quark: quark
que: who; that; which; whom; when; than; so; if; and qué: what; which; how quebrada: gully; ravine; gorge quebradero: quebradero de cabeza: headache; problem; worry; concern quebradizo: fragile; brittle; frail; delicate; weak quebrado: rough; uneven; rugged; broken; faltering; zigzag; fraction; bankrupt; ruptured quebradura: crack; fissure; break; hernia; rupture quebrantahuesos: bearded vulture; lammergeier; osprey; bore quebrantamiento: breaking; crushing; fatigue; exhausting; violation; breach; breakdown quebrantar: to break; to smash; to crush; to bruise; to violate; to infringe; to fail in; to weaken; to diminish; to exhaust; to fatigue; to impair quebrantarse: to deteriorate quebranto: loss; weakening; debilitation; breaking; crushing; grief; pain; pity; compassion quebrar: to break; to go bankrupt; to fail; to violate; to bend; to impair or dull; to temper; to moderate; to weaken; to give way quebrarse: to break; to crack; to falter; to rupture oneself quechua: Quechua queda: curfew; curfew bell quedada: stay; remaining quedar: to remain; to stay; to stop; to keep; to be; to be left; to become; to make a date; to look; to agree quedarse: to stay; to remain; to take; to choose; to die; to abide; quedarse con: to kid; to keep; to go for; to prefer quedo: quiet; soft; still; easy; gentle; low; quietly; softly; in a low voice quehacer: task; chore; job; work; occupation queimada: alcoholic drink typical of Galicia queja: moan; groan; complaint; lament; grievance quejarse: to groan; to cry out; to complain; to lament quejica: whining; whingeing; complaining; moaner; whinger quejido: cry; moan; groan; lament quejoso: annoyed; upset; complaining quejumbroso: plaintive; whiny; querulous; whining quema: burning; fire; conflagration quemado: burnt; scalded; burnt-out; blown; sunburnt; tanned; finished; fed up; estar quemado: to be burnt-out; to be fed up quemador: burner; jet; incendiary; burning quemadura: burn; scald; scorch or nip; smut quemar: to burn; to scald; to scorch; to nip; to anger; to irritate; to blow; to fritter away; to burn out; to make fed up; to be very hot; to tan; to squander quemarse: to burn down; to get scalded; to burn; to blow; to get burned; to get fed up; to become angry quemarropa: a quemarropa: point blank quemazón: burning; itch; itching; excessive heat quepis: kepi quepo, quepa: caber queratina: keratin querella: charge; dispute; quarrel; complaint; lament querellarse: to lament; to bewail; to complaint; to bring suit querer: love; affection; to want; to wish; to will; to desire; to need; to demand; to love; to like quererse: to love each other querida: mistress; paramour querido: dear; lover; darling; beloved; paramour queroseno: kerosene; paraffin querré, querrás: querer querubín: cherub quesada: cake made of cheese and pastry quesadilla: pastry with dried fruit and syrup filling; cheesecake; soft fried corn tortilla stuffed with cheese and other fillings quesera: cheese board with a glass-domed cover; cheese dish; dairy quesería: dairy; cheese factory or shop queso: cheese; queso de bola: round hard cheese; queso rallado: grated cheese quetzal: quetzal quibutz: kibbutz quicio: jamb; pivot hole; sacar de quicio: to drive mad; to strain; to exasperate quid: crux; gist; reason; essence quiebra: bankruptcy; crash; collapse; breakdown; failure; break; crack; fissure; ravine; loss; damage quiebro: swerve; dodge; feint; trill; quebrar quien: who; whom; whoever; whomever quién: who; whom quienquiera: whoever; whomever; whosoever; whomsoever quiero, quiera: querer quieto: still; calm; placid; motionless; undisturbed; peaceful; orderly; virtuous; estáte quieto: keep still quietud: stillness; quietness; calm; peace; quietude; rest; repose; tranquility quijada: jaw; jawbone quijotada: quixotic act quijote: cuisse; upper part of the haunch; Quixote quijotesco: quixotic quilate: carat; karat quilla: keel quilo: kilo quimera: fantasy; wishful thinking; chimera; quarrel; row quimérico: fanciful; chimerical química: chemistry químico: chemical; chemist quimioterapia: chemotherapy quimo: chyme quimono: kimono quina: quinine; cinchona quincalla: trinket; small metal wares quincallería: cheap trinkets; junk shop quince: fifteen; fifteenth quinceañero: teenager; fifteen year-old quinceavo: fifteenth quincena: fortnight; two weeks quincenal: every two weeks; biweekly quincuagenario: having fifty units; quinquagenarian quincuagésimo: fiftieth quiniela: pools coupon; quinielas: pools quinientos: five hundred quinina: quinine quinqué: oil lamp quinquenal: quinquennial; five-year quinquenio: five year period; quinquennium quinqui: delinquent quinta: country house; farm; call-up year; generation; fifth gear; draft; quint; quinte quintaesencia: quintessence quintal: quintal; forty-six kilogrammes; quintal métrico: one hundred kilogrammes quinteto: quintet quintillizo: quintuplet quinto: fifth; recruit; conscript quíntuple: quintuple quintuplicar: to quintuple; to increase fivefold quintuplicarse: to quintuple; to increase fivefold quíntuplo: quintuple quinzavo: fifteenth quiosco: kiosk; pavilion; newspaper stand; bandstand quiosquero: owner of a newspaper stand quiquiriquí: cock-a-doodle-doo quirófano: operating theater; operating room; surgery quiromancia: chiromancy; palmistry quiromasaje: manual massage quirúrgico: surgical quise, quisiera: querer quisque: everyone quisquilla: trifle; marine shrimp quisquilloso: pernickety; touchy; picky; fussy; overnice; squeamish quiste: cyst quita: remission of debt quitaesmalte: nail-polish remover quitamanchas: stain remover; clothes cleaner; spot remover quitanieves: snowplough; snowplow quitar: to remove; to take off; to take out; to rub off; to pick off; to eliminate; to deduct; to subtract; to relieve; to quench; to take; to steal; to rob of; to switch off; to clear; to hinder; to prevent; to forbid; to intercept; to abolish; to repeal; to abate quitarse: to get out of the way; to take off; to come out quitasol: sunshade; parasol quite: parry; dodge; attracting the bull from a man in danger quiteño: inhabitant of Quito quitina: chitin Quito: Quito quizá, quizás: maybe; mayhap; perhaps quórum: quorum