; final; conclusive declamar: to declaim; to recite declaración: declaration; comment; statement; deposition; expounding; explanation; proposal; declaration of love; disclosure; evidence; profession; pronouncement; utterance; avowal; prestar declaración: to take the stand; to testify; declaración jurada: affidavit declarar: to declare; to find; to testify; to state; to expound; to explain declararse: to declare oneself; to let one's feelings be known; to plead; to break out declinación: declension; decline; fall; descent; declination declinar: to decline; to lean; to deviate; to sink; to decay; to fall off; to decrease; to refuse; to renounce declive: slope; decline; declivity; descent decodificador: decoder decodificar: to decode decolorar: to decolourize; to fade decomiso: seizure; confiscation decoración: decoration; adorning; adornment; scenery; setting decorado: decorated; set decorador: interior designer; set designer; decorator decorar: to decorate; to adorn; to embellish decorativo: decorative; ornamental decoro: propriety; decorum; respect; decency; dignity; circumspection; gravity; modesty; honour; reverence decoroso: decent; seemly; proper decrecer: to decrease; to diminish decreciente: decreasing; diminishing decrépito: decrepit; decadent; declining decretar: to decree; to ordain; to resolve; to determine decreto: decree; order of a judge; act; diktat; edict; enactment; ordinance dedal: thimble; leather fingerstail dedicación: dedication; devotion; consecration dedicado: dedicated dedicar: to devote; to dedicate; to autograph dedicarse: to devote oneself dedicatoria: dedication; autograph dedillo: little finger; al dedillo: inside out dedo: finger; toe; finger's breath; very small distance; hacer dedo: to hitchhike; estar a dos dedos de: to come within an ace of; deducción: deduction; inference; conclusion; rebate; discount; abatement deducir: to deduce; to deduct; to infer; to rebate; to discount; to allege; to abate deducirse: to be deduced defecación: defecation defecar: to defecate defecto: defect; fault; failing; blemish; imperfection; default; lack; por defecto: by default defectuoso: faulty; defective defender: to defend defenderse: to defend oneself; to get by defensa: defence; defense; protection; guard; back; bumper; fender defensiva: a la defensiva: on the defensive defensivo: defensive defensor: defending; defender; supporter; advocate; counsel for the defence; proponent; champion; fielder; defensor del pueblo: ombudsman deferencia: deference deferente: deferential; deferring; deferent deficiencia: defect; handicap; fault deficiente: deficient; faulty; fail déficit: deficit; shortage deficitario: loss-making; negative definición: definition; resolution definir: to define; to finish; to complete definirse: to take a clear stance definitiva: en definitiva: in short; anyway definitivo: definitive; absolute deflación: deflation deforestación: deforestation deforestar: to deforest deformación: deformation; strain deformar: to deform; to distort; to misshape; to pull out of shape deformarse: to become deformed deforme: deformed; misshapen; ugly; abnormal deformidad: deformity; ugliness; gross error defraudar: to disappoint; to frustrate; to defraud; to cheat; to rob defunción: death; decease; demise degeneración: degeneration degenerado: degenerate degenerar: to degenerate deglutir: to swallow degollar: to decollate; to behead; to cut the throat; to destroy; to ruin degradación: degradation; abasement degradar: to demote; to degrade degradarse: to degrade oneself degustación: tasting; sampling; degustation degustar: to taste; to sample dehesa: meadow; pasture ground deidad: deity dejación: abandonment dejadez: carelessness; negligence; laziness; slovenliness; neglect dejado: untidy; lazy; untidy person; slovenly; lowspirited dejar: to leave; to abandon; to relinquish; to let go; to quit; to depart from; to permit; to consent; to allow; to let; to abandon; to forsake; to commit; to entrust; to give up; to deposit; to lend; to loan; to bequeath dejarse: to let oneself; to neglect oneself; to forget deje: slight accent dejo: slight accent; aftertaste; lassitude de jure: de jure del: contraction of de el delación: accusation; denunciation; information delantal: apron; pinafore delante: before; in front; ahead; delante de: in front of; ahead of delantera: front; front part; front row; lead; advance; advantage; forward line delantero: front; fore; foremost; first; forward delatar: to betray; to accuse; to denounce; do disclose; to give away delatarse: to give oneself away; to betray oneself delator: informer; accuser; denouncer; accusing; denouncing; betraying; disclosing delco: distributor dele: dele delectación: delectation; pleasure delegación: delegation; office of a delegate; branch delegado: delegated; representative; salesperson; commissioner; deputy delegar: to delegate deleitable: delightful; pleasing deleitar: to delight; to please deleitarse: to take delight; to delight deleite: delight; pleasure; gratification deleitoso: delightful; pleasing deletéreo: deleterious; poisonous deletrear: to spell; to spell out deletreo: spelling out of words deleznable: contemptible; frail; perishable; weak; crumbly; slippery délfico: Delphian; Delphic delfín: dolphin; dauphin delfina: dauphiness delga: commutator bar delgadez: thinnes; leannes; slenderness; tenuity; acuteness delgado: thin; fine; lean; slender; slim; lank; tenuous; delicate; acute; subtle; dead rise; flank delgaducho: thinnish; rather emaciated deliberación: deliberation; discussion; debate; advisement; counsel deliberado: deliberate deliberante: deliberating; deliberative deliberar: to deliberate; to think it over; to determine; to resolve deliberativo: deliberative delicadez: delicateness; touchiness; indolence delicadeza: delicacy; refinement; courtesy; fineness; softness; tenderness; scrupulousness; honesty delicado: fragile; delicate; sensitive; fussy; finicky; polite; courteous; delicious; tasty; poor; subtle; ingenious; touchy; fastidious delicaducho: sickly delicia: delight delicioso: delicious; delightful delictivo: criminal; unlawful delicuescente: deliquescent delimitación: delimitation delimitar: to define; to delimit; to demarcate delincuencia: crime; criminality; delinquency delincuente: criminal; delinquent; offender; offending delineación: delineation; draft delineante: draughtsman; draftsman; delineating delinear: to draw the outlines of; to delineate delinearse: to take shape delinquir: to commit a crime deliquio: fainting; ecstasy; rapture delirante: delirious; raving delirar: to be delirious; to rave; to wander; to talk nonsense; to rant delirio: delirium; raving; nonsense; delirios de grandeza: delusions of grandeur delirium tremens: delirium tremens delito: crime; offence; outrage; transgression delta: delta deltoides: deltoid deludir: to delude delusorio: delusive; delusory demacración: emaciation demacrado: emaciated; gaunt demacrar: to emaciate demagogia: demagogy; demagogism demagógico: demagogic demagogo: demagogue demanda: request; petition; application; call; demand; search; question; inquiry; enterprise; endeavour; suit; lawsuit; claim; plaint; complaint; action; sale demandadero: messenger demandado: defendant demandante: plaintiff; claimant demandar: to sue; to demand; to ask for; to beg; to request; to ask; to inquire; to wish for demarcación: demarcation; area; district demarcar: to mark the boundaries of; to demarcate demás: other; the rest; besides demasía: excess; superabundance; boldness; audacity; insolence; disrespect; outrage; iniquity; misdeed demasiado: too much; too many; too; excessively demencia: madness; insanity demencial: insane; ridiculous; absurd demente: insane; demented; mad; lunatic; maniac demérito: want of worth or merit; demerit demisión: submission; humility demiurgo: demiurge democracia: democracy demócrata: democrat; democratic democrático: democratic democratizar: to democratize Demócrito: Democritus demografía: demography demográfico: demographic demoler: to demolish; to pull down; to destroy demolición: demolition; destruction demonio: demon; devil; evil spirit; for goodness' sake demora: delay demorar: to delay; to retard; to tarry; to linger; to bear demorarse: to be delayed; to linger demostración: show; demonstration; proof; evidence demostrar: to demonstrate; to show; to prove demostrativo: demonstrative demudar: to change; to alter; to vary demudarse: to become disturbed denario: denarius; denary dendrita: dendrite denegar: to refuse; to deny dengue: dengue; influenza; mincing; affectation denigrante: degrading; insulting; demeaning denigrar: to denigrate; to debase; to vilify; to insult; to abuse denodado: staunch; courageous; bold; brave; intrepid; resolute denominador: denominative; denominator; denominating denominar: to name; to designate; to call; to give a name denostar: to insult; to revile; to rail denotar: to indicate; to denote densidad: density; thickness; obscurity; confusion denso: dense; thick; heavy; close; compact; thick; dark; confused dentado: serrated; dentate; toothed; cogged; teeth; perforation dentadura: teeth; set of teeth; denture dental: dental; ploughshare bed dentellada: bite; biting; mark made by the teeth dentera: tooth edge; envy; desire dentición: teething; teeth; dentition dentífrico: tooth; dentifrice dentista: dentist dentón: toothy; dentex dentro: inside; indoors; in; within dentudo: big-toothed denuesto: insult; abuse denuncia: formal complaint; statement; denouncement; denunciation; registration; accusation denunciar: to report; to denounce; to accuse; to betray; to accuse deparar: to bring; to afford; to furnish; to offer; to present departamento: department; compartment; apartment; flat; district; section; board; division; agency departir: to talk; to chat; to converse depauperar: to impoverish; to weaken; to exhaust dependencia: dependence; dependency; section; branch office; section; affair; errand; staff; personnel; employees depender: to depend dependienta: saleswoman; shop assistance dependiente: dependent; salesman; shop assistance; subordinate; clerk; salesman depilar: to remove hair from; to pluck; to depilate depilatorio: hair-removing; depilatory deplorable: deplorable; very bad; sad; lamentable deplorar: to deplore; to regret; to lament deponer: to lay aside; to lay down; to depose; to depone deportación: deportation; exile; transportation deportado: deported; deportee deportar: to deport; to exile; to transport deporte: sport; amusement; recreation deportista: sportsman; sporty deportividad: sportsmanship deportivo: sports; sporting; sportive; sportsmanlike deposición: removal from office; defecation; exposition; declaration depositar: to deposit; to put; to place; to put; to check; to settle; to deposit depositarse: to settle depositario: depository; repository; treasurer depósito: deposit; store; arsenal; tank; trust; precipitation; sediment; tank; well depravación: depravation; depravity depravado: depraved; bad; abandoned depravar: to deprave; to corrupt depravarse: to become depraved depre: depressed; low; downer depreciación: deprecation; depreciation depreciar: to depreciate; to reduce the value of depreciarse: depreciate; to lose value depredación: looting; depredation; malversation depredador: predatory; pillaging; predator depredar: to prey on; to loot; to depredate; to plunder; to pillage depresión: depression; recession; pression; hollow; dip; dejection; low spirits depresivo: depressing; depressive depresor: depressant; depressing; depressor deprimente: depressing; depressive; humiliating deprimido: depressed; run-down; abattu deprimir: to depress; to impoverish deprimirse: to become depressed deprisa: quickly depurador: purifying; depuration; purification; purge depuradora: water-treatment plant; purifier depurar: to purify; to refine; to purge; to depurate derecha: right; right hand; right leg; right side derechazo: right derechista: right-wing; right-winger; member of the right derecho: right; straight; standing; upright; just; reasonable; law deriva: drift; drifting; leeway; a la deriva: adrift derivación: derivation; descent; inference; branch; diversion; shunt derivada: derivative derivado: derived; derivative derivar: to stem; to drift; to derive; to steer; to lead; to conduct; to shunt dermatitis: dermatitis dermatología: dermatology dermis: dermis; derma derogar: to repeal; to abolish; to revoke; to destroy; to reform derramamiento: spillage; spilling; overflowing; outpouring; shedding; scattering derramar: to spill; to pour out; to shed; to scatter; to spread derramarse: to spill; to overflow; to run over; to disperse derrame: spillage; leakage; bleeding; splay; declivity; slope; draft; effusion; discharge derrapar: to skid derrape: skid derrengar: to hurt seriously the spine or the hip; to wear out; to tilt; to inclinate derretido: melted derretir: to melt; to thaw; to fuse; to consume; to expend; to waste derretirse: to melt; to thaw; to be burn; to be consumed derribar: to pull down; to knock down; to overthrow; to demolish derribo: demolition; pulling down derrocar: to overthrow; to bring down; to demolish derrochador: wasteful; waster; spendthrift; spending; prodigal derrochar: to squander; to waste; to brim with derroche: waste; extravagance; profusion derrota: defeat; rout; failure; path; road; course derrotado: defeated; worn out; whacked derrotar: to defeat; to beat; to rout; to waste; to dilapidate; to drift from the course derrotero: course; direction; route; way; ship's course derrotismo: defeatism derrotista: defeatist derruido: ruined derruir: to demolish; to pull down derrumbamiento: collapse; fall; caving in derrumbar: to demolish; to knock to the ground; to precipitate derrumbarse: to collapse; to break down; to cave in derrumbe: precipice; landslide; cave in desabastecido: without supplies desabastecimiento: shortage desaborido: tasteless; insipid; dull and boring desabotonar: to unbutton desabotonarse: to undo one's buttons desabrido: tasteless; unpleasant; surly; gruff; rude; disagreeable; dirty desabrigado: not warmly dressed; uncovered; unsheltered; unprotected; exposed desabrigar: to remove the clothing of; to uncover; to deprive of shelter desabrigarse: to take off clothing; to uncover oneself desabrochar: to unbutton; to undo; to unclasp; to unfasten desabrocharse: to undo one's buttons desacato: disrespect; contempt; irreverence; disobedience desacelerar: to slow down desacertado: mistaken; unwise; wrong desacierto: mistake; error; blunder; unfortunate remark desaconsejado: unadvisable; ill-advised; imprudent desaconsejar: to advise against; to dissuade desacorde: conflicting; discordant; disagreeing; incongruous desacostumbrado: unaccustomed; disaccustomed; unusual desacreditar: to discredit; to bring discredit on desactivar: to defuse; to deactivate desacuerdo: disagreement; disaccord; error; mistake desafecto: opposed; distant; dislike; disaffection; lack of affection desafiar: to challenge; to defy; to dare; to rival; to compete with; to face up to desafinar: to be out of turn; to speak out of turn desafío: challenge; defiance; daring; rivalry; competition; duel; combat desaforado: boundless; reckless; lawless; outrageous; huge; enormous; wild; uncontrolled desafortunado: unlucky; inopportune; unfortunate desafuero: outrage; excess; violence desagradable: unpleasant; disagreeable desagradar: to be unpleasant to; to displease; to offend desagradecido: ungrateful desagrado: displeasure desagraviar: to make amends for; to atone for; to compensate for desaguadero: drain; water outlet desaguar: to drain; to empty; to waste; to squander; to flow desagüe: drainage; drainpipe; drain desaguisado: unjust; unreasonable; wrong; offence; outrage desahogado: roomy; comfortable; forward; impudent; cheeky; fresh desahogar: to vent; to clear; to relieve from care or worry; to alleviate desahogarse: to find relief; to vent one's anger; to relieve one's feelings desahogo: relief; respite; comfort; ease; ample room; forwardness; impudence; cheek; relieving one's feelings desahuciar: to declare to be terminally ill; to condemn; to evict; to dispossess desairado: snubbed; slighted; uncomfortable; awkward; graceless; unattractive desairar: to snub; to slight; to disregard; to snub; to reject; to ignore desaire: snub; slight; disregard; gracelessness desajustar: to loosen; to throw out; to upset; to disarrange; to disadjust desalar: to desalt desalentador: discouraging desalentar: to discourage; to dishearten; to put out of breath desalentarse: to get discouraged desaliento: discouragement; faintness; weakness desaliñado: scruffy; dishevelled; untidy; unkempt; slovenly; slipshod; careless; neglectful desaliño: scruffiness; untidiness; slovenliness; carelessness desalmado: heartless; pitiless; brute; wicked; cruel; inhuman desalojar: to clear; to evacuate; to evict; to vacate; to leave; to dislodge; to displace; to empty desalojo: evacuation; eviction desamortización: disentailment; freeing from mortmain desamortizar: to disentail; to free from mortmain desamparado: abandoned; defenceless; unprotected; deserted; helpless; needy; destitute desamparo: defencelessness; lack of protection; abandonment; desertion; need; destitution desandar: to go back over; to retrace desangelado: uninspiring; devoid of charm desangrar: to bleed; to ruin; to impoverish; to drain desangrarse: to lose a lot of blood; to bleed copiously desanimado: dejected; down; dull; discouraged; downhearted; dispirited desanimar: to discourage; to depress; to dishearten desanimarse: to become discouraged; to lose heart desánimo: low spirits; dejection; discouragement desapacible: unpleasant; awful; disagreeable; harsh desaparecer: to disappear; to vanish desaparecido: missing; late desaparición: disappearance desaparejar: to unsaddle desapasionado: dispassionate; uninvolved; unbiased desapego: lack of affection; aloofness; indifference desapercibido: unnoticed; unprovided; unprepared; unguarded; unaware desaprensivo: unscrupulous; scoundrel desaprobar: to disapprove; to censure; to blame desaprovechar: to waste; to make no use of; to use to no advantage desarmar: to disarm; to dismantle; to take to pieces; to win over; to dissemble; lay up desarme: disarmament; disarming; dismounting; disassembling desarraigado: uprooted; rootless desarreglar: to make a mess of; to upset; to disarrange; to derange desarrollado: developed desarrollar: to develop; to explain; to work out; to solve; to be involved in; to unroll; to unwind; to unfurl; to expound desarrollarse: to develop; to grow; to unroll; to unwind; to unfurl; to unfold desarrollo: unrolling; unwinding; unfurling; development; growth; increase; solution desarropar: to uncover desarroparse: to undress; to take off one's clothes; to throw off the bedclothes desarticular: to break up; to dislocate; to put out; to dismantle; to take to pieces; to disconnect; to disjoint desarticularse: to become dislocated desaseado: scruffy; untidy; dirty; slovenly desasosiego: anxiety; unease; disquiet; uneasiness desastrado: scruffy; untidy; shabby; ragged; wretched; unfortunate desastre: disaster; catastrophe desastroso: disastrous; unfortunate; very bad desatar: to untie; to undo; to solve; to unbind; to unfasten; to unravel desatarse: to come untied; to break out desatascador: plunger desatascar: to unblock; to clear; to unclog desatender: to neglect; to pay no attention to; to ignore; to disregard desatento: inattentive; discourteous; impolite; unmannerly desatino: blunder; absurdity; nonsense; folly; error desatornillador: screwdriver desatornillar: to unscrew desatrancar: to unbolt; to unbar; to unblock; to clear desautorizar: to forbid; to ban; to discredit; to disauthorize; to disavow desavenencia: disagreement; row; discord; quarrel desayunar: to have breakfast desayuno: breakfast desazón: uneasiness; discomfort; indisposition; displeasure; vexation; worry; insipidity desbancar: to oust; to displace; to clean out; to clear of benches desbandada: disbandment desbandarse: to scatter; to disperse; to disband desbarajuste: mess; disorder; confusion desbaratar: to spoil; to ruin; to destroy; to waste; to squander; to frustrate; to foil; to thwart; to disperse; to rout; to break up desbarrar: to glide; to slide; to talk nonsense; to rant on desbloquear: to unblock; to restore; to unfreeze; to raise the blockade on desbocarse: to stretch; to bolt; to get carried away; to run away desbordamiento: overflowing; breaking all bounds desbordante: uncontrolled; overflowing desbordar: to overflow; to go beyond; to exceed desbordarse: to overflow; to burst; to brim; to break all bounds desbrozar: to clear of weeds or rubbish descabellado: ridiculous; ludicrous; preposterous; wild; absurd; dishevelled descafeinado: decaffeinated; watered-down descalabrar: to hit on the head; to hurt; to injure; to damage; to occasion loses on descalabrarse: to hurt oneself descalabro: disaster; misfortune; damage; loss; defeat descalcificación: decalcification descalcificar: decalcify descalificar: to discredit; to disqualify descalzador: bootjack descalzar: to take off somebody's shoes; to remove wedges or chocks from; to dig under; to undermine descalzarse: to take off one's shoes; to lose a shoe descalzo: barefoot; barefooted; unshod; discalced descamar: to scale; to desquamate descamarse: to flake off descambiar: to exchange; to return descaminado: lost; on the wrong road; mistaken; wrong; misguided; ill-advised descamisado: shirtless; ragged; wretched; destitute; ragamuffin descampado: waste ground; vacant lot; open ground; clear ground descansar: to rest; to have a rest; to lie fallow; to lie; to be supported; to lean descansillo: landing descanso: rest; repose; refreshment; sleep; alleviation; aid; help; peace; quiet; landing; seat; support; relief; interval; half time; intermission descapotable: convertible descarado: shameless; brazen; barefaced; impudent; saucy descarga: unloading; volley; discharge descargar: to unload; to unburden; to disburden; to ease; to relieve; to free; to fire; to dump; to empty; to burst; to flow into; to discharge; to run down; to deal; to vent; to take out descargarse: to unburden oneself; to get rid of; to clear oneself; to go flat descargo: acquittance descaro: nerve; cheek; impudence; effrontery; sauciness descarriado: astray descarriarse: to go astray; to go wrong descarrilamiento: derailment descarrilar: to derail; to be derailed; to go off the rails descartar: to rule out; to reject; to leave aside; to leave out descartarse: to discard descascarillarse: to chip; to flake off descastado: distant; loner; ungrateful descendencia: descendants; descent; issue; lineage descendente: descending; descendent; down descender: to go down; to descend; to fall; to drop; to get off; to be descended; to bring down; to drop; to derive descendiente: descendant; offspring; descendent descenso: descent; downturn; drop; decline; fall; relegation; downhill; white water canoeing descentrado: off-centre; crooked; disorientated; decentred descentralizar: to decentralize descentrar: to move off-centre; to throw; to decentre; to uncentre descerrajar: to break open; to force descifrar: to decipher; to decode; to solve; to make out desclavar: to remove the nails from; to un-nail; to take a precious stone out of setting descocado: daring; bold; forward; brazen descodificador: decoder descodificar: to decode descolgar: to take down; to unhook; to let down; to lower; to pick up; to unhang descolgarse: to let oneself down; to lower oneself; to turn up; to show up; to say something unexpected; to fall behind descollar: to stand out; to be prominent or conspicuous; to tower descolocar: to disturb; to make a mess of descolonización: decolonization descolorar: to fade; to decolourize descolorido: faded; discoloured; pale descompasado: disproportionate; out of time; unsteady; excessive; immoderate descompensar: to unbalance descompensarse: to become unbalanced descomponer: to break up; to rot; to decompose; to put out of order; to disarrange; to disturb; to unsettle; to upset; to alienate; to set at odds descomponerse: to rot; to decompose; to lose one's temper; to get annoyed; to be indisposed descomposición: break-up; separation; rotting; decomposition; diarrhoea; resolution descompresión: decompression descompuesto: rotten; decomposed; contorted; twisted; broken; wild; insolent; impolite descomunal: enormous; huge desconcertado: abashed desconcertante: disconcerting; baffling desconcertar: to disconcert; to disarrange; to disturb; to put out of order; to dislocate; to abash desconcertarse: to be disconcerted desconchar: to cause to flake; to chip desconcharse: to flake; to peel; to lose part of its varnish desconchón: bare patch; chip desconcierto: bewilderment; confusion; chaos; disorder; disarrangement; disagreement desconectar: to switch off; to disconnect; to cut off desconectarse: to switch off; to become disconnected; to lose touch desconfiado: distrustful; suspicious desconfianza: distrust; wariness; mistrust; diffidence desconfiar: to be suspicious; to be distrustful; to have no confidence descongelar: to defrost; to defreeze descongestionar: to clear; to relieve congestion in descongestionarse: to clear; to become decongested desconocer: not to know; to ignore; to be unacquainted with; to fail to recognize; to disown; to disavow; to deny; to disregard; to ignore desconocido: unknown; unrecognizable; stranger; unfamiliar; ungrateful desconocimiento: lack of knowledge; ignorance; disregard; ungratefulness; ingratitude desconsideración: inconsiderateness; disregard; inattention desconsiderado: inconsiderate; rude; discourteous; rash; imprudent; thoughtless desconsolado: bereaved; disconsolate; inconsolable; grief-stricken desconsuelo: distress; grief; disconsolation descontado: por descontado for granted descontaminar: to decontaminate descontar: to deduct; to discount; to abate; to leave out; to exclude descontento: unhappy; discontented; displeased; unhappiness; discontent; displeasure descontrol: lack of control; chaos descontrolado: uncontrollable desconvocar: to cancel; to call off descorazonado: discouraged; disheartened descorazonador: disheartening; discouraging descorazonar: to dishearten; to discourage descorchar: to uncork; to bark descornarse: to slave away; to work one's guts out; to rack one's brains; to do oneself a nasty injury descorrer: to pull back; to draw back; to run back over; to drip; to trickle descortés: impolite; discourteous; uncivil descortesía: impoliteness; discourtesy descoser: to unpick; to unstitch; to unseam; to rip descoserse: to come unstitched; to rip; to babble descosido: unstitched; ripped; disorderly; disconnected; open seam; rip; como un descosido: like a madman descoyuntar: to dislocate; to disjoint; to annoy; to bore descoyuntarse: to become dislocated descrédito: discredit; disrepute descreído: unbelieving; unbeliever; disbeliever descremado: skimmed; low-fat describir: to describe; to trace descripción: description; inventory; schedule descriptivo: descriptive descrito: described descuajaringar: to break up; to pull apart descuajaringarse: to break; to fall apart; to fall about laughing; to become exhausted descuajeringar: descuajaringar descuartizar: to carve up; to cut up; to quarter; to divide into pieces descubierto: discovered; open; uncovered; clear; overdraft; deficit; patent; manifest; bareheaded descubridor: discoverer; scout; discovering descubrimiento: discovery; uncovering; revealing; disclosure descubrir: to discover; to find; to find out; to expose; to give away; to reveal; to disclose; to exhibit; to make known; to betray descubrirse: to reveal oneself; to give oneself away; to come to light; to uncover descuento: discount; reduction; deduction; rebate descuidado: untidy; slovenly; careless; negligent; neglected; unaware descuidar: to neglect; to relieve from care; to divert the attention descuidarse: to let oneself go descuido: oversight; mistake; untidiness; neglect; negligence; slight desde: from; since desdecirse: to retract; to unsay desdén: disdain; contempt; scorn desdeñar: to scorn; to disdain desdeñoso: scornful; scathing; contemptuous desdibujarse: to become blurred desdicha: misfortune; unhappiness; misery desdichado: unlucky; unfortunate; miserable; unhappy; wretched; poor devil desdoblar: to unfold; to spread open desdoblarse: to split; to divide deseable: good; nice; desirable desear: to desire; to wish; to want desecar: to dry up; to drain; to desiccate desecarse: to dry up desechable: disposable desechar: to give up; to drop; to turn down; to reject; to throw out; to throw a way; to cast aside; to banish; to refuse; to underrate desecho: waste; refuse; rubbish; reject; reminder; scrap; contempt desembarazarse: to free oneself desembarcar: to land; to put ashore; to unload; to offload; to disembark; to go ashore; to debark desembarco: disembarkation; landing desembocadura: mouth; outlet; exit desembocar: to flow; to disembogue; to end; to result; to lead to desembolsar: to pay; to disburse desembolso: payment; outlay; disbursement; expenditure desembragar: to release the clutch; to unclutch; to ungear; to disconnect desembuchar: to disgorge; to speak out; to tell all one knows desempacar: to unpack; to unwrap desempaquetar: to unwrap; to unpack desemparejado: odd desempatar: to break the deadlock; to decide desempate: breaking the tie between; deciding match desempeñar: to hold; to occupy; to carry out; to fulfill; to play; to enact; to perform; to redeem; to recover; to acquit; to discharge desempeñarse: to clear one's debts; to perform desempeño: discharge; carrying out; fulfilment; performance desempleado: unemployed; out of work desempleo: unemployment desencadenar: to unchain; to unfetter; to free; to unleash; to spark off; desencadenarse: to break out; to break loose desencajado: disconnected; out of joint; contorted; twisted desencajar: to free; to disjoint; to dislocate; to unhinge desencajarse: to be disjointed; to get dislocated; to come off its hinges desencaminado: in the wrong track desencantar: to disillusion; to disenchant; to break the spell on desencanto: disillusionment; disenchantment desenchufar: to unplug; to disconnect desencuadernarse: to become unbound desenfadado: carefree; uninhibited; casual; easy; unconstrained; airy; pert desenfado: ease; freedom; naturalness desenfocar: to put out of focus; not to focus properly desenfrenado: uncontrolled; wild; unbridled; unrestrained; licentious; wantonly desenfreno: lack of self-control; lack of restraint; licentiousness; wantonness; abandonment desenfundar: to draw; to pull out; to take out of a sheath or case desenganchar: to uncouple; to unhitch; to free; to unhook; to unfasten; to disengage; to unharness desengancharse: to become uncoupled; to come loose; to come off drugs desengañado: disillusioned desengañar: to disabuse; to undeceive; to disillusion desengañarse: to face facts; to become disillusioned desengaño: disappointment; disillusion; undeceiving; disabusal; bitter lesson desengrasar: to remove the grease from desenlace: outcome; result; ending; issue; end; denouement; unravelling desenlazar: to untie; to undo; to solve; to unravel desenlazarse: to come undone; to end desenmarañar: to untangle; to unravel; to disembroil; to solve desenmascarar: to expose; to uncover; to unmask desenmascararse: to take off one's mask desenredar: to untangle; to clear up; to unravel desenredarse: to disentangle oneself or itself desenrollar: to unroll; to let down; to unwind; to uncoil desenroscar: to unscrew; to uncoil; to untwist desenroscarse: to become unscrewed; to work loose; to uncoil desentenderse: to affect ignorance desentendido: disinterested desenterrar: to disinter; to dig up; to unearth; to exhume; to recall desentonar: to be out of tune; to be out of harmony; to discord; to clash; to humble the pride of desentrañar: to get to the bottom of; to eviscerate; to disembowel; to find out; to solve; to decipher desentrenado: out of training; out of practice desentumecer: to loosen up; to free a limb from numbness desenvainar: to draw; to unsheathe; to put out; to bare desenvoltura: ease; grace; assurance; confidence; boldness; abandon desenvolver: to unwrap; to unfold; to develop; to evolve; to unravel; to decipher; to clear up desenvolverse: to come unwrapped; to manage; to act or behave with ease or assurance desenvuelto: unwrapped; easy-going; easy; free; brazen deseo: wish; desire deseoso: eager; desirous; aching; anxious; desirous desequilibrado: unbalanced; unstable; mentally ill person desequilibrar: to unbalanced; to unhinge desequilibrarse: to lose one's balance; to become unhinged desequilibrio: lack of balance; imbalance desertar: to desert; to leave desértico: desert; desert-like; deserted desertización: desertification desertor: deserter desesperación: despair; desperation desesperado: desperate; hopeless; despairing; furious; mad desesperante: trying; exasperating; maddening desesperanzar: to deprive of hope; to discourage desesperanzarse: to despair; to give up hope desesperar: to despair; to cause despair desesperarse: to despair; to be driven to despair desespero: despair; lack of hope desestabilizar: to destabilize desestimar: to refuse; to turn down; to be scornful of; to disesteem; to misestimate; to undervalue desfachatez: nerve; cheek; impudence; brazenness; effrontery desfalcar: to embezzle; to detract a part of desfalco: embezzlement; defalcation; detracting; diminution desfallecer: to lose strength; to faint; to pass out; to give up; to weaken; to debilite; to faint; to lose courage or vigour desfallecido: exhausted; weakened; faint desfallecimiento: weakness; faintness; languor desfasado: outdated desfase: difference; disparity desfavorable: unfavourable desfavorecer: to work to the disadvantage of desfigurado: disfigured; blurred; distorted desfigurar: to deform; to disfigure; to disguise; to cover up; to distort; to change; to alter; to obscure desfiladero: narrow mountain pass; defile; gorge desfilar: to parade; to march in formation; to file out desfile: parade; march past; defiling desfogar: to give vent to; to slack lime desfogarse: to let off steam; to give vent to one's feelings desfogue: opening a vent; venting desfondar: to knock the bottom of; to hole; to wear out; to bilge; to dig to a great depth desfondarse: to fall through; to be holed; to run out of steam; to bilge desforestación: deforestation desforestar: to deforest desgajar: to break off; to tear out; to rip out; to tear away; to break; to rent; to separate desgajarse: to be broken off; to wrench oneself away; to break off desgana: lack of appetite; apathy; lack of interest; unwillingness; reluctance; indifference desganado: lacking appetite; apathetic; listless desgañitarse: to yell; to shout oneself hoarse desgarbado: ungainly; ungraceful; gawky desgarrado: tattered; ragged; piercing; torn; ripped; brazen; shameless; licentious desgarrador: heart-rending; rending desgarrar: to tear; to rip; to break; to rend; to cough up desgarrarse: to tear; to rip; to break; to tear oneself away desgarro: rip; tear; rent; effrontery; impudence; swagger desgarrón: rip; tear; shred; tatter desgastar: to erode; to wear out; to abrade; to consume desgastarse: to wear out; to wear oneself out desglosar: to break down; to separate; to detach a part of a book desglose: breakdown; separation; detachment desgobierno: anarchy; misgovernment; mismanagement; disorder desgracia: tragedy; misfortune; bad luck; mischance; disfavour; gracelessness; accident; casualty; disgrace; distress; affliction; mishap; por desgracia: unfortunately desgraciadamente: alas; unfortunately desgraciado: unfortunate; unhappy; unlucky; graceless; disagreeable; wretch; unfortunate; swine desgraciar: to break; to damage; to ruin; to displease; to spoil; to mar; to cripple; to seriously injure desgraciarse: to be ruined; to spoil; to fail; to fall out desgranar: to remove the grain from; to thresh; to shell; to spell out; to list desgravable: tax-deductible desgravación: deduction; relief; lowering of duties or taxes desgravar: to lower the duties or taxes on desgreñado: dishevelled; tousled desgreñar: to dishevel; to ruffle desgreñarse: to untidy one's hair desguace: scrapping; breaking up; scrap yard; breaker's yard; breaking up of a ship desguarnecer: to leave defenceless; to dismantle; to leave without garrison; to unharness; to strip desguazar: to break up; to scrap; to roughdress deshabillé: negligée deshabitado: unoccupied; uninhabited; deserted; untenanted deshabitar: to move out of; to vacate; to leave deshabituar: to break the habit; to disaccustom; to free from a habit deshabituarse: to break one's habit; to leave off a habit deshacer: to undo; to unmake; to untie; to open; to loosen; to consume; to destroy; to divide; to cut to pieces; to take apart; to upset; to rout; to melt; to liquefy; to dissolve; to cancel deshacerse: to come undone; to dissolve; to melt; to break up; to go to pieces desharrapado: ragged; scruffy; in tatters deshecho: undone; unmade; dissolved; melted; broken; devastated; exhausted; worn out; destroyed; in pieces; crushed deshelar: to melt; to defrost; to de-ice; to thaw deshelarse: to thaw; to melt desheredado: disinherited; deprived; underprivileged; poor; destitute desheredar: to disinherit deshidratación: dehydration deshidratar: dehydrate; to deprive of water deshidratarse: to become dehydrated deshielo: thaw; thawing deshilachado: frayed deshilachar: to fray; to ravel out deshilacharse: to fray; to become frayed deshilar: to fray; to ravel out; to shred deshilvanado: untacked; disjointed; disconnected; lose; desultory deshilvanar: to take the tacking out of; to unbaste deshinchado: flat; deflated deshinchar: to deflate; to let down; to reduce the swelling of; to appease deshincharse: to go down; to lose heart; to come down to earth; to unpuff deshipotecar: to pay off the mortgage on deshojar: to pull the petals off; to pull the leaves off; to tear the pages out of deshojarse: to shed its leaves; to defoliate deshollinador: chimney sweeper; long handle broom or brush deshollinar: to sweep a chimney deshonesto: dishonest; indecent; immodest; lewd deshonor: dishonour; disgrace deshonra: dishonour; disgrace; shame; seduction or violation deshonrar: to dishonour; to disgrace; to insult; to defame; to violate or seduce deshora: unseasonable or inconvenient time deshuesadero: scrap yard deshuesar: to bone; to pit; to remove the stone from; to break up; to scrap deshumanizar: to dehumanize desidia: lack of care; neglect; carelessness; negligence; indolence desierto: desert; waste; wilderness; deserted; uninhabited; void; lonely designación: appointment; name; designation designar: to design; to purpose; to designate; to appoint; to denote; to represent; to call; to fix designio: intention; design; purpose desigual: unequal; unlike; variable; uneven; irregular; rough; broken; changeable; unsuitable; arduous; difficult desigualar: to make unequal; to make uneven desigualdad: inequality; difference; unevenness; roughness; changeableness; inequality desilusión: disillusion; disillusionment; disenchantment; disappointment desilusionar: to disappoint; to disillusion; to disenchant desilusionarse: to become disillusioned; to become disappointed desimantar: to demagnetize desinencia: ending; desinence; termination; inflection desinfección: disinfection desinfectante: disinfectant desinfectar: to disinfect desinflamar: to reduce the inflammation of desinflar: to let the air out of; to deflate; to dishearten desinflarse: to go down; to deflate; to lose heart desinformado: uninformed; misinformed desinformar: to misinform; to give misleading information to desinhibirse: to lose one's inhibitions desintegración: disintegration; break-up desintegrar: to break up; to disintegrate; to split desintegrarse: to disintegrate; to break up; to split desinterés: lack of interest; disinterest; unselfishness; selflessness desinteresado: unselfish; disinterested; uninterested desintoxicar: to detoxify; to cure of intoxication desintoxicarse: to come off drugs; o dry out desistir: to desist; to waive deslavazado: disjointed desleal: disloyal deslealtad: disloyalty desleír: to dissolve; to dilute deslenguado: insolent; foul-mouthed; impudent; insolent desliar: to untie; to undo; to unwrap; to separate lees from wine desliarse: to come undone; to come untied desligar: to untie; to unfasten; to unbind; to unravel; to separate; to absolve; to free; to play or sing staccato desligarse: to come untied; to come unfastened; to untie oneself; to sever one's connections; to free oneself deslindar: to mark the boundaries of; to distinguish; to demarcate; to delimitate; to explain; to define desliz: slip; blunder; false step; frailty; indiscretion; sliding; slipping deslizar: to slide; to slip; to glide; to skip deslizarse: to slide; to glide; to slither; to slip; to make a slip deslomar: to break the back of; to injure or strain the loins of; to beat; to thrash deslomarse: to wear oneself out deslucido: faded; dull; unexciting; tarnished; spoilt; lacklustre; poor; flat; being a failure deslucir: to take the shine off; to tarnish; to fade; to mar; to detract from; to spoil deslucirse: to lose its shine; to become dull; to fade deslumbramiento: dazzling; dazzle deslumbrante: dazzling; glaring deslumbrar: to dazzle; to daze deslustrar: to dull; to tarnish; to unglaze; to frost; to impair the beauty or the fame desmadrado: unruly; wild desmadrar: to separate young animals from their mothers desmadrarse: to get out of control; to go wild desmadre: chaos; rave-up; wild party desmán: excess; outrage; mishap; desman; muskrat desmandar: to repeal an order; to revoke a legacy desmandarse: to get out of control; to misbehave; to go wild; to lose moderation; to break away from desmano: a desmano: out of the way desmantelar: to dismantle; to empty; to strip; to unmast; to unrig desmañado: clumsy; awkward; unhandy desmaquillador: make-up remover desmaquillante: make-up remover desmaquillarse: to remove one's make-up desmarcar: to remove marks from desmarcarse: to get into an unmarked position; to disassociate oneself desmayado: unconscious; faint; languid; discouraged; pale; wan desmayar: to lose heart; to dismay; to discourage; to lose courage desmayarse: to faint; to swoon; to pass out desmayo: languor; weakness; discouragement; fainting fit; swoon; weeping willow desmedido: excessive; disproportionate; out of measure desmedirse: to forget oneself; to act insolently; to go too far desmejorado: worse; less attractive desmejorar: to spoil; to get worse; to worsen; to impair the beauty, perfection or health of desmejorarse: to get worse; to worsen; to decline desmelenar: to dishevel; to disarrange the hair of desmelenarse: to let one's hair down desmembrar: to dismember; to divide; to segregate; to break up; to split desmembrarse: to break up desmemoriado: forgetful; having a poor memory desmentir: to deny; to give the lie to; to contradict; to belie desmenuzar: to break into small pieces; to crumble; to fritter; to flake; to analyze thoroughly; to scrutinize desmerecer: to be or become unworthy of; to lose worth; to compare unfavourably desmesurado: enormous; excessive; disproportionate; impudent; discourteous; forward desmigajar: to crumble; to crumb; to break into small pieces desmigar: to crumb; to crumble desmilitarización: demilitarization desmilitarizar: to demilitarize desmirriado: lean; emaciated; run-down desmitificar: to demythologize desmontable: detachable desmontar: to dismantle; to take to pieces; to disassemble; to strip; to take down; to put the safety catch on; to uncock; to dismount; to unhorse; to unseat; to help down; to clear a wood; to level ground; to alight desmontarse: to dismount; to get out; to get off desmoralizar: to dishearten; to demoralize desmoralizarse: to become demoralized; to lose the morale desmoronar: to destroy gradually; to erode; to wear away; to crumble; to disintegrate desmoronarse: to crumble; to fall apart; to fall to pieces desmovilización: demobilization desmovilizar: to demobilize desnacionalizar: to privatize; to denationalize desnatado: skimmed; low-fat desnatar: to skim; to cream desnaturalizado: adulterated; denatured; denaturalized; unnatural; stateless desnaturalizar: to denature; to denaturalize desnivel: irregularity; unevenness; gap; difference; drop desnivelar: to make uneven; to unlevel; to throw out of balance desnivelarse: to become uneven desnucar: to break the neck of; to break someone's neck desnucarse: to break ones' neck desnudar: to undress; to strip; to unclothe; to draw the sword desnudarse: to get undressed; to undress; to unclothe; to take ones' clothes off; to become denude desnudez: nakedness; nudity; bareness desnudismo: nudism; naturism desnudista: nudist desnudo: naked; nude; ill-clothed; bare; uncovered; stripped; plain; barren; destitute desnutrición: malnutrition; denutrition desnutrido: malnourished desobedecer: to disobey desobediencia: disobedience desobediente: disobedient desocupado: free; unoccupied; unemployed; at leisure; idle; vacant desocupar: to vacate; to leave; to empty; to evacuate desodorante: deodorant desoír: to ignore; to take no notice of; not to hear; not to heed; te be deaf to desolación: desolation; destruction; solitariness; distress; grief desolador: devastating; desolating; grieving; grievous; extremely painful desolar: to devastate; to lay waste; to cause anguish to desolarse: to be devastated; to be desolate; to be disconsolate desolladero: place where cattle are skinned; slaughterhouse desollar: to skin; to flay; to excoriate; to cause great harm, pain or injure to; to pull to pieces desorbitado: disproportionate; exorbitant; con los ojos desorbitados: pop-eyed desorbitar: to get out of proportion desorbitarse: to shoot up desorden: disorder; confusion; disarray; chaos; mess; disturbance; riot; licence; excess desordenado: untidy; messy; jumbled; chaotic; disarranged; careless; slovenly; inordinate; immoderate; licentious desordenar: to mess up; to make untidy; to put out of order; to disorder; to disarrange; to upset desordenarse: to become untidy; to get out of order; to become disarranged desorganización: disorganization; lack of organization desorganizado: disorganized desorganizar: to disorganize; to disrupt desorientación: disorientation; loss of one's bearings; confusion; bafflement desorientado: disorientated; lost; confused desorientar: to disorientate; to disorient; to mislead; to confuse; to bewilder desorientarse: to lose one's bearings; to become disoriented; to get confused desovar: to spawn; to lay eggs desoxidar: to deoxidize; to remove the rust from desoxigenar;: to deoxidize; to deoxygenate desoxigenarse: to deoxidize; to become deoxidized despabilado: wide-awake; wakeful; smart; quick-witted; alert; perky despabilar: to trim or snuff a candle; to finish quickly; to steal; to smarten; to enliven; to sharpen the wits of; to kill despabilarse: to wake up; to shake sleepiness; to become alert despachar: to complete; to finish; to resolve; to deal with; to discuss; to serve; to attend to; to settle; to send; to dispatch; to fire; to bump off; to meet; to hurry up despacharse: to speak one's mind; to talk without restraint; to polish off; to hasten; to be quick despacho: sale; shipment; office; bureau; library; studio; shop; dispatch; dismissal; promptness; communication; commission; title; warrant despachurrar: to crush; to squash; to make a mess of a speech despachurrarse: to get crushed; to get squashed despacio: slowly; quietly; in a low voice; take it easy despampanante: amazing; astounding; stunning; splendid; ripping despanzurrar: to crush; to squash; to burst the belly of despanzurrarse: to get crushed; to get squashed desparejado: odd desparejar: to separate; to split up; to break the pair of desparejarse: to separate; to become separated desparejo: odd; uneven desparpajo: self-confidence; easiness in speech and deportment; unembarrassment desparramar: to scatter; to spread; to spill; to squander; to dissipate desparramarse: to scatter; to spread; to spill; to amuse oneself; to have a wild time despatarrar: to make a person open his legs; to dumbfound; to astound despatarrarse: to sprawl; to fall flat with legs spread out despavorido: terrified despecho: resentment; spite born form disappointment; despair despechugar: to carve off the breast of a fowl; to bare one's breast; to show one's cleavage despectivo: contemptuous; pejorative; derogatory despedazar: to tear apart; to cut into pieces; to break one's heart; to tear to shreds despedazarse: to break up despedida: goodbye; farewell; closing formula; leave-taking; despedida de soltera: hen party; despedida de soltero: stag party despedir: to say goodbye; to see off; to fire; to sack; to throw; to emit; to send forth; to eject; to discharge; to dart; to expel; to dismiss; to discharge; to give notice to despedirse: to say goodbye; to part despegado: unstuck; unaffectionate; distant; cool; indifferent; surly; detached; unglued despegar: to unstick; to detach; to unglue; to separate; to take off separarse: to come unstuck; to detach itself; to move away from; to pull away; to lose affection for; not to suit despegue: takeoff despeinado: dishevelled; unkempt despeinar: to dishevel; to disarrange; to ruffle the hair of despejado: spacious; clear; cloudless; wide awake; bright; assured; self-confident despejar: to clear; to free form encumbrance; to find the value of an unknown quantity; to work the value of despejarse: to clear; to become clear; to clear one's mind; to acquire assurance; to get rid of fever despeje: clearance despellejar: to skin; to flay; to speak ill of; to tear to pieces despelucharse: to moult; to molt despenalización: legalization; decriminalization despenalizar: to decriminalize; to legalize despensa: pantry; larder; storeroom; provisions despeñadero: cliff; precipice; craggy slope; danger to which on exposes oneself despeñar: to throw off a cliff; to fling down a precipice; to precipitate despeñarse: to go over a cliff desperdiciado: wasted desperdiciar: to waste; to squander; to misspend; to fail to take advantage of; to lose an opportunity desperdicio: waste; squander; misspending; desperdicios: leftovers; remains desperdigar: to scatter; to disperse desperdigarse: to scatter; to disperse desperezarse: to stretch; to stretch one's limbs desperfecto: damage; flaw; defect; slight damage; deterioration despersonalizar: to depersonalize despertador: alarm clock; awaking; awakener despertar: awakening; to wake up; to awaken; to arouse; to rouse; to stir up; to excite; to buck one's ideas despertarse: to wake up; to awaken; to revive; to abrade; to abraid; to abray despiadado: ruthless; pitiless; unmerciful despido: dismissal; discharge; layoff; farewell; leave taking despiece: quartering despierto: awake; lively; smart; quick-witted; sharp; bright; vigilant; alert; soñar despierto: to daydream; to moon about despilfarrador: spendthrift; squanderer; prodigal despilfarrar: to squander; to waste; to spend lavishly despilfarro: waste; extravagance; lavishness despimpollar: to clear a wine of useless shots despintar: to strip the paint off; to disguise despintarse: to fade; to lose its paint; to lose colour despinzar: to burl despiojar: to delouse despique: satisfaction; requital despistado: absent-minded; confused despistar: to shake off; to confuse; to throw off the scent despistarse: to get confused; to get distracted; to loose the scent; to get lost despiste: absent-mindedness; slip desplacer: pain; displeasure; to pain; to displease desplanchar: to rumple desplantador: garden trowel desplantar: to uproot desplante: irregular posture; arrogant or insolent act or words desplayar: to recede from the beach desplazado: out of place; displaced person desplazamiento: movement; journey; trip; displacement desplazar: to move; to displace; to take the place of desplazarse: to move; to travel; to swing; to scroll desplegar: to unfold; to spread; to lay out; to open out; to unfurl; to use; to deploy; to explain; to display desplegarse: to unfold; to open; to spread; out; to expand; to deploy despliegue: deployment; display; show; unfolding; displaying desplomar: to throw out of plumb desplomarse: to collapse; to plunge; to tumble down; to crash down desplome: tumbling down; collapse; fall desplomo: deviation from the vertical desplumar: to pluck; to clean out; to fleece desplume: plucking despoblación: depopulation; stripping of trees; emptying of fishes despoblado: deserted; uninhabited; uninhabited area despoblar: to depopulate; to clear; to strip; to empty despoblarse: to become depopulated; to become desert, bald, treeless or empty of fishes despojar: to strip; to divest; to despoil; to deprive; to dispossess; to abridge despojarse de: to remove; to take off; to give up despojo: plundering; plunder; loot; despoilment; despoliation; stripping; divesting; dispossession; spoils; booty; despojos: leftovers; offal; remains; rubble; leavings; scraps; mortal remains despolarizar: to depolarize despolitizar: to depoliticize despolvorear: to dust; to dust off desportillar: to chip or break the edge of desportillarse: to get chipped desposado: newly married; handcuffed deposar: to wed; to marry desposarse: to wed; to get married; to be betrothed desposeer: to dispossess; to deprive; to divest; to oust; to remove desposeerse: to give up; to renounce desposeído: deprived desposeimiento: disposession desposorios: marriage; nuptials; engagement; betrothal déspota: despot; tyrant despótico: despotic despotismo: despotism despotricar: to rant and rave; to talk without restraint despreciable: despicable; contemptible; worthless; negligible despreciar: to look down on; to underestimate; to despise; to contemn; to scorn; to slight; to lay aside; to reject; to undervalue despreciarse: to despise oneself despreciativo: scornful; derogatory; contemptuous desprecio: contempt; scorn; disregard; slight; snub desprender: to remove; to detach; to give off; to loose; to separate; to emit; to send; to give out desprenderse: to come off; to come loose; to detach itself; to issue; to come forth; to dispossess oneself; to follow; to be inferred desprendido: loose; generous; disinterested desprendimiento: detaching; coming loose; emission; disinterestedness; indifference; descent from the Cross; landslide; generosity despreocupación: lack of concern; unconcern; carelessness; sloppiness; unconcernedness despreocupado: unconcerned; indifferent; careless; unprejudiced; unconventional; broadminded; airy; breezy; carefree; free-and-easy; insouciant; liberal; nonchalant; slapdash; slovenly; vacant despreocuparse: to abandon a prejudice desprestigiar: to discredit; to impair the prestige of desprestigiarse: to become discredited; to fall into discredit; to lose prestige desprestigio: loss of prestige; discredit desprevenido: unprepared; unprovided desprolijo: untidy desproporción: disproportion; disparity desproporcionado: out of proportion; disproportionate desproporcionar: to disproportion despropósito: stupidity; absurdity; nonsense desproteger: to leave unprotected desprotegido: unprotected; defenceless; defenseless desproveer: to deprive desprovisto: devoid; lacking; unprovided; deprived después: later; after; afterwards; next; then; whereupon despuntar: to blunt; to break the point of; to sprout; to stand out; to excel despuntarse: to break its point desquiciado: crazy desquiciamiento: unhinging; upsetting; unsetting; downfall desquiciar: to unhinge; to disjoint; to upset; to unsettle; to drive mad desquiciarse: to go wrong; to become unhinged; to come off its hinges desquicio: mess; shambles desquitar: to compensate for desquitarse: to get one's own back; to retrieve a loss; to win back one's money; to take revenge; to get even desquite: revenge; retrieving; compensation; requital; retaliation desratizar: to derat desriñonar: to wear out desriñonarse: to wear oneself out destacado: outstanding; prominent; distinguished destacamento: detachment destacar: to emphasize; to dispatch; to detail; to accentuate destacarse: to stand out; to be conspicuous; to detach itself destajo: piecework; taskwork; a destajo: eagerly destapar: to take the lid off; to open; to uncover; to uncork; to unplug; to reveal destaparse: to get uncovered destape: nudity destaponar: to unblock; to remove the stopper from destartalado: tumbledown; dilapidated; ramshackle; poorly furnished destellar: to twinkle; to shine; to sparkle; to flash; to scintillate destello: gleam; twinkle; flash; glimmer; spark; scintillation; beam; sparkling; twinkling destemplado: irritable; unpleasant; intemperate; disagreeable; out of tune destemplanza: intemperance; unsteadiness; malaise destemplar: to make ill; to make unwell; to disrupt; to put out of tune; to disturb the harmony of destemplarse: to become unwell; te feel a malaise; to lose one's temper; to lose moderation destensar: to slacken destensarse: to go slack; to slacken desteñir: to fade; to undye; to discolour desteñirse: to fade; to lose the dye desternillarse: to break one's gristles; desternillarse de risa: to split one's sides with laughter desterrado: exiled; exile; outcast desterrar: to exile; to banish; to dismiss; to reject desterrase: to go into exile destetar: to wean destete: weaning; ablactation destiempo: at the wrong moment; inopportunely; untimely; out of season; late destierro: exile; banishment; place of exile destilación: distillation; catarrhal discharge destilado: distilled destilador: distilling; distiller; still destilar: to distil; to ooze; to reveal; to filter through; to trickle down destilería: distillery; distilling plant destinado: destined; earmarked destinar: to destine; to designate; to appoint; to allot; to destine; to post; to address; to allocate; to commit; to earmark; to mean; to doom destinatario: addressee; consignee; receiver; recipient destino: destination; fate; destiny; fortune; doom; employment; post; job destitución: destitution; depriving; dismissal; removal from office destituir: to dismiss or remove from office; to destitute; to deprive destornillador: screwdriver destornillar: to unscrew destornillarse: to go crazy destreza: skill; dexterity; address; mastery destripador: ripper destripar: to gut; to disembowel; to take the inside out of; to crush; to take to pieces; to pull apart destronar: to dethrone; to overthrow from power; to push aside; to eclipse destrozado: demolished; destroyed; worn-out; devastated destrozar: to wreck; to ruin; to slaughter; to devastate; to break in pieces; to shatter; to rend; to destroy; to spoil; to ill-treat; to annihilate destrozarse: to be ruined destrozo: destruction; damage; breakage; havoc destrozón: destructive; one who wears out shoes and clothes too quickly destrucción: destruction destructivo: destructive destructor: destructive; destroyer destruir: to destroy; to ruin; to wreck; to waste; to dissipate destruirse: to destroy each other desunión: disunion; disunity desunir: to separate; to cause a rift between; to disunite desunirse: to come apart; to disunite desusado: unusual; out of use; obsolete desuso: disuse; obsoleteness; desuetude desvaído: faded; dull; pale; lank; ungainly desvalido: destitute; helpless; unprotected desvalijar: to take out or steal the contents of; to rob; to plunder; to fleece desvalorización: devaluation desvalorizar: to devalue desvalorizarse: to go down in value desván: loft; attic; garret desvanecer: to melt; to cause to vanish; to dispel; to dissipate; to efface; to swell with pride desvanecerse: to vanish; to disappear; o melt; to evaporate; to faint; to swoon; to fade desvanecimiento: fainting fit; swoon; giddiness; melting; vanishing; dispelling; pride; presumption desvariar: to be delirious; to rave; to rant; to talk nonsense desvarío: delirium; raving; wild act or speech; nonsense; monstrosity; inconstancy; caprice; whim desvelar: to keep awake; to make sleepless; to reveal desvelarse: to be unable to sleep desvelo: insomnia; sleeplessness; wakefulness; care; solicitude; concern desvencijado: dilapidated; rickety; loose-jointed desvencijar: to disjoint; to make rickety desvencijarse: to fall to pieces desventaja: disadvantage; drawback desventura: misfortune; unhappiness; misery desventurado: unfortunate; wretched; timid; spiritless; miserly; poor; miser; accursed desvergonzado: brazen; shameless; impudent; rude; cheeky desvergüenza: check; nerve; impudent remark; impudence; shamelessness; effrontery; insolence devestir: to undress desvestirse: to take off one's clothes; to undress desviación: deviation; detour; deflection; diversion; swerving; swerve desviar: to deviate; to deflect; to turn aside; to swerve; to dissuade; to ward off desviarse: to deviate; to be defected; to turn aside; to swerve desvío: diversion; deviation; deflection; coldness; indifference; dislike; turn-off; siding; sidetrack desvirtuar: to deprive of import, meaning or efficacity desvivirse por: to do one's outmost for detall: retail detallado: detailed; thorough detallar: to detail; to particularize; to work in detail; to retail detalle: detail; particular detallista: fond of details; thoughtful; retailer detección: detection detectar: to detect detective: detective detectivesco: detective detector: detector detención: stoppage; detainment; detention; stopping; halt; stop; delay; arrest; capture; care; thoroughness detener: to detain; to stop; to check; to hold; to keep; to refrain; to arrest; to capture; to take into custody detenerse: to stop; to halt; to delay; to linger; to tarry; to pause detenido: stopped; in custody; under arrest; prisoner; careful; minute; thorough detenimiento: care; thoroughness detergente: detergent; detersive deteriorado: damaged deteriorar: to impair; to damage; to spoil; to deteriorate deteriorarse: to become damaged or spoiled deterioro: wear; deterioration; injury; damage determinación: decision; determination; determining; resolve; resoluteness; firmness; daring determinado: certain; specific; determinate; fixed; appointed; given; specified; determined; definite determinante: determining; deciding; determinant; determiner determinar: to determine; to fix; to appoint; to resolve determinarse: to determine; to make up one's mind determinativo: determinative determinismo: determinism detestable: detestable; abhorrent; abominable detestar: to detest; to abhor; to abominate detonación: detonation; explosion; report detonador: detonator detonante: detonador detonar: to detonate detractor: detractor detrás: behind; back; in the rear; beyond; after; detrás de: abaft detrimento: detriment; damage; harm detrito: detritus deuda: debt; sin; fault; offence deudo: relative; relationship deudor: debtor; indebted devaluación: devaluation devaluar: to devaluate devanar: to wind; to reel; to spool devanarse: devanarse los sesos to rack one's brain devaneo: raving; delirium; nonsense; dissipation; flirtation devastador: devastating; devastator devastar: to devastate; to lay waste; to ruin devengado: earned; accrued devengar: to earn wages; to draw interest devenir: to happen; to become devoción: devotion; devoutness; strong attachment devocionario: prayer book devolución: return; refund; restitution devolver: to give back; to pay back; to put back; to send back; to return; to restore; to vomit devorador: devouring devorar: to devour devoto: devout; pious; devotional; devoted; devotee; fan devuelta: change día: day; daytime; daylight; birthday; saint's day; cada dos días: every other day diabetes: diabetes diabético: diabetic diabla: she-devil diablesa: she-devil diablillo: little devil; devilkin; imp; mischievous; waggish person; rogue diablo: demon; devil; bad-tempered; reckless; little devil; crafty devil; damned diablura: devilry; mischievous or daring act; prank diabólico: fiendishly cunning; diabolic; diabolical; devilish; fiendishly difficult diábolo: diabolo diaconisa: deaconess diácono: deacon diacrónico: diachronic diadema: diadem; Alice band; tiara; coronet; glory; halo diáfano: diaphanous; transparent; clear; impeccable diafragma: diaphragm diagnosis: diagnosis diagnosticar: to diagnose diagnóstico: diagnosis; diagnostic diagonal: diagonal diagrama: diagram dial: dial dialéctica: dialectic; dialectics dialecto: dialect diálisis: dialysis dialogar: to dialogue; to dialogize diálogo: dialogue; dialog; discussion; talks diamante: diamond diamantino: adamantine diámetro: diameter diana: reveille; target; dartboard; bull's-eye diantre, diantres: hell; devil diapasón: range; diapason; fingerboard; tuning fork diapositiva: slide; transparency diario: daily; daily newspaper; diary; journal diarrea: diarrhoea; diarrhea diáspora: Diaspora diástole: diastole diatriba: diatribe; attack dibujante: drawer; cartoonist; sketcher; designer; illustrator; draughtsman; draftsman dibujar: to draw; to make a drawing of; to sketch; to design; to depict; to describe vividly dibujarse: to be outlined; to appear; to be revealed dibujo: drawing; pattern; design; description dicción: diction; speech; word diccionario: dictionary dice, dices, dicen: decir dicha: happiness; fortune; good luck dicharachero: funny dicho: said; mentioned; saying; proverb; remark; statement dichoso: happy; fortunate; lucky; blessed diciembre: December dicotomía: dichotomy dictado: dictation; title; epithet dictador: dictator dictadura: dictatorship dictáfono: dictaphone dictamen: verdict; judgement; opinion; advice; expert's report dictaminar: to give an opinion; to report dictar: to dictate; to inspire; to suggest dictatorial: dictatorial didáctica: pedagogy; didactics didáctico: educational; teaching; didactic; didactical diecinueve: nineteen; nineteenth diecinueveavo: nineteenth dieciochavo: eighteenth deciochesco: eighteenth century dieciocho: eighteen; eighteenth dieciochoavo: eighteenth dieciséis: sixteen; sixteenth dieciséisavo: sixteenth diecisiete: seventeen; seventeenth discisieteavo: seventeenth diente: tooth; fang; cog; diente de ajo: clove; diente de león: dandelion; poner los dientes largos: to be green with envy diéresis: diaeresis diestra: right hand; right side diestro: right; right-handed; skilful; skillful; skilled; dexterous; able; adroit; deft; dexterous; expert; handy; clever; masterful; natty; nifty; proficient; bullfighter; matador; a diestro y siniestro: to and fro; left and right; everywhere dieta: diet; assembly; dietas: expenses dietario: account book; record book dietética: dietetics dietético: dietetic; dietetical diez: ten; tenth diezmar: to decimate; to tithe diezmilésimo: ten-thousandth diezmo: tithe difamación: defamation difamar: to defame diferencia: difference diferencial: differential diferenciar: to differentiate diferenciarse: to differ; to be different; to make oneself noticeable diferente: different; differently diferir: to defer; to delay; to adjourn; to postpone; to put off; to differ difícil: difficult; hard; improbable dificultad: difficulty; objection; snag; trial; ado; hardness; hitch; involvement dificultar: to make difficult; to hinder dificultoso: difficult; raiser of difficulties difteria: diphtheria difuminar: to stump; to soften difuminarse: to disappear; to evanesce difundir: to diffuse; to spread; to divulge; to broadcast difundirse: to diffuse itself; to spread difunto: deceased; defunct; late difusión: diffusion; diffuseness; spreading; broadcasting difuso: diffuse; broad; widespread digerir: to digest digestión: digestion digestivo: digestive digital: digital; digitalis; foxglove dígito: number; cipher; digit diglosia: diglossia dignarse: to deign; to condescend dignatario: dignitary; high official dignidad: dignity; dignitary dignificar: to dignify digno: worthy; honourable; deserving; suitable; appropriate; dignified diga, digo: present tenses of decir digresión: digression dije: trinket; locket; small piece of jewelry dije, dijera, dijo: past tenses of decir dilación: delay; procrastination dilapidar: to waste; to squander; to dilapidate dilatación: dilatation; dilation; expansion; delay; prolongation; diffuseness; prolixity dilatado: vast; extensive; large; numerous dilatar: to dilate; to expand; to widen; to spread; to delay; to retard dilatarse: to dilate; to expand; to spread; to expatiate dilema: dilemma diletante: dilettante diligencia: diligence; activity; industry; dispatch; speed; errand; step; action; judicial proceeding; diligence; stagecoach; promptitude; alacrity; caballo de diligencia: stager diligenciar: to take the necessary steps to accomplish or obtain something diligente: diligent; prompt; active dilucidar: to clear up; to elucidate diluido: diluted diluir: to dilute diluirse: to become diluted diluviar: to pour; to rain hard diluvio: deluge; hard raining; downpour dimanar: to issue; to arise from dimensión: dimension dimensional: dimensional dimes y diretes: squabbling diminutivo: diminishing; diminutive diminuto: diminutive; minute; tiny dimisión: resignation dimisionario: resigning dimitir: to resign; to give up dina: dyne Dinamarca: Denmark dinámica: dynamics dinámico: dynamic dinamismo: dynamism dinamita: dynamite dinamitar: to dynamite dinamitero: dynamiter dinamo: dynamo dinamómetro: dynamometer dinastía: dynasty dineral: large sum of money dinero: money; currency; wealth; ancient silver coin; denier dinosaurio: dinosaur dintel: lintel; doorhead diñar: to give; to die diócesis: diocese dioptría: diopter dios: god diosa: goddess dióxido: dioxide diploma: diploma diplomacia: diplomacy diplomado: qualified; trained; graduate diplomático: diplomatic; diplomat; diplomatist diptongo: diphthong diputación: deputation; object of a deputation diputado: deputy; delegate; representative dique: dam; mole; dike; barrier; check; dry dock diría, diré: decir dirección: direction; way; address; lead; conduct; management; leadership; directorate; generalship; headquarters; quarter; running; steering; helm; tack direccional: indicator directa: top gear directiva: board of directors; committee; leadership; directive; guideline directivo: directive; managing directo: direct; straight director: director; manager; editor; principal; headmaster; conductor; directing; leading; managing directorio: directory directriz: directrix dirigente: leader; director; leading; governing dirigible: dirigible; airship dirigir: to direct; to manage; to govern; to lead; to head; to steer; to conduct; to point; to address; to shine; to spearhead; to stage-manage; to target; to turn on; to wend; to aim; to bend; to helm; to intend; to level; to marshal; to mastermind dirigirse a: to be directed to; to go to; to go towards; to head; to address; to apply; to accost; to tend; to bear; to funnel dirimir: to annul; to dissolve; to settle discapacidad: disability; handicap discapacitado: handicapped discernimiento: discernment; judgment; discrimination discernir: to discern; to distinguish; to appoint disciplina: discipline; subject; teaching; instruction; art; science; event disciplinado: disciplined disciplinar: to discipline disciplinario: disciplinary discípulo: pupil; student; follower; disciple disc-jockey: disc jockey disco: disk; record; discus; light; dial discóbolo: discobolous; discus thrower discografía: collection of records; discography díscolo: rebellious; rebel; ungovernable; refractory; wayward disconforme: in disagreement; disagreeing disconformidad: disagreement; disconformity discontinuidad: lack of continuity; discontinuity; irregularity discontinuo: discontinuous; intermittent discordancia: disagreement; difference; discordance discordante: discordant; absonant discordar: to discord; to disagree discordia: discord; disagreement; disunion discoteca: disco; record collection discreción: discretion; wit; gracefulness discrecional: discretionary; optional discrepancia: disagreement; dissent; difference of opinion; discrepancy discrepar: to disagree; to differ; to dissent discreto: discreet; average; run-of-the-mill; modest; sober; discrete discriminación: discrimination discriminar: to discriminate disculpa: excuse; apology; exculpation disculpar: to exculpate; to excuse disculparse: to excuse oneself; to apologize discurrir: to go about; to roam; to flow; to pass; to reflect; to reason; to discourse; to invent; to think out; to devise; to infer discursivo: reflective; thoughtful; meditative discurso: speech; discourse; oration; course; spiel; utterance; use of reason; address; exordium discusión: discussion; argument; debate discutible: debatable; disputable; uncertain discutir: to discuss; to argue about; to dispute; to argue disecar: to dissect; to stuff dead animals disección: dissection; anatomy; stuffing; taxidermy; detailed analysis diseccionar: to make a dissection diseminar: to disseminate; to scatter diseminarse: to disseminate; to scatter disensión: disagreement; dissention; division; strife disentería: dysentery disentir: to dissent; to disagree diseñador: designer; delineator; sketcher diseñar: to design; to draw; to sketch; to outline diseño: design; drawing; sketch; outline disertación: dissertation; disquisition; talk; paper disertar: to dissert; to dissertate disforme: misshapen; hideous; huge; monstruous disfraz: disguise; fancy dress; costume; dissimulation; dissembling disfrazado: disguised; dressed-up disfrazar: to disguise; to dissemble disfrazarse: to disguise oneself; to masquerade disfrutar: to enjoy; to possess disgregación: disintegration; scattering disgregar: to scatter; to disintegrate; to disperse disgustado: upset; annoyed; unhappy; displeased; sorry; tasteless; aggrieved; discontent; discontented disgustar: to displease; to annoy; to anger; to pain; to give sorrow disgustarse: to be displeased or hurt; to fall out; to have a difference with somebody disgusto: unpleasantness; displeasure; annoyance; vexation; sorrow; quarrel disidencia: dissidence; dissent; nonconformity disidente: dissident; dissenter disidir: to dissent; to separate disimulación: pretence; pretense; dissimulation disimulado: subtle; reserved; sly; dissembler disimular: to dissimulate; to dissemble; to disguise; to conceal; to overlook; to excuse; to pardon disimulo: dissimulation; sly proceeding; tolerance; indulgence disipación: dissipation disipado: dissipated disipar: to dissipate disiparse: to dissipate; to evanesce; to disappear diskette: floppy disk; diskette dislate: piece of nonsense; absurdity dislexia: dyslexia disléxico: dyslexic dislocación: dislocation dislocar: to dislocate dislocarse: to come out of joint disloque: chaos; the giddy limit disminución: decrease; diminution; abatement disminuido: disabled; physically handicapped disminuir: to diminish; to lessen; to decrease; to taper; to abate disociación: dissociation disociar: to dissociate disociarse: to dissociate disolubilidad: dissolubility; solubility disoluble: dissoluble; soluble disolución: dissolution; dissolving; solution; annulment disoluto: dissolute; debauched; debauchee disolvente: solvent; dissolving; dissolvent; dissolver disolver: to dissolve disolverse: to dissolve disonancia: discord; dissonance; harsh sound disonante: discordant; harsh; dissonant disonar: to sound harshly; to disagree; to be incongruous dispar: unlike; different; disparate disparadero: trigger disparado: very fast disparador: trigger; shooter; shutter release; escapement; release; anchor trigger disparar: to shoot; to discharge; to fire; to let off; to hurl; to throw dispararse: to dash off; to bolt; to go off; to lose self-control disparatado: ridiculous; absurd; nonsensical; foolish disparate: absurdity; nonsense; crazy idea; foolish or preposterous act, blunder or mistake disparejo: uneven; unlike; different; disparate disparo: shot; discharge; release; trip; start dispendio: huge waste of money; excessive expenditure dispensa: dispensation; exemption dispensar: to dispense; to give; to grant; to exempt; to excuse; to pardon dispensarse: to excuse oneself dispensario: outpatients' clinic; clinic for the poor dispersar: to disperse; to scatter; to put to flight dispersarse: to disperse; to be dispersed disperso: dispersed; scattered displicencia: disdain; coldness; coolness; indifference displicente: cool; disdainful; indifferent; peevish disponer: to dispose; to arrange; to prepare; to get ready; to order; to decree disponerse: to get ready disponibilidad: availability disponible: available; disposable disposición: arrangement; disposal; regulation; order; command; provision; mood; frame of mind; aptitude; gift dispositivo: device; operation; contrivance; preceptive dispuesto: disposed; prepared; ready; comely; able; clever disputa: dispute; argument; disagreement; disputation disputar: to dispute; to contest; to argue; to altercate disquete: floppy disk; diskette disquetera: disk drive disquisición: digression; disquisition distancia: distance; difference; gulf; disparity distanciamiento: distancing distanciar: to distance; to separate; to estrange distanciarse: to become separated or estranged distante: distant; far; remote distar de: to be distant from; to be different from distender: to distend distinción: distinction; honour; honor; elegance distinguido: distinguished; refined; prominent; accomplished distinguir: to distinguish; to discriminate; to show regard for distinguirse: to distinguish oneself; to make oneself different distintivo: distinctive; distinguishing; badge; sign distinto: different; separate; distinct distorsión: distortion; pull; sprain distorsionar: to distort distracción: distraction; diversion; amusement; entertainment; absent-mindedness; oversight; abstraction distraer: to entertain; to divert; to amuse; to distract; to lead astray; to abstract distraerse: to amuse oneself; to be absent-mindedness distraído: absent-minded; inattentive; entertaining; abstracted distribution: layout; transmission; apportionment distribuidor: distributing; distributor distribuir: to distribute; to sort distributivo: distributive distrito: district distrofia: dystrophy disturbio: riot; outbreak; disturbance disuadir: to dissuade disuasión: dissuasion disyuntiva: choice; dilemma; disjunctive disyuntivo: disjunctive DIU: IUD diuresis: diuresis diurético: diuretic diurno: diurnal; day diva: prima donna; diva; goddess divagar: to divagate; to ramble; to digress diván: divan; couch divergencia: fork; difference; disagreement; divergence; divergency diverger: divergir divergir: to diverge; to differ; to disagree diversidad;: diversity; variety; abundance diversificar: to diversify diversión: fun; amusement; pastime; diversion diverso: diverse; varied; different; several; various; diversos: several; many divertido: funny; amusing; entertaining divertir: to divert; to amuse; to entertain; to turn away divertirse: to amuse oneself; to have a good time dividendo: dividend dividir: to divide dividirse: to divide divieso: boil; furuncle divinidad: divinity; godhead; beauty divinizar: to divinize; to deify divino: divine; lovely; gorgeous divisa: badge; emblem; insignia; mark; motto; principle; currency; device divisar: to descry; to espy; to perceive división: division; disagreement divisor: dividing; divisor divo: star; great singer; poet; divine; god divorciado: divorced; divorcee divorciar: to divorce divorciarse: to divorce; to become divorced from divorcio: divorce; split; disunion; breach divulgación: divulgation; popularization divulgar: to divulge; to publish abroad; to popularize divulgarse: to be spread about DNI: identity card do: C; do; ut doberman: Doberman dobladillo: hem doblado: dubbed; exhausted; bent; deceitful doblaje: dubbing doblar: to double; to fold; to bend; to turn; to dub; to toll; to knell doblarse: to double; to bend; to yield; to give in doble: double; twofold; duplicate; copy; stunt; toll doblegar: to bend; to curve; to force to yield doblegarse: to yield; to give in; to submit; to acquiesce; to kotow; to kowtow doblete: double win; doublet; a stroke in billiards doblez: fold; crease; ply; cuff; duplicity; deceitfulness doblón: doubloon doce: twelve; twelfth doceavo: twelfth docena: dozen docencia: teaching docente: teaching; educational; teacher; lecturer dócil: docile; manageable; obedient; tame; soft docto: learned; knowledgeable doctor: doctor; doctoress doctorado: doctorate; doctorship doctoral: doctoral; pedantic doctorar: to doctor doctorarse: to take the degree of doctor doctrina: doctrine; learning; knowledge; catechism; Sunday School doctrinario: doctrinaire documentación: documentation; file; records; papers documentado: documented; informed documental: documentary; documental documentar: to document documentarse: to get the necessary information documento: document; contemporary record dogal: halter; hangman's noose dogma: dogma dogmático: dogmatic; dogmatical dogmatismo: dogmatism dogmatizar: to dogmatize dogo: bulldog; doge; Great Dane dólar: dollar dolencia: complaint; ailment; disease; illness; aching; infirmity; affliction doler: to ache; tu hurt; to pain; to rankle; to smite dolerse de: to repent dolido: hurt; pained; grieved dolmen: dolmen dolo: malicious intent; guile; deceit; fraud dolor: pain; ache; aching; soreness; wrench; agony; anguish; bale; woe; sorrow; grief; repentance; distress; dole; dolour; smart dolorido: sore; aching; tender; painful; saddened; sorrowful; grieving; pained; doleful; dolesome; heartsick doloroso: painful; dolorous; distressing; pitiful; regrettable doma: rodeo; taming; breaking in domador: tamer; horsebreaker domar: to tame; to break; to curb; to subdue; to conquer domeñar: to master; to conquer; to subdue domesticar: to tame; to domesticate doméstico: domestic; servant domiciliación: payment by direct debit; payment by bank transfer domiciliar: to domicile; to domiciliate domiciliarse: to domiciliate; to take up residence domicilio: home; residence; address; domicile; abode dominación: domination dominante: predominant; domineering; dominant; commanding dominar: to dominate; to domineer; to rule over; to control; to restrain; to master dominarse: to control oneself domingo: Sunday dominguero: day-tripper dominical: dominical; Sunday; Sunday newspaper; feudal dominicano: Dominican dominico: Dominican friar; Dominican dominio: dominium; authority; power; lands; mastery; domination; control; rule; domain; sphere; scope dominó: dominoes; domino Don: Mr. don: talent; knack; gift; present donación: donation; gift; bestowal donante: donor donar: to donate; to bestow donativo: donation; donative; gift; contribution doncella: maiden; maid; virgin; maidservant; abigail donde: where; wherein; whither; in which dónde: where dondequiera: wherever; anywhere donostiarra: from San Sebastián dónut: doughnut; donut doña: Mrs. dopar: to dope; to drug doparse: to take drugs doping: drug-taking doquier: por doquier: everywhere dorada: gilt head bream dorado: gold; golden; gilt; gilding dorar: to gild; to brown dorarse: to take a golden tinge; to turn brown dormido: asleep dormilón: sleepy; sleepyhead; armchair for napping; earring dormir: to sleep; to rest; to pass the night; to put to sleep dormirse: to go to sleep; to fall asleep; to be careless; to get benumbed dormitar: to doze; to nap dormitorio: bedroom; dormitory dorsal: dorsal; number dorso: back; dorsum dos: two; second; deuce doscientos: two hundred dosel: canopy; dais dosificar: to dose; to proportion dosis: dose; dosage; quantity; admixture; draught; fix dossier: dossier dotación: amount awarded; endowment; dowering; complement; crew; staff; personnel dotado: endowed; gifted; equipped dotar: to endow; to dower; to portion; to gift; to man; to staff; to accomplish dote: dowry; dower; marriage portion; dotes: gifts; talents; aptitude dovela: keystone; voussoir doy: presente de indicativo de dar dozavo: twelfth dracma: drachm; drachma; dram draconiano: draconian DRAE: Diccionario de la Real Academia Española draga: dredger; dredge dragado: dredging dragaminas: minesweeper dragar: to dredge; to sweep drago: dragon tree dragomán: dragoman dragón: dragon; dragoon; snapdragon dragona: shoulder knot; epaulette; guard; hooded cloak dragoncillo: tarragon dragonear: to court; to woo; to boast; to brag drama: drama; disaster dramática: drama; dramatic art dramaticidad: dramatic quality dramático: dramatic; dramatis; actor dramatismo: dramatic nature; dramatic effect; drama dramatizar: to dramatize dramaturgia: drama; theatre art; play-writing dramaturgo: playwright; dramatist dramón: melodrama drástico: drastic drenaje: drainage; catheter drenar: to drain driblar: to dribble dril: drill driza: halyard droga: drug; chemical substance; fib; lie; debt drogadicción: drug addiction drogadicto: drug addict drogar: to drug; to dope drogarse: to take drugs droguería: drugstore; store where cleaning materials are sold dromedario: dromedary druida: druid dualismo: dualism Dublín: Dublin dublinés: Dubliner ducado: dukedom; duchy; ducat ducha: shower; douche duchar: to douche ducharse: to take a shower ducho: knowledgeable; skilful; expert; experienced dúctil: easily influenced; ductile duda: doubt; query dudar: to doubt; to question; to waver; to hesitate dudoso: doubtful; dubious; unsure; uncertain duela: stave; fluke duelo: duel; grief; sorrow; pity; compassion; mourning; bereavement; mourners duende: elf; pixie; goblin; hobgoblin; charm; magic dueño: owner; proprietor; master; landlord; landowner dulce: sweet; fresh; gentle; cake; candy; sweetmeat dulzaina: kind of flageolet dulzura: sweetness; mildness; gentleness; kindliness; pleasantness duna: dune dúo: duet; duo duodécimo: twelfth duodeno: duodenum dúplex: duplex; apartment on two floors duplicado: duplicate duplicar: to double; to duplicate duplicidad: duplicity duque: duke duquesa: duchess durable: abiding duración: duration; endurance; lasting duradero: lasting; hard-wearing; durable; enduring durante: during; for durar: to last; to endure; to continue; to wear well durazno: peach dureza: hardness; harshness; severity; obstinacy; callosity; abrasiveness durmiente: sleeping; dormant; sleeper duro: hard; tough; harsh; severe; rigorous; unbearable; obdurate; unfeeling; obstinate; strong; hardy; stingy; stiff