fa: fa; fah
fabada: Asturian stew made of beans, pork sausage and bacon fábrica: factory; works; mill; plant; manufacture; fabrication; invention; building; masonry; fábrica de papel: paper mill; fábrica de cerveza: brewery fabricación: manufacture; manufacturing; fabrication; make fabricante: manufacturer; maker; factory owner fabricar: to manufacture; to make; to build; to construct; to fabricate; to make up; to invent; to forge fábula: legend; fable; story; rumour; gossip; mythology fabuloso: mythical; fabulous; fantastic; fictitious; enormous; extraordinary faca: curved knife; large pointed knife facción: faction; insurgent party; action; combat; facciones: features faceta: facet; side facha: appearance; look; mess; ridiculous figure; sight; fright; fascist fachada: façade; front; exterior; appearance facial: facial; intuitive fácil: easy; likely; easy-going; fluent; frail; wanton; easily facilidad: ease; easiness; aptitude; facility; facilidades: facilities facilitar: to facilitate; to make easy; to expedite; to make possible; to provide; to supply; to furnish facón: large knife; gaucho's knife facsímil, facsímile: facsimile factible: feasible; practicable fáctico: factual; poderes fácticos: the church, military and press factor: factor; agent; luggage clerk factoría: factory; agency; factorage factorial: factorial factótum: factotum factual: factual factura: invoice; bill; facture; execution; pastries facturación: turnover; net revenue; checking-in; registration; invoicing; billing facturar: to bill; to invoice; to turn over; to check in; to register; to remit by rail facultad: faculty; ability; skill; power; right; authority; permission facultar: to authorize; to empower facultativo:> facultative; optional; professional; medical; doctor; physician; surgeon faena: task; work; job; toil; passes performed by bullfighter using his cape faenar: to fish; to work fagocito: phagocyte fagot: bassoon; bassoonist faisán: pheasant faja: girdle; sash; cummerbund; corset; strip; belt; girder; newspaper wrapper; stripe; band; zone; fascia fajín: sash fajo: wad; bundle; sheaf; roll falacia: deceit; trick; fallacy; deception; deceitfulness falange: phalanx; phalange falaz: false; deceitful; deceptive; fallacious falda: skirt; lap; slope; mountainside; brisket; plate; brim; falda escocesa: kilt faldón: tail; folds; shawl; flap; triangular slope of roof; mantel of chimney fálico: phallic falla: fault; defect; flaw; break; Fallas: celebrations in valencia during which cardboard figures are burnt fallar: to pass sentence on; to judge; to award; to get wrong; to miss; to fail; to go wrong; to give way; to break fallecer: to pass away; to die; to decease fallecimiento: decease; death; demise fallido: unsuccessful; ineffectual; irrecoverable; uncollectable; bankrupt; abortive fallo: mistake; miss; fault; verdict; ruling; decision fallutería: hypocrisy falluto: two-faced falo: phallus falsear: to falsify; to distort; to forge; to counterfeit; to slant a surface; to give way; to be out of tune falsedad: falseness; falsehood; hypocrisy; lie; falsity falsete: falsetto; head voice; plug; spigot; small communication door falsificación: forgery; forging; fake; falsification falsificador: forger; counterfeiter; falsifier; faker falsificar: to forge; to fake; to counterfeit; to falsify falso: false; untrue; forged; fake; counterfeit; sham; imitated; deceitful; insincere; treacherous; perfidious; vicious horse falta: lack; want; shortage; absence; deficiency; fail; fault; infraction; mistake; error; foul; offence faltar;: to be lacking; to be needed; to be absent or missing; to be necessary; to die; not to go; to be absent from; to be false to; to fail somebody; to break a promise falto: lacking; short; devoid; wanting faltón: disrespectful; rude fama: fame; reputation; renown; rumor famélico: starving; famished; hungry familia: family; household; relatives; kin familiar: family; friendly; overly familiar; informal; relative; relation familiaridad: familiarity familiarizar: to familiarize familiarizarse: to familiarize oneself; to get used to; to get to know famoso: famous fan: fan fanático: fanatical; fanatic; fan fanatismo: fanaticism fandango: fandango; row fanega: measure of volume or land fanfarria: bragging; bravado; boast; fanfare; brass band fanfarrón: boastful; show-off; swaggerer; braggart; boaster fanfarronada: boast; fanfaronade; swagger fanfarronear: to boast; to show off; to bluster; to swagger fango: mud; mire fangosidad: muddiness fangoso: muddy; miry fantasear: to fantasize; to daydream; to fancy; to imagine; to boast fantasía: imagination; fancy; fantasy; imitation; vanity; airs; conceit fantasioso: fantasizing; vain; conceited; vain fantasma: ghost; phantom; apparition; vision; illusion; show-off; bighead fantasmagórico: ghostly; phantasmagoric fantástico: fantastic; very good; fanciful; vain; conceited fantochada: ridiculous action fantoche: puppet; marionette; jackanapes; ridiculous sight faquir: fakir farándula: theater; show business; troupe farandulear: to boast; to brag farandulero: wandering player; swindler; swindling faraón: pharaoh faraónico: pharaonic; very big fardar: to show off; to be cool fardo: bundle; bale; package farfullar: to gabble; to splutter; to stutter; to stumble through farináceo: farinaceous faringe: pharynx faringitis: sore throat; pharyngitis fariseo: pharisee; hypocrite; hypocritical farmacéutico: pharmaceutical; chemist; druggist; pharmacist; apothecary farmacia: chemist's; pharmacy; drugstore fármaco: drug; medicine farmacología: pharmacology farmacopea: pharmacopoeia faro: lighthouse; beacon; headlight; headlamp farol: street lamp; street light; lantern; lamp; bluff; boaster; show-off farola: street lamp; street light; lamppost; harbour beacon farolear: to show off; to boast; to brag farolería: boastfulness farolero: showing off; boasting; lamplighter; show-off; boaster farolillo: Chinese lantern; small lantern; heartseed; farolillo rojo: bottom team or player farra: lavaret; spree; revelry; binge fárrago: mass; jumble; farrago; medley farragoso: muddled; confused; disordered farrear: to go on a binge; to carouse farrero: carouser; reveler; carousing; reveling farruco: cheeky; cocky; bold; fearless farsa: farce; empty show; mockery; humbug; company of actors farsante: deceitful; impostor; fraud; fake; farce player; hypocrite farsear: to fool around farsista: writer of farces; farceur fascículo: part; instalment; issue; fascicle fascinación: fascination; bewitching; spell fascinante: fascinating fascinar: to fascinate; to captivate; to bewitch; to deceive fascismo: fascism fascista: fascist fase: phase; stage fastidiado: ill fastidiar: to spoil; to ruin; to break; to annoy; to bother; to disturb; to cloy; to sicken fastidiarse: to be ruined; to go wrong; to break down; to put up with; to be disappointed fastidio: nuisance; bother; annoyance; distaste; nausea; boredom fastidioso: annoying; bothersome; irritating; cloying; tedious; tiresome fasto: auspicious; happy; splendour fastos: celebrations fastuosidad: pomp; splendour fastuoso: lavish; sumptuous; splendid; pompous; magnificent fatal: fatal; terrible; awful; inevitable; terribly; very badly; destructive; unpostponable fatalidad: fate; destiny; misfortune; mischance; fatality fatalismo: fatalism fatalista: fatalist; fatalistic fatídico: fateful; ominous; fatidic fatiga: tiredness; fatigue; hard breathing; fatigas: hardships; troubles; difficulties; pains; anguish fatigar: to tire; to weary; to fatigue; to annoy; to harass fatigarse: to get weary; to get tired fatigoso: tiring; fatiguing; wearisome; hard fatuidad: fatuous remark or act; conceit; vanity fatuo: conceited; fatuous; half-witted fauces: fauces; mouth; jaws fauna: fauna fauno: faun fausto: fortunate; lucky; luxury; splendor favor: favour; service; support; help; succour; accomodation; a favor de: por; in favour of favorable: favourable; advantageous favorecer: to favour; to favor; to suit; to help; to aid favoritismo: favouritism; favoritism favorito: favourite; preferred; best-liked; pet fax: fax faz: face; visage; aspect; obverse fe: faith; assurance; certification; fe de erratas: errata fealdad: ugliness; hideousness; badness; foulness febrero: February febrífugo: febrifuge febril: feverish; febrile; hectic fecal: faecal; fecal fecha: date; day fechador: date stamp; postmark fechar: to date fecho: done; executed fechoría: misdeed; villainy; misdemeanour; misdemeanor fécula: starch; fecula fecundación: fertilization; fecundation fecundar: to fecundate; to fertilize fecundidad: fertility; fecundity; productiveness fecundizar: to make fertile; to fertilize fecundo: fertile; prolific; abundant federación: federation federal: federal; federalistic federalista: federalist federar: to federate; to federalize federarse: to federate fehaciente: irrefutable; proven; authentic feldespato: feldspar felicidad: happiness; felicity; good fortune; felicidades: congratulations; happy birthday; best wishes felicitación: felicitation; congratulation felicitar: to congratulate; to felicitate; to wish joy to feligrés: parishioner feligresía: parish, parishioners felino: feline feliz: happy; fortunate; good; felicitous felonía: perfidy; treachery; felony felpa: plush; drubbing; reprimand; beating felpado: plush felpar: to cover with plush felpo: mat; rug felposo: plush; velvety felpudo: doormat; plushy femenino: female; women's; feminine femineidad: femininity feminismo: feminism feminista: feminist; feministic femoral: femoral fémur: femur; thighbone fenecer: to conclude; to finish; to die; to come to an end fenicio: Phoenician fénico: phenic; carbolic fénix: phoenix fenobarbital: phenobarbital fenol: phenol fenomenal: phenomenal; great; wonderful; enormous; very well fenómeno: phenomenon; freak of nature; prodigy; fantastic; superb; really well feo: ugly; plain; homely; unbecoming; bad; dirty; serious; alarming; slight; affront féretro: coffin; casket; bier feria: fair; deal; agreement; rest; feria de muestras: trade fair feriado: día feriado: holiday ferial: fair; fairground; ferial feriante: fairgoing; fairgoer; stallholder; exhibitor ferino: fierce; ferocious fermentación: fermentation fermentar: to ferment fermento: ferment fermio: fermium ferocidad: ferocity feroz: ferocious; fierce; ravenous ferrar: to plate or trim with iron férreo: ferrous; rail; railway; iron; strong; harsh; severe ferretería: hardware store; ironmonger's; ironmongery ferretero: hardware dealer; ironmonger férrico: ferric ferrocarril: railway; railroad ferroso: ferrous ferroviario: rail; railway; railway worker ferry: ferry fértil: fertile; abundant in fertilidad: fertility; abundance fertilizante: fertilizer; fertilizing fertilizar: to fertilize ferviente: ardent; fervent; fervid fervor: fervour; fervor fervoroso: fervent festejar: to celebrate; to fête; to feast; to court; to woo; to beat; to trash festejo: festivity; celebration; fête; courting; wooing festín: feast; banquet festival: festival festividad: festivity; feast; celebration; holiday; humour festivo: festive; public holiday; humorous; witty; merry; joyful festón: festoon; scalloped border festonear: to festoon feta: slice fetal: foetal; fetal fetén: great; fantastic fetiche: fetish fetichismo: fetishism fetichista: fetishist; fetishistic fetidez: stench; fetidness fétido: foul-smelling; fetid feto: foetus; fetus feúcho: ugly feudal: feudal; feudalistic feudalismo: feudalism feudo: feud; fief; fiefdom; vassalage; sphere of influence fez: fez fiable: reliable; dependable; trustworthy; responsible fiado: on credit; trusting fiador: guarantor; surety; bail; safety cord; strap; catch; pawl fiambre: cold meat; stale; corpse; stiff; estar hecho fiambre: to be exhausted fiambrera: food container; lunch box fiambrería: delicatessen fianza: bail; guaranty; security; bond; guarantor fiar: to answer for; to give credit; to vouch for; to trust; to sell on credit fiarse: to trust; to rely on fiasco: fiasco; failure fibra: grain; vigor; energy; vein; staple fibre: fiber; fibre; staple; grain; energy; vigour; stamina fibrocemento: asbestos cement fibroma: fibroma fibroso: fibrous ficción: fiction ficha: counter; domino; chip; token; ticket; number; index card; exercise sheet fichaje: signing fichar: to open a file on; to clock in; to clock out; to sign up fichero: file; filing cabinet; card index; archive ficticio: fictitious ficus: rubber plant fidedigno: trustworthy; reliable fideicomisario: trustee; fiduciary fideicomiso: trusteeship; fideicommissum fidelidad: fidelity; faithfulness; loyalty; fealty; accuracy fideo: noodle; vermicelli; estar como un fideo: to be very thin fiduciario: fiduciary; trustee fiebre: temperature; fever; bug; excitement; agitation; fiebre intermitente: ague; fiebre tifoidea: typhoid; fiebre aftosa: foot-and-mouth disease; murrain fiel: faithful; loyal; true; trustworthy; accurate; believer; needle; pointer; accurate fieltro: felt fiera: beast; wild animal; ace; cruel person fiereza: fierceness; cruelty; ferocity; ugliness fiero: fierce; ferocious; cruel; wild; ugly; hideous; great; violent; intense; rough; rude fierro: iron; small change fiesta: party; holiday; festival; feast; merrymaking; endearment; caress figura: figure; drawing; picture card; face card; whizz; ace; note figuración: imagination; imagining; fancy; figuration figurado: figurative; figured; represented; imagined figurante: extra; figurant figurar: to be; to appear; to represent; to depict; to feign; to be counted among figurarse: to imagine; to fancy figurín: sketch; fashion magazine; ir hecho un figurín: to look smart figurón: large figure; show-off; pretentious nobody fijación: fixation; obsession; fixing; appointment fijador: hair gel; hair spray; fixing; fixer; fixative fijar: to fix; to attach; to concentrate; to establish; to set; to nail fijarse: to notice; to pay attention; to notice; to observe; to set Fiji: Fiji fijo: fixed; attached; regular; firm; immovable; set; intent; fast; stationary; definitely; for sure fila: line; row; tier; rank; dislike; hatred; en fila india: single file; en fila: in a row filacteria: phylactery Filadelfia:> Philadelphia filamento: filament filantropía: philanthropy filántropo: philanthropic filarmónica: philharmonic orchestra filarmónico: philharmonic filatelia: stamp collecting; philately filatélico: stamp-collecting; philatelic; philatelist filete: sirloin; fillet; listel; narrow hem; border filiación: filiation; personal details; sympathies filial: filial; branch; affiliated; subsidiary filibustero: filibuster; freebooter filigrana: filigree; watermark; delicate work filípica: diatribe Filipinas: Philippines filipino: Philippine filisteo: Philistine; tall and corpulent fellow filmación: filming filmar: to film filme: movie; film filmina: transparency filmografía: filmography filmoteca: film library; movie library filo: edge; hunger filología: philology filólogo: philologist filón: seam; vein; lode; mine filosofal: piedra filosofal: philosopher's stone filosofar: to philosophize filosofía: philosophy filosófico: philosophic; philosophical filósofo: philosopher filoxera: phylloxera filtración: filtration; leak; leakage filtrar: to filtrate; to filter; to leak; to percolate filtrarse: to filter; to leak out; to ooze out filtro: filter; percolator; filtro solar: sun block fimosis: phimosis fin: end; objective; aim; purpose; fin de año: New Year's Eve finado: deceased; late final: final; last; end; ultimate; finale finalidad: purpose; objective; end; finality finalista: finalist finalizar: to finish; to end; to conclude financiación: financing; finance financiar: to finance; to back financiera: finance company financiero: financial; financier finanzas: finances finca: estate; property; country house finés: Finnish; Finn fingir: to pretend; to feign; to simulate; to sham; to act; to affect; to counterfeit; to dissemble; to fake; to personate; to pretence; to put on fingirse: to pretend to be finiquito: settlement; acquittance finito: finite finlandés: Finnish; Finn Finlandia: Finland fino: thin; refined; elegant; soft; acute; pure; sheer; slender; polite; shrewd; subtle; nice; fino finolis: affected finta: feint finura: fineness; quality; refinement; acuteness; sharpness; politeness; courtesy fiordo: fiord firma: signature; subscription; hand; firm; company firmamento: firmament firmante: signatory; signer; subscriber firmar: to sign; to subscribe firme: strong; firm; adamant; assertive; steadfast; fast; foursquare; hard; ironclad; road surface; roadway; roadbed; secure; single-minded; solid; staunch; steady; stern; stout; sturdy; trig; unswerving; unwavering; out and out; tierra firme: mainland; firmes: attention; mantente firme: hang in there firmeza: firmness fiscal: tax; fiscal; prosecuting; public prosecutor fiscalía: public prosecutor's office fiscalizar: to control; to inspect; to pry into fisco: fisc; fisk; state treasury; tax authorities fisgar: to snoop; to pry; to peep; to smell out; to fish fisgón: nosy; snooper; prier; peeper fisgonear: to snoop; to keep prying into other's business física: physics físico: physical; physicist; physique; looks fisiología: physiology fisiológico: physiological fisiólogo: physiologist fisión: fission fisioterapeuta: physiotherapist fisioterapia: physiotherapy fisonomía: physiognomy; appearance; features; face fisonómico: physiognomic; physignomical fisonomista: physiognomist; one who has a good memory for faces fístula: fistula; tube fistular: fistular fisura: fissure; crack fitófago: phytophagous fitografía: phytography fitopatología: plant pathology flabelífero: fan-carrying flabelo: flabellum flaccidez: flaccidity; flabbiness fláccido: flaccid; flabby flácido: flaccid flaco: thin; lean; lank; meagre; weak; feeble; frail flacucho: rather lean; thinnish flacura: leanness; thinness; weakness; feebleness flagelación: flagellation; whipping; scourging flagelado: flagellate flagelante: flagellant flagelar: to flagellate; to whip; to scourge; to lash; to flay flagelo: whip; scourge; affliction; flagellum flagrante: flagrant; gross; blazing; flaming; en flagrante delito: in the very act flama: flame; reverberation flamante: radiant; bright; flaming; brand-new; new flambear: to flambé flamear: to blaze; to burn; to flap; to flutter flamen: flamen flamenco: Flemish; flamenco; flamingo; insolent flamenquería: swagger flamígero: flaming; flamboyant flámula: streamer; pennon flan: flan; solid custard; crème caramel flanco: flank; side flanela: franela Flandes: Flanders flanquear: to flank flanqueo: flanking flaquear: to weaken; to give way; to lose strength; to lose heart; to be weak flaqueza: skinniness; thinness; leanness; emaciation; weakness; frailty; failing flash: flash flato: flatulence; wind; sadness flatoso: subject to flatus flatulencia: flatulence flatulento: flatulent flauta: flute; flautist; flutist; recorder flautado: flute; flutelike flauteado: flutelike; sweet flautín: piccolo; octave flute flautista: flutist; flautist flavo: flavid; golden yellow flébil: sad; tearful; plaintive flebitis: phlebitis flecha: arrow; flèche; spire; sweepback; deflection; como una flecha: like a shot flechadura: ratlines flechar: to fit an arrow to the bow; to wound or kill with arrows; to inspire sudden love flechazo: arrow wound; love at first sight fleco: fringe; tassel; frayed edge; loose end flema: phlegm; sang-froid; calmness; slowness flemático: phlegmatic; imperturbable flemón: gumboil; phlegmon flequillo: fringe; bangs fletar: to charter; to hire; to freight flete: freightage; haulage; cargo; freight; fast horse flexibilidad: flexibility flexible: flexible; pliant; lithe; supple; cord; flex; soft hat; adaptable; amenable; elastic; fluid; limber flexión: press-up; push-up; squat; inflection; flexion; bending flexionar: to flex; to bend flexo: adjustable reading lamp flipar: to turn on; to send; to amaze; to have a great time flirtear: to flirt flirteo: flirtation flojear: to slack; to weaken; to lose strength flojera: lethargy; laxity; weakness; slackness; carelessness flojo: loose; weak; poor; lazy; flaccid; light flor: flower; blossom; bloom; cream; elite; floss; a card game; echar flores: to flatter; en flor: abloom flora: flora floración: flowering; florescence floral: floral floreado: flowery florecer: to flower; to bloom; to blossom; to flourish; to prosper floreciente: thriving; flourishing; flowering; abloom florecimiento: flowering; prospering; flourishing Florencia: Florence florentino: Florentine floreo: idle talk; idle compliment; act of vibrating the sword; continuous flourish on the guitar florería: florist's florero: vase; flower pot; flower seller florescencia: efflorescence; florescence floresta: pleasant woods or grove; glade; beauty spot; anthology florete: foil; fencing foil floretear: to flower; to fence with foil floretista: fencer florezco, florezca: florecer floricultor: floriculturist; flower-grower floricultura: flower growing; floriculture florido: full of flowers; flowery; florid; blossomy; florid; choice; select florífero: floriferous florilegio: florilegium; anthology florín: guilder; florin florión: boastful; braggart floripondio: big flower; rethorical flourish; extravagant figure; effeminate person; pansy; lily of the valley florista: florist; flower seller floristería: florist's florístico: botanical; floral florituras: excessive ornamentation; floweriness florón: rosette; fleuron; glorious feat; big flower flósculo: floscule; cada una de las flores que forman parte de una cabezuela flota: fleet; shipping; long-distance bus; lot; crowd; heap flotación: flotation; floating flotador: rubber ring; armband; float; floater; ballcock flotante: floating; hanging loose; braggart flotar: to float; to flutter; to flap; to wave; to hang loose flote: flotation; a flote: afloat flotilla: flotilla; small fleet flou: soft focus flox: phlox fluctuación: fluctuation; wavering fluctuante: fluctuating; fluctuant; floating fluctuar: to fluctuate; to waver; to hesitate; to totter fluencia: flowing; running; source; spring fluente: flowing; running; fluid fluidez: fluidity; fluency; fluidness; flowingness fluido: fluid; free-flowing; fluent; power; electric current fluir: to flow; to run flujo: flow; flux; incoming tide; discharge flujograma: flow chart fluminense: inhabitant of Río de Janeiro flúor: fluorine; fluoride fluoración: fluoridation fluorescencia: fluorescence fluorescente: fluorescent fluorización: fluoridation fluorizar: to fluoridate fluoruro: fluoride flus: suit of clothes flute: champagne glass fluvial: fluvial; river; freshwater flux: flush; suit of clothes fluxión: fluxion; cold in the head fluvial: fluvial; river fobia: phobia; dislike fóbico: phobic foca: seal; very fat person; lazy individual focal: focal focalizar: to focus; to focus on; to get into focus focha: coot foche: smelly; pongy focino: goad for elephants foco: focus; focal point; source; spotlight; floodlight; streetlamp; light bulb fodolí: meddlesome fodongo: filthy; lazy; bone-idle foete: whip fofadal: bog; quagmire fofera: flabbiness fofo: flabby; soft; spongy; fluffy; fat; plump fofoscientos: umpteen fogaje: scorching heat; sultry weather; heat rash; flush; fluster; fire; blaze fogarada, fogarata: blaze; bonfire fogaril: cresset fogata: bonfire; blaze; fougasse fogón: hearth; stove; range; firebox; bonfire; vent fogonadura: mast-hole fogonazo: flash; flare; explosion; coffee with spirits added fogonero: fireman; stoker; chauffeur fogosidad: fire; spirit; mettle; dash; verve; vehemence fogoso: spirited; fierce; mettlesome; ardent; vehement fogueado: expert; experienced; weary foguear: to scale a gun; to fire on; to accustom to the discharge of firearms; to cauterize foguearse: to gain experience; to become hardened; to have one's baptism of fire fogueo: bala de fogueo: blank ammunition foguerear: to burn off; to set light to foguista: stoker; fireman foie-grass: foie gras foja: European coot foil: foil folclore: folklore folclórica: singer of traditional Spanish music folclórico: traditional; folk folgo: foot muff folia: light popular music; Portuguese dance foliáceo: foliaceous foliación: foliation; page numbering foliar: to foliate; to folio; to number the pages of folicular: follicular foliculario: pamphleteer; news writer folículo: follicle folio: folio; sheet of paper; tip foliolo: foliole folk: folk folklore: folklore folklórico: traditional; folk follada: fuck follado: petticoat follador: fond of screwing; fornicator follaje: foliage; leaves; leafage; gaudy ornament; bombast; fucking; screwing follar: to fuck; to screw; to blow with bellows folletería: leaflets folletín: newspaper serial; melodrama; sopa-opera folletinesco: serial; romantic; sensational folletinista: serial writer folletista: pamphleteer folleto: leaflet; brochure; booklet; pamphlet; tract follín: bad-tempered individual follisca: confusion; shindy; brawl follón: fuss; rumpus; mess; hubbub; lazy; arrogant; petticoat; drinking bout follonarse: to fart silently follonero: outrageous; provoking; rowdy; trouble-making; boisterous; rowdy element; rebel fome: boring; dull fomentación: fomentation; poultice fomentar: to promote; to foster; to encourage; to found fomento: promotion; fostering; encouragement; fomentation fonación: phonation; uttering of voice fonda: inn; tavern; boarding-house; cheap restaurant fondeadero: anchorage; berth fondeado: anchored fondear: to anchor; to sound; to search; to examine closely; to throw into the sea; to rape fondearse: to get rich; to get drunk fondeo: searching; anchorage fondero: innkeeper; restaurant owner fondillos: seat of trousers; bottom fondista: long-distance runner; innkeeper fondo: bottom; essence; back; background; content; nature; disposition; collection; stamina; fund; kitty fondón: big-bottomed; broad in the beam; weighty; fat fondongo: bottom fonducha: cheap restaurant fonducho: cheap eating house fondue: fondue fonema: phoneme fonémico: phonemic fonendoscopio: stethoscope fonética: phonetics fonético: phonetic fonetista: phonetician foniatra: speech therapist foniatría: speech therapy fónico: phonic fonje: soft; spongy fono: earpiece; telephone number; phone fonocaptor: pickup fonográfico: phonographic fonógrafo: phonograph; gramophone fonograma: phonogram fonolita: phonolite fonología: phonology fonológico: phonological fonoscopio: phonoscope fonoteca: record library; sound archive fontana: spring; fountain fontanal: fontal; spring; source; place abounding in springs fontanar: spring; source fontanela: fontanelle; fontanel fontanería: plumbing; pipelaying; water supply system; plumber's shop fontanero: plumber; pipelayer; back-room boy; investigator of leaks footing: jogging foque: jib foquismo: theory of guerrilla war advocated by Che Guevara foquillos: fairy-lights forajido: outlaw; bandit; malefactor; desperado foral: pertaining to the rights and privileges of a region; pertaining to a special jurisdiction forámen: foramen; hole foráneo: foreign; strange; outside forasta: forastero forastero: foreign; outside; foreigner; outsider; guest; visitor forcejear: to struggle; to strive; to contend with forcejeo: struggle; strife; struggling; floundering forcejudo: tough; strong; powerful fórceps: forceps forcito: little Ford forense: forensic; legal forestación: afforestation forestal: forest; forestal; woodland; tree forestalista: owner of a woodland forestar: to afforest forfait: absence; non-appearance; withdrawal; flat rate fori: hankie; handkerchief forito: old car; old crock forja: forge; forging; ironworks; foundry forjado: framework; wrought; forged forjador: forger; inventer forjar: to forge; to create; to build; to invent; to shape; to make forjarse: to create; to build up; forjarse ilusiones: to have false hopes forma: form; shape; style; way; method; host; formas: social conventions formación: formation; education; training; form; shape formado: formed; grown formaje: cheese mould formal: formal; reliable; serious; explicit; earnest; dependable; dignified; adult; grown-up; well-behaved formaldehido: formaldehyde formaleta: bird trap formalidad: formality; reliability; seriousness; exactitude; restraint; composure; gravity formalina: formalin; formaline formalismo: formalism; conventionalism; red tape; useless formalities formalista: formalist; conventional; rigid; stickler for the regulations formalito: prim and proper formalizar: to make official; to regularize; to formalize; to formulate; to state; to grow serious; to take offence formalizarse: to settle down; to become serious or earnest formalote: stiff; serious formar: to form; to shape; to fashion; to make; to frame; to model; to mould; to constitute; to make up; to train; to educate; to develop; to fall in; to draw up formarse: to form; to grow; to develop; to become educated formateado: formatting formatear: to format formateo: formatting formativo: formative formato: format formero: side arch of a vault fórmico: formic formidable: wonderful; great; huge; enormous; formidable; fantastic; magnificent formidoloso: timorous; frightful formol: formalin; formol formón: chisel fórmula: formula; solution formulación: formulation formulaico: formulaic formular: to formulate; to make; to express; to prescribe; to draw up; to make out; to frame; to pose formulario: form; formulary; perfunctory; routine; ritual formulismo: formulism; red tape; useless formalities fornicación: fornication fornicador: fornicator; adulterer; fornicating fornicar: to fornicate; to fuck fornicio: fornication fornido: well-built; hefty; robust; sturdy fornitura: furniture foro: forum; debate; bar; back of stage; court of justice; legal profession forofada: fans; supporters forofismo: volume of support forofo: supporter; fan forrado: lined; covered; very rich forraje: fodder; forage; foraging; hotchpotch; mixture forrajeador: forager forrajear: to gather forage; to forage forrajera: shako guard forrajero: used for fodder forrapelotas: rotter; berk; idiot forrar: to cover; to line; to plank; to pad; to upholster; to lag forrarse: to make a fortune; to stuff oneself; to stock up forro: cover; lining; sheathing; planking; tyre; sheath; swindle; fraud; aptitude forsitia: forsythia fortacho: strongly-built car; good car; old car; old crock fortachón: strong; well-built; tough; sturdy; burly fortalecedor: fortifying; strengthening fortalecer: to strengthen; to make stronger; to fortify; to encourage fortalecerse: to become stronger; to grow strong fortalecimiento: fortification; strengthening; fortification; encouragement fortaleza: fortress; stronghold; strength; vigour; fortitude; resolution; stench fortalezca, fortalezco: fortalecer fortificable: fortifiable fortificación: fortification fortificante: fortifying; fortifier; tonic fortificar: to fortify; to strengthen fortín: small fort; pillbox; bunker; blockhouse fortísimo: very strong; fortissimo fortuitamente: by chance fortuito: fortuitous; chance; accidental fortuna: luck; fortune; success; chance; fate; wealth fortunón: great fortune; pile fórum: foro forúnculo: boil; furuncle forzado: forced; compelled; constrained; strained; compulsory forzador: forcer; ravisher; violator forzamiento: forcing; ravishing; violation forzar: to force; to compel; to constrain; to break; to storm; to take; to ravish; to rape; to violate forzoso: compulsory; obligatory; necessary; unavoidable forzudo: strong; strapping; vigorous; brawny; thug; tough guy fosa: hole; pit; grave; sepulture; trench; trough; cavity; fossa; chasm; wide gap; fosas nasales: nostrils; fosa séptica: septic tank fosar: to dig a ditch round fosco: sullen; frowning; dark; wild; disordered fosfatina: estar hecho fosfatina: to be exhausted fosfato: phosphate fosfaturia: phosphaturia fosforecer: to phosphoresce; to glow fosforera: matchbox; match factory fosforescencia: phosphorescence fosforescente: phosphorescent fosfórico: phosphoric fósforo: phosphorus; match; coffee laced with brandy; hothead; redhead fosforoso: phosphorous fosgeno: phosgene fósil: fossil; fossilized; old crock; old square fosilizado: fossilized fosilizarse: to become fossilized; to fossilize foso: moat; ditch; fosse; foss; hole; pit; trench foto: photo; picture fotocopia: photocopy fotocopiadora: photocopier fotocopiar: to photocopy fotoeléctrico: photoelectric fotofobia: photophobia fotogénico: photogenic fotografía: photography; photograph fotografiar: to photograph fotográfico: photographic fotógrafo: photographer fotomatón: photo-booth fotómetro: light meter fotomontaje: photomontage fotón: photon fotonovela: photostory fotosíntesis: photosynthesis fototeca: photograph library foxterrier: fox terrier frac: full-dress coat; tails fracasado: failed; unsuccessful; failure fracasar: to fail; to be unsuccessful; to fall through fracaso: failure; unsuccess; disaster; calamity; abortion fracción: fraction; part fraccionar: to divide; to slit; to break up; to fraction; to fractionate fraccionarse: to divide; to split fractura: fracture; breaking fracturar: to fracture; to break fracturarse: to fracture; to break fragancia: fragance fragante: fragrant fraganti: in fraganti: red-handed fragata: frigate frágil: fragile; brittle; breakable; weak; frail fragilidad: frailty; fragility; brittleness fragmentar: to fragment; to break into fragments fragmentarse: to break into pieces fragmentario: fragmentary fragmento: fragment; piece fragor: clamour; clamor; noise; roar; crash; thunder fragua: forge fraguar: to forge; to fabricate; to concoct; to plan; to plot; to hatch; to harden; to set; to succeed fraile: friar; monk frailecillo: puffin; lapwing frambuesa: raspberry francés: French; Frenchman; blow job Francia: France franciscano: grey friar; Franciscan francmasón: freemason; mason francmasonería: freemasonry franco: frank; sincere; above-board; cordial; notable; clear; free; franc francófilo: francophile francófono: French-speaker; francophone francotirador: sniper; sharpshooter franela: flannel; duster franja: strip; band; stripe franquear: to stamp; to frank; to pass; to cross; to free franquearse: to open one's heart franqueo: postage franqueza: frankness; candour; freedom; liberty franquicia: exemption; franchise; privilege franquismo: the Franco era frasco: small bottle; vial; flask frase: sentence; expression; phrase fraternal: fraternal; brotherly fraternidad: fraternity; brotherhood fraternizar: to get on well; to fraternize fraterno: fraternal; brotherly fratricida: fratricide fraude: fraud fraudulento: fraudulent fray: brother frazada: blanket frecuencia: frequency; con frecuencia: frequently frecuentar: to visit; to frequent; to practice frecuente: frequent; common; usual fregadero: sink; scullery fregado: difficult; tricky; annoying; cleaning; moping; fight; argument; mess; pain; nuisance fregar: to scrub; to mop; to rub; to scour; to clean; to wash; to bother; to pester fregón: dishcloth fregona: mop; cleaner; kitchenmaid freidora: deep-fat fryer freiduría: fried-fish shop freír: to fry; to bother; to pester freírse: to roast; to fry fréjol: bean frenar: to brake; to curb; to restrain; to bridle frenarse: to restrain oneself frenazo: sudden braking frenesí: frenzy; vehemence; distraction frenético: frenzied; frenetic; furious; mad frenillo: frenum; muzzle; tarred rope freno: brake; bit; bridle; restraint; freno de mano: handbrake frente: forehead; brow; front; face; obverse; abreast; de frente: forward; abreast; frente a: opposite; facing fresa: strawberry; cutter; drill fresar: to mill fresca: cool; blunt remark frescachón: healthy; robust frescales: cheeky monkey; forward and careless person fresco: cool; coolness; fresh; new; cheeky; bold; fresco frescor: coolness; freshness frescura: coolness; freshness; cheek; nerve; unconcern fresno: ash tree; ash fresón: large strawberry fresquera: meat-safe frialdad: coldness; coolness; calmness; indifference; unconcern; dullness; sang-froid fricción: friction; rub; rubbing friccionar: to rub fríe: freír friega: rub; rubbing; nuisance; scolding friegaplatos: dishwasher friego: fregar frígida: frigid woman frigidez: frigidity frígido: frigid frigorífico: refrigerator; fridge; refrigerated; cámara frigorífica: cold-storage room frijol: bean; kidney bean frío: cold; cool; frigid; calm; chill; indifferent; unmoved; unconcerned; abeigh; dull; coldness; primera persona del singular del presente de indicativo de freír friolera: large amount; trifle friolero: sensitive to the cold; chilly frisa: frieze; fraise frisar: to be getting on for; to be close to; to approach; to frieze; to frizz; to rub friso: frieze; dado; mopboard; ornamental band on a wall; wainscot fritada: fry; fried dish fritanga: greasy fried food frito: fried; fast asleep; worried to death; exasperated fritura: fried dish frivolidad: frivolity; frivolousness frivolizar: to trivialize frívolo: frivolous; trifling fronda: frond; leaf; foliage frondoso: leafy; luxuriant frontal: frontal; head-on; head-to-head frontera: border; frontier; boundary fronterizo: border; frontier; facing; opposite frontón: fronton; pediment; pelota court frotar: to rub frotarse: to rub frotis: swab fructífero: fruitful; profitable; fructiferous fructificar: to be fruitful; to bear fruit; to fructify fructosa: fructose frugal: frugal fruición: enjoyment; pleasure; fruition frunce: gather; gathering fruncido: gathered; tener el ceño fruncido: to frown fruncir: to knit; to pucker; to gather; to wrinkle fruslería: trifle; triviality frustrante: frustrating frustrar: to thwart; to frustrate; to baulk; to foil; to defeat frustrarse: to come to nothing; to get frustrated; to miscarry; to fail; to fall through fruta: fruit frutal: fruit; fruit-bearing frutería: fruit stall; fruiterer's frutero: fruit bowl; fruiterer; fruit seller frutilla: strawberry fruto: fruit; yield; crop; result; consequence; frutos secos: nuts fu: faugh; ni fu ni fa: neither one thing nor the other fucsia: fuchsia fue: preterit tense of ir; preterit tense of ser fuego: fire; drumfire; light; beacon light; hearth; house; ring; passion; fuego fatuo: will-o'-the-wisp; fuegos artificiales: fireworks fuel: fuel oil fuelle: bellows; bag; folding carriage hood; fold; pucker; talebearer fuente: fountain; spring; serving dish; platter; source; origin; font; issue fuera: outside; out; without; away; out of town; preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir fueraborda: outboard fuero: right; privilege; charter; jurisdiction fuerte: strong; intense; severe; loud; heavy; violent; forte; fort; fortress; hard; healthy; vigorous; good fuerza: strength; force; power; duress; compulsion; violence; vigour; efficacy fuerzo: forzar fuese: preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir fuete: whip; horsewhip fuga: escape; flight; leak; leakage; elopement; ardour; fugue fugacidad: fugacity fugarse: to escape; to run away; to flee; to elope; to abscond fugaz: brief; fleeting; fugacious; fugitive; transitory; estrella fugaz: shooting star fugitivo: fleeing; fugitive; runaway fui, fuiste: preterit tense of ser; preterit tense of ir fulana: so-and-so; prostitute; tart; hooker; mistress; paramour fulano: so-and-so; guy; bloke fular: scarf; foulard fulero: lying; cheating; poor; liar; crook; swindler fulgor: glow; shine; light; brilliancy fulgurante: shining; brilliant; glittering; flashing fullería: cheating; trickery fullero: cheating; double-crossing; cheat; cardsharp; sharper fulminante: withering; immediate; instantaneous; sudden; explosive; fuse; detonator fulminar: to fulminate; to thunder; ti hurl; to strike with lightning; fulminar con la mirada: to look daggers at somebody fumadero: smoking room; fumadero de opio: opium den fumador: smoker fumar: to smoke fumarse: to smoke; to blow; to spend; to skip fumarola: fumarole fumigación: fumigation fumigar: to fumigate; to spray funámbulo: funambulist; ropewalker función: function; duty; performance; show; action; battle; en funciones: acting funcional: functional funcionamiento: operation; functioning; working; running funcionar: to operate; to function; to work; to run funcionario: civil servant; functionary; government employee; funcionario de prisiones: prison officer funda: cover; case; pillowcase; holster; sheath; sleeve; envelope; slip fundación: foundation; establishing; founding fundado: well-founded fundador: founder; founding fundamental: fundamental; basic; foundation fundamentar: to base; to lay the foundations of fundamentarse: to stand; to be based fundamento: basis; foundation; ground; root; origin; seriousness; sense fundar: to found; to establish; to base; to stand fundarse: to be based fundición: casting; smelting; foundry; cast iron; font fundido: molten; smelting; fade-in fundir: to smelt; to smelt; to cast; to fuse; to found; to unite; to bring together fundirse: yo blow; to fuse; to burn out; to merge; to squander; to be ruined fungicida: fungicide fundo: ranch; land; country property fúnebre: funeral; mournful; gloomy; sad funeral: funeral; funeral pomp funerala: with arms inverted; ojo a la funerala: black eye funeraria: undertaker's; funeral parlour; funeral home funerario: funeral; funerary funesto: ill-fated; fatal; baneful; pernicious; unfortunate funicular: funicular; cable car furgón: van; wagon; boxcar; luggage van furgoneta: van; pick-up truck furia: fury; rage; force; fit of madness; hurry; speed; violence; Fury furibundo: furious; livid; angry; choleric furioso: furious; livid; violently insane; tremendous; excessive furor: rage; fury; furor; enthusiasm; violence; vehemence; passion furtivo: furtive; clandestine; cazador furtivo: poacher furúnculo: boil; furuncle fusa: demisemiquaver fuselaje: fuselage fusible: fuse; fusible fusil: rifle; gun; musket; fusil submarino: harpoon gun fusilamiento: execution by shooting fusilar: to execute by shooting; to plagiarize fusión: melting; fusion; thawing; amalgamation; merge fusionar: to merge; to amalgamate; to unite fusionarse: to be merged fusta: crop; whip; brushwood; a woolen fabric; an ancient two-mast boat fuste: shaft; fust; importance; consequence; wood; timber; saddle-tree fustigar: to whip; to lash; to reprimand; to censure futbito: five-a-side football fútbol: football; soccer futbolín: table football futbolista: football player; soccer player fútil: futile; unimportant; trivial; trifling futurismo: futurism futurista: futuristic; futurist futuro: future; fiancé; fiancée futurólogo: futurologist