cabal: upright; exact; full; complete; perfect; faultless; exactly; no estar en sus cabales: not to be in one's right mind
cábala: cabbala; guess; intrigue; divination cabalgadura: steed; mount; riding horse or animal; beast of burden cabalgar: to ride; to horse; to mount; to cover a mare cabalgata: cavalcade; mounted parade caballa: mackerel caballeresco: chivalrous; chivalric caballería: cavalry; horse; riding animal; mule; ass; knights; knighthood caballeriza: stable; royal mews; stud caballerizo: stable hand; groom; equerry caballero: gentleman; knight; riding; mounted; sir caballeroso: gentlemanly; chivalrous caballete: easel; trestle; gantry; ridge; bridge; small horse; horse; chimney cap; stand for saddles caballista: skilled rider; expert on horses; mounted highwayman caballito: pony; little horse; rocking-horse; hobby-horse; caballitos: merry-go-round caballo: horse; queen; knight; caballo de tiro: affer; cart-horse; caballo de carga: packhorse; caballo de carreras: racehorse; caballo de diligencia: stager; caballo de guerra: destrier; caballo de labor: dobbin; cola de caballo: ponytail; uña de caballo: coltsfoot; galax; caballo mecedor: hobby-horse; caballo de vapor: horsepower cabalmente: exactly; completely; fully; just cabaña: hut; cabin; hovel; livestock; large number of sheep or cattle; balk cabaré: cabaret cabaret: cabaret cabás: satchel; school bag; shopping bag cabe: near; next to; stroke on a ball cabecear: to nod in drowsiness; to raise and lower the head; to pitch; to strengthen new wine with old one; to blend wines; to bind the edge; to put the headband; to head the ball; to lurch cabeceo: shake of the head; nod; toss; pitching and tossing; lurching cabecera: head; headboard; masthead; flag; source; seat of honour; bedside; main town; head or tail of the back if a book cabecero: headboard cabecilla: ringleader; rebel leader; wrong-headed person; little head cabellera: head of hair; wig; tail cabello: hair; corn silk caber: to fit; to go through; to be possible cabestrillo: sling; little chain worn as a necklace cabestro: halter; leading ox cabeza: head; brain; mind; understanding; individual; main town cabezada: head butt; nod; butt; pitch; pitching; headgear; headstall of a river; headband of a book cabezal: headboard; small pillow; bolster; head; cartridge; headstock cabezazo: blow with the head; butt; header cabezón: with a large head; pigheaded; stubborn; rough cabezonada: pigheadedness; stubbornness; obstinate act cabezonería: pigheadedness; stubbornness cabezota: pigheaded; stubborn; large head cabezudo: with a large head; pigheaded; stubborn; figure of a big-headed dwarf; carnival figure with a grotesque head cabezuela: type of coarse flour; middling; head; capitulum; small head cabida: space; room; capacity; extent; favour; influence; accommodation cabildo: chapter; town council cabina: cabina: cabin; cab; cockpit; beach hut; cubicle cabizbajo: crestfallen; pensive cable: cable; lead; wire; rope; hawser cabo: end; extremity; termination; conclusion; bit; stump; strand; haft; rope; cordage; ply; cape; corporal; sergeant; mane, muzzle and feet of horses cabotaje: coastal shipping; coasting trade; cabotage cabra: goat cabrales: type of cheese from Asturias cabrear: to make furious; to drive mad cabrearse: to lose one's temper cabrerizo, cabrero: goatherd cabrestante: winch; capstan cabrío: goat cabriola: skip; caper; gambol; tumble cabritilla: kid; kidskin cabrito: kid; young goat; bastard cabrón: billy goat; bastard; acquiesced cuckold caca: human excrement; dirt; filth cacahuete: groundnut; peanut cacao: cacao; cocoa; lipsalve; chaos; r4c24s; barra de cacao: chap stick cacarear: to crow; to cackle; to boast; to brag cacatúa: cockatoo cacería: hunt; hunting party; hunting scene cacerola: saucepan; casserole cacha: handle; side of a razor or wife handle; cheek; buttock; horn; cachas: muscly; muscleman cachalote: cachalot; sperm whale cacharro: crock; piece of crockery; rattletrap; rickety machine or car cachaza: laid-back attitude; slowness; phlegm; coolness; cane spirit cachear: to frisk; to search cachemir: cashmere cacheo: frisking; searching cachetada: slap cachete: slap; punch in the face; plump cheek; short dagger cachiporra: truncheon; nightstick; club; bludgeon cachivache: piece of junk; vessel; pot; utensil cacho: piece; bit; fragment; bunch; horn; fresh-water fish; card game; shaker for dice cachondearse: to make fun; to take the mickey; to poke fun at somebody cachondeo: joke; good time cachondo: funny: horny cachorro: puppy; cub; whelp cacique: cacique; In Indian chief; local boss; petty tyrant caciquismo: bossism; oppressive rule by local party bosses caco: thief; burglar; coward cacofonía: cacophony cacto: cactus cactus: cactus cacumen: brains; head; acumen cada: each; every cadalso: scaffold; platform; stage; stand cadáver: corpse; cadaver cadavérico: cadaverous cadena: chain; network; channel; imprisonment cadencia: cadence; cadency; rhythm cadeneta: chain stitch; paper chain cadera: hip; coxa cadete: cadet; apprentice caducar: ti run out; to lapse; to expire; to exceed its shelf life; to dote caducidad: expiry; shelf life; caducity; lapse caduco: senile; outdated; caducous caer: to fall; to fall down; to drop; to tumble down; to realize; to become due; to lie; to be located; to go down; to occur; to decline; to hang caerse: to fall; to fall out café: coffee; café; coffee shop; coffeeroom; caff; café con leche: latte cafeína: caffein; caffeine cafetal: coffee plantation cafetera: coffeepot; coffee maker; percolator cafetería: cafe; coffee house; cafetière; bar; buffet cafetero: pertaining to coffee; coffee gatherer; keeper of a café; coffee-drinking cafeto: coffee tree or plant cafre: thuggish; thug; savage; inhuman; rude; rustic cagada: droppings; stupid mistake cagado: chicken cagalera: the runs; diarrhoea cagar: to crap; to defecate; to soil; to defile; to make a botch of cagarse: to be cowed cagueta: chicken caída: fall; drop; slope; descent; waterfall; lapse; spiritual ruin; arrangement of folds; depth; hoist caído: fallen; despondent; downcast; weak; downhearted; drooping caimán: cayman; alligator caja: box; chest; casing; cash box; safe; name of some institutions; frame; coffin; body; stock of firearm; well of staircase; drum; socket; mortise; capsule; caja de resonancia: abat-voix cajero: cashier; box maker cajetilla: packet of cigarettes cajista: typesetter; compositor cajón: drawer; till; locker; large box; crate; kiosk; starting stall; ravine; coffin; casket cajonera: chest of drawers cal: lime; whitewash cala: cove; bay; fishing ground; hold; sample; slice; arum lily; suppository; peseta; hole made in a wall to try its thickness; probe calabacín: courgette; zucchini; marrow; squash; fool; clot; dolt calabaza: pumpkin; gourd; squash; dolt; dar calabazas: to refuse calabobos: drizzle calabozo: dungeon; cell; pruning sickle calada: puff; soaking; sinking of a fishing net; swoop of a bird; shed caladero: fishing ground calado: soaked; holey; openwork; depth of water; draught; drawn work in linen; fretwork calafatear: to caulk calamar: squid; calamary calambre: cramp: electric shock calamidad: disaster; misfortune; calamity calandria: lark; calander; calender; mangle; hoisting treadmill calaña: character; kind; sort; nature; pattern; model calar: to soak; to drench; to soak through; to pierce; to penetrate; to see through; to fix; to plug; to incline ready to use; to lower a yard; to sink calarse: to get soaked; to get drenched; to get in; to enter; to pull on; to swoop calavera: skull; death's head; madcap; gay blade; profligate; back light calaverada: prank; escapade; reckless action calcado: copied; identical; calking; calquing; tracing calcañar: heel calcar: to trace; to copy; to calk; to transfer; to imitate calcáreo: chalky; calcareous calce: wedge; chock; shim; steel tire of a wheel calceta: knitting; stocking; hose calcetín: sock calcificación: calcification calcificar: to calcify calcinar: to burn; to calcine; to calcify calcio: calcium calco: copy; tracing; imitation; loan word; calque calcomanía: transfer; decalcomania calculador: calculating; calculator calculadora: calculator; adding machine calcular: to calculate; to work out; to guess; to conjecture cálculo: calculation; estimate; computation; conjecture; guess; calculus caldear: to warm up; to heat caldearse: to warm up; to become heated; to heat caldera: boiler; cauldron; kettle; copper; shell of a kettledrum calderero: boilermaker; coppersmith caldereta: lamb stew; fish stew; small cauldron; holy-water pot calderilla: small change; copper coins; holy-water pot caldero: semispherical kettle or small cauldron caldillo: stew of minced beef in spicy sauce caldo: stock; broth; bouillon; clear soup; wine calé: Spanish gypsy calefacción: heating; heating system calefactor: heating engineer; heater; electric fire caleidoscopio: kaleidoscope calendario: calendar; schedule calentador: heater; warming pan; legwarmer calentamiento: increase in temperature; warm-up; warming; heating calentar: to heat up; to warm up; to beat; to spank calentarse: to warm oneself; to get warm; to be in heat calentura: fever; high temperature; mouth sore calenturiento: feverish; person who thinks always about sex calera: limestone quarry; lime kiln calesa: buggy; kind of calash caleta: small bay: small cove or creek calibrar: to calibrate; to gauge calibre: calibre; caliber; bore; gauge; size; importance calidad: quality; capacity; position; variety; character; nature; rank; importance cálido: warm; hot; burning calidoscopio: kaleidoscope calientaplatos: hotplate; plate warmer caliente: hot; warm; heated; in heat; in rut califa: caliph califato: caliphate calificación: assessment; evaluation; grade; mark; qualification; rating; judgement; grading calificado: reputable; respected; suitable; qualified; competent calificar: to rate; to determine; to ennoble; to call; to express or denote the qualities of something calificativo: qualifying; epithet; qualifier caligrafía: calligraphy; handwriting calima: haze; mist calina: haze; mist cáliz: chalice; calyx; cup of sorrow caliza: limestone calizo: calcareous; limy; lime callada: a meal of tripe; silence; keeping silence callado: quiet; silent; reserved; reticent callar: to be silent; to keep silent; to shut up; to be quiet callarse: to keep to oneself; not to mention calle: street; lane; fairway calleja: narrow street; alleyway; alley; lane callejear: to walk the streets; to hang about the streets; to lounge about the streets callejero: street; fond of lounging about the streets; stray; street guide callejón: alley; alleyway callicida: corn cure; corn remover callista: chiropodist; podiatrist; corn doctor callo: callus; callosity; corn; callos: tripe callosidad: callus; horniness; callosity calloso: horny; callous calma: calm; inactivity; letup; allayment; cessation; peace; calmness; composure; slowness; phlegm calmante: soothing; assuaging; painkiller; calmative; sedative calmar: to relieve; to calm; to quiet; to pacify; to allay; to soothe calmarse: to abate; to calm down; to calm oneself calmo: calm; tranquil; at rest; barren; treeless calmoso: calm; relaxed; quiet; slow; sluggard caló: slang of gypsies and low-class people calor: heat; warmth; hotness; glow; ardour; fire; animation caloría: calorie calórico: calorific; caloric calorífero: heat-producing; heat-emitting; heat-conducting; heater; foot warmer calorífico: calorific calumnia: calumny; falsehood; slander; libel calumniador: calumnious; false; defamatory; liar; slanderer; libeller calumniar: to falsely accuse; to calumniate; to slander; to defame caluroso: warm; hot; sensitive to heat; hearty; enthusiastic calva: bald patch; clearing; bald head; bald woman calvario: Calvary; calvary; series of debts calvicie: baldness calvinismo: Calvinism calvinista: Calvinist calvo: bald; hairless; bald-headed; bare; barren calzada: paved road; road; carriageway; causey; causeway calzado: shod; calced; calceate; wearing shies; braccate; footwear calzador: shoehorn calzar: to put on; to wear; to put shoes on calzarse: to put on; to wangle calzo: chock; shim; wedge; scotch; quoin; chuck calzón: shorts; breeches; trousers calzonazos: henpecked husband; weak; soft fellow calzoncillos: drawers; pants cama: bed; couch; bedstead; lair; part of a melon resting on the ground; brood; litter; sheath; layer or thickness of food; en cama: abed camada: litter; brood; bed; layer; gang; band camafeo: cameo camaleón: chameleon camaleónico: chameleon-like cámara: camera; chamber; room; grain loft; granary; stateroom; ward-room; cabin; house; inner tube; stool; cavity camarada: comrade; schoolmate; colleague; companion; pal; chum camaradería: comradeship; friendship; camaraderie camarera: waitress; barmaid; lady-in-waiting; maid; stewardess; abigail camarero: waiter; barman; steward; papal chamberlain camarilla: clique; coterie; cabal camarón: prawn camarote: cabin; stateroom camastro: rickety old bed; wretched bed; sleeping boards in a guardhouse cambalache: barter of cheap things; second hand shop; swap cambalachear: to barter; to exchange cámbaro: crab; green crab cambiable: changeable; exchangeable cambiadiscos: record changer cambiador: changing; exchanging; changer cambiante: variable; changeable; changing; fickle; money-changer cambiar: to change; to alter; to shift; to convert; to exchange; to swap; to move cambiazo: big change; swap; switch; dar el cambiazo to make a fraudulent substitution cambija: raised water reservoir cambio: change; shift; shifting; exchange; barter; market price; cambium cambista: money-changer; banker cambium: cambium cambray: cambric cambrón: boxthorn; buckthorn; bramble; Christ's-thorn cambronal: thicket of boxthorn; buckthorn or brambles cambronera: boxthorn cambujo: reddish-black cambur: kind of banana camedrio: germander; wall germander camelar: to court; to flirt with; to cajole; to win over camelia: camellia camellero: camel-driver camello: camel; drug-pusher camelo: courting; flirtation; deception; con; rip-off; cock-and-bull story camerino: dressing room Camerún: Cameroon camilla: stretcher; litter; couch; small bed; table with a heater underneath camillero: stretcher bearer; porter caminante: walker; traveller; wayfarer caminar: to walk; to travel; to journey; to march; to go; to move along; to cover a distance walking caminata: long walk; hike; march; excursion camino: path; track; road; way; course; journey; travel camión: truck; lorry; bus; camion camionero: truck driver; lorry driver; bus driver camioneta: van; station wagon; light motor van camisa: shirt; chemise; shield; shade; jacket; casing; lining; slough; tegmen; incandescent gas mantle camisería: shirt factory; shirt shop camisero: shirt maker camiseta: vest; undershirt; T-shirt; shirt; jersey camisola: ruffled shirt; shirt of fine linen camisón: nightgown; nightdress; nightshirt camisote: hauberk camomila: chamomile; camomila camorra: quarrel; row; fight camorrista: troublemaking; troublemaker; quarrelsome campal: batalla campal: pitched battle campamento: camp; camping; encampment campana: bell; bell-shaped object; parish campanada: stroke of a bell; scandal; sensational happening campanario: bell tower; belfry; campanile campanearse: to reel campanilla: small bell; doorbell; uvula; harebell; bellshaped flower; small tassel campante: unperturbed; pleased; satisfied; content; cheerful campaña: campaign; level country campar: to wander; to camp; to excel; to stand out campeador: champion in a battle campechano: straightforward; genial; frank; open; hearty; good-humored; generous campeón: champion; defender campeonato: championship campera: jacket campero: country; unsheltered; good at farming campesino: rural; country; peasant; countryman campestre: country; field; rural; campestrian camping: camp site; camping campiña: countryside; area of arable land campista: camper campo: country; countryside; field; pitch; cultivated land; crops; ground; links; army; side campus: campus can: dog; trigger; bracket; corbel; modillion cana: white hair Canadá: Canada canadiense: Canadian canal: channel; canal; duct; valley; gutter; flute; groove canalizar: to channel; to canalize; to pipe; to wire; to direct canalla: rogue; swine; scum; riffraff; rabble; cad; rascal; scoundrel canallada: dirty trick; caddish trick canalón: rain water pipe; roof gutter; gargoyle canapé: canapé; couch; sofa canario: canary canasta: basket; large round basket; canasta canastilla: small basket; baby clothes; sewing basket; layette; trousseau canasto: big basket cancela: wrought-iron gate; entrance grating cancelar: to cancel; to pay off; to annul; to abort cáncer: cancer cancerbero: goalkeeper; Cerberus cancerígeno: carcinogenic canceroso: cancerous cancha: court; pitch; field; court; cockpit; race-course canciller: chancellor; foreign minister cancillería: chancellery; chancery canción: song; ballad; excuse; canción de cuna: lullaby cancionero: songbook; book of poetry; collection of lyrics candado: padlock candaliza: brail candeal: white candela: candle; taper; candlestick; chestnut flower; fire candelabro: candelabrum candelaria: great mullein candelero: candlestick; metal olive-oil lamp; fishing torch; stanchion candente: candent; candescent; red-hot; burning candidato: candidate; applicant candidatura: list of candidates; candidature; candidacy; ballot paper candidez: naturalness; simplicity; whiteness; naïvety cándido: innocent; guileless; naïve; simple; easy to deceive; white; snowy candil: oil lamp; tine of antler; corner of a cocked hat; chandelier candileja: inner receptacle of an oil lamp; candilejas: footlights candor: innocence; guilelessness; candour; ingenuousness; pure whiteness candoroso: innocent; ingenuous; pure; naïve canela: cinnamon; anything exquisite canelo: cinnamon-coloured; cinnamon tree; silly; fool canelón: piece of cannelloni; icicle; gutter; cinnamon candy; tubular element of a fringe canesú: yoke of a shirt or blouse; a woman's corsage cangilón: bucket; earthen or metal vessel for liquids; dredge bucket; scoop; fluting of a roof cangrejo: crayfish; crab; gaff canguelo: fear canguro: kangaroo; baby-sitter caníbal: cannibal; animal canibalismo: cannibalism canica: marble caniche: poodle canícula: dog days canijo: weak; puny; weakling; infirm; sickly canilla: shin; shinbone; spool; bobbin; quill; spout; tap; spigot; unevenness of the wood in thickness or colour canino: canine canje: exchange canjeable: exchangeable canjear: to exchange cannabis: cannabis cano: white; grey; hoary canoa: canoe canódromo: dogtrack canon: rule; canon; royalty; rent; rate; standard measurements of the human figure canónico: canonical; canonic canónigo: canon; prebendary canonización: canonization canonizar: to canonize canoro: canorous; sweet-singing; tuneful canoso: white-haired; grey-haired; hoary cansado: tired; weary; spent; worn-out; exhausted; tiring; tiresome; wearisome cansancio: tiredness; fatigue; weariness cansar: to tire; to tire out; to fatigue; to weary; to bore; to harass; to exhaust cansarse: to tire; to fatigue; to grow weary; to become exhausted cansino: weary; tired; exhausted cantábrico: Cantabrian cantamañanas: unreliable person cantante: singer; singing cantaor: Flamenco singer cantar: short poem apt for a folk song; to sing; to chant; to speak; to squeak; to confess; to crow; to chirp; to chirr; to chantey; to call; to attract attention cántara: pitcher; jug; wine measure equivalent to 32 pints cantarín: fond of singing; singsong; singer cántaro: pitcher; jug; water jar; ballot box cantata: cantata cantautor: singer-songwriter cante: song cantera: quarry; stone pit; talent; capacity cantero: quarryman; stone cutter; easy-to-break extremity of something hard cántico: canticle; song cantidad: quantity; amount; lots; sum; figure; a lot cantiga: medieval poem cantimplora: water bottle; canteen; siphon cantina: canteen; railway buffet; barroom; lunch box cantinela: refrain; short lyric; song; annoying repetition cantinera: barmaid; vivandière cantinero: barman; canteen-keeper canto: singing; chant; chirp; edge; rim; thickness; back; stone cantón: canton; district; region; corner; cantonment cantonés: Cantonese cantor: singing; singer; cantor canturrear: to hum; to sing in low voice cánula: catheter; cannula canuto: cardboard tube; poster tube; joint caña: cane; reed; cane; long bone; shank; cannon; tall and narrow wine tumbler; beer; shaft of a pillar; tipstock of firearm cañada: cattle trail; ravine; glen; dell; hollow cañamazo: canvas; burlap; hemp tow cáñamo: hemp; hempen cloth cañamón: hempseed cañaveral: reedbed; canebrake; sugar plantation cañería: pipe; conduit cañí: stereotyped; gypsy cañizo: cane matting; hurdle of reeds caño: tube; pipe; jet; tap; spout; faucet; sewer; narrow channel cañón: tube; pipe; barrel; cannon; gun; quill; canyon cañonazo: cannon shot; report of a gun; powerful shot; bombshell caoba: mahogany caolín: kaolin; kaoline caos: chaos caótico: chaotic capa: cloak; mantle; cape; cope; canopy; pretence; disguise; coating; couch; stratum; layer; wrapper of a cigar; colour of an animal; hider; concealer; primage; level capacho: wicker basket capacidad: ability; ableness; capacity; content; capaciousness capacitar: to qualify; to enable; to capacitate capar: to castrate; to geld; to emasculate caparazón: shell; carapace; caparison; covering; nose bag; carcass capataz: foreman; overseer; steward capaz: capable; able; competent; having room or capacity; capacious; roomy; capable; ser capaz: to be able to; not to be above capazo: wicker basket; large flexible basket; blow given with a cloak capcioso: cunning; captious; insidious; deceiving capea: bullfight with young bulls capear: to play the bull using the cape; to beguile; to ride out; to weather; to lie to capellán: chaplain; priest; clergyman capellanía: chaplaincy caperuza: hood; top; cap; pointed hood; chimney cap capicúa: reversible number capilar: of the hair; capillary capilla: hood; cowl; chapel; oratory; choir; friar; monk; proof sheet capirotazo: flip; flick; fillip capirote: hood; chaperon; conical or hood worn in processions; doctoral hooded mozzetta capital: prime; primary; capital; property; fortune capitalino: from the capital capitalismo: capitalism capitalista: capitalist capitalizar: to capitalize; to compound the interest; to take advantage of capitán: captain; chief; leader; great soldier; master capitanear: to lead; to command; to captain capitel: capital; spire Capitolio: capitol capitoné: removal van capitoste: chief; boss capitulación: capitulation; surrender; agreement capitular: capitular; to agree; to conclude in agreement; to capitulate; to order; to decree capítulo: chapter; episode; subject; matter; charge; impeachment; meeting of members of a monastic or knightly order capó: bonnet; hood capón: capon; castrated; gelded; rap on the head caporal: foreman; chief; leader; headman in a ranch capota: roof; hood; top; bonnet with strings; poke bonnet; cowling capotazo: pass made by the bullfighter with the cape capote: long cloak; greatcoat; bullfighter's cape capricho: whim; caprice; freak; fancy; longing; desire caprichoso: stubborn; capricious; freakish; fanciful cápsula: capsule; cartridge shell captar: to win; to secure; to collect; to get; to pick up captura: capture; seizure; arrest capturar: to capture; to seizure; to catch capucha: hood; cowl; circumflex accent capuchino: Capuchin; capuccino capuchón: hood; top; cap; capuchin; short domino; valve cap capullo: cocoon; bud; acorn cup; foreskin caqui: khaki; kaki; Japanese persimmon cara: face; visage; countenance; look; mien; aspect; front; façade; outside; surface; nerve; cheek carabela: caravel carabina: carbine; chaperone; chaperon carabinero: police officer; revenue guard; prawn; kind of crayfish cárabo: tawny owl; carabus caracol: snail; cochlea; kiss-curl; spiral; fusee caracola: conch or triton shell carácter: character; nature; disposition; status; characteristic característica: characteristic; code; dialling code; actress who enacts elderly characters característico: characteristic; old man caracterizar: to characterize; to give distinction; to act a part properly; to dress and make up for a role caracterizarse: to be characterized caradura: cheeky; cheek carajillo: coffee with a dash of brandy caramba: good grief; gosh carámbano: icicle carambola: cannon; carom; chance; multiple car crash; pile-up; double effect of a single act; carambola caramelo: sweet; candy; caramel carantoña: caresses; wheedling; cajolery; painted hag carátula: cover; sleeve; mask; wire mask caravana: caravan; tailback; trailer caray: good grief carbohidrato: carbohydrate carbón: charcoal; carbon; crayon carboncillo: charcoal; charcoal pencil; black sand; wheat smut carbonera: coal store; coal cellar; wood prepared for burning into charcoal carbonería: coal yard; charcoal shop or store carbonero: coalman; coal merchant carbónico: carbonic carbonilla: coal dust; cinder carbonizar: to carbonize; to reduce to charcoal; to char carbonizarse: to be burned to ashes; to become carbonized carbono: carbon carbunco: carbuncle; anthrax carburador: carburettor; carburetor carburante: fuel; carburant carburar: to fire; to carburet carburo: carbide carca: narrow-minded; reactionary carcaj: quiver carcajada: peal of laughter; guffaw; cachinnation carcajearse: to laugh heartily carcamal: old-fashioned; fogey; infirm; decrepit cárcava: gully; ravine; ditch; grave cárcel: jail; prison; gaol; coulisse; carpenter's clamp carcelario: relating to jail or prison carcelero: jailer; gaoler; warder carcinógeno: carcinogenic carcinoma: carcinoma carcoma: woodworm; gnawing care; fritterer; corroder carcomer: to eat away; to undermine; to gnaw; to consume carcomerse: to be eaten away carda: teasel; carding; severe reproof cardar: to card; to backcomb; to card; to teasel; to raise a nap cardenal: cardinal; bruise; black-and-blue mark; ecchymosis cárdeno: purple; violet; livid; piebald; opaline cardiaco: cardiac; nervous; heart case cardinal: cardinal cardiología: cardiology cardiólogo: cardiologist; heart specialist cardiopatía: heart disease cardo: thistle; cardoon; horrible person; very ugly person carear: to confront; to bring face to face; to compare; to lead cattle toward some place carecer: to lack; to be without carencia: shortage; lack; want; deficiency; deprivation; absence carente de: lacking; wanting careo: confrontation of criminals and witnesses carero: expensive; dear; charging high prices carestía: high price; high cost; shortage; scarcity; want; famine careta: mask; fencing mask careto: face; white-faced carey: hawkbill turtle; tortoiseshell carga: loading; cargo; freight; load; weight; refill; charge; burden; tax; duty; obligation; expenses cargadero: loading bay; loading place; freight station cargado: loaded; stuffy; stifling; full; fraught; sultry; cloudy; strong; saturated cargador: loader; shipper; freighter; carrier; porter; loader; charger; clip; magazine cargamento: load; freight; cargo; shipment cargante: tiresome; boring; annoying cargar: to load; to burden; to lumber with; to charge; to tax; to annoy; to bore; to tire; to rest; to lean; to incline towards; to impute; to ascribe cargarse: to burden oneself; to get cloudy; to become charged; to break; to kill cargo: post; position; charge; loading; burden; weight; debit; employment; duty; office; care; accusation; hacerse cargo: to take over carguero: freighter; transport plane; beast of burden cari: grey cariacontecido: downcast; sad; troubled; crestfallen cariar: to rot; to cause to decay; to cause caries cariarse: to decay cariátide: caryatid Caribe: Caribbean; brute; savage caribú: caribou caricatura: caricature; cartoon caricaturizar: to caricature caricia: caress; stroke; petting; endearment caridad: charity caries: tooth decay; caries carillón: carillon cariño: love; affection; fondness; tenderness; care; solicitude; attachment; devotion; darling; baby; honey; honeybun; pet; precious cariñoso: loving; affectionate; kind; endearing; doting carisma: charisma; charism carismático: charismatic caritativo: charitable cariz: aspect; look carlinga: cockpit; mast step carmelita: Carmelite carmelito: brown carmesí: crimson carmín: carmine; lipstick carnada: bait carnal: carnal; of the flesh; first carnaval: carnival carnaza: bait; abundance of flesh carne: flesh; meat; carne de gallina: goose flesh carné: card carnero: ram; sheep; mutton; charnel; sepulchre carnet: card; notebook carnicería: butcher's; carnage; slaughter; massacre carnicero: butcher; carnivorous; blood-thirsty; sanguinary carnívoro: carnivorous; carnivore carnoso: fleshy; carnose caro: expensive; costly; high-priced; dear; beloved carolingio: Carolingian carota: insolent; cheeky; cheeky person carótida: carotid carpa: carp; marquee; big top; awning; tent carpeta: folder; letter file; portfolio; writing-table cover; writing case carpetazo: dar carpetazo: to lay aside; to shelve; to pigeonhole carpintería: carpentry; carpentering; carpenter's shop carpintero: carpenter; joiner carraca: rattle; carrack; clumsy old boat; rattletrap; load of junk; ratchet brace carraspear: to clear one's throat; to hawk; to suffer from hoarseness carraspera: hoarseness; frog-in-the-throat carrera: run; running; race; journey; course; university studies; career; ladder; street; road; highway; route; row; line; range; parting in hair; girder carrerilla: run-up; short run; run of an octave; de carrerilla: parrot fashion carreta: cart; long and narrow cart carretada: cartload; cartful; heap; great quantity carrete: reel; bobbin; spool; roll; coil carretera: road; highway carretero: carter; cartman; teamster; cartwright; wheelwright carretilla: wheelbarrow; truck; baggage truck; handcart; gocart carricoche: covered wagon; jalopy; old banger carril: rail; lane; rut; track; furrow; cartway carrillo: cheek; jowl; comer a dos carrillos: to eat greedily carrito: trolley; cart carro: cart; car; trolley; automobile; tank carrocería: body; bodywork; coachmaker's shop carromato: covered wagon; long two-wheeled car with a tilt carroña: carrion carroñero: carrion-eating; scavenger carroza: carriage; float; awning; tilt; hearse; old fogey; old-fashioned carruaje: carriage; coach; car; vehicle carta: letter; card; menu; chart; map; charter; deed cartabón: set square; drawing triangle; carpenter's square; size stick; topographic octagonal prism cartaginés: Carthaginian cartapacio: folder; notebook; schoolboy's copy book cartear: to ply low letters cartearse: to exchange letters cartel: poster; placard; bill; sign; mural reading chart; reputation cártel: cartel cartelera: billboard; hoarding; listings cárter: housing; sump; case cartera: postwoman; mail carrier; wallet; billfold; purse; handbag; school bag; satchel; portfolio; client list carterista: pickpocket cartero: mailman; postman; letter carrier cartesiano: Cartesian cartílago: cartilage; gristle cartilla: reader; primer; short treatise; identity book cartografía: cartography cartógrafo: cartographer cartomancia: cartomancy cartón: cardboard; pasteboard; carton; box; cartoon cartuchera: cartridge holder; cartridge belt; pencil case cartucho: cartridge; roll of coins; paper cone or bag cartuja: Carthusian order or monastery cartujo: Carthusian monk; taciturn fellow; recluse cartulina: light or fine cardboard casa: house; building; establishment; home; household; family; firm; square casaca: old long coat; diplomat's coat casación: cassation; quashing; annulment casadero: of marrying age; marriageable casado: married; married person casamentero: matchmaking; matchmaker casamiento: wedding; marriage casar: hamlet; to marry; to get married; to match; to go together; to harmonize; to quash; to annul; to suit; to correspond casarse: to marry; to get married cascabel: small spherical bell; rattle; jingle; cheerful person; serpiente de cascabel: rattlesnake; sidewinder cascabeleo: jingle cascada: waterfall; cascade cascado: worn-out; harsh; cracked; broken; infirm; decayed; weak cascajo: rubble; gravel; fragments of stone; a broken piece of crockery cascanueces: nutcracker cascar: to crack; to break; to chink; to shell; to chip; to hit; to chat; to gas; to snuff it; to become infirm cáscara: shell; skin; peel; rind; bark; cáscaras: by Jove, for heaven's sake cascarón: eggshell cascarrabias: bad-tempered; bad-tempered person; crab or irritable person casco: helmet; casque; crown of hat; skull; cranium; coat of onion; empty bottle; hull; hoof; broken piece; fragment; headphone cascote: piece of rubble; debris caserío: hamlet; farmhouse; group of houses casero: home-made; domestic; homespun; home-loving; biased; landlord; renter; tenant; caretaker caseta: hut; beach hut; stand; stall; kennel caserón: large house; large ramshackle house casi: nearly; almost; about casilla: pigeonhole; box; square; booth; cabin; hut; keeper's lodge; column or square on a sheet of paper; sacar de las casillas: to get on one's nerves casillero: pigeonholes; scoreboard; cubicle; rack casino: social club; clubhouse; casino caso: case; event; happening; instance; circumstances; heed; notice; attention; affair casona: large town house; manor house caspa: dandruff; scurf Caspio: Caspian cáspita: goodness gracious; by Jove casquete: skullcap; calotte; cap casquillo: case; fitting; ferrule; socket; metal tip or cap; cartridge case; iron arrow-head casquivana: loose woman casquivano: scatterbrained; featherbrained; frivolous casette: cassette player; cassette recorder; cassette; tape casta: breed; race; stock; lineage; kindred; caste; kind; quality castaña: chestnut; demijohn; knot of the hair; chignon; blow; collision; accident; coger una castaña: to get drunk castañazo: crash; thump; whack castañero: chestnut seller castañetear: to play a tune with the castanets; to chatter; to crackle; to cry castaño: chestnut tree; chestnut-brown; brown; hazel castañuela: castanet castellano: Castilian; Spanish language; castellan; lord of a castle casticismo: love of purity castidad: chastity; continence castigar: to punish; to chastise; to penalize; to mortify; to cut down expenses castigo: punishment; chastisement; penance; penalty; affliction; mortification; castigation Castilla: Castile castillo: castle castizo: pure; correct; traditional; of good breed; of good origin; prolific casto: chaste; pure castor: beaver castración: castration; gelding; spaying; extraction of honeycombs castrar: to castrate; to geld; to spay; to prune; to extract combs form hive; to weaken; to emasculate castrense: military; pertaining to the army casual: chance; accidental; fortuitous; casual casualidad: chance; coincidence; accident casualmente: by chance; by accident casulla: chasuble cata: tasting; sample; taste; small portion; prospection cataclismo: cataclysm catacumbas: catacombs catador: taster; sampler catafalco: catafalque catafaros: reflector catalejo: small telescope; spyglass catalizador: catalytic; catalyst; catalytic converter; driving force catalogar: to catalogue; to classify; to consider catálogo: catalogue; catalog catamarán: catamaran cataplasma: poultice; bore catapulta: catapult catapultar: to catapult catar: to taste; to sample; to look at; to examine; to experience; to think; to judge; to cut combs out of a hive catarata: cataract; waterfall catarro: cold; catarrh; head cold catastro: land registry; land office; cadastre; cadaster catástrofe: disaster; catastrophe catastrófico: catastrophic; disastrous catastrofista: alarmist catavinos: wine taster; cup for tasting wine catchup: ketchup cate: slap; blow; fail catear: to fail; to reject; to search; to prospect for minerals catecismo: catechism cátedra: chair; professorship; cathedra; department catedral: cathedral catedrático: professor; senior teacher; university professor categoría: category; level; class; condition; kind; quality categórico: categoric; categorical; absolute catequesis: catechesis catequista: catechist catequizar: to catechize; to bring around; to persuade caterva: crowd; multitude; lot; great number; mass catéter: catheter cateto: yokel; rustic; cathetus; leg catión: cation cátodo: cathode catolicismo: Catholicism católico: Catholic; no estar muy católico: to feel out of sorts; to feel bad catorce: fourteen catorceavo: fourteenth catre: bed; cot; light bed cauce: bed; course; channel; ditch caucho: rubber; indian-rubber caudal: rate of flow; of great volume; caudal; fortune; wealth; means; plenty; abundance; volume of water caudaloso: full of water; rich; wealthy caudillo: chief; leader; military leader causa: cause; reason; origin; motive; account; lawsuit; trial at law causante: cause; causing; originator causar: to cause; to do; to create; to originate; to occasion cáustico: caustic; baiting; vesicatory cautela: caution; wariness; craft; cunning cautelar: precautionary; to prevent cauteloso: cautious; wary; guarded cauterizar: to cauterize cautivar: to capture; to take prisoner; to captivate; to enthrall; to charm; to win the attention cautiverio: captivity; imprisonment cautividad: captivity cautivo: captive cauto: cautious; wary; prudent cava: royal wine cellar; type of Spanish sparkling wine; digging cavar: to dig; to hoe; to go to the bottom caverna: cave; cavern; morbid cavity cavernícola: cave dweller; reactionary; backwoodsman cavernoso: deep; hollow; cavernous caviar: caviar cavidad: cavity cavilación: deep thought; rumination; brooding over; unfounded apprehension; fancy cavilar: to think deeply; to brood; to ruminate; to muse on cayado: crook; hooked staff; cozier cayo: key; cay caza: hunting; chase; game; pursuit plane; fighter cazabombardero: fighter-bomber cazador: hunter; hunting; huntsman; fowler; chasseur cazadora: huntress; jacket cazalla: type of alcoholic spirit cazar: to hunt; to fowl; to catch; to trap; to understand; to grasp cazasubmarinos: submarine chaser cazatalentos: headhunter; talent scout cazatorpedero: torpedo-boat destroyer cazo: saucepan; ladle; dipper; back of knife cazuela: saucepan; casserole; earthen cooking pan; gallery cazurro: dour; unforthcoming; taciturn; reticent cebada: barley cebador: choke; priming horn; powder flask; fattening; feeding; priming cebar: to feed up; to fatten; to bait; to sow; to brew; to catch; to take hold cebarse: to gorge oneself cebo: bait; lure; incentive; food given to animals; primer charge; African monkey cebolla: onion; bulb cebolleta: spring onion; green onion; scallion cebollino: chive; dunce; onion seedling cebra: zebra cebú: zebu cecear: to lisp; to pronounce s as c ceceo: lisping; pronunciation of s as c cecina: salt meat; corned and dried meat cedazo: sieve; bolt; bolter; large fish net ceder: to yield; to cede; to transfer; to give up; to give way; to submit; to stop; to give out; to abate; to slacken cedilla: cedilla cedro: cedar cédula: bond; identity card cefalea: headache céfiro: zephyr cegar: to blind; to fill; to become blind; to obfuscate; to dazzle cegarse: to be blinded; to become blocked cegato: short-sighted; short-sighted person ceguera: blindness; obfuscation ceja: eyebrow; brow; bridge; nut; projecting part; flange; cloud cap cejar: to give up; to back up; to go backward; to relax; to desist cejijunto: frowning celada: ambush; trap; snare; sallet; helmet celador: caretaker; janitor; warder; watcher; inspector; security guard; custodian; watching celda: cell celdilla: cell; niche; cavity celebración: celebration; holding; praise; applause celebrar: to celebrate; to hold; to be glad about; to laugh at; to honour; to praise celebrarse: to be celebrated; to be held; to take place célebre: famous; well-known; celebrated; funny; witty celebridad: celebrity; fame; celebration; festival celeridad: speed; celerity celeste: heavenly; celestial; pale blue; sky blue celestial: celestial; heavenly; perfect; delightful celibate: celibacy; bachelor; single man célibe: celibate; single; unmarried; bachelor or spinster celo: zeal; heat; rut; celos: jealousy celofán: Cellophane celosía: lattice; grille celoso: jealous; conscientious; suspicious; zealous celta: Celtic; Celt celtíbero: Celtiberian céltico: Celtic célula: cell celular: cellular celulitis: cellulite celuloide: celluloid; cinema celulosa: cellulose cementerio: cemetery; churchyard; graveyard cemento: concrete; cement cena: supper; dinner cenagal: quagmire; morass; slough cenar: to have supper; to have dinner; to sup cencerro: cowbell; estar como un cencerro: to be nuts cenicero: ashtray; ash pan; ashpit Cenicienta: Cinderella ceniciento: ashen; ash-gray cenit, cénit: zenith ceniza: ash; ashes; oidium cenizo: ash-coloured; jinxed; jinx; hoodoo; oidium; goosefoot censar: to take a census censo: census; tax; rent charge censor: censor; critic censura: censorship; censure; body of censors censurable: deplorable; blamable; reprehensible censurar: to censor; to condemn; to blame; to criticize centauro: centaur centavo: hundredth; cent centella: lightning; thunderbolt; spark; flash centellear: to sparkle; to twinkle; to gleam; to glint; to flash; to scintillate centena: hundred centenar: hundred; rye field centenario: hundred-year-old; centenary; centennial; centenarian centeno: rye centésima: hundredth centésimo: hundredth; centesimal centígrado: centigrade centigramo: centigram centilitro: centilitre; centiliter centímetro: centimeter; centimetre céntimo: cent; hundredth part centinela: sentry; sentinel; guard; watchman centolla: spider crab; thornback centollo: spider crab centrado: correctly positioned; centered; centred; well-balanced; well-adjusted central: central; centre back; center back; power station; powerhouse; head office; headquarters; main office centralismo: centralism centralita: switchboard centralizar: to centralize centrar: to centre; to center; to concentrate; to cross céntrico: central; centric; downtown centrifugador: centrifugal centrifugadora: spin dryer; spin drier centrifugar: to spin; to centrifuge centrífugo: centrifugal centro: centre; center; middle; cross; goal; aim; club; association; main office; headquarters; centro comercial: shopping mall centroafricano: from Central Africa Centroamérica: Central America centroamericano: from Central America centrocampista: midfield player; midfielder centroeuropeo: from Central Europe centuria: century centurión: centurion ceñido: tight; tight-fitting; close-fitting; thrifty; economical; reduced; condensed ceñir: to gird; to girdle; to encircle; to fasten around the waist; to fit tight; to shorten; to condense; to haul the wind ceñirse: to put on; to reduce one's expenses ceño: frown; threatening aspect; fruncir el ceño: to frown cepa: stump; stock; grapevine; vine stem; butt or root; de buena cepa: of good quality cepillar: to brush; to plane; to smooth cepillo: brush; plane; alms box; cepillo de dientes: toothbrush cepo: trap; clamp; stocks; pillory; bough; iron trap; branch; alms box; stock of anchor ceporro: stupid; thick; dunce cera: wax; beeswax; earwax; cere cerámica: pottery; ceramics; pot ceramista: potter; ceramist cerbatana: blowpipe; blowgun; peashooter; popgun; ear trumpet; small culverin cerca: fence; wall; near; close; nigh; cerca de: nearly; almost cercado: enclosed space; fenced-in; walled-in; surrounded; enclosure; fence; wall cercanía: proximity; nearness; cercanías: surroundings; vicinity; neighbourhood cercano: nearby; close; near; nearing; neighbouring; adjoining cercar: to fence in; to fence off; to fence; to hedge; to pale; to wall in; to encircle; to surround; to hem in; to besiege cercenar: to amputate; to diminish; to clip; to curtail; to lessen; to reduce cerciorar: to assure; to make someone sure of a fact cerciorarse: to check; to make sure cerco: circle; ring; hoop; siege; blockade; frame; casing; rim of wheel; halo cerda: bristle; horsehair; sow cerdada: dirty trick Cerdeña: Sardinia cerdo: pig; how; swine; filthy; pork cereal: cereal cerebelo: cerebellum cerebral: cerebral; brain; calculating; dispassionate cerebro: cerebrum; brain; brains; head; leader ceremonia: ceremony; formality; ceremoniousness ceremonial: ceremonial ceremonioso: ceremonious; formal cereza: cherry cerezo: cherry tree cerilla: match; paper match; wax taper cerillo: match; wax taper cerner: to sift; to bolt; to scan; to observe; to have flowers in a state of pollination; to drizzle; to mizzle cernerse: to loom; to soar; to hover; to impend; to hang; to gather; to threaten cernícalo: kestrel; sparrow hawk; blockhead; rude ignoramus cernir: cerner cero: zero; naught; nought; nothing; cipher cerrado: closed; shut; fastened; locked; broad; incomprehensible; sharp; tight; thick; bushy; narrow-minded; reserved; dim; stupid; cloudy; overcast; secretive; reserved cerradura: lock cerrajería: locksmith's shop cerrajero: locksmith cerrar: to close; to shut; to turn off; to seal; to fasten; to bolt; to obstruct; to bar; to block; to fold; to heal; to wall; to fence cerrarse: to close; to shut; to crowd together; to close one's mind; to stand firm cerrazón: obstinacy; stupidity; dark and cloudy weather cerril: headstrong; broken; uneven; untamed; unpolished cerro: hill; neck; back; backbone cerrojo: bolt certamen: competition; literary contest certero: accurate; good; well-aimed; well-directed; unerring; certain; sure; well-informed certeza: certainty; certitude certidumbre: certainty; certitude certificado: registered; certification; certificate certificar: to certify; to certificate; to guarantee; to register cerumen: earwax; cerumen cerval: deer; deerlike; miedo cerval: great fear cervato: fawn cervecera: alewife cervecería: pub; bar; brewery; alehouse cerveza: beer; ale; wallop; brewski; cerveza de malta: malt; cerveza con gaseosa: shandy; fabricar cerveza: yo brew; fábrica de cerveza: brewery cervical: of the neck; cervical cérvido: cervid cerviz: cervix; neck; nape of the neck cesante: redundant; ceasing; on part day cesar: to stop; to cease; to resign; to leave off; to leave a post cesárea: Caesarean cese: resignation; cessation; suspension cesio: caesium; cesium cesión: cession; transfer; conveyance; assignment césped: grass; lawn; sward; sod; turf cesta: basket; hamper; wicker scoop used in playing the game of pelota cestería: wickerwork; basketmaking; basket shop cesto: basket; washbasket; cestus cetáceo: cetacean; cetaceous cetrería: falconry; hawking cetrino: sallow; greenish yellow; melancholy; citrine cetro: sceptre; scepter; verge; perch chabacano: common; vulgar; tasteless; tacky; in poor taste; coarse; vulgar chabola: shack; cabin; shanty chacal: jackal chacha: maid; nanny; nurse; nursemaid cháchara: chatting; talking; prattle; idle talk chachi: brilliant; great chacolí: light, dry wine made in the Basque Country, Cantabria and Chile chacota: fun; noisy mirth chacra: farm; smallholding chafar: to squash; to crush; to spoil; to ruin; to disappoint; to flatten; to crumple; to rumple; to silence chaflán: chamfer; bevel chal: shawl chalado: nuts; crackers; fool; addlepated; infatuated; in love chalé: house in the country; detached house; terraced house; chalet chaleco: waistcoat; vest chalet: chalet chalota: shallot; scallion chalupa: boat; launch; nuts chamaca: girl; lass chamaco: boy; lad chamarilero: dealer in second-hand goods chamarra: leather jacket; sheepskin jacket chamba: job; fluke; piece of luck chambelán: chamberlain chambergo: jacket; an old broad-brimmed hat with a cocked side chamizo: thatched hut; den; half-burnt tree or log champán: champagne; sampan champaña: champagne champiñón: mushroom champú: shampoo chamuscar: to scorch; to singe; to sear; to scorch chamuscarse: to get scorched; to be singed chamusquina: scorching; singe; singeing; row; quarrel chancha: sow chancho: pig; filthy; unclean chanchullo: fiddle; swindle; underhand deal chancla: flip-flop chancleta: flip-flop; slipper chancro: chancre chándal: tracksuit chanquete: whitebait chantaje: blackmail chantajear: to blackmail chantajista: blackmailer chanza: joke; jest; fun chao: bye chapa: sheet; plate; veneer; panel; bottle top; cap; tag; badge; button chapado: plated; veneered; chapado a la antigua: old-fashioned chapar: to plate; to veneer; to study hard chaparro: short; squat; dwarf oak; dwarf evergreen oak chaparrón: heavy shower; downpour; telling-off chapela: beret chapista: panel beater chapitel: capital; spire; agate socket of the spire chapotear: to splash about; to moisten chapucero: botched; bungled; amateurish; bungling; shoddy; bungler; botcher chapurrear: to jabber; to speak brokenly chapuza: botched job; amateurish job; odd job; slight work; botch; bungle chapuzón: dive; quick swim; dip; duck; ducking; diving chaqué: morning coat; cutaway coat chaqueta: cardigan; jacket; sack coat chaquetero: turncoat chaquetilla: short jacket; bullfighter's jacket chaquetón: short coat; pea-jacket charada: charade charanga: brass band charca: pond; pool charco: puddle; pool charcutería: delicatessen charla: talk; chat; lecture; chatter; prattle; missel thrush charlar: to talk; to chat; to chatter; to prattle charlatán: talkative; chatterbox; confidence trickster charlestón: charleston charloteo: chattering charol: patent leather; varnish; japan charretera: epaulette; epaulet; garter charro: gaudy; flashy; tawdry; rustic; cowboy chárter: charter chascarrillo: amusing story; joke chasco: disappointment; trick; deceit chasis: chassis; plate holder chasquear: to click; to snap; to click; to crack; to disappoint chasquido: crack; snap; click chata: bedpan chatarra: scrap metal; small change chatarrero: scrap merchant chato: snub; snub-nosed; low; squat; love chaval: boy; young man; lad chavala: girl; young woman; lass chaveta: pin; key; forelock; linchpin; head checo: Czech chef: chef chelín: shilling chelo: cello; cellist; cello chepa: hump; hunch cheque: cheque; check chequear: to check chequeo: checkup chequera: cheque book; checkbook chic: chic chica: girl; maid chicano: chicano chicarrón: strong lad chicha: meat; alcoholic drink made maize; calma chicha: dead calm chícharo: pea chicharra: cicada; buzzer; a noisy toy chicharro: horse mackerel chichón: bump; lump chichonera: padded cap; helmet chicle: chewing gum chico: small; little; child; kid; youngster; boy; lad chicuelina: pass leading the bull with the cape chiflado: mad; crazy; in love chiflar: to whistle; to hiss; to scoff; to blow; to gulp down; to become crazy; to like chiflido: whistle; whistling chiflo: whistle chihuahua: chihuahua chilaba: djellaba; jellaba Chile: Chile chile: chilli pepper; red pepper chileno: Chilean chillar: to scream; to bawl; to shriek; to screech; to squeak; to shout; to yell; to glare; to be garish chillido: scream; bawl; squeal; squeak; screech chillón: strident; shrill; lurid; garish; noisy person; shrieking chimenea: chimney; smokestack; funnel; fireplace; hearth; shaft chimpancé: chimpanzee China: China china: pebble; small stone; chinaroot; Chinese woman; Indian or half-breed maid chinchar: to pester; to annoy; to bother; to kill chinche: bedbug; drawing pin; thumb tack; bore; nuisance chincheta: drawing pin; thumbtack chinchilla: chinchilla chinchín: cheers; street music; ballyhoo chino: Chinese; curly; offspring of Indian and mestizo; manservant; small stone chip: chip chipén: brilliant; great; life; excitement chipirón: baby squid; calamary Chipre: Cyprus chipriota: Cypriot chiquero: pigsty; place where the bulls are shut up chiquillada: childish thing to do; childish action chiquillo: kid; child chiquito: tiny; very small chirigota: joke; jest; banter chirimbolo: thingumajig; utensil; implement; vessel chirimía: hornpipe; kind of flageolet chirimoya: custard apple; cherimoya chirimoyo: custard apple tree chiringuito: drinks and snacks stall chiripa: fluke; piece of luck chirla: small clam chirlo: slash; scar in the face chirona: slammer; jug; jail; prison chirriar: to creak; to screech; to squeal; to hiss; to sizzle; to chirp chirrido: creak; creaking; screech; screeching; hiss; sizzle; chirr; chirping chis, chist: hush chisme: thing; implement; utensil; mischievous tale; piece of gossip chismorrear: to gossip; to tattle chismorreo: piece of gossip chismoso: gossipy; gossip; tale bearer chispa: spark; sparkle; droplet; wit; merry chispazo: spark; catalyst; flash chispear: to throw out sparks; to spark; to sparkle; to scintillate; to flash; to spit; to drizzle; to sprinkle chisporrotear: to throw out sparks; to spark; to sputter chistar: to speak chiste: joke; funny story; cartoon; chiste verde: dirty joke chistera: top hat; fish basket chistoso: amusing; funny; joker; witty; funny; funny fellow chita: ankle bone; knucklebone; a game like quoits; a la chita callando: stealthily chitón: silence; hush; chiton chivarse: to tell chivatazo: tip-off chivato: telltale; informer; grass; warning device; kid chivo: male kid; chivo expiatorio: scapegoat chocante: provoking; surprising; funny; hateful chocar: to crash; to collide; to clash; to meet; to fight; to annoy; to vex; to surprise chocarrero: gross; coarse; vulgar chochear: to be in one's dotage; to dote chochera: senility; dotage chochez: senility; dotage chocho: gaga; senile; dotard; doddering choclo: maize; sweetcorn; corn; corncob; clog; patten chocolate: chocolate; cocoa; hashish chocolatería: chocolate factory; chocolate shop chocolatero: fond of chocolate; chocolate maker chocolatina: chocolate bar chófer: chauffeur; driver chollo: cushy job; bargain cholo: mestizo chompa: sweater; pullover chopo: black poplar; musket; gun choque: crash; clash; shock; collision; impact; encounter; skirmish; dispute; quarrel choricear: to pinch; to steal chorizo: highly spiced pork sausage; thief chorlito: golden plover; scatterbrains chorra: idiot; luck chorrada: nonsense; trinket; extra dash of a liquid chorrear: to gush; to spout; to drip; to be dripping wet; to flow with chorreo: jet; drip; drain; spouting; gushing chorro: stream; string; jet; spout; gush; flow chotacabras: goatsucker chotearse: to make fun of someone chotis: traditional dance of Madrid choto: sucking calf; kid chovinismo: chauvinism chovinista: chauvinist; chauvinistic choza: hut; cabin; hovel; shanty christmas: Christmas card chubasco: shower; downpour; squall chubasquero: raincoat chuchería: knick-knack; trinquet; sweets, chocolates, savoury snacks, etc.; titbit; delicacy chucho: mongrel dog; dog chuchurrido: withered; down chueco: crooked chufa: chufa; groundnut; tiger nut; slap; smack chufla: joke chulada: low action; very nice chulapo, chulapón: bug-mouth; working-class Madrilenian chulear: to brag; to live off; to banter; to rally wittily chulearse: to make fun; to brag chulería: bravado; insolence; pertness chuleta: cocky; chop; cutlet; crib; slap in the face chulo: cocky; super; cool; pimp; man kept by a woman; knave chumbera: prickly pear; Indian fig chumbo: higo chumbo Indian fig chunga: joke; banter chungo: not well; tough chupa: jacket chupa-chups(r): lollipop chupada: suck; drag; pull chupado: half-eaten; thin; lean; emaciated; está chupado: it's a cinch chupar: to suck; to suck up; to absorb; to draw chupatintas: penpusher; office clerk chupe: spicy soup; pacifier chupete: dummy; pacifier chupinazo: rocket; fierce shot chupito: small glass of wine; drop chupón: dummy; pacifier; sucking; blotting paper; sucker; sponge; parasite churra: good luck churrasco: steak; barbecued steak churrera: machine for making churros churrería: shop selling churros churrero: lucky; maker or seller of churros churrete: stain; dirty spot churretón: stain; dirty spot churro: deep-fried twist of sweet batter eaten hot; mess; botch; good luck; coarse-wooled sheep; coarse wool chusco: funny; droll chusma: riffraff; rabble; mob; galley slaves chut: shot chutar: to shoot chutarse: to shoot up chute: fix chuzo: short pike cianuro: cyanide ciática: sciatica ciático: sciatic ciberespacio: cyberspace cicatero: stingy; niggardly; niggard cicatriz: scar; cicatrice cicatrización: healing; cicatrization cicatrizar: to heal; to cicatrize cicatrizarse: to heal; to form scar tissue cicerone: guide; cicerone cíclico: cyclical; cyclic ciclismo: cycling; cyclism ciclista: cycling; cyclist ciclo: cycle; era; season; series ciclocross: cyclo-cross ciclomotor: moped ciclón: cyclone cíclope: Cyclops ciclostilo: cyclostile; duplicating machine cicuta: hemlock cidra: citron cidro: citron tree ciego: blind; blocked; unquestioning; caecum; blind gut cielo: sky; heaven; top; roof; covering; darling ciempiés: centipede; scolopendra; preposterous cien: hundred; a hundred; one hundred ciénaga: swamp; marsh; bog ciencia: science; knowledge; learning; certainty cieno: silt; mud; slime; mire científico: scientific; scientist ciento: a hundred; one hundred cierne: fecundation of flowers in some plants; en ciernes: future cierre: closing; shutting; closure; shut-down; fastening; snap; clasp; fastener; fastening; close-down; hasp; action cierto: true; certain; sure; some ciervo: deer; stag; hind; hart; ciervo volante: stag beetle cierzo: cold north wind cifra: figure; digit; number; amount; code; monogram cifrado: coded cifrar: to encode; to cipher; to summarize; to place; to base cigala: Norway lobster cigarra: cicada; harvest fly cigarrera: cigarette maker or seller; cigar cabinet; pocket cigar case cigarrillo: cigarette cigarro: cigar; cigarette cigoto: zygote cigüeña: stork; crank; winch cigüeñal: crankshaft cilantro: coriander cilindrada: cylinder capacity cilíndrico: cylindrical cilindro: cylinder; roller cima: summit; top; head; height; cyme címbalo: cymbal; small bell cimentar: to lay the foundations of; to ground; to establish; to strengthen cimero: highest; top; uppermost; crowning cimiento: foundation; groundwork; basis cimitarra: scimitar cinc: zinc cincel: chisel cincelar: to chisel; to carve; to engrave cincha: girth; cinch cinco: five; fifth cincuenta: fifty; fiftieth cincuentavo: fiftieth ciencuentena: group of fifty cincuentenario: semicentennial; fiftieth anniversary cincuentón: fiftyish; quinquagenarian cine: cinema; movie theater; cine; movies; pictures cineasta: movie director cineclub: film society cinematografía: cinematography cinematógrafo: film projector cinético: kinetic cíngaro: gypsy cínico: cynical; cynic; barefaced; impudent cinismo: cynicism; barefacedness; impudence cinta: ribbon; tape; band; film; fillet; wale cinto: belt; girdle; waist; girdled cintura: waist; waistline; waistband; throat of chimney cinturón: belt ciprés: cypress circence: circus; Circensian circo: circus; arena; cirque circuito: circuit; tour circulación: circulation; currency; traffic; movement circular: circular; to circulate; to flow; to go round; to drive; to run; to walk; to move; to pass circulatorio: circulatory; traffic círculo: circle; circumference; club; clubhouse; casino circuncidar: circumcise circuncisión: circumcision circuncidante: surrounding circundar: to surround circunferencia: circumference circunloquio: circumlocution circunnavegar: to circumnavigate circunscribir: to circumscribe; to confine circunscripción: district; territory; circumscription circunscrito: circumscribed; circumscript circunspecto: reserved; circumspect circunstancia: circumstance; particular; detail circunstancial: casual; circumstantial circunvalación: ring road; beltway circunvalar: to bypass; to circumvallate cirílico: Cyrillic cirio: wax candle; uproar cirro: cirrus; scirrhus cirrosis: cirrhosis ciruela: plum ciruelo: plum tree; dolt cirugía: surgery cirujano: surgeon cisco: broken up charcoal; row; breeze; shindy cisma: schism; discord; split cisne: swan; poet cisterciense: Cistercian cisterna: cistern; reservoir; water tank cistitis: cystitis cita: appointment; engagement; date; assignation; citation; quotation citación: summons; citation; quotation citar: to make an appointment with; to cite; to summon; to quote citarse: to arrange to meet cítara: cithara; cithern; cittern; zithern citología: cytology; cervical smear citoplasma: cytoplasm cítrico: citric; citrus ciudad: city; town ciudadanía: citizenship; people; population ciudadano: citizen; urbanite; civic ciudadela: citadel cívico: civic; civil; polite civil: civilian; civil; civilización: civilization civilizado: civilized civilizar: to civilize civilizarse: to become civilized civismo: civic duty cizaña: discord; darnel cizañear: to sow discord in clamar: to cry out; to clamour; to clamor; to want; to require; to demand clamor: clamour; clamor; outcry; plaint; cry of affliction; knell; toll of bells clamoroso: noisy; clamorous; crying clan: clan; gang clandestinidad: secrecy; clandestinity clandestino: clandestine; secret claqué: tap dancing clara: white; bald spot; thinly woven spot; break; shandy claraboya: skylight; clerestory clarear: to get light; to make clear; to dawn; to clear clarete: rosé; claret wine claridad: light; brightness; distinctness; plainness; clarity; clearness clarificar: to clarify clarificarse: to become clear; to be cleared up clarín: bugle; clarion clarinete: clarinet; clarinettist clarividencia: lucidity; clairvoyance; clear-sightedness clarividente: lucid; clairvoyant; clear-sighted claro: bright; full of light; clear; plain; obvious; distinct; intelligible; thin; sparse; light; outspoken; gap; break; space; interval; clearing claroscuro: chiaroscuro; clear obscure clase: class; order; kind; sort; classroom; lesson; lecture; style clasicismo: classicism clásico: classical; classic; typical clasificación: classification; table; sorting; filing clasificador: classifying; classifier; filing cabinet clasificar: to classify; to class; to sort; to file clasificarse: to qualify clasista: snobbish; snob claudicar: to give in; to halt; to limp claustro: cloister; staff; faculty; staff meeting claustrofobia: claustrophobia claustrofóbico: claustrophobic cláusula: clause; proviso; sentence; period clausura: closure; closing; cloister clausurar: to close clavado: nailed; fixed; identical; exact; precise; apposite clavar: to hammer; to stick; to drive; to thrust; to nail; to pin; to fix; to set a precious stone; to rip off clave: code; cryptography; key; clue; keystone; clef; clavichord clavel: carnation; pink clavicémbalo: harpsichord clavicordio: clavichord clavícula: collarbone; clavicle clavija: peg; pin; dowel; treenail; plug clavo: nail; corn; headache; grief; pain; core; tent; clove claxon: horn clemencia: mercy; clemency; forbearance clemente: merciful; clement clementina: clementine cleptomanía: kleptomania cleptómano: kleptomaniac clerical: clerical clériga: clergywoman clérigo: clergyman; priest; clerk; scholar clero: clergy cliché: negative; cliché; stereotyped expression cliente: customer; client clientela: customers; clientele; practice clientelismo: promise of political favours for securing votes clima: climate; clime; atmosphere climático: climatic; climatical climatizado: air-conditioned; heated climatizar: to air-condition climatología: climatology clímax: climax clínica: private hospital; clinic; clinical medicine clínico: clinical; clinician clip: paperclip clítoris: clitoris cloaca: sewer; cloaca clon: clone clonación: cloning clonar: to clone cloración: chlorination clorhídrico: hydrochloric cloro: chlorine clorofila: chlorophyll cloroformo: chloroform cloruro: chloride closet: built-in wardrobe club: club clueca: broody; broody hen coacción: coercion; coaction; compulsion coaccionar: to coerce; to compel coadjutor: curate; assistant to a parish priest; coadjutor coagulación: coagulation; curdling coagular: to coagulate; to clot; to curdle coagularse: to clot; to curdle coágulo: clot; curd; coagulum coalición: coalition; league coartada: alibi coartar: to restrict, to inhibit; to limit; to restrict coautor: co-author; co-perpetrator; joint doer coba: soft-soaping; flattery; humorous lie cobalto: cobalt cobarde: coward; yellow; timid cobardía: cowardice; faint-heartedness cobaya: guinea pig cobertizo: shed; lean-to; penthouse cobertor: bedspread; coverlet; counterpane; blanket cobertura: cover; coverage; tail covert cobija: blanket; ridge tail; covert feather; covering cobijar: to shelter; to cover; to give shelter cobijarse: to take shelter cobijo: shelter; sheltering; covering; lodgings cobista: soft-soaper; toady cobra: cobra; retrieving; retrieval; yoke strap; mares employed in threshing cobrador: bus conductor; collector; receiving teller; retriever dog cobrar: to charge; to collect; to receive; to cash; to recover; to get; to retrieve; to take; to acquire; to gather; to reel in; to get a slap cobrarse: to take; to collect; to recover cobre: copper cobrizo: copper-coloured; coppery cobro: collection; cashing; encashment coca: coca; cocaine; a medieval boat; link in a rope; head; bean cocaína: cocaine cocainómano: cocaine addict cocción: cooking; baking; firing; boiling cocear: to kick cocer: to cook; to boil; to bake; to digest; to ferment cocerse: to be cooked; to be boiled; to be baked; to be going on; to roast cochambre: grime; muck; greasy; stinking filth cochambroso: filthy and stinking coche: car; coach; carriage; tram car; pram cochera: garage; coach house; livery stable; tramway depot cochero: coachman; carriage driver cochinada: dirty thing; dirty trick cochinillo: sucking pig cochino: pig; hog; dirty; filthy; piggish; paltry cocido: boiled; done; cooked; baked; Spanish dish of boiled meat and vegetables cociente: quotient cocina: kitchen; cooker; cuisine; cooking; galley cocinar: to cook; to meddle cocinero: cook coco: coconut; ugly person; bogeyman; head; face; grimace cocodrilo: crocodile cocorota: nut; head cocotero: coconut palm cóctel: cocktail; cocktail party coctelera: cocktail shaker codazo: poke with the elbow; nudge codear: to elbow; to move the elbows codearse: to rub shoulders; to mix codeína: codeine codera: elbow patch; itch on the elbow; stern fast códice: codex codicia: greed; covetousness; cupidity; acquisitiveness; lust codiciar: to covet codicioso: greedy; covetous; grasping; desirous; industrious; hard-working; greedy person; acquisitive; esurient; rapacious codificar: to codify; to code; to encode código: code codo: elbow; bend; cubit codorniz: quail coeficiente: coefficient; rate coercitivo: coercive coetáneo: contemporary coexistencia: coexistence coexistir: to coexist cofia: women's cap; hair net; coif cofrade: brother; sister; member; member of a confraternity cofradía: brotherhood; association; guild; confraternity cofre: trunk; chest; coffer; trunk-fish cogedor: shovel; dustpan coger: to take; to size; to grasp; to take hold of; to catch; to overtake; to pick; to gather; to collect; to take up; to absorb; to cover; to occupy cogida: goring; picking; gathering; harvest cogido: gather in cloth; trapped cogollo: heart; shoot; the cream; the best cogorza: drunkenness cogote: nape of the neck cohabitar: to live together; to cohabit cohecho: bribery; bribing coherencia: coherence; cohesion coherente: coherent; consistent cohesión: cohesión cohete: rocket; skyrocket cohibido: inhibited; restrained; embarrassed; ill at ease; self-conscious cohibir: to inhibit; to restrain; to constrain; to embarrass coima: bribe; bribery; concubine coincidencia: coincidence; agreement coincidir: to coincide; to fit in coito: coitus cojear: to limp; to halt; to wobble; to be unsteady; to wobble; to be weak cojera: limp; lameness; halt; hobble cojín: cushion cojinete: bearing; pillow block; small cushion; pad cojo: lame; cripple; wobbly; unstable; weak; poor cojonudo: fabulous col: cabbage; coles de Bruselas: Brussels sprouts cola: tail; train of gown; queue; line; last place; end; rear; glue; cola; kola colaboración: collaboration; contribution colaboracionista: collaborator colaborador: collaborating; helper; assistant; contributor; consultant; freelancer colaborar: to collaborate; to work together; to contribute colación: light meal; comparison; conferring colada: bucking; bleaching; buck; lye; washing; cattle run; narrow mountain pass; tap of blast furnace; outflow colado: filtered; cast; madly in love colador: colander; strainer colapsar: to bring to a standstill colapso: collapse; traffic jam; breakdown; gridlock; crash colar: to strain; to drain colarse: to slip in colateral: collateral; side; relative colcha: bedspread; counterpane; quilt colchón: mattress colchoneta: camping mat; air mattress; long cushion cole: school colear: to wag its tail; to persist; to fishtail colección: collection coleccionar: to collect coleccionista: collector colecta: collection; collect colectividad: community; group; collectivity colectivo: collective; public; association; corporate; jitney colector: sewer; collector; commutator; collecting colega: colleague; pal colegiado: registered; collective colegial: school; pupil; student; collegiate colegiarse: to join a professional association colegio: school; academy; college; association cólera: anger; rage; wrath; bile; cholera colérico: choleric; irascible; angry; furious; bad-tempered colesterol: cholesterol coleta: ponytail; pigtail; bunch; additional remark coletazo: flick; flap; blow; slash with the tail; death throe coletilla: word or phrase used when pausing in speech coleto: buff coat; one's body; oneself colgado: hanging; pending; uncertain; crazy; in love colgador: peg; hanger; peel colgadura: hangings; drapery colgajo: tatter; rag; bunch of fruit colgante: hanging; suspension; pendant; festoon colgar: to hang; to suspend; to attribute; to impute; to dangle; to droop; to give up colibrí: humming bird cólico: colic coliflor: cauliflower colilla: butt; stub; stump of cigar colina: hill; small mountain; cabbage seed; choline; cavidad en una colina: abri colindante: adjoining; adjacent; contiguous; abutting colirio: eye drops; collyrium; eyewash coliseo: coliseum colisión: collision; clash colisionar: to collide; to clash colista: last; queuer colitis: colitis collado: hill; hillock; mountain pass collage: collage collar: necklace; collar collera: cuff link; chain gang; horse collar colmado: full; abundant; eating house; wine shop; grocer's colmar: to fill to the top; to fulfil colmena: beehive colmillo: canine tooth; fang; tusk colmo: height; epitome; brimful; full of the top; fill; completion; crowning; thatched roof colocación: placing; positioning; position; post; job; investment colocado: placed; employed; stoned colocar: to put; to place; to set; to lay; to obtain a job for; to place; to invest; to marry off colocarse: to stand; to find a job; to get stoned colofón: biographical details; colophon Colombia: Colombia colombiano: Colombian colombino: Columbian colon: colon; principal part of a period colón: colón colonia: colony; community; development; residential district; summer camp; cologne colonial: colonial colonialismo: colonialism colonialista: colonialist colonización: colonization colonizador: colonizing; colonist; settler colonizar: to colonize; to settle colono: colonist; settler; tenant farmer coloquial: colloquial coloquio: colloquy; discussion; debate; conversation; talk color: colour; color; aspect; hue; liveliness coloración: colouring; coloring colorado: red; dirty; rude; ponerse colorado: to blush colorante: colouring; coloring; dye; pigment colorear: to colour; to gloss; to make plausible; to show red colorete: blusher; rouge colorido: colouring; colour; false appearance colosal: colossal; huge; splendid; gigantic; enormous coloso: colossus columna: column columnata: colonnade columnista: columnist columpiar: to swing columpiarse: to play on a swing; to rock; to swing columpio: swing; seesaw colza: oil-seed rape; colza coma: coma; comma comadre: midwife; neighbour; gossip; crony comadreja: weasel comadreo: gossiping comadrona: midwife comandancia: rank of major; command comandante: major; squadron leader; commanding officer comandar: to command comandita: limited or silent partnership comando: commando; command comarca: area; district; region; country comarcal: district; local; regional comatoso: comatose comba: skipping rope; curvature; bend; warp; bulge combar: to warp; to curve; to bend; to camber combarse: to warp; to sag; to become bent combate: fight; combat combatiente: fighting; combatant combatir: to fight; to combat; to contest; to impugn; to beat; to buffet; to shake; to agitate combativo: combative; aggressive combi: minibus combinación: combination; combining; connection; slip; underskirt combinada: combined event combinado: combined; mixture; cocktail; team combinar: to combine; to mix; to match; to connect combustible: combustible; fuel combustión: combustion comecocos: brainteaser; Pac-Man(r) comedero: trough; feeding place comedia: comedy; play; farce; pretense comediante: actor; actress; fraud; charlatan; hypocrite comedido: restrained; courteous; polite; moderate comediógrafo: playwright comedirse: to restrain oneself; to be moderate; to be courteous comedor: heavy-eating; dining room; eating place; restaurant; canteen comensal: table companion; commensal comentar: to mention; to talk about; to comment on; to abuzz comentario: comment; remark; commentary; talk; gossip comentarista: commentator comenzar: to begin; to start; to commence comer: to eat; to feed; to spend; to waste; to omit words; to take comercial: commercial; business; mercantile comercializar: to market comerciante: money-minded; shopkeeper; storekeeper; merchant; trader; tradesman comerciar: to trade; to do business; to deal comercio: commerce; trade; shop; store; a card game comestible: edible; eatable; comestible; foodstuff cometa: comet; kite cometer: to make; to commit; to perpetrate; to entrust cometido: assignment; duty; commission; charge comezón: itch; irritation; restlessness; anxiety; hankering; longing cómic: comic comicidad: humour comicios: elections; polls cómico: funny; comic; comedian; actor comida: food; meal; fare; repast; diner; comida basura: junk food comidilla: gossip; talk; hobby comienzo: beginning; opening; initiation; start comillas: quotation marks comilón: great eater; glutton comilona: big meal; blowout; plentiful repast comino: cumin; cummin; little chap; me importa un comino: I don't care a fig comisaría: police station comisario: superintendent; captain; commissioner; organizer comisión: commission; committee; trust; charge; deputation; perpetration comisura: corner; commissure; suture comité: committee comitiva: retinue; procession como: as; like; such as; since cómo: how; what cómoda: chest of drawers; bureau comodidad: comfort; convenience; ease; leisure comodidades: accommodation comodín: joker; wild card; something of general utility; habitual pretext or excuse cómodo: comfortable; convenient; easy; lazy comodón: lazy; lazybones; comfort-loving comodoro: commodore comoquiera: however; since compactar: to compress compact disc: compact disc compacto: compact; solid; close; dense; compact disc compadecer: to feel sorry for; to pity compadecerse: to have pity on compadre: friend; pal compaginar: to arrange; to connect; to make compatible; to page compañerismo: companionship compañero: colleague; partner; companion; fellow; mate; associate; one of a pair compañía: company; society comparable: comparable comparación: comparison comparar: to compare; to confront; to collate comparativo: comparative comparecer: to appear comparsa: extra; masquerade compartimentar: to compartmentalize compartimento: compartment; division compartir: to share; to divide compás: compasses; time; measure; beat; bar; compass compasión: compassion; pity; mercy compasivo: compassionate; merciful compatibilidad: compatibility compatible: compatible; consistent compatriota: countryman; compatriot compendiar: to summarize; to abridge; to epitomize; to encapsulate compendio: summary; compendium; epitome; abstract; abridgement; abbreviature compenetración: mutual understanding compenetrarse: to understand each other compensación: compensation compensar: to compensate; to make up for competencia: competition; competence; fitness; ability; responsibility; province; jurisdiction competente: competent; able; fit; adequate; qualified competer: to behove; to belong; to be incumbent on competición: competition competidor: competing; rival; competitor competir: to compete competitividad: competitiveness competitivo: competitive compilación: compilation; compilement compilador: compiler; compilator compilar: to compile compinche: accomplice; pal; buddy; chum complacencia: satisfaction; indulgence; pleasure; accommodation complacer: to please; to oblige; to humour complacerse: to be pleased; to take pleasure complaciente: obliging; complaisant; compliant; indulgent; accommodating; yielding; agreeable; pliant complejidad: complexity complejo: complex; complicated; compound complementar: to complement complementario: complementary complemento: complement; object; completion; perfection completar: to complete; to finish; to perfect completas: compline completo: complete; whole; full; absolute complexión: build; constitution complicación: complication; complicating complicar: to complicate; to involve; to implicate complicarse: to become complicated cómplice: accomplice; accessory; abetter; abettor complicidad: complicity; abetment complot: plot; conspiracy; complot; intrigue componenda: deal; fix; shady or dubious compromise componente: component; member componer: to compose; to compound; to make up; to constitute; to prepare; to mix; to repair; to mend; to put in order; to adorn; to trim; to spruce; to reconcile; to restore; to fortify componerse: to dress up; to be composed comportamiento: conduct; behaviour; comportment comportar: to involve; to bear; to tolerate comportarse: to behave; to abear; to act; to handle composición: composition; typesetting; agreement; compromise compositor: composer compostura: composure; modesty; circumspection; repair; reparation; mending; making neat compota: compote; stewed fruit compra: buying; purchasing; purchase; shopping comprador: buyer; purchaser comprar: to buy; to purchase; to bribe; to buy off compraventa: dealing; buying and selling comprender: to understand; to comprise; to comprehend; to include; to embrace comprenderse: to understand each other comprensible: understandable; comprehensible comprensión: understanding; comprehension; inclusion comprensivo: understanding; comprehensive; large-minded compresa: sanitary towel; compress compresor: compressor; compressing comprimido: tablet; compressed comprimir: to compress; to control; to restrain comprimirse: to become compressed; to squeeze together comprobable: verifiable; verificable; ascertainable comprobación: verification; checking; substantiation; proof comprobante: supporting document; receipt; proof; evidence; proving comprobar: to check; to verify; to control; to ascertain; to prove; to confirm; to see comprometedor: compromising; committing; troublemaking comprometer: to compromise; to involve; to jeopardize; to risk; to arbitrate; to bind; to engage comprometerse: to compromise oneself; to commit oneself; to get engaged comprometido: risky; difficult; awkward; engaged compromiso: commitment; pledge; engagement; obligation; fix; predicament compuerta: sluice; floodgate; hatch; half door compuesto: compound; composed; composite; repaired; mended; dressed up; bedecked; ready; preparation; mixture compungido: contrite; remorseful; sorrowful computación: computing; calculation computador, computadora: computer computar: to compute; to calculate cómputo: computation; calculation comulgar: to receive Holy Communion; to communicate común: common; public; current; ordinary; usual; mean; low; inferior; community comuna: commune; municipality; local council comunal: communal; municipal; common comunicación: communication; communiqué; official letter; link comunicado: communiqué; announcement; statement; bien comunicado: with good connections comunicar: to communicate; to convey; to transmit; to be engaged; to be busy comunicarse: to communicate with each other comunicativo: communicative; open; unreserved comunidad: community; commonwealth comunión: communion comunismo: communism comunista: communist comunitario: of the community con: with conato: attempt; beginnings; endeavour; effort; exertion concatenación: concatenation concatenar: to concatenate; to link together concavidad: concavity cóncavo: concave; concavity; hollow concebir: to conceive; to formulate; to express; to begin to have; to have; to build up; to understand conceder: to grant; to concede; to award; to bestow; to give; to admit; to accord concejal: councillor; alderman; councilman; decurion concejo: town council concelebrar: to celebrate jointly concentración: concentration; rally; meeting concentrado: concentrated; assembled; concentrate concentrar: to concentrate; to concenter concentrarse: to concentrate; to be mentally absorbed concéntrico: concentric; concentrical concepción: conception concepto: concept; idea; opinion; judgement conceptuar: to think of; to consider; to deem; to judge concerniente: concerning; relating concernir: to concern concertar: to coordinate; to agree on; to arrange; to harmonize; to tally; to assemble; to fit together; to adjust; to conclude concertina: concertina concertista: concertist; soloist concesión: concession; franchise; grant concesionario: concessionary; franchise holder; dealer; grantee concha: shell; tortoiseshell; prompt box; enclosed bay conchabarse: to scheme; to plot; to gang up; to band together conciencia: conscience; consciousness; awareness; conscientiousness concienciar: to make aware; to make conscious concienciarse: to become conscious concienzudo: conscientious; thorough concierto: concert; concerto; agreement; accord; covenant conciliábulo: secret meeting conciliación: conciliation; reconciliation; accommodation conciliador: conciliatory; conciliating; conciliator conciliar: conciliar; member of a council; to council; to reconcile; to accord concilio: council concisión: concision; conciseness conciso: concise; brief conciudadano: fellow citizen cónclave: conclave concluir: to finish; to conclude; to end; to silence conclusión: conclusion concluso: finished; closed; concluded; ready for sentence concluyente: conclusive; categoric; convincing concordancia: agreement; concordance; conformity; concord; accord concordar: to agree; to harmonize; to accord; to tally; to jibe; to square; to tie in; to concord with; to consort with; concordato: concordat concordia: concord; harmony; peace concreción: preciseness; clarity; concretion concretar: to fix; to sum up; to combine; to unite; to summarize; to condense concretarse: to confine oneself; to limit oneself concreto: concrete; specific; particular concubina: concubine; common-law wife concurrencia: simultaneous occurrence; attendance; audience; competition; aid; cooperation concurrido: crowded; frequented; attended concurrir: to converge; to concur; to meet; to contribute; to attend; to compete concursante: contestant; candidate concursar: to compete; to be a candidate; to declare insolvent concurso: competition; contest; game show; tender; participation; assistance condado: county; countship; earldom condal: pertaining to an earl or count; la Ciudad Condal: Barcelona conde: earl; count; gypsy chief condecoración: decoration; medal condecorar: to decorate condena: sentence; conviction; term; condemnation condenación: damnation; condemnation condenado: convicted; doomed; damned; wretched; wicked; accursed; convicted criminal; damned person; wretch condenar: to condemn; to sentence; to blame; to damn; to wall up a door or window condenarse: to condemn oneself condensación: condensation condensador: condenser; condensing condensar: to condense condensarse: to condense condesa: countess condescendencia: consideration; complaisance; obligingness condescender: to comply; to accede or yield out of kindness condescendiente: accommodating; complaisant; obliging; acquiescent; yielding; easy condición: condition; rank; class; nature; disposition; state; status condicional: conditional condicionar: to make conditional; to condition; to conditionate condimentación: seasoning condimentar: to season; to dress condimento: seasoning; condiment; flavouring condolencia: condolence; sympathy condolerse: to feel pity; to condole; to sympathize; to feel sorry condón: condom cóndor: condor conducción: driving; conduction; conveyance; transportation; piping; wiring conducir: to take; to show; to carry; to conduct; to drive; to lead; to direct; to manage; to conduce; to engage conducirse: to conduct oneself conducta: conduct; behaviour; direction; management conducto: pipe; tube; duct; channel; conduit; canal; mediation; intermediary conductor: conductive; driver; leader; guide; conductor conectar: to connect; to gear; to unite; to communicate; to link up; to be in tune conejera: burrow; rabbit hole; warren; den; low haunt; hutch; poky hole conejero: rabbit-hunting; rabbit keeper conejillo: small rabbit; conejillo de Indias: guinea pig conejo: rabbit conexión: connection; relationship; coherence confabulación: conspiracy; league; plot; confabulation confabular: to confabulate confabularse: to plot; to conspire confección: preparation; making-up confeccionar: to make; to draw up; to prepare; to confection confederación: confederation; federation; league confederado: confederate; federate conferencia: conference; public lecture; talk; long-distance call; meeting conferenciante: speaker; lecturer conferir: to confer; to bestow; to grant; to give confesar: to confess; to acknowledge; to own; to own up; to profess; to shrive; to admit; to avow; to come out with confesión: confession; acknowledgment; admission; avowal; denomination confesional: denominational; confessional confesionario: confessional box confeso: self-confessed; converted; lay brother confesor: confessor confeti: confetti confiado: trusting; confident; presumptuous; confiding; unsuspecting confianza: confidence; trust; reliance; courage; enterprise; self-confidence; assurance; familiarity; informality confiar: to trust; to entrust; to confide; to rely; to commit confiarse: to be trustful; to confide; to become overconfident confidencia: secret; confidence; confidence; trust confidencial: confidential; sensitive; off the record confidencialidad: confidentiality confidente: confidant; confidante; informer; trustworthy; reliable; love seat configuración: layout; configuration configurar: to shape; to form; to configurate configurarse: to be formed; to be shaped confín: edge; border; boundary; bordering confinado: confined confinamiento: confinement; banishment to a definite place confinar: to lock away; to lock up; to banish; to border; to abut on; to abut upon; ti abut against confinarse: to shut oneself away confirmación: confirmation confirmar: to confirm; to acknowledge; to corroborate; to endorse; to favour; to fortify; to uphold; to verify; to vouch; to attest; to bear out confirmarse: to be confirmed; to receive confirmation confiscar: to confiscate confite: sweet; candy; sugarplum confitería: patisserie; tea room; confectionery confitura: jam; confection; comfit; candied or preserved fruit conflagración: war; conflict; conflagration conflictivo: controversial; of conflict conflicto: clash; conflict; problem; dilemma; fix confluencia: confluence; meeting; point; junction confluir: to flow together; to converge; to meet; to crowd; to assemble conformar: to shape; to approve; to conform; to adapt; to agree conformarse: to submit; to yield; to comply; to be satisfied; to resign oneself; to accommodate conforme: satisfied; according; as; accordant; agreeable; conformable; consistent; correct; in order; acquiescent; suitable; concordant conformidad: agreement; approval; conformity; accordance; stoicism; resignation; submission; patience; symmetry; acquiescence; compliance; concordance conformismo: conformity conformista: conformist confort: comfort confortable: comfortable; comforting confortar: to give strength; to invigorate; to comfort confraternizar: to get to know each other; to fraternize confrontación: confrontation; comparison confrontar: to compare; to confront; to collate; to cross-examine; to border; to face up confundir: to mistake; to confuse; to embarrass; to mix; to mix up; to mingle; to defeat in argument; to abash; to confound; to crush; to flounder; to flummox; to fluster; to fox; to fuddle; to muddle; to mystify; to nonplus; to puzzle; to stump; to tangle; to addle; to baffle; to befuddle; to bemuse; to bewilder confundirse: to get confused; to become embarrassed; to make a mistake confusión: mistake; confusion; embarrassment; humiliation; shame; abashment confuso: confused; troubled; bewildered; awed; obscure; unintelligible; blurred; indistinct; abashed; blear; bleary; confounded; confusing; dim; foggy; fuzzy; garbled; indistinct; misty; muddled; muzzy; puzzled; rambling; at sea; wooly; addled; baffled; bemused conga: conga congelación: freezing; frostbite; freeze; congelation congelado: frozen; frostbitten congelador: freezer congelar: to freeze; to congeal; to cause frostbite in congelarse: to freeze; to get frostbite congénere: crony; congener; congeneric congeniar: to get along well congénito: congenital congestión: congestion congestionado: congested congestionar: to congest congestionarse: to become congested conglomerado: conglomerate; conglomeration; aggregate conglomerar: to conglomerate Congo: Congo congoja: grief; anguish; agony congoleño: Congolese congraciar: to win the good will of congraciarse: to ingratiate oneself congratular: to congratulate congregación: gathering; brotherhood; congregation; assembly congregar: to bring together; to congregate; to assemble congregarse: to meet; to assemble; to congregate congresista: delegate; member of a congress or assembly congreso: conference; congress; assembly congrio: conger eel; conger congruencia: congruence; congruity congruente: in keeping; congruent; congruous cónico: conical; conic conífera: conifer conífero: coniferous conjetura: conjecture; surmise; guess conjugación: conjugation conjugado: conjugate; conjugated conjugar: to conjugate; to bring together; to combine conjunción: conjunction; union conjuntiva: conjunctiva conjuntivitis: conjunctivitis conjuntivo: conjunctival; conjunctive; uniting; connective conjunto: group; collection; whole; outfit; band; combined; joint; ensemble; lump; twinset; combo; corporate; en conjunto: overall; comprehensive conjura: conspiracy; plot conjuración: conspiracy; plot conjurar: to conspire; to exorcise; to ward off; to exorcize conjurarse: to conspire conjuro: spell; exorcism; conjuration conllevar: to involve; to entail; to bear; to suffer with patience conmemoración: commemoration conmemorar: to commemorate conmemorativo: commemorative; memorial conmigo: with me conminar: to order or summon; to threaten conmiseración: commiseration; pity conmoción: commotion; agitation; shock; consternation; disturbance; riot; concussion conmocionar: to affect deeply conmovedor: moving; touching; pathetic; poignant conmover: to move; to shake; to affect; to touch; to stir; to upset conmoverse: to be moved to; to be affected; to be shaken conmutación: commutation; exchange; substitution conmutador: switch; switchboard conmutar: to commute conmutativo: commutative connivencia: connivance; collusion; secret understanding connotación: connotation connotar: to connote cono: cone conocedor: expert; knowing; knower; connoisseur; judge conocer: to know; to meet; to recognize; to notice; to acquaint; to cognize; to ken; dar a conocer: to impart; to advertise conocerse: to meet; to know each other conocido: well-known; acquaintance; familiar; distinguished conocimiento: knowledge; consciousness; understanding; notice; information; intelligence; sense; skill; ability; cognizance; acquaintance; acquaintanceship; familiarity; sin conocimiento: unconscious; senseless; conocimientos: acquirements; information; know-how; learning; lights conque: so; so then; and so; well then conquista: conquest conquistador: conquering; conqueror; conquistador; womanizer; lady-killer conquistar: to conquer; to achieve; to win; to win over; to capture; to gain; to attain; to win the love of; to vamp consabido: well-known; usual; before-mentioned; in question consagración: consecration; recognition consagrado: consecrated; sanctioned; established; stock consagrar: to consecrate; to hallow; to devote; to establish; to authorize; to erect consanguíneo: blood-related; blood-relation consanguineidad: blood relationship; consanguinity; akin consciencia: consciousness; awareness consciente: aware; conscious; sensible; responsible; aware conscripción: conscription; the draft conscripto: conscript consecución: achievement; obtainment; attainment consecuencia: consequence; inference; result; consistency; issue; implication; outcome; after-effect; aftermath; by-product; en consecuencia: accordingly; thereby consecuente: consistent; consequent; resulting; following; consecutivo: consecutive conseguir: to get; to obtain; to attain; to succeed in; to manage to; to land; to pull off; to raise; to recruit; to rustle up; to secure; to wangle; to win; to achieve; to make; to come by; to enlist; to fremman consejero: adviser; advisor; counselor; councilor; member of a company board; minister; mentor consejo: piece of advice; advice; advisement; pointer; counsel; recommendation; rede; tip; admonition; council; board; meeting; bench; court; consejo de guerra: court-martial consenso: consensus; general agreement; assent; consent consentido: spoilt; spoiled; pampered; complaisant; cracked; slightly disjointed; unsound consentimiento: consent; agreement; permission; spoiling; pampering consentir: to allow; to permit; to consent; to tolerate; to spoil; to coddle; to indulge; to agree; to abet; to acquiesce; to assent; to condone; to yield conserje: porter; caretaker; janitor; doorman; concierge conserjería: porter's office; conciergerie conserva: preserve; canned food; tinned food; convoy; consort conservación: preservation; conservation; upkeep; maintenance conservador: conservative; preserving; preservative; conserver; curator; conservator conservadurismo: conservatism conservante: preservative conservar: to preserve; to maintain; to keep; to conserve; to can; to pickle conservarse: to keep conservatorio: conservatory; conservatoire considerable: considerable; great; important consideración: consideration; regard; meditation; note; reflection; sake; thought; thoughtfulness; advisement considerado: highly regarded; considerate; considered; esteemed considerar: to consider; to regard; to account consigna: order; instructions; left-luggage office; baggage room; slogan consignar: to allocate; to record; to leave in the baggage room; to consign; to deposit; to assign consigo: with him; with her consiguiente: consequent consistencia: consistency; consistence consistente: consisting; consistent; firm; solid; stiff; thick consistir: to consist; to lie consola: occasional table; console consolación: consolation consolar: to console; to comfort; to cheer; to soothe consolarse: to console oneself; to take comfort; to be consoled consolidación: consolidation consolidar: to consolidate; to fund consolidarse: to consolidate consomé: broth; consommé consonancia: relationship; consonance; consonancy; accord; conformity; rhyme consonante: consonant; rhyming; accordant consorcio: consortium; union; fellowship; marital association consorte: consort; partner; join-parties; confederates conspicuo: prominent; eminent; conspicuous conspiración: conspiracy; plot conspirador: conspirator; conspirer conspirar: to plot; to conspire constancia: perseverance; proof; constancy; certainty constante: constant; continuous; persevering; known for certain constar: to appear; to be present; to consist; to be composed of; to scan constatación: corroboration; checking; constatar: to verify; to state; to record constelación: constellation consternación: consternation; dismay consternado: dismayed consternar: to consternate; to dismay constipado: suffering from a cold; cold; chill constipar: to constrict; to close the pores of constiparse: to catch a cold constitución: constitution constitucional: constitutional; constitutionalist constituir: to comprise; to make up; to constitute constituirse: to be set up constituyente: constituent; component constreñir: to force; to compel; to constrain; to restrict construcción: construction; building; erection; structure constructivo: constructive constructor: building; builder; constructor construir: to build; to construct; to make; to construe consuegra: mother-in-law of one's child consuegro: father-in-law of one's child consuelo: consolation; comfort; alleviation cónsul: consul consulado: consulate; consulship consulta: query; question; consulting; advisement; counsel; consultation; practice; surgery; doctor's office; consulting room consultar: to consult; to look up consultorio: surgery; doctor's office; consulting room; consultant's office; readers' advice column consultivo: advisory consumado: finished; consummated; accomplished; perfect; complete consumar: to execute; to consummate; to carry out; to accomplish consumición: consumption; drink consumido: emaciated; thin; consumed consumidor: consuming; consumer consumir: to consume; to use up; to destroy; to waste away; to worry; to afflict; to vex consumirse: to waste away; to reduce consumismo: consumerism consumista: acquisitive consumo: consumption contabilidad: accountancy; book-keeping; accounts; accounting contabilizar: to count up; to enter an item into a book contable: countable; accountant; book-keeper contactar: to make contact contacto: contact; touch; ignition contado: rare; scarce; few; counted; numbered; al contado: in cash contador: meter; counter; computer; accountant; auditor; counting contagiar: to communicate by contagion; to infect with; to corrupt; to pervert contagiarse: to get infected contagio: infection; contagion contagioso: contagious; infectious; catching contaminación: contamination; pollution contaminar: to contaminate; to pollute; to infect; to corrupt contaminarse: to become contaminated; to become polluted contante: in cash; ready contar: to count; to number; to tell; to reckon; to rate; to narrate; to relate; to be contemplación: contemplation; complaisance; leniency contemplar: to look at; to view; to consider; to contemplate; to provide for; to spoil; to pamper contemporáneo: contemporary; coeval; contemporaneous contemporizar: to compromise; to temporize; to yield; to comply contención: self-control; holding back; restraint; contention; contest; litigation contencioso: under litigation; contentious contender: to fight; to combat; to strive; to contend; to compete contendiente: contending; contender; contestant contenedor: container; skip; bottle bank; containing contener: to contain; to hold; to hold; to restrain; to refrain; to curb; to check; to stop; to hold back contenerse: to control oneself contenido: contained; moderate; prudent; temperate; contents; tenor; context contento: happy; pleased; contented; glad; satisfaction; pleasure contertulio: fellow guest; fellow participant contestación: answer; reply; debate contestador: answering machine contestar: to answer; to reply; to contest; to question; to confirm contestatario: rebellious; anti-establishment; rebel; non-conformist contexto: context; intertexture contextura: weave; build; contexture contienda: conflict; fight; battle; dispute; confrontation contigo: with you contiguo: adjoining; contiguous; adjacent; abutting; neighbouring; estar contiguo: to abut on; to abut upon; to abut against; to adjoin continencia: moderation; continence; containing continental: continental continente: continent; container; countenance contingencia: contingency contingente: contingent; quota continuación: continuation; continuance; prolongation; literary sequel continuar: to continue; to carry on continuidad: continuity continuo: continuous; constant; endless; direct current contonearse: to swagger; to swing the hips and shoulders in walking contorno: outline; contour; surrounding area; environs contorsión: contortion contorsionarse: to contort oneself; to writhe contorsionista: contortionist contra: against; athwart; counter; contrarily to; facing; organ pedal; snag; drawback; en contra de: against; contrary to contraatacar: to counterattack contraataque: counterattack contrabajo: double bass; contrabass contrabandear: to smuggle contrabandista: smuggler; contrabandist contrabando: smuggling; contraband; smuggled goods contrabarrera: second row of seats in a bullring contracción: contraction; shrinking contracepción: contraception contrachapado: plywood contracorriente: countercurrent; back water contracultura: counterculture contradecir: to contradict; to go against; to gainsay contradecirse: to contradict oneself contradicción: contradiction; gainsaying; opposition; inconsistency contradictorio: contradictory contraer: to contract; to limit; to confine; to acquire; to corrugate; to develop; to incur contraespionaje: counterespionage contrafuerte: buttress; counterfort; abutment; counter; spur contrahecho: deformed; twisted contraindicación: contraindication contralmirante: rear admiral contralto: contralto contraluz: against the light contramaestre: warrant officer; foreman; boatswain contramano: in the wrong direction contraofensiva: counteroffensive contraoferta: counteroffer contraorden: countercommand; countermand; counterorder contrapartida: compensating factor; compensation; emendatory entry contrapelo: against the hair contrapeso: counterweight; counterpoise; counterbalance contraponer: to contrast; to compare; to set against contraportada: back page; title verso contraproducente: counterproductive; self-defeating contrapropuesta: counterproposal contrapuesto: clashing; set against; compared; opposed contrapunto: counterpoint contrariado: upset; annoyed contrariar: to go against; to take the opposite view; to upset; to mortify; to chagrin; to vex; to disappoint contrariedad: setback; annoyance; contrariety; opposition; mortification; vexation; disappointment contrario: opposite; opposed; against; contrary; opponent; adverse; hostile; harmful; unfavourable contrarreforma: Counter Reformation contrarrestar: to counteract; to resist; to oppose; to neutralize contrasentido: contradiction; nonsense; inconsistency contraseña: secret sign; password; countersign; countermark contrastar: to test; to check; to hallmark; to be in contrast; to resist contraste: contrast; resistance; opposition; hall mark contrata: contract; engagement contratación: hiring; employment; commerce; trade; contracting contratar: to contract for; to engage; to hire contratiempo: mishap; hitch; disappointment; contretemps contratista: contractor contrato: contract; agreement; bond; covenant; contrato de arrendamiento: lease contravenir: to contravene; to infringe contraventana: shutter contrayente: contracting; contracting party contribución: contribution; donation; tax contribuir: to contribute; to help; to pay taxes contribuyente: taxpaying; contributor contrición: contrition contrincante: opponent; adversary; competitor; opponent; rival; match; challenger control: control; check; checkpoint controlador: control; controller controlar: to control; to check; to verify controlarse: to control oneself controversia: controversy; disputation controvertido: controversial contumaz: stubborn; contumacious; guilty of default contundente: heavy; blunt; convincing; conclusive; forceful; impressive contusión: contusion; bruise convalecencia: convalescence convalecer: to convalesce; to recover convaleciente: convalescent convalidación: accreditation; validation; confirmation convalidar: to accredit; to validate; to confirm convencer: to convince convencerse: to become convinced convencido: convinced; sure convencimiento: conviction; belief convención: convention; assembly; agreement convencional: conventional; member of a convention convencionalismo: convention; conventionalism convenido: agreed; settled by agreement conveniencia: advisability; usefulness; benefit; conformity; agreement; fitness; suitability; desirability; convenience; advantage; interest conveniente: convenient; advisable; fit; suitable; expedient; opportune; good; useful; advantageous; desirable; fitting; handy; meet; pat; proper; adequate convenio: agreement; covenant; pact; accord convenir: to agree; to meet; to convene; to befit; to suit; to harmonize; to be convenient; to fit one's interests; to concur; must convento: convent; nunnery; monastery; abbacy; abbey convergencia: convergence; agreement; concurrence converger: to converge; to meet; to concur convergir: converger conversación: conversation; talk conversador: talkative; chatty; talker conversar: to talk; to chat; to converse conversión: conversion; transformation; change converso: converted; convert; lay brother convertible: convertible convertir: to turn; to change; to convert convertirse: to become; to turn into convexo: convex convicción: conviction; belief convicto: convicted convidado: invited; guest convidar: to invite; to treat; to encourage; to move; to incite convidarse: to invite oneself convincente: convincing convite: meal; invitation; treat; entertainment; banquet convivencia: life together convivir: to live with convocar: to call together; to summon; to announce; to convoke; to convene convocatoria: notification; announcement convoy: convoy; train; retinue; cruet stand convulsión: convulsion; upheaval; unrest convulsivo: convulsive conyugal: conjugal; marital; matrimonial cónyuge: spouse; consort coña: joke coñac: brandy; cognac cooperación: cooperation cooperar: to cooperate cooperativa: cooperative cooperativista: member of a cooperative cooperativo: cooperative coordenada: coordinate coordinación: coordination; liaison; timing coordinado: coordinated coordinador: coordinating; organizing; coordinator coordinadora: coordinating committee coordinar: to coordinate copa: glass; goblet; wineglass; drink; cup; brazier; top; crown; suit corresponding to hearts copar: to take; to sweep copartícipe: partner; joint participator cópec, cópeck: kopeck copete: topping; topknot; tuft; pompadour; crest; forelock; ornamental top; arrogance; uppishness copia: copy; duplicate; abundance; plenty copiar: to copy; to mimic; to ape copiloto: co-pilot; co-driver copioso: abundant; plentiful; copious copista: copyist copla: verse; popular song; stanza; song; ballad copo: flake; clot; bunch of wool or flax; bottom of purse net; cutting the retreat of an army; sweeping all posts coproducción: coproduction copropietario: joint owner; co-proprietor coprotagonista: co-star coprotagonizar: to co-star in copto: Copt; Coptic cópula: copulation; copula; link copular: to copulate copulativo: copulative; joining coquetear: to flirt; to coquet; to vamp; to dally; to jilt coqueteo: flirtation; flirting; coquetting coquetería: flirtatiousness; coquetry coqueto: vain; nice coraje: courage; mettle; cheek; anger; irritation coral: choral; coral; chorale; choir Corán: Koran coraza: cuirass; shell; armour corazón: heart; core; sweetheart; middle finger corazonada: hunch; presentiment; foreboding; impulse corbata: tie; necktie; cravat; scarf corbeta: corvette; sloop of war Córcega: Corsica corcel: steed; charger corchea: quaver; eighth note corchero: cork; cork-tree peeler corchete: fastener; hook; square bracket; brace; bumbailiff; catchpole; accolade corcho: cork; float; beehive córcholis: gosh; gracious me! cordel: string; twine; fine cord corderito: sheepskin; little lamb cordero: lamb; mutton; sheep; lambskin cordial: friendly; hearty; warm; affectionate; ; sincere; cordial; invigorating; middle finger cordialidad: friendliness; cordiality; heartiness; warmth cordillera: mountain range; chain of mountains cordobán: cordovan; tanned goatskin cordón: piece of string; shoelace; shoestring; cable; flex; electric cord; cordon; strand; torus cordura: sanity; good sense; prudence; wisdom Corea: Korea coreano: Korean corear: to sing in chorus coreografía: choreography coreográfico: choreographic coreógrafo: choreographer corinto: maroon corista: chorus girl; chorist; chorister; chorus man cormorán: cormorant cornada: thrust with the horns cornamenta: horns; antlers córnea: cornea cornear: to gore; to horn corneja: small crow; jackdaw; daw; scops owl córneo: horny; corneous córner: corner corneta: bugle; swineherd's horn; bugler; broad pennant cornetín: cornet; cornet player cornezuelo: ergot; small horn cornisa: cornice coro: chorus; choir corola: corolla corolario: corollary corona: crown; halo; nimbus; wreath; krone; coronet; clerical tonsure; corona; crownwork; summit; crowning; end coronación: coronation; climax coronar: to crown; to be at the top of coronario: coronary; fine coronel: colonel; coronet; top moulding coronilla: crown of the head; little crown corpiño: sleeveless bodice; waist corporación: corporation; association; college; guild corporal: corporal; of the body corporativista: corporativist corporativo: corporative; corporate corpóreo: bodily; corporeal corpulencia: corpulence corpulento: heavily-built; corpulent; bulky corpúsculo: corpuscle corral: farmyard; corral; enclosure; fold; weir; playpen correa: strap; belt; thong; lead; lash; purlin; stamina correaje: belts; straps; belting corrección: correction; correctness; accuracy; rectitude; honesty; adjustment correccional: corrective; reformatory; remand house; prison correctivo: corrective; correcting; punishment correcto: correct; regular; polite; accurate corrector: corrective; proofreader corredera: runner; groove; rail; track; sliding panel; log; slide valve corredizo: sliding; running; slip corredor: runner; land agent; stockbroker; canvasser; corridor; passage; covert way corregir: to correct; to mark; to proofread; to temper; to mitigate; to adjust corregirse: to mend one's ways; to correct itself correlación: correlation correlativo: correlative correligionario: fellow believer; fellow supporter correo: post; mail; correspondence; courier correoso: flexible; pliable; stringy; tough; leathery correr: to run; to hurry; to hasten; to spread; to flow; to move; to blow; to ramble; to roam; to rove; to pass; to travel; to chase; to hunt; to abash correrse: to move up; to run; to come correría: raid; foray; wandering; excursion correspondencia: correspondence; mail; connection; return; reciprocation corresponder: to correspond; to answer; to pertain; to belong; to repay; to reciprocate corresponderse: to agree; to correspond; to love each other correspondiente: corresponding; respective; correspondent; due; accordant corresponsal: correspondent corretear: to run about; to ramble; to wander; to romp correveidile: gossip monger; go-between corrida: run; reprehension; bullfight corrido: long; continuous; embarrassed; abashed; confused; dissipate; flowing corriente: flowing; running; ordinary; common; average; usual; correct; afable corrillo: small group; clique corrimiento: landslide; landslip; running; guttering; shame; confusion; vine blight corro: ring; circle; ring-around-a-rosy; circular space corroboración: corroboration; strengthening corroborar: to corroborate; to strengthen corroer: to corrode; to erode; to wear away; to consume corroerse: to become corroded corromper: to rot; to corrupt; to bribe; to seduce; to debauch; to mar; to spoil; to vitiate corromperse: to stagnate; to rot; to become corrupted corrosión: corrosion; erosion corrosivo: corrosive; caustic corrupción: decay; corruption; vitiation; depravation; pollution; filth; stench corruptibilidad: corruptibility corrupto: corrupt; corrupted corruptor: corrupting; corrupter corrusco: crust of bread corsario: privateer; corsair; pirate corsé: corset; stays corsetería: corset shop corso: Corsican; privateering cortacésped: lawnmower cortacircuitos: circuit breaker cortado: sour; off; curdled; shy; embarrassed; with a dash of milk cortadura: cut; incision; slit; slash; ravine cortafuego: firebreak; fireguard cortante: cutting; brusque; sharp; biting; bitter cortapisa: restriction; limitation; interference cortaplumas: penknife; pocketknife cortar: to cut; to slash; to cut off; to cut out; to divide; to split up; to trim; to pare; to clip; to hew; to hack; to cross; to intersect; to interrupt; to cut short; to stop; to bar; to chap; to pierce; to crack; to slit cortarse: to cut; to cut oneself; to chap; to curdle; to get embarrassed cortaúñas: nail clippers corte: cut; cutting edge; style; length; court; suite; retinue; stable; dar corte: to be shy cortedad: smallness; shortness; shyness; bashfulness; timidity; diffidence cortejar: to court; to woo cortejo: entourage; train; procession; retinue; court; homage; sweetheart; paramour Cortes: the Parliament cortés: polite; courteous; civil; gracious cortesano: of the court; courtier; courteous; polite cortesía: courtesy; politeness; compliment; attention; present; favor corteza: bark; rind; crust; peel; exterior surface; rusticity; zest cortijo: farm and farmhouse; grange cortina: curtain; drape; shade; screen cortisona: cortisone corto: short; scant; scanty; wanting; meagre; bashful; timid; dim; dumb; short movie; quedarse corto: to underestimate cortocircuito: short circuit cortometraje: short movie corva: back of the knee corvejón: hock; gambrel; cormorant corvo: curved; bent; hook; gaff corzo: roebuck; roe deer cosa: thing; matter; affair; drag; gadget; jigger; object; cualquier cosa:> anything; whatever cosaco: Cossack coscorrón: blow on the head; bump cosecha: harvest; crop; yield; vintage cosechadora: harvester; reaping machine cosechar: to harvest; to crop; to reap; to gather: to grow coselete: corselet; pikeman; thorax coseno: cosine coser: to sew; to stitch up; to staple; to join; to unite; ser coser y cantar: to be child's play cosido: sewing; sewed; sewn; stitching cosmética: cosmetics cosmético: cosmetic cósmico: cosmic; cosmical cosmología: cosmology cosmonauta: cosmonaut cosmopolita: cosmopolitan; cosmopolite cosmos: cosmos coso: bullring; main street cosque: blow on the head cosquillas: tickling; ticklishness cosquilleo: tickling costa: coast; shore; cost; price; expense; a toda costa: at all costs costado: side; flank costal: sack; costal costalada: injury; blow one gets when falling on the back costalazo: costalada costanera: esplanade; steep ground; slope; seaside promenade costar: to cost; to take; to be hard coste: cost; price costear: to pay for; to coast costearse: to pay one's way costero: coastal; coasting; slab taken from a log; side wall of blast furnace costilla: rib; chop; cutlet; wife; other half costo: cost; price; expense; costusroot; dope costoso: expensive; dear; hard; difficult to obtain costra: crust; scab; scale costumbre: habit; custom; way costura: sewing; seam; joint; dressmaking; alta costura: haute couture costurera: seamstress costurero: sewing basket; sewing box cota: height above sea level; level; altitude; height; cota de malla: coat of mail cotarro: night lodging for beggars; party; riotous gathering; dirigir el cotarro: to rule the roost cotejar: to compare; to collate cotejo: comparison cotidiano: everyday; daily; quotidian cotilla: gossip; busybody cotillear: to gossip cotilleo: gossip; tittle-tattle cotillón: party; cotillion; New Yerar’s Eve party cotización: rate of exchange; price; subscription; contribution; quotation cotizar: to quote; to be quoted; to pay subscription; to price; to pay cotizarse: to be valued or prized; to sell for; to be quoted at coto: nature reserve; reserved ground; preserve; boundary mark; limit; stop; restriction; set of billiard games; chub; coto de caza: game preserve; poner coto a: to put a stop to cotorra: parrot; chatterbox; magpie cotorrear: to chatter; to gossip covacha: cave; hovel; hut coyote: coyote; prairie wolf coyuntura: situation; joint; articulation; occasion; opportunity coxis: coccyx coz: kick from a beast; recoil; butt crac: crack; crash; failure; bankruptcy crack: crack cráneo: cranium; skull crápula: rake; crapulence; debauchery; libertine craso: crass; gross; thick; fat; greasy cráter: crater creación: creation creador: creative; creating crear: to create; to make; to found; to institute; to establish; to invent; to design creatividad: creativity creativo: creative crecer: to grow; to increase; to rise; to swell; to accrue crecerse: to grow in confidence; to take courage creces: con creces: amply crecida: flood; spate; freshet; swelling crecido: large; big; numerous; grown-up; swollen creciente: growing; increasing; crescent crecimiento: growth; growing; rise credencial: credential; credenciales: documents credibilidad: credibility crédito: loan; credit; credence; good reputation; trust; belief; dar crédito: to accredit credo: creed; credo credulidad: credulity crédulo: gullible; credulous; credulous creencia: belief; creed; tenet; credence; credit creer: to believe; to think; to accredit; to accept creerse: to believe oneself to be creíble: believable; credible creído: bigheaded; conceited; stuck-up; accredited crema: cream; custard; shoe polish; crème cremación: cremation; incineration cremallera: zip; zipper; ratch; ratchet; rack crematorio: crematorium; crematory; incinerator cremoso: creamy crepa: pancake crepé: crepe crêpe, crepe: crêpe; pancake crepitar: to crackle; to sizzle; to crepitate crepuscular: twilight; crepuscular crepúsculo: twilight; dusk crescendo: crescendo crespo: curly; crispy; crisp; angry; irritated crespón: black ribbon; crape cresta: crest; comb; top Creta: Crete cretense: Cretan cretino: cretinous; cretin; cretinic; jerk cretona: cretonne creyente: believer; believing cría: breeding; rearing; nursing; suckling; brood; litter; young criada: maid; housemaid; servant criadero: breeding place; nursery; seam; vein; prolific criadilla: testicle criado: grown-up; reared; raised; bred; servant; manservant criador: breeder; grower crianza: breeding; nursing; upbringing; lactation; education; vintage criar: to nurse; to bring up; to breed; to educate; to cultivate; to grow; to have; to make; to produce criarse: to grow up criatura: creature; baby; child; infant criba: sieve; cribble; screen; screening cribar: to sieve; to screen; to sift crimen: crime; murder; felony criminal: criminal criminalidad: criminality; crime criminalista: criminal; criminologist; criminalist criminología: criminology crin: mane; horsehair crío: child; baby; infant; childish person criollo: Creole; native to Latin America cripta: crypt críptico: cryptic críquet: cricket crisálida: chrysalis; pupa crisantemo: chrysanthemum crisis: crisis; attack crisma: head; chrism; bonce; nut crispación: tenseness crispar: to tense; to annoy; to set on edge; to clench crisparse: to tense up; to tighten; to become annoyed cristal: glass; crystal; lens; pane cristalera: window; display cabinet; glass door; sideboard cristalería: glassworks; glassware shop; set of glasses and jugs cristalero: glazier cristalino: transparent; clear; crystalline; lens cristalización: crystallization; synthesis cristalizar: to crystallize; to bring to head cristalizarse: to crystallize cristiandad: Christendom cristianismo: Christianity cristianizar: to Christianize cristiano: Christian; soul; person Cristo: Christ; crucifix criterio: guideline; criterion; judgement; discernment; opinion crítica: criticism; review; fault-finding; censure criticar: to criticize; to review; to blame crítico: critical; critic criticón: fault-finding; fault-finder; censorious; nitpicker Croacia: Croatia croar: to croak croata: Croatian crocante: crisp; crispy; almond brittle crocanti: almond brittle croché: crochet croissant: croissant crol: crawl cromado: chrome; chromium cromático: chromatic cromo: chrome; chromium; picture card; sticker; transfer cromosoma: chromosome crónica: account; chronicle; feature; report crónico: chronic; endemic cronista: feature writer; columnist; chronicler; reporter crono: time cronología: chronology cronológico: chronological cronometraje: time keeping cronometrar: to time; to clock cronómetro: stopwatch; chronometer croqueta: croquette croquis: sketch cross: cross country cruasán: croissant cruce: crossing; crossroads; crosswalk; crossed line; cross; intersection crucero: cruise; cruiser; transept; crossroads; cleavage plane crucial: crucial; critical crucificar: to crucify; to torture; to vex crucifijo: crucifix crucifixión: crucifixion crucigrama: crossword puzzle cruda: hangover crudeza: harshness; bluntness; rudeness; crudity; rawness; bitterness crudo: raw; uncooked; underdone; unripe; harsh; natural; unbleached; bitter; crude; oil cruel: cruel crueldad: cruelty; harshness cruento: bloody crujido: creaking; crackling; crunching; grinding; rustle; creak; gnash; flaw crujiente: crunchy; rustling; crackly crujir: to creak; to rustle; to crunch; to grind; to crackle; to gnash crupier: croupier crustáceo: crustacean; crustaceous cruz: cross; rood; burden; tails; withers; dagger; crown; en cruz: across; crosswise; a cara o cruz: toss; pitch-and-toss; hacer el signo de la cruz: to cross oneself; to sain cruza: cross; crossbreed cruzada: crusade; campaign; crossroads cruzado: crossed; across; crossbred; double-breasted; engaged in a crusade; crusader; twilled cruzar: to cross; to exchange; to twill; to cruise cruzarse: to cross; to meet; cruzarse de brazos: to cross one's arms cuaderno: exercise book; notebook cuadra: stable; pigsty; block; quarter of ship; croup of horse cuadrado: square; solidly built; hefty; inflexible; perfect; complete; quadrat cuadragésimo: fortieth cuadrante: quadrant; sundial; quarter; quadrans cuadrar: to balance; to square; to graticulate; to fit; to suit; to please cuadrarse: to stand to attention; to stand firm cuadratura: quadrature cuádriceps: quadriceps cuadrícula: squares; quadrille ruling; graticule cuadriculado: squared cuadricular: squared; to square; to graticulate cuadrilátero: quadrilateral; ring cuadrilla: group; gang; quadrille; bullfighter's support team cuadro: picture; painting; square; scene; description; frame; panel; staff; cadre; platen cuadrúpedo: quadruped cuádruple: quadruple; fourfold cuádruplo: quadruple; fourfold cuajada: curds; cottage cheese cuajado: curdled; full cuajar: rennet bag; abomasum; to curdle; to cover; to settle; to come to something cuajarse: to curdle; to fill cuajo: rennet; curdling; coagulation; calmness; phlegm; sluggishness; patience cual: who; whom; which; like cuál: which; which one cualidad: quality cualificado: qualified; skilled cualitativo: qualitative cualquier: any cualquiera: any; anybody; either; anyone; nobody; tart cuán: how cuando: when; even when; even though; since; at the time of cuándo: when; sometimes; now cuantía: amount; size; quantity; importance; distinction cuantificar: to quantify cuantioso: substantial; large; numerous cuantitativo: quantitative cuanto: as long as; everything; all; a few cuánto: how much; how many; what; how cuáquero: Quaker cuarenta: forty; fortieth cuarentavo: fortieth cuarentena: forty; quarantine cuarentón: fortyish; person forty years old cuaresma: Lent cuarta: fourth gear; fourth part; span; quart; point of the compass; fourth; carte cuartear: to quarter cuartearse: to crack; to split cuartel: barracks; quarter; ward of a town; plot; section; hatch cuartelillo: police station; station cuarteto: quartet cuartilla: A5 sheet of writing paper; pastern of horse cuarto: fourth; quarter; flat; room; chamber; old copper coin of little value cuartucho: cramped room; hovel cuarzo: quartz cuate: twin; pal; buddy cuaternario: Quaternary cuatrero: rustler; horse thief; cattlethief cuatrillizo: quadruplet cuatrimotor: four-engined aeroplane cuatro: four; fourth; a few cuatrocientos: four hundred Cuba: Cuba cuba: cask; barrel; tub; vat; big-bellied person; estar como una cuba: to be drunk cubalibre: drink of gin or rum and cola cubano: Cuban cubata: drink of gin or rum and cola cubertería: canteen; cutlery cubeta: dish; bulb; tray; bucket; cup; cistern; cuvette cúbico: cubic cubículo: cubicle cubierta: cover; covering; envelope; deck; roof; roofing; case; casing; shoe of a pneumatic tire; pretext cubierto: covered; sheltered; roof; cloudy; place setting; set of fork, spoon and knife cubil: den; lair cubilete: goblet; mould; shaker; dicebox; small round mince pie cubismo: cubism cubista: cubist cubito: ice cube cúbito: ulna; cubit cubo: bucket; pail; tub; hub; nave; cube; brick; water reservoir; barrel of a watch; round tower cubrecama: bedspread; counterpane; coverlet cubrir: to cover; to wrap; to envelop; to cloak; to clothe; to drape; to shroud; to veil; to coat; to face; to overlay; to spread; to hide; to mask; to disguise; to protect; to roof; to travel; to fill cubrirse: to cover oneself; to put one's hat on; to shield; to cloud over cucaracha: cockroach; black beetle; pill bug cuchara: spoon; spoonful; ladle; scoop; bucket; dipper cucharada: spoonful cucharadita: teaspoonful cucharilla: teaspoon cucharón: ladle; bucket cucheta: bunk cuchichear: to whisper cuchicheo: whispering cuchilla: blade; large knife; cutting tool; sword; runner cuchillada: stab wound; stab; slash; gash cuchillazo: cuchillada cuchillo: knife; gore in a garment; truss of a bridge; frame of a roof cuchitril: hole; hovel cuclillas: in a squatting or crouching position, sitting on one's heels cuco: nice; pretty; dainty; crafty; cunning; cuckoo cucurucho: paper cone; cornet; ice-cream cone; pointed hood cuello: neck; throat; collar cuenca: socket; basin; watershed; wooden bowl cuenco: earthen bowl; hollow; concavity cuenta: sum; count; bill; check; account; bead; behalf; care; duty; responsibility; report cuentagotas: dropper cuentakilómetros: milometer; speedometer cuentarrevoluciones: rev; counter cuentista: gossipy; gossip; tale-bearer; story writer cuento: tale; story; short story; gossip; yarn; falsehood; lie; gist; difficulty; quarrel; count; million; ferrule cuerda: rope; string; leash; line; spring; tether; lashing; twine; chord; voice; compass; washing line; winding; cuerda floja: tightrope; dar cuerda: to wind; to wind up; cuerda elástica: bungee cuerdo: sane; sensible; wise; prudent; discreet cuerno: horn; antler; feeler cuero: skin; hide; rawhide; pelt; leather; wine bag; wineskin; whip cuerpo: body; solid; substance; figure; build; corpse; corpus; thickness; bulk; importance; company: staff; section; bodice cuervo: crow; raven cuesta: slope; acclivity cuestación: charity collection cuestión: question; matter; affair; business; dispute; quarrel cuestionable: questionable; doubtful cuestionar: to question; to controvert cuestionario: questionnaire cueva: cave; cellar; den cuidado: care; carefulness; accuracy; charge; keeping; fear; anxiety; worry cuidador: handler; fitness coach; caretaker; keeper; tender cuidadoso: careful; painstaking; watchful; accurate cuidar: to look after; to take care over cuidarse: to look after oneself cuita: trouble; sorrow; misfortune culantro: coriander culata: butt; breech; head of a cylinder; buttock; haunch; rear part culatazo: recoil; kick culebra: snake; adder culebrilla: shingles; ring worm; green dragon culebrón: soap opera; large snake; crafty fellow culera: patch; dirty spot culín: drop culinary: culinary culminación: climax; high point; culmination culminante: culminating; predominating culminar: to end; to culminate; to reach a climax culo: bottom; behind; seat; backsite; buttock; rump; ass; anus culón: big-bottomed culpa: blame; guilt; fault; sin culpabilidad: guilt; culpability culpable: guilty; culprit; culpable; blamable culpar: to blame; to accuse; to impeach culparse: to blame oneself cultivado: cultivated; cultured cultivador: farmer; grower; tiller; cultivator cultivar: to cultivate; to grow; to play; to labour; to till; to culture cultivo: cultivation; growing; crop; culture culto: cultured; cultivated; educated; enlightened; civilized; learned; accomplished; cult; worship; veneration; homage cultura: culture; learning; cultivation; refinement cultural: cultural culturismo: body building cumbia: Colombian dance and music cumbre: summit; top; peak; high point; acme; pinnacle cumpleaños: birthday cumplido: finished; completed; accomplished; full; thorough; correct; large; ample; abundant; courteous; polite; compliment cumplidor: reliable; dependable; conscientious; trustworthy cumplimentar: to pay a formal visit; to congratulate; to complete; to carry out cumplimiento: fulfilment; accomplishment; carrying out; observance; lapse; expiration; perfection; performance; acquittal; compliment cumplir: to accomplish; to perform; to fulfil; to keep; to observe; to serve; to behove; to abide; to abide by; cumplir una pena: to aby; to abye cumplirse: to come true; to expire cúmulo: pile; weight; burden; cumulus cuna: cradle; crib; beginning; stock; family; lineage; foundling hospital cundir: to spread; to go far; to go a long way; to increase in volume cuneta: ditch cuña: wedge; bedpan; contact; quoin; cuneiform cuñada: sister-in-law cuñado: brother-in-law cuño: die; stamp cuota: membership fee; monthly school fees; instalment; share; quota cupé: coupé cuplé: music hall song; variety song cupletista: singer of a cuplé cupo: quota; contingent cupón: ticket; coupon; voucher cúpula: dome; cupola; turret; leadership cura: cure; healing; treatment; dressing of a wound; priest curación: cure; treatment; curing; healing curado: cured; mature curandero: healer; quack doctor curar: to cure; to treat; to mature; to tan; to season; to recover; to take care of; to mind; to dress a wound curarse: to recover; to heal; to take treatment; to mend curare: curare; curari curda: drunkenness; drunken fit curia: curia; barristers; ecclesiastical court curiosear: to act with curiosity; to inquire; to snoop curiosidad: curiosity; neatness; cleanliness; tidiness curioso: curious; nosy; strange; odd; interesting; net; tidy; onlooker; nosy parker; busybody currante: worker currar: to work; to hit currículum: curriculum vitae curro: work curry: curry cursar: to study; to send; to present; to process; to give; to frequent cursi: pretentious; poorly affecting distinction and elegance cursilada: pretentious action; kitsch object cursillo: course; series of lectures cursiva: italics cursivo: italic curso: course; academic year; route; flow; circulation cursor: cursor; slide curtido: tanned; curried; sunburst; weather-beaten; hardened; experienced; tanning curtidor: tanner; currier; leather dresser curtir: to tan; to sunburn; to harden; to inure curva: curve; bend; knee curvar: to curve curvarse: to curve curvo: curved; bent cuscurro: the end of a stick of bread; crust of bread cuscús: couscous cúspide: summit; peak; apex; vertex custodia: custody; care; safe-keeping; escort or guard; monstrance; tabernacle custodiar: to guard; to protect; to keep; to take care of cutáneo: skin; cutaneous cutícula: cuticle cutis: complexion; skin cutre: seedy; stingy; miserly; miser cuyo: whose; of which